Beispiel #1
 public MacroBlockLayer(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, SliceHeader header, SliceData data)
     _sliceType = header.SliceType;
       _sps = sps;
       _pps = pps;
       _header = header;
       _data = data;
       _mbTypeParser = _data.MBTypeParser;
       _cbp = _data.CBP;
       _mbQPD = _data.MBQPD;
Beispiel #2
 public MacroBlockLayer(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, SliceHeader header, SliceData data)
     _sliceType    = header.SliceType;
     _sps          = sps;
     _pps          = pps;
     _header       = header;
     _data         = data;
     _mbTypeParser = _data.MBTypeParser;
     _cbp          = _data.CBP;
     _mbQPD        = _data.MBQPD;
Beispiel #3
 public SliceData(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, SliceHeader header)
     _sps    = sps;
     _pps    = pps;
     _header = header;
     if (_pps.EntropyCodingModeFlag)
         MBTypeParser = new MBTypeCABACParser(_pps, header);
         CBP          = new CodedBlockPattern(_pps, _header);
         MBQPD        = new MBQPDelta(_pps, _header);
Beispiel #4
 public SliceData(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, SliceHeader header)
     _sps = sps;
       _pps = pps;
       _header = header;
       if (_pps.EntropyCodingModeFlag)
     MBTypeParser = new MBTypeCABACParser(_pps, header);
     CBP = new CodedBlockPattern(_pps, _header);
     MBQPD = new MBQPDelta(_pps, _header);
   public CodedSlicePartitionBorC(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps,
 byte idc, NALUnitType naluType, uint size)
       : base(sps, pps, (byte)0, NALUnitType.SlicePartitionA, size)
       _pps = pps;
Beispiel #6
 public CodedSlicePartitionA(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, byte idc, uint size)
     : base(sps, pps, idc, NALUnitType.SlicePartitionA, size)
   public CodedSliceWithoutPartition(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, 
 Byte idc, NALUnitType naluType, uint size)
       : base(sps, pps, idc, naluType, size)
Beispiel #8
 public CodedSliceIDR(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, uint size)
     : base(sps, pps, (byte)1, NALUnitType.IDRSlice, size)
 public CodedSliceNonIDR(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, byte idc, uint size)
     : base(sps, pps, idc, NALUnitType.NonIDRSlice, size)
 public SupplementatlEnhancementMessage(SequenceParameterSet sps, uint size)
     : this(size)
     _sps = sps;
Beispiel #11
 public H264Sample(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, int size)
     _sps       = sps;
     _pps       = pps;
     _totalSize = size;
Beispiel #12
            /// <summary>
            /// GetVideoParamsFromH264SPS
            /// This private method sets v, the video meta sample.
            /// It returns the total size of delimiter, sps, and pps NALUs.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="br"></param>
            /// <param name="sampleSize"></param>
            /// <param name="VSetAlready">if V is already set, remove sps and pps and move access unit delimiter</param>
            int GetVideoParamsFromH264SPS(BinaryReader br, int sampleSize, bool VSetAlready, out int countToZero)
                int totalSize = 0;
                countToZero = sampleSize;
                if (sampleSize < 60)
                  throw new Exception("Payload too small");
                mPayload = br.ReadBytes(sampleSize);
                BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(mPayload));
                while (countToZero > 4)
                  ulong naluLen = BE32(reader.ReadUInt32());
                  long nextPos = reader.BaseStream.Position + (long)naluLen;
                  uint typ = reader.ReadByte();
                  if ((naluLen > (ulong)countToZero) || (naluLen < 2))
                throw new Exception("Invalid QBox video payload");

                  // access unit delimiter (aud) always comes first and its size is not added to total size because
                  // it is be added back to the payload (see QBoxVideoTrack).
                  if ((typ & 0x1Fu) == 9u)
                if (v != null)
                  throw new Exception("QBoxSample: QBoxMetaV object already exists, and a second one cannot be constructed");
                v = new QBoxMetaV();
                if (naluLen != 2)
                  throw new Exception("Wrong nalu delimiter length");
                if (VSetAlready)
                  v.aud = new byte[naluLen];
                  v.aud[0] = (byte)typ;
                  v.aud[1] = reader.ReadByte();
                else if (v.aud != null)
                  throw new Exception("QBox.QBoxSample.GetVideoParamsFromH264SPS: v.aud should be null");

                  // if nalu type is Sequence Param Set, pick up width and height
                  // also, build private codec data from this SPS
                  // NOTE: it matters which video track this qbox belongs!
                  if ((typ & 0x1Fu) == 7u)
                v.sps = new byte[naluLen];
                v.sps[0] = (byte)typ;
                reader.Read(v.sps, 1, (int)naluLen - 1);
                totalSize += (int)(4 + naluLen);
                // parse the SPS bit stream, just to get the correct width and height of video.
                BitReader bitReader = new BitReader(new MemoryStream(v.sps));
                SequenceParameterSet sps = new SequenceParameterSet((uint)naluLen);
                v.width = (ulong)sps.Width;
                v.height = (ulong)sps.Height;
                  else if ((typ & 0x1Fu) == 8u)
                v.pps = new byte[naluLen];
                v.pps[0] = (byte)typ;
                reader.Read(v.pps, 1, (int)naluLen - 1);
                totalSize += (int)(4 + naluLen);

                  countToZero -= ((int)naluLen + 4);
                  reader.BaseStream.Position = nextPos;

                return totalSize;
Beispiel #13
 public CodedSliceBase(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, Byte idc, NALUnitType naluType, uint size)
     Nalu = new NetworkAbstractionLayerUnit(idc, naluType, size);
       Header = new SliceHeader(sps, pps, Nalu);
       Data = new SliceData(sps, pps, Header, Nalu);
Beispiel #14
 public SliceHeader(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, NetworkAbstractionLayerUnit nalu)
     _nalu = nalu;
       _sps = sps;
       _pps = pps;
Beispiel #15
 public SliceData(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, SliceHeader header, NetworkAbstractionLayerUnit nalu)
     : this(sps, pps, header)
     _nalu = nalu;
Beispiel #16
 public CodedSliceWithoutPartition(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps,
                                   Byte idc, NALUnitType naluType, uint size)
     : base(sps, pps, idc, naluType, size)
Beispiel #17
        void ParseThreadProc(object buffer)
            byte[]    sliceBytes = buffer as byte[];
            BitReader br         = new BitReader(new MemoryStream(sliceBytes));
            int       totalSize  = _totalSize;
            int       offset     = 0;
            int       state      = 0;

            while (totalSize > 4)
                int naluLen = (int)br.GetUIntFromNBits(32);
                if (naluLen > totalSize)
                    throw new Exception("H264 parsing: wrong byte count encountered");
                if (naluLen > 0)
                    byte        b        = br.PeekByte();
                    byte        refIDC   = (byte)(b >> 5);
                    NALUnitType naluType = (NALUnitType)(b & 0x1F);
                    switch (state)
                    case 0:
                        AccessUnitDelimiter aud = new AccessUnitDelimiter((uint)naluLen);
                        state = 1;

                    case 1:
                        // either SEI or SPS (if it's an SEI, don't change state)
                        if (naluType == NALUnitType.SupplementalEnhancementInfo)
                            SupplementatlEnhancementMessage sei = new SupplementatlEnhancementMessage(_sps, (uint)naluLen);
                        else if (naluType == NALUnitType.SequenceParamSet)
                            // replace _sps
                            _sps = new SequenceParameterSet((uint)naluLen);
                        else if (naluType == NALUnitType.PictureParamSet)
                            // replace _pps
                            _pps = new PictureParameterSet((uint)naluLen);
                        else if (naluType == NALUnitType.IDRSlice)
                            CodedSliceIDR idr = new CodedSliceIDR(_sps, _pps, (uint)naluLen);
                            SliceType = idr.Header.SliceType;
                            FrameNum  = idr.Header.FrameNum;
                            state     = 2; // next should be zero or more redundant coded pictures
                        else if (naluType == NALUnitType.NonIDRSlice)
                            CodedSliceNonIDR nonIdr = new CodedSliceNonIDR(_sps, _pps, GetIDC(refIDC), (uint)naluLen);
                            SliceType = nonIdr.Header.SliceType;
                            FrameNum  = nonIdr.Header.FrameNum;
                            state     = 2; // next should be zero or more redundant coded pictures
                        else if (naluType == NALUnitType.SlicePartitionA)
                            CodedSlicePartitionA partA = new CodedSlicePartitionA(_sps, _pps, GetIDC(refIDC), (uint)naluLen);
                            SliceType = partA.Header.SliceType;
                            FrameNum  = partA.Header.FrameNum;
                            state     = 2; // next should be zero or more redundant coded pictures
                        else if ((naluType == NALUnitType.SlicePartitionB) || (naluType == NALUnitType.SlicePartitionC))
                            CodedSlicePartitionBorC partBC = new CodedSlicePartitionBorC(_sps, _pps, GetIDC(refIDC), naluType, (uint)naluLen);
                            // FIXME: check that SliceType and FrameNum are set at this point
                            state = 2; // next should be zero or more redundant coded pictures

                    case 2:
                        // either coded picture or end of sequence

                    offset    += naluLen;
                    totalSize -= (naluLen + 4);
                    naluLen = 0; // debugging break point

            if (SampleDoneEvent != null)
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Look into a slice just to get width, height, and aspect ratio.
        /// NOTE: This is no longer used.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetScreenDimensions(IVideoTrack video)
            if ((video.PayloadType == VideoPayloadType.unknown) || (video.PayloadType == VideoPayloadType.jpeg) || (video.PayloadType == VideoPayloadType.mjpeg))

              // this will only work for H.264 video source

              IMediaTrackSliceEnumerator slices = (IMediaTrackSliceEnumerator)video.GetEnumerator();
              Slice slice = slices.Current; ;
              int countToZero = slice.SliceSize;
              ulong totalSize = 0UL;

              BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(slice.SliceBytes));
              while (countToZero > 4)
            ulong naluLen = BE32(reader.ReadUInt32());
            long nextPos = reader.BaseStream.Position + (long)naluLen;
            uint typ = reader.ReadByte();
            if ((naluLen > (ulong)countToZero) || (naluLen < 2))
              throw new Exception("Invalid video payload");

            // access unit delimiter (aud) always comes first and its size is not added to total size because
            // it is be added back to the payload.
            if ((typ & 0x1Fu) == 9u)
              if (naluLen != 2)
            throw new Exception("Wrong nalu delimiter length");
              reader.ReadByte(); // discard (we don't need it here)

            // if nalu type is Sequence Param Set, pick up width and height
            // also, build private codec data from this SPS
            // NOTE: it matters which video track this qbox belongs!
            if ((typ & 0x1Fu) == 7u)
              byte[] buf = new byte[naluLen];
              reader.Read(buf, 1, (int)naluLen - 1);
              totalSize += (4 + naluLen);
              // parse the SPS bit stream, just to get the correct width and height of video.
              BitReader bitReader = new BitReader(new MemoryStream(buf));
              SequenceParameterSet sps = new SequenceParameterSet((uint)naluLen);
              Width = (int)sps.Width;
              Height = (int)sps.Height;
              if (sps.VUIParametersPresent)
            AspectRatioX = sps.vuiParams.AspectRatioX;
            AspectRatioY = sps.vuiParams.AspectRatioY;

            countToZero -= ((int)naluLen + 4);
            reader.BaseStream.Position = nextPos;
Beispiel #19
 public SliceHeader(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, NetworkAbstractionLayerUnit nalu)
     _nalu = nalu;
     _sps  = sps;
     _pps  = pps;
Beispiel #20
 public SliceData(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, SliceHeader header, NetworkAbstractionLayerUnit nalu) : this(sps, pps, header)
     _nalu = nalu;
 public CodedSlicePartitionBorC(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps,
                                byte idc, NALUnitType naluType, uint size)
     : base(sps, pps, (byte)0, NALUnitType.SlicePartitionA, size)
     _pps = pps;
Beispiel #22
 public CodedSliceIDR(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, uint size)
     : base(sps, pps, (byte)1, NALUnitType.IDRSlice, size)
Beispiel #23
 public CodedSliceBase(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, Byte idc, NALUnitType naluType, uint size)
     Nalu   = new NetworkAbstractionLayerUnit(idc, naluType, size);
     Header = new SliceHeader(sps, pps, Nalu);
     Data   = new SliceData(sps, pps, Header, Nalu);
Beispiel #24
 public CodedSliceNonIDR(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, byte idc, uint size)
     : base(sps, pps, idc, NALUnitType.NonIDRSlice, size)
Beispiel #25
 public SupplementatlEnhancementMessage(SequenceParameterSet sps, uint size)
     : this(size)
     _sps = sps;
 public CodedSlicePartitionA(SequenceParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, byte idc, uint size)
     : base(sps, pps, idc, NALUnitType.SlicePartitionA, size)
 private SequenceParameterSet ParseSPS(byte[] data)
     SequenceParameterSet sps = new SequenceParameterSet((uint)data.Length);
     H264.BitReader reader = new H264.BitReader(new MemoryStream(data));
     return sps;