//Sends a given array to a .HTML file and opens said file.
        public static void SendToHTML(string[,] FileHolder1, int NoElements)
            string[]      FilePaths = Class1.SortArrayBubble(); //holds all file paths
            List <string> lines     = new List <string>();      // list used to stored .HTML code for writing to file

            //>HTML code for a table
            //strips all file paths down till the name of said file is left, used to heading in the .HTML table
            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                FilePaths[i] = Regex.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]), @"[\d-]", string.Empty).Replace("_", "");
                lines.Add("<td><b>||" + FilePaths[i] + "<b></td>");
            //loops through array displaying all its contents into a table
            for (int i = 0; i < NoElements; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 11; y++)
                    lines.Add("<td>||" + FileHolder1[y, i] + "</td>");

            File.WriteAllLines(@"K:\Algorithms_Complexity\MergeTwoFiles - Testing 3\Spare Files\myfile.htm", lines.ToArray()); //writes the list to a given .HTML file
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"K:\Algorithms_Complexity\MergeTwoFiles - Testing 3\Spare Files\myfile.htm");    //opens said .HTML file
        //Entering data for searching all data files
        public static void EnterDataSearch(ref string[] DataHolder)
            //All of the 1st set of files in array
            string[] FilePaths = Class1.SortArrayBubble();

            Console.WriteLine("You will now have to enter 11 peices of data to search by:       ");
            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                //strip file path down to file down
                FilePaths[i] = Regex.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]), @"[\d-]", string.Empty).Replace("_", "");
                bool TF = false;
                while (TF == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the {0} you would like to search for:", FilePaths[i]);
                        DataHolder[i] = Console.ReadLine();
                        TF            = true;
                        if (DataHolder[i] == "")
                            TF = false;
                    //catches errors
                    catch (System.FormatException e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e);
        //Sorts in Ascending or Descending Order
        public static void AsendingDesendingOrder(ref string[,] FileHolder1, int size, int SortChoice, ref bool Menu3)
            string[] FilePaths       = Class1.SortArrayBubble(); // assigns array all file paths from folder
            bool     ExitFirstWhile  = false;                    // used for first whils loop
            bool     TF2             = false;                    // used for two while loop
            bool     TF3             = false;                    //used for thrid while loop
            int      PositionToOrder = -1;

            while (ExitFirstWhile == false)
                //output all files avaliable for sorting
                Console.WriteLine("Below Shows all Avaliable  file Titles:    ");
                for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                    FilePaths[i] = Regex.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]), @"[\d-]", string.Empty).Replace("_", "");// displays the file names for user to chose from
                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the File you Wish to sort:  ");
                string UserChoice   = Console.ReadLine();// user input data
                bool   EnterCorrect = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                    if (UserChoice == FilePaths[i]) // checks if the user has input a valid file path name
                        EnterCorrect    = true;
                        PositionToOrder = i;
                    if (EnterCorrect == true)
                        while (TF2 == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("Please Enter A for ascending or D for Descending:    ");
                            char UserInput;
                            {                                                                                       //checks the following statements for errors
                                UserInput = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
                                if ((UserInput == 'd' || UserInput == 'D' || UserInput == 'a' || UserInput == 'A')) //checks the user entered a valid letter for either choice Descending or Ascending
                                    int Choice = -1;
                                    if (UserInput == 'd' || UserInput == 'D')                              //Descending
                                        Choice = 0;                                                        //Descending = 0
                                        if (SortChoice == 1)                                               //bubble sort
                                            BubbleSort.SortBubble(ref FileHolder1, size, PositionToOrder); //bubble sorts the array given
                                            Class1.SendToHTML(FileHolder1, size);                          //outputs to .HTML file
                                        else if (SortChoice == 2)                                          //heap sort
                                            int OperationCount       = 0;
                                            HeapSortSortDataFiles hs = new HeapSortSortDataFiles();
                                            Class1.ChangeMonthsToInt(ref FileHolder1, size, 1);                             //changes months to ints
                                            hs.PerformHeapSort(ref FileHolder1, PositionToOrder, size, ref OperationCount); //performs a heap sort
                                            Class1.ChangeIntToMonth(ref FileHolder1, size);                                 // changes int to months
                                            Class1.SwapValues(ref FileHolder1, size);                                       // swaps values for descending
                                            Class1.SendToHTML(FileHolder1, size);                                           //outputs to .HTML file
                                            //outputs the number of operations takesn for the sort
                                            Console.WriteLine("In this Heap sort, there were {0} operations in changing data!", OperationCount);
                                    else if (UserInput == 'a' || UserInput == 'A')                         //Ascending
                                        Choice = 1;                                                        //Descending = 0
                                        if (SortChoice == 1)                                               //bubble sort
                                            BubbleSort.SortBubble(ref FileHolder1, size, PositionToOrder); //bubble sorts the array given
                                            Class1.SwapValues(ref FileHolder1, size);                      //swaps values becuase descending was chose
                                            Class1.SendToHTML(FileHolder1, size);                          //outputs to .HTML file

                                        else if (SortChoice == 2) //heap sort
                                            int OperationCount       = 0;
                                            HeapSortSortDataFiles hs = new HeapSortSortDataFiles();
                                            Class1.ChangeMonthsToInt(ref FileHolder1, size, 1);                             //changes months to ints
                                            hs.PerformHeapSort(ref FileHolder1, PositionToOrder, size, ref OperationCount); //performs a heap sort
                                            Class1.ChangeIntToMonth(ref FileHolder1, size);                                 // changes int to months
                                            Class1.SendToHTML(FileHolder1, size);                                           //outputs to .HTML file
                                            //outputs the number of operations takesn for the sort
                                            Console.WriteLine("In this Heap sort, there were {0} operations in changing data!", OperationCount);
                                TF2 = true;
                            catch (System.FormatException e)//Exception handling
                                Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e);
                        while (TF3 == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to sort another file? Enter Y/N     ");
                            string UserExitInput;
                            {                                                     //checks user input
                                UserExitInput = Console.ReadLine();
                                if (UserExitInput == "y" || UserExitInput == "Y") //checks if user enter YES
                                    TF3            = true;
                                    TF2            = true;
                                    ExitFirstWhile = true;
                                //if they didnt enter YES
                                    TF3            = true;
                                    TF2            = true;
                                    ExitFirstWhile = true;
                                    Menu3          = true;
                            catch (System.FormatException e)//Exception handling
                                Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e);
                catch (System.FormatException e) //Exception handling
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e);
                Class1.WriteToFile(FileHolder1, size); //writes to .CSV file
        public static void SearchingIndividual(string[,] FileHolder, int Size, int SortChoice, ref bool ExitCase)
            int  UserInput3 = -1;
            bool Menu3      = false;

            while (Menu3 == false)
                //sorts all the files into a array FilePaths
                string[] FilePaths = Class1.SortArrayBubble();
                Console.WriteLine("Below Shows all Avaliable file Titles:    ");
                //strips all the file path and leaves the name of file
                for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                    FilePaths[i] = Regex.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]), @"[\d-]", string.Empty).Replace("_", "");
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}      :     {1}", i, FilePaths[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the number for the file you wish to search:     ");
                {   //User Input checked
                    UserInput3 = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
                    bool Menu4 = false;
                    while (Menu4 == false)
                        string UserInput4;
                        Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the Data you want to search for: (enure When you enter a decimal you make it three decimal places)    ");
                        {   //User Input checked
                            UserInput4 = Console.ReadLine();

                            if (SortChoice == 1)
                                //changes the input into a int using chnage to int method
                                string[,] TempChoice = new string[1, 1];
                                TempChoice[0, 0]     = UserInput4;
                                Class1.ChangeMonthsToInt(ref TempChoice, 1, 0);
                                UserInput4 = TempChoice[0, 0];
                                BinarySearchClass.BinarySearch(FileHolder, UserInput4, UserInput3, -1, -1, Size); //binary search
                            else if (SortChoice == 2)
                                LinearSearch.SearchLinear(FileHolder, UserInput4, UserInput3, Size); //linear search

                            bool Menu5 = false;
                            while (Menu5 == false)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter y/n if you want to search again: ");
                                string UserInput5;
                                {                                               //User Input checked
                                    UserInput5 = Console.ReadLine();
                                    if (UserInput5 == "y" || UserInput5 == "Y") //checks to see if its yes
                                        Menu5 = true;
                                        Menu4 = true;
                                        Menu5    = true;
                                        Menu4    = true;
                                        Menu3    = true;
                                        ExitCase = true;
                                catch (System.FormatException e) //Exception Handling
                                    Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e);
                        catch (System.FormatException e) //Exception Handling
                            Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e);
                catch (System.FormatException e) //Exception Handling
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e);