Beispiel #1
        private bool Move(LocationCoordinate newLocationCoordinate)
            var newXCoordinate = currentLocationCoordinate.X + newLocationCoordinate.X;
            var newYCoordinate = currentLocationCoordinate.Y + newLocationCoordinate.Y;
            var newCoordinate  = new LocationCoordinate {
                X = newXCoordinate, Y = newYCoordinate

            if (newXCoordinate < grid.LowerLeftLocationCoordinate.X ||
                newXCoordinate > grid.UpperRightLocationCoordinate.X ||
                newYCoordinate < grid.LowerLeftLocationCoordinate.Y ||
                newYCoordinate > grid.UpperRightLocationCoordinate.Y)
                throw new IllegalMoveLocation($"{Name} cannot be moved to location: {newCoordinate} with defined grid: {grid} - aborting {Name}");

            if (grid.CheckForCollisions &&
                rovers.Where(r => r.Name != this.Name).Any(r => r.PositionWithDirection.LocationCoordinate.ToString() == newCoordinate.ToString()))
                throw new IllegalMoveLocationCoordinateAlreadyOccupied(
                          $"{Name} cannot be moved to location: {newCoordinate} as the move location already contains another Rover");

            currentLocationCoordinate = newCoordinate;
Beispiel #2
        public Grid(LocationCoordinate gridUpperRightLocationCoordinate, bool checkForCollisions = false)
            if (gridUpperRightLocationCoordinate == null ||
                gridUpperRightLocationCoordinate.X != gridUpperRightLocationCoordinate.Y ||
                gridUpperRightLocationCoordinate.X <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Grid X, Y upper right coordinates must be equal and greater than 0 - aborting");

            UpperRightLocationCoordinate = gridUpperRightLocationCoordinate;
            CheckForCollisions           = checkForCollisions;
Beispiel #3
        public Rover(LocationCoordinate startLocationCoordinate, CompassDirection compassStartDirection, IGrid grid)
            if (startLocationCoordinate == null ||
                startLocationCoordinate.X < 0 ||
                startLocationCoordinate.Y < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Rover X, Y start coordinates must be greater than or equal to 0 - aborting {Name}");

            this.grid = grid ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Rover grid argument cannot be null - aborting {Name}");
            Name      = $"Rover {Count + 1}";
            currentLocationCoordinate = startLocationCoordinate;
            currentCompassDirection   = compassStartDirection;
            PositionWithDirection     = new PositionWithDirection
                CompassDirection   = currentCompassDirection,
                LocationCoordinate = currentLocationCoordinate
