public void ServerDisconnect([Values(true, false)] bool reconnect)
            // Start fake IRC server
            FakeIrcServerTask fakeIrc = new FakeIrcServerTask();

            // For this test we're going to get the fake IRC server to kill our connection on purpose
            try {
                IrcTcpTransport tcp = new IrcTcpTransport(FakeIrcServerTask.Address, FakeIrcServerTask.Port);
                tcp.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

                pingInterval = 20;
                pingTimeout = 5;

                runConnectionScenario(tcp, async () => {
                    Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for " + killDelay + "ms on secondary thread before initiating server disconnect");

                    await Task.Delay(killDelay);

                    Debug.WriteLine("Killing connection from server side");

                }, true, reconnect);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
        public void ClientDisconnectViaPingTimeout([Values(false, true)] bool reconnect)
            // Start fake IRC server
            FakeIrcServerTask fakeIrc = new FakeIrcServerTask();

            // Configure the scenario to kill pong responses after a while
            try {
                IrcTcpTransport tcp = new IrcTcpTransport(FakeIrcServerTask.Address, FakeIrcServerTask.Port);
                tcp.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

                pingInterval = 10;
                pingTimeout = 5;

                runConnectionScenario(tcp, async () => {
                    fakeIrc.SendPong = true;

                    Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for " + pongDelay + "ms on secondary thread before disabling pongs");

                    await Task.Delay(pongDelay);

                    Debug.WriteLine("Disabling pongs");

                    fakeIrc.SendPong = false;
                }, true, reconnect);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
        public void PriorityWriteQueueTest()
            // Start fake IRC server
            FakeIrcServerTask fakeIrc = new FakeIrcServerTask();

            // For checking the write queue works as we want
            string lastExpected = "";
            string lastReceived = "";
            Queue<string> expectedLines = new Queue<string>();

            try {
                // Start the client
                IrcTcpTransport tcp = new IrcTcpTransport(FakeIrcServerTask.Address, FakeIrcServerTask.Port);
                tcp.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

                irc.SendDelay = 300;

                AutoResetEvent joined = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                irc.OnJoin += (s, e) => {

                runConnectionScenario(tcp, () => {

                    // Wait for the initial JOIN to complete

                    // Fill queue
                    irc.WriteQueuePaused = true;

                    Dictionary<Priority, int> queueLengths = new Dictionary<Priority, int> {
                        { Priority.High, 2 },
                        { Priority.AboveMedium, 6 },
                        { Priority.Medium, 3 },
                        { Priority.BelowMedium, 4 },
                        { Priority.Low, 3 }

                    foreach (var kvp in queueLengths)
                        for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value; i++)
                            irc.WriteLine(kvp.Key.ToString() + " " + i, kvp.Key);

                    // Calculate the expected transmission order
                    for (int i = 0; queueLengths[Priority.High]-- > 0; i++) {
                        expectedLines.Enqueue(Priority.High.ToString() + " " + i);

                    int thresholdAM = 4;
                    int thresholdM = 2;
                    int thresholdBM = 1;

                    int sentAMtotal = 0;
                    int sentMtotal = 0;
                    int sentBMtotal = 0;

                    while (queueLengths[Priority.BelowMedium] > 0) {
                        for (int sentAM = 0; sentAM < thresholdAM && queueLengths[Priority.AboveMedium]-- > 0; sentAM++) {
                            expectedLines.Enqueue(Priority.AboveMedium.ToString() + " " + sentAMtotal++);

                        for (int sentM = 0; sentM < thresholdM && queueLengths[Priority.Medium]-- > 0; sentM++) {
                            expectedLines.Enqueue(Priority.Medium.ToString() + " " + sentMtotal++);

                        for (int sentBM = 0; sentBM < thresholdBM && queueLengths[Priority.BelowMedium]-- > 0; sentBM++) {
                            expectedLines.Enqueue(Priority.BelowMedium.ToString() + " " + sentBMtotal++);

                    for (int i = 0; queueLengths[Priority.Low]-- > 0; i++) {
                        expectedLines.Enqueue(Priority.Low.ToString() + " " + i);

                    // Compare received lines with expectation
                    AutoResetEvent received = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                    WriteLineEventHandler writeLine = (s, e) => {
                        lock (this) {
                            lastExpected = expectedLines.Dequeue();
                            lastReceived = e.Line;

                    irc.OnWriteLine += writeLine;
                    irc.WriteQueuePaused = false;

                    // We have to Assert the received messages on this thread to make sure NUnit gets the exception
                    while (irc.WriteQueueLength > 0) {

                        lock (this) {
                            if (lastExpected != lastReceived) {
                                irc.OnWriteLine -= writeLine;


                }, false, false);
            } finally {

                Assert.That(lastExpected == lastReceived, "Unexpected transmission order: " + lastReceived + " (expected: " + lastExpected + ")");
        public void BurstTest()
            // Start fake IRC server
            FakeIrcServerTask fakeIrc = new FakeIrcServerTask();

            try {
                // Start the client
                IrcTcpTransport tcp = new IrcTcpTransport(FakeIrcServerTask.Address, FakeIrcServerTask.Port);
                tcp.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

                // Set burst parameters

                // Rate limit to 10 messages per second, free burst
                irc.BurstSize = 10;
                irc.BurstInterval = 1000;
                irc.BurstWaitThreshold = 0;
                irc.BurstWait = 0;
                irc.SendDelay = 3000;

                // 3-message burst with 10 second cooldown, otherwise send one message per 500ms
                //irc.BurstSize = 3;
                //irc.BurstInterval = 0;
                //irc.BurstWaitThreshold = 2;
                //irc.BurstWait = 10000;
                //irc.SendDelay = 500;

                AutoResetEvent joined = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                irc.OnJoin += (s, e) => {

                runConnectionScenario(tcp, () => {

                    // Wait for the initial JOIN to complete

                    // Fill queue
                    irc.WriteQueuePaused = true;

                    // Queue a bunch of messages
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                        irc.WriteLine("Line " + i, Priority.Medium);

                    AutoResetEvent received = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                    WriteLineEventHandler writeLine = (s, e) => {

                    irc.OnWriteLine += writeLine;
                    irc.WriteQueuePaused = false;

                    // We have to Assert the received messages on this thread to make sure NUnit gets the exception
                    while (irc.WriteQueueLength > 0) {


                }, false, false);
            } finally {