Beispiel #1
        internal Vector SolveInternal(Matrix A, Vector b, Vector c, StartingBasis B, Matrix AB, Vector bB)
            //Init simplex
            var m = A.RowCount;

            var ABi = AB.Inverse();
            //X is a starting vector
            var x = AB.LU().Solve(bB);

            while (true)
                //Compute lambda (cT*AB.inv())T
                var lambda = (c.ToRowMatrix()*ABi).Transpose().ToRowWiseArray();

                //check for optimality
                if (lambda.All(l => l >= 0)) return (Vector) x;

                //Find leaving index r (first index where component < 0)
                var r = lambda.Select((i, index) => new {i, index})
                              .Where((i, index) => i.i < 0)

                //compute direction to move int - take r-th column
                var d = ABi.Column(r)*(-1);

                //Determine the set K (all indexes of positive values of lambda)
                //all k that a(k).T*d>0, 1 <= i <=m
                var K = new List<int>();
                for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                    var val = A.Row(k)*d;

                    if (val > 0 && !val.FloatEquals(0))

                if (K.Count == 0)
                    throw new SimplexException("Problem is unbounded") {Iteration = iteration};

                //Find entering index e
                int e = 0;
                var v = double.MaxValue;
                foreach (var k in K)
                    var w = (b[k] - A.Row(k)*x)/(A.Row(k)*d);
                    if (!(w < v)) continue;
                    v = w;
                    e = k;

                //Update basis
                B.InequalityIndexes[r] = e;
                AB.SetRow(r, A.Row(e));
                bB[r] = b[e];

                //Trick - lets update inverse AB in a smart way - sinse there is only one new inequality we only need to
                //compute new inversed row (should drop complexity of whole algo to n*n)
                var f = AB.Row(r)*ABi;

                var g = -f;
                g[r] = 1;
                g /= f[r];

                g[r] -= 1;

                ABi = ABi.Add(ABi.Column(r).ToColumnMatrix()*g.ToRowMatrix());
                //Compute new x
                x = x + v*d;