Beispiel #1
        public void clearOldPartBoms(List <MasterStructure> masParts, ArasTools theToolConnection)
            // select the individual BOM Levels & revision levels. This will show us all of the assemblies
            var justTheAssemblies = masParts.Select(c => new { c.parentPart, c.parentRevision }).Distinct().ToList();;

            //List<Item> allBomItems = this.findItemsList("Part Bom");
            foreach (var masterStructureItem in justTheAssemblies)
                // grab each bom list in the items
                List <MasterStructure> partsInMasterAssy = masParts.FindAll(m => m.parentPart == masterStructureItem.parentPart && m.parentRevision == masterStructureItem.parentRevision);
                // Get the parent parts ARAS item and id so we can find its BOM elements
                Item arasParentPartItem = this.findItem("Part", masterStructureItem.parentPart, masterStructureItem.parentRevision.ToString());
                // get the BOM list for the assembly level
                Item bomItems = this.findBomItemsByParentItem(arasParentPartItem);
                for (int i = 0; i < bomItems.getItemCount(); i++)
                    Item   theBomItem = bomItems.getItemByIndex(i);
                    string arasChildAssemblyPartId = theBomItem.getProperty("related_id");
                    string quantity = theBomItem.getProperty("quantity");
                    //Console.WriteLine("ChildAssembly Part Related ID"+ arasChildAssemblyPartId);
                    Item childPart = this.findItemById(arasChildAssemblyPartId, "Part");
                    // lets get the child parts part number, quantity and revision number, then check if its in the parts in assy bit.
                    string partNumber = childPart.getProperty("item_number");
                    string revision   = childPart.getProperty("major_rev");

                    Console.WriteLine("Part Number:" + partNumber + " Major Revision:" + revision + " Bom Quantity:" + quantity);
                    List <MasterStructure> findPartInAssy = partsInMasterAssy.FindAll(n => n.partNumber == partNumber && n.revisionLevel.ToString() == revision && n.bomQuantity.ToString() == quantity);
                    if (findPartInAssy.Count() < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Item in ARAS BOM not exsistent in Master Structure Document");
                    else if (findPartInAssy.Count() > 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Multiple instances of part in BOM");
                        // do nothing
        /// <summary>
        /// reads a folder from the user and then loops through the directory recursively.
        /// Each xml file is ran through recursively.
        /// any xml node that has a type="Change Controlled Item" will have that item
        /// searched upon. What ever positive search match is returned, that item id is used to replace the
        /// item id in the xml file
        /// </summary>
        public void rFolderAffectedItemRelink()
            using (var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog())
                // lets make the aras tool for working on this
                ArasTools    theTool  = new ArasTools();
                CItemTools   itemTool = new CItemTools(theTool.theConnection);
                DialogResult result   = fbd.ShowDialog();
                string[]     files    = null;

                if (result == DialogResult.OK && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fbd.SelectedPath))
                    files = Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath, "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Files found: " + files.Length.ToString(), "Message");
                //string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles("C:\\", "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories); //new DirectoryInfo("c:\\users\\tom").GetFiles(" *.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                /*Parallel.ForEach(files, (theFile) =>
                 * {
                 *  XmlDocument readDoc = new XmlDocument();
                 *  readDoc.Load(theFile);
                 *  Console.WriteLine(theFile);
                 *  TraverseNodes(readDoc.ChildNodes, itemTool);
                 *  readDoc.Save(@theFile);
                 *  XmlNodeList list = readDoc.SelectNodes("//Item[@id='xxxx']");
                 *  foreach (XmlNode n in list)
                 *  {
                 *  }
                 * });*/
                foreach (string fileName in files)
                    XmlDocument readDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    TraverseNodes(readDoc.ChildNodes, itemTool);
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string userInput = "";

            //string rawAML = "<AML><Item type=\"File\" id=\"763E4E3C005E4D70B1D0763A1F75F38C\" action=\"add\"><checkedout_path /><file_type keyed_name=\"JPEG Image\" type=\"FileType\">992B142FCE6C4EF8B71417220CD7E92D</file_type><mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype><actual_filename>C:\\Users\\tom\\Pictures\\317A thumbmail.png</actual_filename><filename>317A thumbmail.png</filename><Relationships><Item type=\"Located\" id=\"71DE550313744E029E2C61CBA44134F8\" action=\"add\"><file_version>4</file_version><related_id keyed_name=\"Default\" type=\"Vault\">67BBB9204FE84A8981ED8313049BA06C</related_id><sort_order>128</sort_order><source_id keyed_name=\"1st Floor.Names and Title.jpg\" type=\"File\">763E4E3C005E4D70B1D0763A1F75F38C</source_id></Item></Relationships></Item></AML>";
            //ArasTools theTool = new ArasTools();
            //var results = theTool.theConnection.applyAML(rawAML);
            //if (results.getErrorString() != "")
            //    Console.WriteLine("Error String:" + results.getErrorString());

            while (userInput != "0")
                Console.WriteLine("1. to delete parts and BOMs. \n2:Clear Old BOM Items \n3. Open/Save Operation \n4. Test manager function \n5. relink parts in aras export \n6. Push PR's" +
                                  " to current revs \n7. BOM Import Tool\n 8. Update Part States \n 9. Clear PR's on part and string search \n 0. to exit");
                userInput = Console.ReadLine();
                if (userInput == "1")
                    ArasTools deleteTool = new ArasTools();
                    Console.WriteLine("Are you sure you want to delete all files? Y, N");
                    string confirm = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (confirm == "Y")
                        Console.WriteLine("delete aborted");

                else if (userInput == "2")
                    ArasTools       theArasTool = new ArasTools();
                    MasterStructure master      = new MasterStructure();
                    List <MasterStructure> theBoms   = master.ProcessedBom;
                    CItemTools             itemTools = new CItemTools(theArasTool.theConnection);
                    itemTools.clearOldPartBoms(theBoms, theArasTool);
                else if (userInput == "3")
                    ArasTools readSaveTool = new ArasTools();
                    Console.WriteLine("Open and save all files? Y, N");
                    string confirm = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (confirm == "Y" || confirm == "y")
                        Console.WriteLine("Name of the item types");
                        string itemType = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Re-Save aborted aborted");
                else if (userInput == "4")
                    ArasTools readSaveTool = new ArasTools();
                    Console.WriteLine("Test function? Y, N");
                    string confirm = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (confirm == "Y" || confirm == "y")
                        Console.WriteLine("Re-Save aborted aborted");
                // standard BOM import
                else if (userInput == "5")
                    ArasExportXmlTool xmlTool = new ArasExportXmlTool();
                else if (userInput == "6")
                    ArasTools arasTool = new ArasTools();

                else if (userInput == "7")
                    // 1. remove all of the BOMs
                    ArasTools       arasTools = new ArasTools();
                    MasterStructure master    = new MasterStructure();
                    List <MasterStructure> theBoms = master.ProcessedBom;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Deleting All BOMs & Parts");
                    arasTools.deleteAllItemTypes("Part BOM");
                    // 2. add any parts in the MAS bom output that aren't currently in the db
                    // 3. push all revisions up, based upon the MAS bom output
                    // 4. Recreate the BOM's based upon the BOM Mas output
                    // 5. reassociate all of the PR's w/ the most current BOMS
                    // 6. Re-Associate all of the serials w/ the most current revisions

                    Console.WriteLine("Adding parts in records that are non exsistent");
                    CItemTools itemTools = new CItemTools(arasTools.theConnection);
                    int        total     = theBoms.Count();
                    int        soFar     = 0;
                    Stopwatch  sw        = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    // creating a list with new StdBomStructures Items. There will be nore parent part in this object
                    // the purpose of this list is to hold part numbers and revisions that have already been added to the database
                    // this will allow us to avoid a lot of queries looking for parts during the run.
                    List <MasterStructure> trackingList = new List <MasterStructure>();
                    foreach (MasterStructure bomItem in theBoms)
                        MasterStructure currentPartTracker = new MasterStructure();
                        currentPartTracker.partNumber    = bomItem.partNumber;
                        currentPartTracker.revisionLevel = bomItem.revisionLevel;
                        // The "locator" array is basically a search to make sure that the component we are looking at hasn't already been
                        // added to the ARAS database. There is a lot of overlap in a BOM structure, so this saves some query time.
                        var locator       = trackingList.FindAll(m => m.partNumber == bomItem.partNumber && m.revisionLevel == bomItem.revisionLevel);
                        var parentLocator = trackingList.FindAll(m => m.partNumber == bomItem.parentPart && m.revisionLevel == bomItem.parentRevision);
                        // check and see if the part has been added to the list of things we have already entered
                        if (locator.Count() < 1 || parentLocator.Count() < 1)
                            Item addedPart = itemTools.addStandardPart(bomItem);
                            currentPartTracker.partArasItem = addedPart;
                            MasterStructure addParentToTracker = new MasterStructure();
                            addParentToTracker.partNumber    = bomItem.parentPart;
                            addParentToTracker.revisionLevel = bomItem.parentRevision;

                            Console.WriteLine("check " + soFar);
                            int remainder = soFar % 300;
                            if (remainder == 0)
                                double avgRunTime   = (sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / soFar);
                                double totalRunTime = total * avgRunTime;
                                //NonBlockingConsole.WriteLine("Start:"+ sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds/1000+" Total Count"+total+" Estimated Run Time:" + totalRunTime);
                                Console.WriteLine("Estimated Run Time:" + totalRunTime);

                    //Console.WriteLine("Continue w/ PR Push");
                    Console.WriteLine("Continue w/ BOM Push");
                    //var errorFile = new StreamWriter(@"errorLog.csv");
                    //using (errorFile)
                    //    var writer = new CsvWriter(errorFile);
                    Parallel.ForEach(theBoms, (bomItem) => { arasTools.addPartToBom(bomItem); });

                    /*  foreach (MasterStructure bomItem in theBoms)
                     * {
                     *    arasTools.addPartToBom(bomItem);
                     * }*/
                else if (userInput == "8")
                    MasterStructure    master           = new MasterStructure();
                    List <MoldsStatus> theStatusObjects = master.importMoldStatus();
                    ArasTools          theTool          = new ArasTools();
                else if (userInput == "9")
                    Console.WriteLine("P.s. your screwed if you don't lock all the PR's before doing this. ok?");
                    ArasTools theArasTool = new ArasTools();
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a section of part number for the affected item search. Hope you know what your doing. Careful....");
                    string partNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a string search to delete on. e.g. \'bubbles\'.  Hope you know what your doing. Careful....");
                    string  searchSTring = Console.ReadLine();
                    PrTools thePrTool    = new PrTools(theArasTool.theConnection);
                    thePrTool.clearPrWorkflow(partNumber, searchSTring);