Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the encrypted part of the .mrb file into the Club
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadEncryptedSection()
             * One part of the .mrb file is encrypted, the other is not
             * The part that is not encrypted is login information
             * A user will try to login with their password
             * The double-hash of the password is used to check the hash is correct
             * If correct, login will retrieve the key the rest of the file is encrypted with
             * That key is stored by being xor'd with the single hash of the password
             * As long as the password is unknown and SHA-256 is preimage resistant, this should be secure
             * The rest of the file is encrypted in 256-bit AES
             * The key is retreived, and the rest of the file is decrypted
             * The file is loaded into Marimba as normally would be
             * If a user changes their password, the key xor'd with the single hash is redone
             * If an admin updates the key, everyone gets their key/hash thing updated
             * This can easily be done if the key is known since xor is linear
             * */

            using (Aes aesAlg = Aes.Create())
                aesAlg.Key = this.aesInfo.Key;
                aesAlg.IV = this.aesInfo.IV;

                // Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform.
                ICryptoTransform decryptor = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV);

                // Create the streams used for decryption.
                using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(cipherText))
                    using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(cryptoStream))
                            // read the membership list
                            iMember = Convert.ToInt16(reader.ReadLine());
                            for (int i = 0; i < iMember; i++)
                                members[i] = new Member(reader);
                            short numTerms = Convert.ToInt16(reader.ReadLine());
                            listTerms = new List<Term>(numTerms);
                            for (int i = 0; i < numTerms; i++)
                                Term nextTerm = new Term(reader);

                            // read the budget stuff
                            int iBudget = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                            this.budget = new List<BudgetItem>(iBudget + BudgetBuffer);
                            List<int> assetToDepIndices = new List<int>(iBudget);
                            for (int i = 0; i < iBudget; i++)
                                BudgetItem newItem = new BudgetItem();
                                newItem.value = Convert.ToDouble(reader.ReadLine());
                       = reader.ReadLine();
                                newItem.dateOccur = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt64(reader.ReadLine()));
                                newItem.dateAccount = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt64(reader.ReadLine()));
                       = reader.ReadLine();
                                newItem.type = (TransactionType)Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                                newItem.term = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                                newItem.comment = ClsStorage.ReverseCleanNewLine(reader.ReadLine());


                            int k = 0;
                            foreach (BudgetItem item in this.budget)
                                int assetToDepIndex = assetToDepIndices[k];
                                item.depOfAsset = (assetToDepIndex == -1) ? null : this.budget[assetToDepIndex];

                            int iHistory = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                            historyList = new List<HistoryItem>(iHistory + HistoryBuffer);
                            for (int i = 0; i < iHistory; i++)
                                HistoryItem nextItem = new HistoryItem(reader);

                            // read email
                            if (fileVersion >= 2)
                                emailAddress = reader.ReadLine();
                                imapServerAddress = reader.ReadLine();
                                this.bImap = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.ReadLine());
                                smptServerAddress = reader.ReadLine();
                                smtpRequiresSSL = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                                imapRequiresSSL = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.ReadLine());

                // remove cipherText from storage
                cipherText = null;

            this.clubEmail = new Email(emailAddress, Properties.Settings.Default.emailPassword, imapServerAddress, this.bImap, smptServerAddress, smtpRequiresSSL, imapRequiresSSL);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if asset has any value after depreciation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asset">the asset to check</param>
        /// <param name="beforeDate">Only include depreciation before this date</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true is the depreciation on the asset is at least the value of the asset</returns>
        public bool DetermineIsFullyDepreciated(BudgetItem asset, DateTime? beforeDate = null)
            if (beforeDate == null)
                beforeDate = DateTime.MaxValue;

            // don't even to guess if the asset being depreciated hasn't been marked
            if (!ClsStorage.currentClub.budget.Contains(asset))
                return false;

            // sum up all of the depreciation against this asset
            double amountDepreciated = 0;
            foreach (BudgetItem currentItem in this.budget)
                if (currentItem.type == TransactionType.Depreciation && currentItem.depOfAsset == asset && currentItem.dateOccur <= beforeDate)
                    amountDepreciated += currentItem.value;

            return amountDepreciated >= asset.value;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>Adds an item to the club's budget </summary>
        /// <param name="val">Value of item</param>
        /// <param name="strName">Description for this budget item</param>
        /// <param name="dtDateOccur">Date of event</param>
        /// <param name="dtDateAccount">Date as per account</param>
        /// <param name="strCategory">Category of item</param>
        /// <param name="type">Whether this item is a revenue/expense/etc.</param>
        /// <param name="termIndex">Index of relevant term</param>
        /// <param name="strComment">Any comments from the user</param>
        /// <param name="asset">Index of the asset</param>
        public void AddBudget(double val, string strName, DateTime dtDateOccur, DateTime dtDateAccount, string strCategory, TransactionType type, int termIndex, string strComment, BudgetItem asset = null)
            BudgetItem newItem = new BudgetItem();
            newItem.value = val;
   = strName;
            newItem.dateOccur = dtDateOccur;
            newItem.dateAccount = dtDateAccount;
   = strCategory;
            newItem.type = type;
            newItem.term = termIndex;
            newItem.comment = strComment;

            // if depreciation
            if (type == TransactionType.Depreciation)
                newItem.depOfAsset = asset;

Beispiel #4
        public double CalculateValueAfterDepreciation(BudgetItem asset)
            double dDep = 0;

            // sum up all of the depreciation against this asset
            foreach (BudgetItem itemIterator in this.budget)
                if (itemIterator.type == TransactionType.Depreciation && itemIterator.depOfAsset == asset)
                    dDep += itemIterator.value;
            return asset.value - dDep;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads edits made to .mrb file in Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">Location of .xlsx file</param>
        /// <param name="newLocation">Location of the new .mrb file</param>
        /// <param name="currentClub">Current club</param>
        /// <returns>Club with edits</returns>
        public static Club loadFromExcel(string location, string newLocation, Club currentClub)
            // open the Excel file
            var workbook = new XLWorkbook(location);
            var worksheet = workbook.Worksheet("General");
            double version = Convert.ToDouble(worksheet.Cell(1, 2).Value);

            // check to see if this file is designed to work with this version
            if (version >= 2)
                Club output = ClsStorage.currentClub.CloneClub(newLocation);
                output.fileVersion = version;
                output.strName = (string)worksheet.Cell(2, 2).Value;
                int iUser = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(3, 2).Value);
                output.strUsers = new List<string[]>(iUser);
                output.emailAddress = (string)worksheet.Cell(4, 2).Value;
                output.imapServerAddress = (string)worksheet.Cell(5, 2).Value;
                output.bImap = (Boolean)worksheet.Cell(6, 2).Value;
                output.smptServerAddress = (string)worksheet.Cell(7, 2).Value;
                output.smtpRequiresSSL = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(8, 2).Value);
                output.imapRequiresSSL = (Boolean)worksheet.Cell(9, 2).Value;

                // load Users
                for (int i = 0; i < iUser; i++)
                    string[] newUser = new string[4];
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        newUser[j] = (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 10, j + 1).Value;


                // Members tab
                // load sheet and data
                worksheet = workbook.Worksheet("Members");
                output.iMember = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(1, 2).Value);

                // load Members
                bool[] tempMultipleInstruments = new bool[Enum.GetValues(typeof(Member.Instrument)).Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < output.iMember; i++)
                    // if the member does not play multiple instruments
                    if (!(bool)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 12).Value)
                        output.members[i] = new Member(
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 1).Value,
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 2).Value,
                            (Member.MemberType)Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 3).Value),
                            Convert.ToUInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 4).Value),
                            Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 5).Value),
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 6).Value,
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 7).Value,
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 8).Value,
                            Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 9).Value),
                            DateTime.ParseExact((string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 10).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                            Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 11).Value));
                        // the member plays multiple instruments
                        // create their array of instruments they play first
                        for (int j = 0; j < Enum.GetValues(typeof(Member.Instrument)).Length; j++)
                            tempMultipleInstruments[j] = Convert.ToBoolean(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 13 + j).Value);
                        output.members[i] = new Member(
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 1).Value,
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 2).Value,
                            (Member.MemberType)Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 3).Value),
                            Convert.ToUInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 4).Value),
                            Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 5).Value),
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 6).Value,
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 7).Value,
                            (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 8).Value,
                            Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 9).Value),
                            DateTime.ParseExact((string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 10).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                            Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 11).Value),

                // Terms tab
                worksheet = workbook.Worksheet("Terms");

                int row = 2;
                short numTerms = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(1, 2).Value);
                output.listTerms = new List<Term>(numTerms);
                for (int i = 0; i < numTerms; i++)
                    Term termToAdd = new Term();
                    termToAdd.strName = (string)worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value;
                    termToAdd.numMembers = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value);
                    termToAdd.termIndex = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value);
                    for (int j = 0; j < termToAdd.numMembers; j++)
                        termToAdd.members[j] = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(row, j + 2).Value);
                    termToAdd.startDate = (worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value is DateTime) ?
                        (DateTime)worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value :
                        DateTime.ParseExact((string)worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    termToAdd.endDate = (worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value is DateTime) ?
                        (DateTime)worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value :
                        DateTime.ParseExact((string)worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    termToAdd.numRehearsals = Convert.ToInt16(worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value);
                    row += 2;

                    // load rehearsal dates
                    termToAdd.rehearsalDates = new DateTime[termToAdd.numRehearsals];
                    for (int j = 0; j < termToAdd.numRehearsals; j++)
                        termToAdd.rehearsalDates[j] = (worksheet.Cell(row, j + 2).Value is DateTime) ?
                            (DateTime)worksheet.Cell(row, j + 2).Value :
                            DateTime.ParseExact((string)worksheet.Cell(row, j + 2).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // load attendance
                    termToAdd.attendance = new bool[120, termToAdd.numRehearsals];
                    for (int j = 0; j < termToAdd.numMembers; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < termToAdd.numRehearsals; k++)
                            termToAdd.attendance[j, k] = (bool)worksheet.Cell(row, k + 2).Value;

                    // load fees
                    termToAdd.numOtherFees = Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value);

                    // membership fee
                    termToAdd.membershipFees = (double)worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 2).Value;

                    // other fees
                    termToAdd.otherFeesNames = new string[termToAdd.numOtherFees];
                    termToAdd.otherFeesAmounts = new double[termToAdd.numOtherFees];
                    for (int j = 0; j < termToAdd.numOtherFees; j++)
                        termToAdd.otherFeesNames[j] = (string)worksheet.Cell(row, 4 + j * 2).Value;
                        termToAdd.otherFeesAmounts[j] = (double)worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 4 + j * 2).Value;

                    row += 2;

                    // load who has paid
                    termToAdd.feesPaid = new double[120, termToAdd.numOtherFees + 1];
                    termToAdd.feesPaidDate = new DateTime[120, termToAdd.numOtherFees + 1];
                    for (int j = 0; j < termToAdd.numMembers; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < termToAdd.numOtherFees + 1; k++)
                            termToAdd.feesPaid[j, k] = (double)worksheet.Cell(row, 2 + k * 2).Value;
                            if (termToAdd.feesPaid[j, k] != 0)
                                termToAdd.feesPaidDate[j, k] = (worksheet.Cell(row, 3 + k * 2).Value is DateTime) ?
                                    (DateTime)worksheet.Cell(row, 3 + k * 2).Value :
                                    DateTime.ParseExact((string)worksheet.Cell(row, 3 + k * 2).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);



                // Budget tab

                // load sheet and data
                worksheet = workbook.Worksheet("Budget");

                int iBudget = Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(1, 2).Value);
                output.budget = new List<BudgetItem>(iBudget);
                List<int> indicesOfDepreciators = new List<int>(iBudget);
                List<int> indicesOfDepreciatedAssets = new List<int>(iBudget);

                for (int i = 0; i < iBudget; i++)
                    BudgetItem newItem = new BudgetItem();
                    newItem.value = (double)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 2).Value;
           = (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 1).Value;
                    newItem.dateOccur = (worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 3).Value is DateTime) ?
                        (DateTime)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 3).Value :
                        DateTime.ParseExact((string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 3).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    newItem.dateAccount = (worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 4).Value is DateTime) ?
                        (DateTime)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 4).Value :
                        DateTime.ParseExact((string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 4).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
           = (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 5).Value;
                    newItem.type = (TransactionType)Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 6).Value);
                    newItem.term = Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 7).Value);
                    newItem.comment = (string)worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 8).Value;
                    newItem.depOfAsset = null;

                    // if depreciation
                    if (output.budget[i].type == TransactionType.Depreciation)
                        indicesOfDepreciatedAssets.Add(Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cell(i + 3, 9).Value));

                for (int i = 0; i < indicesOfDepreciators.Count; i++)
                    int index = indicesOfDepreciators[i];
                    BudgetItem depreciatedAsset = output.budget[indicesOfDepreciatedAssets[i]];
                    output.budget[index].depOfAsset = depreciatedAsset;

                // copy the history from the current club file
                output.historyList = new List<HistoryItem>(currentClub.historyList.Count);
                foreach (HistoryItem item in currentClub.historyList)

                return output;
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The .xlsx file loaded is not designed to work with this version of Marimba.", "Failed to load changes");
                return null;