Beispiel #1
    public static Grid Minimize(Grid grid)
      IList removeCandidates = new ArrayList();
      for (int cellNumber = 0; cellNumber < 81; cellNumber++)
        int row = cellNumber / 9;
        int column = cellNumber % 9;
        if (grid.cells[row, column] != 0)

      while (removeCandidates.Count > 0)
        int removeIndex = random.Next(removeCandidates.Count);
        int removeCellNumber = (int)removeCandidates[removeIndex];
        int row = removeCellNumber / 9;
        int column = removeCellNumber % 9;

        int value = grid.cells[row, column];
        grid.cells[row, column] = 0;
        if (!ValidNumberPlace(grid))
          grid.cells[row, column] = value;
          //return Minimize(grid);

      return grid;
Beispiel #2
 public static Grid Solve(Grid grid)
   IList solutions = Solve((Grid)grid.Clone(), 1);
   if (solutions.Count == 0)
     return null;
     return (Grid)solutions[0];
Beispiel #3
    public object Clone()
      Grid clone = new Grid(this.BlocksAcross);
      for (int row = 0; row < cellsInRow; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < cellsInRow; column++)
          clone.cells[row, column] = cells[row, column];

      return clone;
Beispiel #4
    public static bool ValidNumberPlace(Grid grid)
      // Check only one solution exists
      IList solutions = Solve((Grid)grid.Clone(), 2);

      if (solutions.Count == 1)
        return true;

      // Either unsolvable or multiple solutions
      return false;
Beispiel #5
    public static bool CheckMinimality(Grid grid)
      Grid temp = (Grid)grid.Clone();

      for (int row = 0; row < temp.CellsInRow; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < temp.CellsInRow; column++)
          if (temp.cells[row, column] != 0)
            int value = temp.cells[row, column];
            temp.cells[row, column] = 0;
            if (ValidNumberPlace(temp))
              return false;
            temp.cells[row, column] = value;

      return true;
Beispiel #6
 public static Grid FillOutCells(Grid grid, Grid solution, int number)
   for (; number > 0; number--)
     int candidateIndex = random.Next(81 - grid.CountFilledCells());
     int m = -1, i = 0, j = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < 9 && m < candidateIndex; i++)
       for (j = 0; j < 9 && m < candidateIndex; j++)
         if (grid.cells[i, j] == 0)
           if (m == candidateIndex)
             grid.cells[i, j] = solution.cells[i, j];
   return grid;
Beispiel #7
 public static bool FindCandidateInBox(Grid grid, int row, int col, int Num)
   int firstRow = (row / 3) * 3;
   int firstCol = (col / 3) * 3;
   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
       if (grid.IsCellEmpty(firstRow + i, firstCol + j) &&
           grid.Possibilities(firstRow + i, firstCol + j).Contains(Num) &&
           !(firstRow + i != row || firstCol + j != col))
         return true;
   return false;
Beispiel #8
 public static bool FindCandidateInCol(Grid grid, int row, int col, int Num)
   for (int i = 0; i < grid.CellsInRow; i++)
     if (grid.IsCellEmpty(i, col) && i != row && grid.Possibilities(i, col).Contains(Num))
       return true;
   return false;
Beispiel #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Find all Unique Candidates in grid
    /// and fill out the uniqueCandidates Array in the grid
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="grid">Grid</param>
    /// <returns>the number of Unique Candidates</returns>
    public static int FindUniqueCandidates(Grid grid)
      //			Grid grid = (Grid)gridOrg.Clone();
      nodes = 0;
      int uniquesCand = 0;
      unsolvableCell = false;

      //find Unique Candidates in rows
      for (int searchRow = 0; searchRow < grid.CellsInRow; searchRow++)
        for (int searchCol = 0; searchCol < grid.CellsInRow; searchCol++)
          if (!grid.IsCellEmpty(searchRow, searchCol))
          IList candidates = grid.Possibilities(searchRow, searchCol);
          IList candidates2 = new ArrayList(candidates);
          if (candidates.Count > 1)
            for (int cand = 0; cand < candidates.Count; cand++)
              if (FindCandidateInRow(grid, searchRow, searchCol, (int)candidates[cand]))

          if (candidates2.Count == 1)
            grid.uniqueCandidates[searchRow, searchCol] = (int)candidates2[0];

      //find Unique Candidates in colums
      for (int searchCol = 0; searchCol < grid.CellsInRow; searchCol++)
        for (int searchRow = 0; searchRow < grid.CellsInRow; searchRow++)
          if (!grid.IsCellEmpty(searchRow, searchCol))
          IList candidates = grid.Possibilities(searchRow, searchCol);
          IList candidates2 = new ArrayList(candidates);
          if (candidates.Count > 1)
            for (int cand = 0; cand < candidates.Count; cand++)
              if (FindCandidateInCol(grid, searchRow, searchCol, (int)candidates[cand]))
          if (candidates2.Count == 1)
            grid.uniqueCandidates[searchRow, searchCol] = (int)candidates2[0];

      //find Unique Candidates in boxes
      for (int searchRow = 0; searchRow < grid.CellsInRow; searchRow++)
        for (int searchCol = 0; searchCol < grid.CellsInRow; searchCol++)
          if (!grid.IsCellEmpty(searchRow, searchCol))
          IList candidates = grid.Possibilities(searchRow, searchCol);
          IList candidates2 = new ArrayList(candidates);
          if (candidates.Count > 1)
            for (int cand = 0; cand < candidates.Count; cand++)
              if (FindCandidateInBox(grid, searchRow, searchCol, (int)candidates[cand]))
            if (candidates.Count == 1)
              unsolvableCell = true;
          if (candidates2.Count == 1)
            grid.uniqueCandidates[searchRow, searchCol] = (int)candidates2[0];

      for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
          if (grid.uniqueCandidates[i, j] != 0)
      nodes = nodes + (uniquesCand / 2);
      return nodes;
Beispiel #10
    /// <summary>
    /// rate a grid
    /// returns it as int
    /// the lower the harder
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="grid">Grid</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static int Rate(Grid gridOrg)
      Grid grid = (Grid)gridOrg.Clone();
      int rate = 0;
      rateAll = 0;
      //			for(int trys = 0; trys<10;trys++)
      //			{
      //			grid = (Grid)gridOrg.Clone();
      //      		rate = 0;
      while (grid.CountFilledCells() < (grid.CellsInRow * grid.CellsInRow))
        int cand = FindUniqueCandidates(grid);

        rate += cand;
        if (cand > 0)
          int candidateIndex = random.Next(cand);
          int m = -1, i = 0, j = 0, candidateRow = 0, candidateCol = 0;

          for (i = 0; i < 9 && m < candidateIndex; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 9 && m < candidateIndex; j++)
              if (grid.uniqueCandidates[i, j] != 0)
                if (m == candidateIndex)
                  candidateRow = i;
                  candidateCol = j;
          grid.cells[candidateRow, candidateCol] = grid.uniqueCandidates[candidateRow, candidateCol];
          //rate = rate - ((grid.BlocksAcross * grid.BlocksAcross) - grid.CountFilledCells());
          //no more unique cells -> difficult grid
          rate = grid.CountFilledCells();
      //				rateAll += rate;
      //				MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Log.WriteFile(MediaPortal.GUI.Library.LogType.Log, "Soduko Rate end "+trys+" notes: {0}", rate);
      //			}
      return rate;
Beispiel #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Solve given sudoku grid and solutions upto maximum number specified
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="g"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IList Solve(Grid grid, int maxSolutions)
      ArrayList solutions = new ArrayList();
      // If grid is solved then return as solution
      if (grid.CountFilledCells() == (grid.CellsInRow * grid.CellsInRow))
        return solutions;

      // Solve singles

      // Choose unsolved cell
      int leastCandidatesRow = -1;
      int leastCandidatesColumn = -1;
      IList leastCandidates = null;

      for (int row = 0; row < grid.CellsInRow; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < grid.CellsInRow; column++)
          if (grid.cells[row, column] == 0)
            IList candidates = grid.Possibilities(row, column);

            // If cell has no possible value then grid is not solvable so quit now
            if (candidates.Count == 0)
              return solutions;
            else if (leastCandidates == null || leastCandidates.Count > candidates.Count)
              leastCandidatesRow = row;
              leastCandidatesColumn = column;
              leastCandidates = candidates;

      // For all candidates of unsolved cell
      if (leastCandidates != null)
        while (leastCandidates.Count > 0)
          // Set candidate
          int candidateIndex = random.Next(leastCandidates.Count);
          grid.cells[leastCandidatesRow, leastCandidatesColumn] = (int)leastCandidates[candidateIndex];

          Grid nextLevelGrid = (Grid)grid.Clone();

          IList nextLevelSolutions = Solve(nextLevelGrid, maxSolutions);


          // Trim number of solutions so we don't exceed maximum required
          if (solutions.Count > maxSolutions)
            solutions.RemoveRange(0, solutions.Count - maxSolutions);

          if (solutions.Count == maxSolutions)
            return solutions;
      return solutions;
Beispiel #12
    public void HiddenSingles(Grid grid)
      // First try rows
      for (int row = 0; row < grid.CellsInRow; row++)
        int[] hiddenSingles = new int[grid.CellsInRow];

        for (int value = 0; value < grid.CellsInRow; value++)
          hiddenSingles[value] = -1;

        // Now get possibilities for all cells
        for (int column = 0; column < grid.CellsInRow; column++)
          IList candidates = grid.Possibilities(row, column);
          foreach (int candidate in candidates)
            if (hiddenSingles[candidate - 1] == -1)
              hiddenSingles[candidate - 1] = column;
              hiddenSingles[candidate - 1] = grid.CellsInRow;

        for (int value = 0; value < grid.CellsInRow; value++)
          if (hiddenSingles[value] >= 0 && hiddenSingles[value] < grid.CellsInRow)
            // Got a hidden single
            grid.cells[row, hiddenSingles[value]] = value;
Beispiel #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Apply singles strategy to supplied grid as much as possible
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="grid"></param>
    public static void Singles(Grid grid)
      int row = 0;
      int column = 0;

      while (row < grid.CellsInRow)
        while (column < grid.CellsInRow)
          if (grid.cells[row, column] == 0)
            IList candidates = grid.Possibilities(row, column);

            if (candidates.Count == 1)
              grid.cells[row, column] = (int)candidates[0];

              // Restart search from top left
              row = 0;
              column = 0;

Beispiel #14
    public static Grid Generate(int blocksAcross)
      // First generate a random completed grid that is valid
      Grid empty = new Grid(blocksAcross);
      Grid solution = Solve(empty);
      Grid puzzle = (Grid)solution.Clone();
      return Minimize(puzzle);
            Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            IList removeCandidates = new ArrayList();
            for (int cellNumber = 1; cellNumber <= 81; cellNumber++)

            while (removeCandidates.Count > 0)
              int removeIndex = random.Next(removeCandidates.Count);
              int row = removeIndex / puzzle.CellsInRow;
              int column = removeIndex % puzzle.CellsInRow;

              if (puzzle.cells[row, column] != 0)
                int value = puzzle.cells[row, column];
                puzzle.cells[row, column] = 0;
                IList solutions = Solve((Grid)puzzle.Clone(), 2);
                if (solutions.Count == 2 || solutions.Count == 0)
                  puzzle.cells[row, column] = value;

            IList solns = Solve((Grid)puzzle.Clone(), 10);
            return puzzle;