public void DeepCopy(IDeepCopyable source, ICopyManager copyManager)
   ListViewItemGenerator icg = (ListViewItemGenerator) source;
   _itemTemplate = copyManager.GetCopy(icg._itemTemplate);
   _itemContainerStyle = copyManager.GetCopy(icg._itemContainerStyle);
   _parent = copyManager.GetCopy(icg._parent);
   if (icg._items == null)
     _items = null;
     _items = new List<object>(icg._items.Count);
     foreach (object item in icg._items)
   _populatedStartIndex = icg._populatedStartIndex;
   _populatedEndIndex = icg._populatedEndIndex;
   if (icg._materializedItems == null)
     _materializedItems = null;
     _materializedItems = new List<FrameworkElement>(icg._materializedItems.Count);
     foreach (FrameworkElement item in icg._materializedItems)
 public void Initialize(FrameworkElement parent, IEnumerable<object> itemsSource, Style itemContainerStyle, DataTemplate itemTemplate)
   _parent = parent;
   if (_materializedItems != null)
   _items = new List<object>(itemsSource);
   _materializedItems = new List<FrameworkElement>(_items.Count);
   for (int i = 0; i < _items.Count; i++)
   // No need to set the LogicalParent at styles or data templates because they don't bind bindings
   _itemContainerStyle = MpfCopyManager.DeepCopyCutLVPs(itemContainerStyle);
   _itemTemplate = MpfCopyManager.DeepCopyCutLVPs(itemTemplate);
Beispiel #3
 protected float GetLeft(FrameworkElement child, bool registerPositionProperty)
   AbstractProperty leftAttachedProperty = GetLeftAttachedProperty_NoCreate(child);
   AbstractProperty rightAttachedProperty = GetRightAttachedProperty_NoCreate(child);
   if (leftAttachedProperty != null)
   if (rightAttachedProperty != null)
   float result;
   if (leftAttachedProperty != null)
     result = (float) (double) leftAttachedProperty.GetValue();
   else if (rightAttachedProperty != null)
     result = (float) (double) rightAttachedProperty.GetValue() - child.DesiredSize.Width;
   else result = 0;
   return result;
 public void SetKeyboardLayoutControl(VirtualKeyboardControl parent, FrameworkElement keyboardLayoutControl)
   FrameworkElement oldKeyboardControl = _keyboardLayoutControl;
   _keyboardLayoutControl = null;
   if (oldKeyboardControl != null)
   if (keyboardLayoutControl == null)
   keyboardLayoutControl.Context = parent;
   keyboardLayoutControl.LogicalParent = this;
   keyboardLayoutControl.VisualParent = this;
   if (IsAllocated)
   _keyboardLayoutControl = keyboardLayoutControl;
   InvalidateLayout(true, true);
Beispiel #5
 public override void SetupBrush(FrameworkElement parent, ref PositionColoredTextured[] verts, float zOrder, bool adaptVertsToBrushTexture)
   base.SetupBrush(parent, ref verts, zOrder, adaptVertsToBrushTexture);
   if (ServiceRegistration.Get<IPlayerManager>(false) == null)
     ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Debug("VideoBrush.SetupBrush: Player manager not found");
    /// <summary>
    /// Arranges the child vertical in a given area. If the area is bigger than the child's desired
    /// size, the child will be arranged according to the given <paramref name="alignment"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="child">The child to arrange. The child will not be changed by this method.</param>
    /// <param name="alignment">Alignment in vertical direction.</param>
    /// <param name="location">Input: The starting position of the available area. Output: The position
    /// the child should be located.</param>
    /// <param name="childSize">Input: The available area for the <paramref name="child"/>. Output:
    /// The area the child should take.</param>
    public void ArrangeChildVertical(FrameworkElement child, VerticalAlignmentEnum alignment, ref PointF location, ref SizeF childSize)
      // See comment in ArrangeChild
      SizeF desiredSize = child.DesiredSize;

      if (!double.IsNaN(desiredSize.Height) && desiredSize.Height <= childSize.Height)
        // Height takes precedence over Stretch - Use Center as fallback
        if (alignment == VerticalAlignmentEnum.Center ||
            (alignment == VerticalAlignmentEnum.Stretch && !double.IsNaN(child.Height)))
          location.Y += (childSize.Height - desiredSize.Height) / 2;
          childSize.Height = desiredSize.Height;
        else if (alignment == VerticalAlignmentEnum.Bottom)
          location.Y += childSize.Height - desiredSize.Height;
          childSize.Height = desiredSize.Height;
        else if (alignment == VerticalAlignmentEnum.Top)
          // Leave location unchanged
          childSize.Height = desiredSize.Height;
        //else if (child.VerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignmentEnum.Stretch)
        // - Use all the space, nothing to do here
    /// <summary>
    /// Arranges the child horizontal in a given area. If the area is bigger than the child's desired
    /// size, the child will be arranged according to the given <paramref name="alignment"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="child">The child to arrange. The child will not be changed by this method.</param>
    /// <param name="alignment">Alignment in horizontal direction.</param>
    /// <param name="location">Input: The starting position of the available area. Output: The position
    /// the child should be located.</param>
    /// <param name="childSize">Input: The available area for the <paramref name="child"/>. Output:
    /// The area the child should take.</param>
    public void ArrangeChildHorizontal(FrameworkElement child, HorizontalAlignmentEnum alignment, ref PointF location, ref SizeF childSize)
      // See comment in ArrangeChild
      SizeF desiredSize = child.DesiredSize;

      if (!double.IsNaN(desiredSize.Width) && desiredSize.Width <= childSize.Width)
        // Width takes precedence over Stretch - Use Center as fallback
        if (alignment == HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center ||
            (alignment == HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Stretch && !double.IsNaN(child.Width)))
          location.X += (childSize.Width - desiredSize.Width) / 2;
          childSize.Width = desiredSize.Width;
        if (alignment == HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Right)
          location.X += childSize.Width - desiredSize.Width;
          childSize.Width = desiredSize.Width;
        else if (alignment == HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left)
          // Leave location unchanged
          childSize.Width = desiredSize.Width;
        //else if (child.HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Stretch)
        // - Use all the space, nothing to do here
 /// <summary>
 /// Arranges the child horizontal and vertical in a given area. If the area is bigger than
 /// the child's desired size, the child will be arranged according to the given <paramref name="horizontalAlignment"/>
 /// and <paramref name="verticalAlignment"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="child">The child to arrange. The child will not be changed by this method.</param>
 /// <param name="horizontalAlignment">Alignment in horizontal direction.</param>
 /// <param name="verticalAlignment">Alignment in vertical direction.</param>
 /// <param name="location">Input: The starting position of the available area. Output: The position
 /// the child should be located.</param>
 /// <param name="childSize">Input: The available area for the <paramref name="child"/>. Output:
 /// The area the child should take.</param>
 public void ArrangeChild(FrameworkElement child, HorizontalAlignmentEnum horizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignmentEnum verticalAlignment, ref PointF location, ref SizeF childSize)
   // Be careful when changing the implementation of those arrangement methods.
   // MPF behaves a bit different from WPF: We don't clip elements at the boundaries of containers,
   // instead, we arrange them with a maximum size calculated by the container. If we would not avoid
   // that controls can become bigger than their arrange size, we would have to accomplish a means to clip
   // their render size.
   ArrangeChildHorizontal(child, horizontalAlignment, ref location, ref childSize);
   ArrangeChildVertical(child, verticalAlignment, ref location, ref childSize);
Beispiel #9
 public override void SetupBrush(FrameworkElement parent, ref PositionColoredTextured[] verts, float zOrder, bool adaptVertsToBrushTexture)
   base.SetupBrush(parent, ref verts, zOrder, adaptVertsToBrushTexture);
   _visualTexture = ContentManager.Instance.GetRenderTexture(_renderTextureKey);
   _visualSurface = ContentManager.Instance.GetRenderTarget(_renderSurfaceKey);
   _screen = parent.Screen;
Beispiel #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the nearest program relative to given <paramref name="startTime"/>. The "nearest" one is checked by comparing program start times.
    /// If the start time is before the current view port, the SlimTvMultiChannelGuideModel.GuideStartTime will be used.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="startTime">Start time of currently focused program</param>
    /// <param name="row">New row to focus</param>
    /// <param name="programControl">Returns the next program's control to focus</param>
    /// <returns><c>true</c> if matching program could be found</returns>
    private bool FindNearestProgram(DateTime startTime, int row, out FrameworkElement programControl)
      var rowItems = Children.Where(c => GetRow(c) == row && c.DataContext != null).ToList();
      double minDiff = Double.MaxValue;
      FrameworkElement nearestStartItem = null;
      foreach (var program in rowItems)
        var pi = program.DataContext.Source as ProgramListItem;
        if (pi == null)

        var programStartTime = pi.Program.StartTime;
        if (programStartTime < SlimTvMultiChannelGuideModel.GuideStartTime)
          programStartTime = SlimTvMultiChannelGuideModel.GuideStartTime;

        var diff = Math.Abs((startTime - programStartTime).TotalMinutes);
        if (nearestStartItem == null || diff < minDiff)
          minDiff = diff;
          nearestStartItem = program;
      programControl = nearestStartItem;
      return programControl != null;
Beispiel #11
 public override void SetupBrush(FrameworkElement parent, ref PositionColoredTextured[] verts, float zOrder, bool adaptVertsToBrushTexture)
   base.SetupBrush(parent, ref verts, zOrder, adaptVertsToBrushTexture);
Beispiel #12
 public FocusCandidate(FrameworkElement candidate, float zIndex)
   Candidate = candidate;
   ZIndex = zIndex;
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the currently focused element is contained in this items control.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="focusedElement">Currelty focused element.</param>
 bool CheckFocusInScope(FrameworkElement focusedElement)
   Visual focusPath = focusedElement;
   while (focusPath != null)
     if (focusPath == this)
       // Focused control is located in our focus scope
       return true;
     if (focusPath is ItemsControl)
       // Focused control is located in another itemscontrol's focus scope
       return false;
     focusPath = focusPath.VisualParent;
   return false;
Beispiel #14
    void OnTemplateControlChanged(AbstractProperty property, object oldValue)
      FrameworkElement oldTemplateControl = oldValue as FrameworkElement;

      FrameworkElement element = TemplateControl;
      if (element != null)
        element.VisualParent = this;
        if (element.TemplateNameScope == null)
          // This might be the case if the TemplateControl is directly assigned, without the use of a FrameworkTemplate,
          // which normally sets the TemplateNameScope.
          element.TemplateNameScope = new NameScope();
        if (IsAllocated)
      _initializedTemplateControl = element;
      InvalidateLayout(true, true);
Beispiel #15
 void UpdateRenderTarget(FrameworkElement fe)
   // We need to consider a special case for rendering Opacity masks: in this case the alpha blending is enabled on device already. If we render now without changes,
   // the Visual will not be visible in target texture. In this case we switch back to normal rendering mode and restore blending mode after the Visual is rendered.
   var wasBlendingEnabled = GraphicsDevice.IsAlphaChannelBlendingEnabled;
   if (wasBlendingEnabled)
     // Opposite steps as done inside FrameworkElement.RenderOpacityBrush
   RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, _vertsBounds.Size.Width, _vertsBounds.Size.Height);
   fe.RenderToTexture(_visualTexture, new RenderContext(Matrix.Identity, Opacity, bounds, 1.0f));
   if (wasBlendingEnabled)
     // Redo steps as done inside FrameworkElement.RenderOpacityBrush
 public FrameworkElement GetOrCreateItem(int index, FrameworkElement lvParent, out bool newCreated)
   if (index < 0 || index >= _materializedItems.Count)
     newCreated = false;
     return null;
   FrameworkElement result = _materializedItems[index];
   if (result != null)
     newCreated = false;
     return result;
   newCreated = true;
   result = _materializedItems[index] = PrepareItem(_items[index], lvParent);
   if (_populatedStartIndex == -1 || _populatedEndIndex == -1)
     _populatedStartIndex = index;
     _populatedEndIndex = index;
     if (index < _populatedStartIndex)
       _populatedStartIndex = index;
     else if (index > _populatedEndIndex)
       _populatedEndIndex = index;
   return result;
    protected FrameworkElement PrepareItem(object dataItem, FrameworkElement lvParent)
// ReSharper disable UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
      ListViewItem result = new ListViewItem
// ReSharper restore UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            Context = dataItem,
            Content = dataItem,
            Screen = _parent.Screen,
            VisualParent = lvParent,
            LogicalParent = lvParent
      // Set this after the other properties have been initialized to avoid duplicate work
      // No need to set the LogicalParent because styles and content templates don't bind bindings
      result.Style = MpfCopyManager.DeepCopyCutLVPs(ItemContainerStyle);
      result.ContentTemplate = MpfCopyManager.DeepCopyCutLVPs(ItemTemplate);
      return result;
 public override void DeepCopy(IDeepCopyable source, ICopyManager copyManager)
   base.DeepCopy(source, copyManager);
   ContentPresenter p = (ContentPresenter) source;
   Content = copyManager.GetCopy(p.Content);
   ContentTemplate = copyManager.GetCopy(p.ContentTemplate);
   HorizontalContentAlignment = p.HorizontalContentAlignment;
   VerticalContentAlignment = p.VerticalContentAlignment;
   _templateControl = copyManager.GetCopy(p._templateControl);
   _convertedContent = copyManager.GetCopy(p._convertedContent);
 protected void SetTemplateControl(FrameworkElement templateControl)
   FrameworkElement oldTemplateControl = _templateControl;
   if (ReferenceEquals(oldTemplateControl, templateControl))
   _templateControl = null;
   if (oldTemplateControl != null)
   if (templateControl == null)
   object content = _convertedContent;
   if (!(content is FrameworkElement)) // If our content is a FrameworkElement itself, it should only be used as template control but not as context
     templateControl.Context = content;
   templateControl.LogicalParent = this;
   templateControl.VisualParent = this;
   if (IsAllocated)
   _templateControl = templateControl;
   InvalidateLayout(true, true);
Beispiel #20
 public override void DeepCopy(IDeepCopyable source, ICopyManager copyManager)
   base.DeepCopy(source, copyManager);
   Control c = (Control) source;
   BorderBrush = copyManager.GetCopy(c.BorderBrush);
   Background = copyManager.GetCopy(c.Background);
   BorderThickness = c.BorderThickness;
   Template = copyManager.GetCopy(c.Template);
   FrameworkElement oldTemplateControl = TemplateControl;
   if (oldTemplateControl != null)
     oldTemplateControl.VisualParent = null;
   TemplateControl = copyManager.GetCopy(c.TemplateControl);
   HorizontalContentAlignment = c.HorizontalContentAlignment;
   VerticalContentAlignment = c.VerticalContentAlignment;
   _initializedTemplateControl = copyManager.GetCopy(c._initializedTemplateControl);
Beispiel #21
 protected float GetTop(FrameworkElement child, bool registerPositionProperty)
   AbstractProperty topAttachedProperty = GetTopAttachedProperty_NoCreate(child);
   AbstractProperty bottomAttachedProperty = GetBottomAttachedProperty_NoCreate(child);
   if (topAttachedProperty != null)
   if (bottomAttachedProperty != null)
   float result;
   if (topAttachedProperty != null)
     result = (float) (double) topAttachedProperty.GetValue();
   else if (bottomAttachedProperty != null)
     result = (float) (double) bottomAttachedProperty.GetValue() - child.DesiredSize.Height;
     result = 0;
   return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Will update the <see cref="CurrentItem"/> property. This method will be called when the
 /// current item might have changed.
 /// </summary>
 protected void UpdateCurrentItem()
   Screen screen = Screen;
   FrameworkElement focusedElement = screen == null ? null : screen.FocusedElement;
   if (_lastFocusedElement == focusedElement)
   _lastFocusedElement = focusedElement;
   object lastCurrentItem = CurrentItem;
   object newCurrentItem = null;
   if (_itemsHostPanel != null && CheckFocusInScope(focusedElement))
     Visual element = focusedElement;
     while (element != null && element.VisualParent != _itemsHostPanel)
       element = element.VisualParent;
     newCurrentItem = element == null ? null : element.Context;
     ISelectableItemContainer container = element as ISelectableItemContainer;
     if (container != null)
       container.Selected = true; // Triggers an update of our _lastSelectedItem
   if (newCurrentItem != lastCurrentItem)
     CurrentItem = newCurrentItem;
Beispiel #23
    void UpdateRenderTarget(FrameworkElement fe)
      RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, _vertsBounds.Size.Width, _vertsBounds.Size.Height);
      fe.RenderToSurface(_visualSurface, new RenderContext(Matrix.Identity, Opacity, bounds, 1.0f));

      // Unfortunately, brushes/brush effects are based on textures and cannot work with surfaces, so we need this additional copy step
          _visualSurface.Surface, new Rectangle(0, 0, _visualSurface.Size.Width, _visualSurface.Size.Height),
          _visualTexture.Surface0, new Rectangle(0, 0, _visualTexture.Size.Width, _visualTexture.Size.Height),
Beispiel #24
    public virtual void SetupBrush(FrameworkElement parent, ref PositionColoredTextured[] verts, float zOrder, bool adaptVertsToBrushTexture)
      if (!UpdateBounds(ref verts))
      float w = _vertsBounds.Width;
      float h = _vertsBounds.Height;
      float xoff = _vertsBounds.X;
      float yoff = _vertsBounds.Y;
      if (adaptVertsToBrushTexture)
        for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
          PositionColoredTextured vert = verts[i];
          float x = vert.X;
          float u = x - xoff;
          u /= w;

          float y = vert.Y;
          float v = y - yoff;
          v /= h;

          if (u < 0) u = 0;
          if (u > 1) u = 1;
          if (v < 0) v = 0;
          if (v > 1) v = 1;
            Color4 color = Color.White;
            color.Alpha *= (float) Opacity;
            vert.Color = color.ToBgra();
          vert.Tu1 = u;
          vert.Tv1 = v;
          vert.Z = zOrder;
          verts[i] = vert;
Beispiel #25
 protected void PrepareVisual()
   FrameworkElement visual = Visual;
   if (_preparedVisual != null && _preparedVisual != visual)
     _preparedVisual = null;
   if (_screen == null)
   if (visual == null)
   if (AutoLayoutContent)
     // We must bypass normal layout or the visual will be layed out to screen/skin size
     if (visual.ElementState == ElementState.Available)
     // Here is _screen != null, which means we are allocated
     SizeF size = _vertsBounds.Size;
     visual.Measure(ref size);
     visual.Arrange(new RectangleF(0, 0, _vertsBounds.Size.Width, _vertsBounds.Size.Height));
   _preparedVisual = visual;
 protected override SizeF CalculateInnerDesiredSize(SizeF totalSize)
   // Return the biggest available child extents
   SizeF childSize;
   SizeF maxChildSize = new SizeF(float.NaN, float.NaN);
   foreach (FrameworkElement child in GetVisibleChildren())
     childSize = new SizeF(totalSize.Width, totalSize.Height);
     child.Measure(ref childSize);
     if (float.IsNaN(maxChildSize.Width) || childSize.Width > maxChildSize.Width)
       maxChildSize.Width = childSize.Width;
     if (float.IsNaN(maxChildSize.Height) || childSize.Height > maxChildSize.Height)
       maxChildSize.Height = childSize.Height;
   if (_ellipsisControl == null)
     _ellipsisControl = CreateEllipsisControl();
   childSize = new SizeF(totalSize.Width, totalSize.Height);
   _ellipsisControl.Measure(ref childSize);
   if (float.IsNaN(maxChildSize.Width) || childSize.Width > maxChildSize.Width)
     maxChildSize.Width = childSize.Width;
   if (float.IsNaN(maxChildSize.Height) || childSize.Height > maxChildSize.Height)
     maxChildSize.Height = childSize.Height;
   return maxChildSize;
Beispiel #27
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the currently focused program or header control and its Grid.Row.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="program">Focused program</param>
    /// <param name="headerControl">Focused header</param>
    /// <param name="row">The focused row</param>
    /// <returns><c>true</c> if matching program could be found</returns>
    private bool GetFocusedRowAndStartTime(out ProgramListItem program, out FrameworkElement headerControl, out int row)
      program = null;
      headerControl = null;
      row = 0;
      FrameworkElement currentElement = GetFocusedElementOrChild();

      while (currentElement != null)
        if (currentElement.DataContext != null)
          // Check for program
          var item = currentElement.DataContext.Source as ProgramListItem;
          if (item != null)
            program = item;
            row = GetRow(currentElement);
            return true;
          // Check for channel header
          var channel = currentElement.DataContext.Source as ChannelProgramListItem;
          if (channel != null)
            headerControl = currentElement;
            row = GetRow(currentElement);
            return true;
        currentElement = currentElement.LogicalParent as Control;
      return false;