Beispiel #1
        public static void UpdateColission(Player player, ExplosionManager VFX, GUI guiInfo)
            //use the Rectangle's build-in interscect function to determine if
            //two objects are overlapping
            Rectangle rect1, rect2;

            //Only create the rectangle once for the player
            rect1 = new Rectangle(
                player.Width, player.Height);

            //Do the collision between the player and the enemies
            for (int i = 0; i < enemiesType1.Count; i++)
                rect2 = new Rectangle(
                //Now determine if the two objects collide with each other
                if (rect1.Intersects(rect2))
                    //Subtract the health from the player based on the enemy damage
                    player.Health -= enemiesType1[i].Damage;
                    //Since the enemy collided with the player destroy it
                    enemiesType1[i].Health = 0;
                    /// Show the explosion where the enemy was...

                    guiInfo.SCORE = guiInfo.SCORE + 10;
                    //if the player health is less than zero then player must be destroyed
                    guiInfo.PlayerHP -= 25;

                    if (guiInfo.PlayerHP == 0 && guiInfo.LIVES > 0)
                        player.Active    = false;
                        guiInfo.LIVES   -= 1;
                        guiInfo.PlayerHP = 100;
Beispiel #2

        public void UpdateManagerLaser(GameTime gameTime, Player p, ExplosionManager vfx, GUI guiInfo, SoundEffect effect)
            //Save the previous state of the keyboard and game pad so we can determine single key/button presses
            previousGamePadState  = currentGamePadState;
            previousKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState;

            //Read the current state of the keyboard and gamepad and store it
            currentGamePadState  = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
            currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();

            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed)
                FireLaser(gameTime, p);

            // update laserbeams
            for (var i = 0; i < laserBeams.Count; i++)
                // Remove the beam when its deactivated or is at the end of the screen.
                if (!laserBeams[i].Active || laserBeams[i].Position.X > graphicsInfo.X)

            // detect collisions between the player and all enemies.
            foreach (Enemy e in EnemyManager.enemiesType1)
                //create a retangle for the enemy
                Rectangle enemyRectangle = new Rectangle(

                // now see if this enemy collide with any laser shots
                foreach (Laser L in LaserManager.laserBeams)
                    // create a rectangle for this laserbeam
                    laserRectangle = new Rectangle(

                    // test the bounds of the laser and enemy
                    if (laserRectangle.Intersects(enemyRectangle))
                        // Show the explosion where the enemy was...

                        // kill off the enemy
                        e.Health      = 0;
                        guiInfo.SCORE = guiInfo.SCORE + 10;
                        //record the kill

                        // kill off the laserbeam
                        L.Active = false;

                        // record your score