private void FlushSingletons(MerCollection singletons, int partitionNo, int flushNo)
            int singletonCapacity  = 0;
            int singletonsCount    = 0;
            int merIdx             = 0;
            int inactiveSingletons = 0;

            ulong[] sortedSingletons = null;

            if (singletons != null)
                // get this now before the Sort clears away the HashTable structures
                singletonCapacity = singletons.Capacity;
                // extract the actual singleton mers from the MerCollection Entries
                singletonsCount = singletons.Sort();
                // get a pointer to this singletons array
                sortedSingletons = singletons.sortedKeys;

                // compress the singletons array in-place by skipping over inactive entries (shift active towards the start of the array)

                for (int s = 0; s < singletonsCount; s++)
                    ulong mer = sortedSingletons[s];
                    if ((mer & singletonActiveFlagMask) != 0)
                        sortedSingletons[merIdx] = mer;

            // if we're writing out few active singletons, save this load for the next flush
            if (inactiveSingletons > singletonsCount / 2)
                if (singletonsWaitingFlush[partitionNo] == null)
                    singletonsWaitingFlush[partitionNo]       = new List <MerCollection>();
                    singletonsWaitingFlushCounts[partitionNo] = new List <int>();


                //Console.WriteLine("deferring singleton write[" + partitionNo + "] " + merIdx + " mers");
                // got a singleton set worth flushing so add any pending singleton sets to it (or we're finishing up)
                if (singletonsWaitingFlush[partitionNo] != null && singletonsWaitingFlush[partitionNo].Count != 0)
                    int startingWaiter = 0;

                    // find out how many singletons are waiting
                    int sumWaiting = 0;
                    foreach (int s in singletonsWaitingFlushCounts[partitionNo])
                        sumWaiting += s;

                    // if we're just flushing at end then turn the first waiting set into the base set for the merge
                    if (singletons == null)
                        sortedSingletons  = singletonsWaitingFlush[partitionNo][0].sortedKeys;
                        singletonCapacity = sortedSingletons.Length;
                        startingWaiter    = 1;
                        merIdx            = singletonsWaitingFlushCounts[partitionNo][0];
                        sumWaiting       -= merIdx;

                    // ensure the buffer is big enough
                    if (merIdx + sumWaiting > singletonCapacity)
                        Array.Resize <ulong>(ref sortedSingletons, merIdx + sumWaiting);

                    // copy the waiting singletons into this buffer
                    for (int i = startingWaiter; i < singletonsWaitingFlush[partitionNo].Count; i++)
                        int     singlesInArray = singletonsWaitingFlushCounts[partitionNo][i];
                        ulong[] pendingSingles = singletonsWaitingFlush[partitionNo][i].sortedKeys;
                        for (int s = 0; s < singlesInArray; s++)
                            sortedSingletons[merIdx] = pendingSingles[s];


                    // and re-sort all the singletons
                    Array.Sort <ulong>(sortedSingletons, 0, merIdx);

                if (merIdx > 0)
                    // and write out the (possibly augmented) set of singletons
                    //Console.WriteLine("wrote  " + merIdx + "/" + singletonsCount + " singletons for flush " + partitionNo + "-" + flushNo);

                    // Add process ID at the beginning of the file name
                    int    processID      = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
                    string binaryfileName = tempDirectory + processID + "_" + partitionNo + "_" + flushNo + ".bst";

                    // Binary writer
                    BinaryWriter flushWriter = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(binaryfileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));

                    // Write the number of k-mers in the flush file at the start
                    // Write out the in-use singletons
                    for (int i = 0; i < merIdx; i++)


                    flushedSingletonFNs[partitionNo].Add(binaryfileName);                                      // Add name of file to list of flush files for the partition
                    firstFlushedSingletonMer[partitionNo].Add(sortedSingletons[0] & singletonMerMask);         // remember lowest and highest mer in each flush file
                    lastFlushedSingletonMer[partitionNo].Add(sortedSingletons[merIdx - 1] & singletonMerMask); // (without the RC bit)

                    if (singletons != null)
                        singletons.sortedKeys = null;
        // constructor
        public MerTables(long dictionarySize, string tempDir, int noThreads)
            // scale genome size to compensate for the number of repeated error k-mers
            dictionarySize = dictionarySize * 2;

            // how many shared mer partitions are needed to safely hold this many distinct k-mers?
            this.noOfPartitions = (int)(dictionarySize / maxTableSize + 1);
            if (this.noOfPartitions < 1)
                this.noOfPartitions = 1;
            // and how big should the partitions be?
            int partitionSize = (int)(dictionarySize / noOfPartitions);

            if (partitionSize < minTableSize)
                partitionSize = minTableSize;

            // how many singleton partitions are desirable?
            // per-partition singleton tables can use of a considerable amount of memory, but too few will increase the number of concurrently open files during merge
            if (noOfPartitions > 64)
                noSingletonPartitions = 32;
                singletonPrefixBits   = 5;
            if (noOfPartitions <= 64)
                noSingletonPartitions = 16;
                singletonPrefixBits   = 4;
            if (noOfPartitions <= 16)
                noSingletonPartitions = 4;
                singletonPrefixBits   = 2;
            if (noOfPartitions <= 4)
                noSingletonPartitions = 1;
                singletonPrefixBits   = 0;

            this.tempDirectory = tempDir;

            repeatedMers                 = new MerDictionary[noOfPartitions];        // create partitioned dictionaries
            repeatedMersFull             = new bool[noOfPartitions];                 // create full flags array (default is false)
            overflowMers                 = new MerDictionary[noThreads];             // create per-thread overflow tables
            singletonFilters             = new MerCollection[noSingletonPartitions]; // create partitioned singleton filters
            singletonsWaitingFlush       = new List <MerCollection> [noSingletonPartitions];
            singletonsWaitingFlushCounts = new List <int> [noSingletonPartitions];
            flushedSingletonFNs          = new List <string> [noSingletonPartitions];
            firstFlushedSingletonMer     = new List <ulong> [noSingletonPartitions];
            lastFlushedSingletonMer      = new List <ulong> [noSingletonPartitions];
            flushSingletonNumber         = new int[noSingletonPartitions];
            maxSingletonCapacity         = new int[noSingletonPartitions];

            flushedLowRepsFNs      = new List <string>();
            firstFlushedLowRepsMer = new List <ulong>();
            lastFlushedLowRepsMer  = new List <ulong>();

            // initialise per-partition structures
            for (int i = 0; i < noOfPartitions; i++)
                repeatedMers[i] = new MerDictionary(partitionSize, fullMerMask);

            // initialise per-singleton-partition structures
            for (int i = 0; i < noSingletonPartitions; i++)
                int scaledSingletonSize = 3 * partitionSize / noSingletonPartitions * (noSingletonPartitions - i);
                scaledSingletonSize         = Math.Min(scaledSingletonSize, maxSingletonSize);
                scaledSingletonSize         = Math.Max(scaledSingletonSize, minSingletonSize);
                singletonFilters[i]         = new MerCollection(scaledSingletonSize, singletonMerMask);
                maxSingletonCapacity[i]     = singletonFilters[i].length * 9 / 10;
                flushedSingletonFNs[i]      = new List <string>();
                flushSingletonNumber[i]     = 1;
                firstFlushedSingletonMer[i] = new List <ulong>();
                lastFlushedSingletonMer[i]  = new List <ulong>();

            // initialise per-thread structures
            for (int i = 0; i < noThreads; i++)
                // overflowMers[i] = new MerDictionary(singletonSize); // allocated when first used to save on memory space
        public void AddOrIncrement(ulong mer, int threadNo)
            long  addingIncrement = 0x0000000100000000;                 // assume we've got the as-read form is the canonical form
            ulong rcFlagToBeSet   = 0x0;                                // and that we don't want to set the RC flag

            // generate canonical k-mer first
            ulong rcMer = MerStrings.ReverseComplement(mer);

            if (rcMer < mer)
                mer             = rcMer;
                addingIncrement = 0x0000000000000001;                   // increment the low part of the count pair
                rcFlagToBeSet   = singletonRCFlagMask;                  // remember if the canonical k-mer was the RC form

            int absMerHashCode       = mer.GetHashCode() & int31Mask;
            int partitionNo          = absMerHashCode % noOfPartitions;
            int singletonPartitionNo = singletonPrefixBits == 0 ? 0 : (int)(mer >> (64 - singletonPrefixBits));

            // this mer may have been seen before, so first try updating it in one of the repeated mer tables
            bool updatedRepeat = UpdateRepeatedMer(partitionNo, mer, threadNo, mer, addingIncrement);

            if (updatedRepeat)

            // handling a k-mer for the first time - try adding it to the singletons table
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // get a stable pointer to the current singetons table (in case someone else fills it and initiates a flush while we're still busy with it)
            MerCollection thisSingletonPartition = singletonFilters[singletonPartitionNo];

            Interlocked.Increment(ref thisSingletonPartition.activeCount);

            // try to add this mer to this partition's singletons collection (and fetch the existing singleton+flag if it's already there)
            int   filterIdx;
            ulong fMer  = mer | rcFlagToBeSet | singletonActiveFlagMask;
            bool  added = thisSingletonPartition.TryInsertKey(fMer, out filterIdx);

            if (added)
                // successfully added this mer so we must be seeing it for the first time

                // if singleton table is already full enough, flush it out and empty the table
                if (thisSingletonPartition.Count >= maxSingletonCapacity[singletonPartitionNo])
                    bool flushNeeded      = true;
                    int  flushNumberToUse = 0;

                    // lock this section to avoid two threads trying to flush/replace the same singleton buffer concurrently
                    lock (lockSingletons)
                        // test entry condition now that we have the lock (filter may have been reset while we were waiting)
                        if (!thisSingletonPartition.flushed)
                            // allocate a replacement table for the other threads to use while we're flushing this one
                            int newSingletonLength = thisSingletonPartition.length + thisSingletonPartition.length / 4;
                            if (newSingletonLength > maxSingletonSize)
                                newSingletonLength = maxSingletonSize;
                            MerCollection emptySingletonFilter = new MerCollection(newSingletonLength, singletonMerMask); // allocate new local filter for the partition

                            singletonFilters[singletonPartitionNo]     = emptySingletonFilter;                            // make it visible to the concurrent threads (single point assignment)
                            maxSingletonCapacity[singletonPartitionNo] = newSingletonLength * 8 / 10;
                            thisSingletonPartition.flushed             = true;
                            flushNumberToUse = flushSingletonNumber[singletonPartitionNo];
                            flushNeeded = false;

                    if (flushNeeded)
                        while (thisSingletonPartition.activeCount > 1)
                            // pause briefly to let any inflight updates to this table to complete
                        FlushSingletons(thisSingletonPartition, singletonPartitionNo, flushNumberToUse);
                // Insert failed, so must be seeing this k-mer for second (or rarely more) time. Mark as inactive in singletons and add to a repeats table with appropriate counts.
                // There can be a race here with two threads trying to concurrently promote the same singleton. This is resolved by atomically clearing the singleton
                // active flag - and only one of the threads will get the 'active' flag returned from the Exchange. This thread does the promotion - and then sets the
                // promotion-complete bit for the singleton. The other threads will spin until they find this bit has been set.

                if (tracing)
                    lock (traceUpdates)
                        traceUpdates.Enqueue(new TraceEntry(threadNo, 1, singletonPartitionNo, filterIdx, (ulong)thisSingletonPartition.entries[filterIdx].key));
                        if (traceUpdates.Count > maxTrace)

                // get the current value of this singleton entry (safe because the promotion changes are progressive)
                ulong merFromFilter = (ulong)thisSingletonPartition.entries[filterIdx].key;
                // and see if this singleton may have already been promoted
                bool activeSingleton = (merFromFilter & singletonActiveFlagMask) != 0;

                // if this singleton may be 'active', try to promote it
                if (activeSingleton)
                    ulong inactiveMer = mer & singletonMerMask;                      // build what the inactive-but-being-promoted entry should look like
                    // if no-one else has altered the singleton entry, then set it to inactive-but-being-promoted
                    long currentMerFromFilter = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref thisSingletonPartition.entries[filterIdx].key, (long)inactiveMer, (long)merFromFilter);

                    if (tracing)
                        lock (traceUpdates)
                            traceUpdates.Enqueue(new TraceEntry(threadNo, 2, singletonPartitionNo, filterIdx, (ulong)currentMerFromFilter));
                            if (traceUpdates.Count > maxTrace)

                    // if this thread successfully set the singleton to 'inactive', it will take care of the promotion
                    if (currentMerFromFilter == (long)merFromFilter)
                        ulong rcFlag = merFromFilter & singletonRCFlagMask;          // non-zero --> RC found in singletons

                        long initialCount = 0;
                        if (rcFlag != 0)                                        // singleton was seen in RC form
                            initialCount = 0x0000000000000001;
                        else                                                // singleton was seen in as-is form
                            initialCount = 0x0000000100000000;

                        if (repeatedMersFull[partitionNo])
                            if (overflowMers[threadNo] == null)
                                overflowMers[threadNo] = new MerDictionary(repeatedMers[partitionNo].lengthEntries / 10, fullMerMask);
                                //Console.WriteLine("added overflow for thread " + threadNo + " for [" + partitionNo + "]");

                            bool full = overflowMers[threadNo].Add(mer, initialCount);
                            if (full)
                            bool full = repeatedMers[partitionNo].Add(mer, initialCount);
                            if (full)
                                repeatedMersFull[partitionNo] = true;

                        // now that the mer has been promoted, set the 'promoted' flag
                        inactiveMer = inactiveMer | (long)singletonPromotedFlagMask;
                        thisSingletonPartition.entries[filterIdx].key = (long)inactiveMer;

                        if (tracing)
                            lock (traceUpdates)
                                traceUpdates.Enqueue(new TraceEntry(threadNo, 3, singletonPartitionNo, filterIdx, (ulong)thisSingletonPartition.entries[filterIdx].key));
                                if (traceUpdates.Count > maxTrace)

                // singleton is now known to be no longer active, so wait (if necessary) for the 'promoted' flag to be set and increment the repeat counter

                merFromFilter = (ulong)thisSingletonPartition.entries[filterIdx].key;

                if (tracing)
                    lock (traceUpdates)
                        traceUpdates.Enqueue(new TraceEntry(threadNo, 4, singletonPartitionNo, filterIdx, merFromFilter));
                        if (traceUpdates.Count > maxTrace)

                bool promotionComplete = (merFromFilter & singletonPromotedFlagMask) != 0;
                bool alreadySlept      = false;
                while (!promotionComplete)
                    promotionComplete = (((ulong)thisSingletonPartition.entries[filterIdx].key & singletonPromotedFlagMask) != 0);
                    if (alreadySlept && !promotionComplete)
                        if (tracing)
                            lock (traceUpdates)
                                StreamWriter trace = new StreamWriter("trace.txt");
                                foreach (TraceEntry t in traceUpdates)
                                    trace.WriteLine( + "\t" + t.thread + "\t" + t.partition + "\t" + t.index + "\t" + t.value.ToString("x16"));
                            Console.WriteLine("promotion still not complete after sleep");
                    if (!promotionComplete)
                    alreadySlept = true;

                UpdateRepeatedMerAfterPromotion(partitionNo, mer, threadNo, mer, addingIncrement);
                //if (!updateSucceeded)
                //    lock (traceUpdates)
                //    {
                //        StreamWriter trace = new StreamWriter("trace.txt");
                //        foreach (TraceEntry t in traceUpdates)
                //            trace.WriteLine(t.thread + "\t" + + "\t" + t.partition + "\t" + t.index + "\t" + t.value.ToString("x16"));
                //        trace.Close();
                //    }
                //    Console.WriteLine("UpdateRepeatedMerRetry failed after waiting for promotion to complete");

            Interlocked.Decrement(ref thisSingletonPartition.activeCount);