private void DrawFeatures(MapArgs e, IEnumerable<int> indices)
            Graphics g;
            if (e.Device != null)
                g = e.Device; // A device on the MapArgs is optional, but overrides the normal buffering behaviors.
                g = Graphics.FromImage(_backBuffer);
            // Only draw features that are currently visible.
            Extent drawExtents = new Extent(e.PixelToProj(_drawingBounds));
            double minX = e.MinX;
            double maxY = e.MaxY;
            double dx = e.Dx;
            double dy = e.Dy;

                FastDrawnState[] states = DrawnStates;
                for (int selectState = 0; selectState < 2; selectState++)
                    foreach (ILineCategory category in Symbology.Categories)
                        // Define the symbology based on the category and selection state
                        ILineSymbolizer ls = category.Symbolizer;
                        if (selectState == SELECTED) ls = category.SelectionSymbolizer;
                        if (ls.Smoothing)
                            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;

                        // Determine the subset of the specified features that are visible and match the category
                        ILineCategory lineCategory = category;
                        int i = selectState;
                        Func<FastDrawnState, bool> isMember = state =>
                            state.Category == lineCategory &&
                            state.Selected == (i == 1) &&
                            state.Visible == true;

                        var drawnFeatures = from feature in indices
                                            where isMember(states[feature])
                                            select feature;

                        GraphicsPath graphPath = new GraphicsPath();
                        foreach (int shp in drawnFeatures)
                            ShapeRange shape = DataSet.ShapeIndices[shp];
                            if (drawExtents.Contains(shape.Extent))
                                // This optimization only works if we are zoomed out far enough
                                // that the whole linestring fits in the short integer
                                // drawing window.  Otherwise, we need to crop the line.
                                FastBuildLine(graphPath, DataSet.Vertex, shape, minX, maxY, dx, dy);
                                for (int iPart = 0; iPart < shape.Parts.Count; iPart++)
                                    IBasicGeometry geom = DataSet.GetFeature(shp).GetBasicGeometryN(iPart);
                                    if (drawExtents.Contains(shape.Extent) == false)
                                        geom = e.GeographicExtents.Intersection(geom);
                                    // Cropped geometries can be either linestrings or multi-linestrings
                                    IBasicLineString bls = geom as IBasicLineString;
                                    if (bls != null)
                                        // the result is definitely in the linestring category
                                        BuildLineString(graphPath, bls, minX, maxY, dx, dy);
                                        IMultiLineString intersect = geom as MultiLineString;
                                        if (intersect == null) continue;
                                        for (int iLine = 0; iLine < intersect.NumGeometries; iLine++)
                                            BuildLineString(graphPath, intersect.GetBasicGeometryN(iLine) as IBasicLineString, minX, maxY, dx, dy);
                        double scale = 1;
                        if (ls.ScaleMode == ScaleModes.Geographic)
                            scale = e.ImageRectangle.Width / e.GeographicExtents.Width;

                        foreach (IStroke stroke in ls.Strokes)

                            stroke.DrawPath(g, graphPath, scale);


                // Selection state is disabled
                // Category is only the very first category
                ILineCategory category = Symbology.Categories[0];
                ILineSymbolizer ls = category.Symbolizer;
                if (ls.Smoothing)
                    g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                    g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;

                // Determine the subset of the specified features that are visible and match the category
                ILineCategory lineCategory = category;
                GraphicsPath graphPath = new GraphicsPath();
                foreach (int shp in indices)
                    ShapeRange shape = DataSet.ShapeIndices[shp];
                    if (drawExtents.Contains(shape.Extent))
                        // This optimization only works if we are zoomed out far enough
                        // that the whole linestring fits in the short integer
                        // drawing window.  Otherwise, we need to crop the line.
                        FastBuildLine(graphPath, DataSet.Vertex, shape, minX, maxY, dx, dy);
                        for (int iPart = 0; iPart < shape.Parts.Count; iPart++)
                            IBasicGeometry geom = DataSet.GetFeature(shp).GetBasicGeometryN(iPart);
                            if (drawExtents.Contains(shape.Extent) == false)
                                geom = e.GeographicExtents.Intersection(geom);
                            // Cropped geometries can be either linestrings or multi-linestrings
                            IBasicLineString bls = geom as IBasicLineString;
                            if (bls != null)
                                // the result is definitely in the linestring category
                                BuildLineString(graphPath, bls, minX, maxY, dx, dy);
                                IMultiLineString intersect = geom as MultiLineString;
                                if (intersect == null) continue;
                                for (int iLine = 0; iLine < intersect.NumGeometries; iLine++)
                                    BuildLineString(graphPath, intersect.GetBasicGeometryN(iLine) as IBasicLineString, minX, maxY, dx, dy);
                double scale = 1;
                if (ls.ScaleMode == ScaleModes.Geographic)
                    scale = e.ImageRectangle.Width / e.GeographicExtents.Width;

                foreach (IStroke stroke in ls.Strokes)

                    stroke.DrawPath(g, graphPath, scale);


            if (e.Device == null) g.Dispose();
 private void BuildPaths(MapArgs e, IEnumerable<int> indices, out List<GraphicsPath> paths)
     paths = new List<GraphicsPath>();     
     Extent drawExtents = new Extent(e.PixelToProj(_drawingBounds));
     Dictionary<FastDrawnState, GraphicsPath> borders = new Dictionary<FastDrawnState, GraphicsPath>();
     for (int selectState = 0; selectState < 2; selectState++)
         foreach (IPolygonCategory category in Symbology.Categories)
             FastDrawnState state = new FastDrawnState(selectState == 1, category);
             GraphicsPath border = new GraphicsPath();
             borders.Add(state, border);
     List<ShapeRange> shapes = DataSet.ShapeIndices;
     double[] vertices = DataSet.Vertex;
         FastDrawnState state = new FastDrawnState(false, Symbology.Categories[0]);
         foreach (int shp in indices)
             ShapeRange shape = shapes[shp];
             if (!shape.Extent.Intersects(e.GeographicExtents)) continue;
             if(shp >= shapes.Count) continue;
             if (!borders.ContainsKey(state)) continue;
             if (drawExtents.Contains(shape.Extent))
                 BuildPolygon(vertices, shapes[shp], borders[state], e, false);
                 BuildPolygon(vertices, shapes[shp], borders[state], e, true);
         FastDrawnState[] states = DrawnStates;
         foreach (int shp in indices)
             if (shp >= shapes.Count) continue;
             if (shp >= states.Length)
                 states = DrawnStates;
             if (states[shp].Visible == false) continue;
             ShapeRange shape = shapes[shp];
             if (!shape.Extent.Intersects(e.GeographicExtents)) continue;
             if (drawExtents.Contains(shape.Extent))
                 FastDrawnState state = states[shp];
                 if (!borders.ContainsKey(state)) continue;
                 BuildPolygon(vertices, shapes[shp], borders[state], e, false);
                 FastDrawnState state = states[shp];
                 if (!borders.ContainsKey(state)) continue;
                 BuildPolygon(vertices, shapes[shp], borders[state], e, true);