Beispiel #1
        //public static virtual void Process (Chunk chunk)

        public void DrawHeader(IMapMagic mapMagic, GeneratorsAsset gens, bool debug = false)
            //drawing header background
            layout.Icon("MapMagic_Window_Header", new Rect(layout.field.x, layout.field.y, layout.field.width, 16));

            //drawing eye icon
            layout.Par(14); layout.Inset(2);
            Rect eyeRect = layout.Inset(18);
            GeneratorMenuAttribute attribute = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(GetType(), typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)) as GeneratorMenuAttribute;

            if (attribute != null && attribute.disengageable)
                layout.Toggle(ref enabled, rect: eyeRect, onIcon: "MapMagic_GeneratorEnabled", offIcon: "MapMagic_GeneratorDisabled");
                layout.Icon("MapMagic_GeneratorAlwaysOn", eyeRect,,;

            //drawing label
            string genName = "";

            if (mapMagic != null && debug)
                int num = -1;
                for (int n = 0; n < gens.list.Length; n++)
                    if (gens.list[n] == this)
                        num = n;
                genName += num + ". ";
            genName += attribute == null? "Unknown" :;

            if (mapMagic != null && debug && !mapMagic.IsGeneratorReady(this))
                genName += "*";

            Rect labelRect = layout.Inset(layout.field.width - 18 - 22); labelRect.height = 25; labelRect.y -= (1f - layout.zoom) * 6 + 2;

            layout.Label(genName, labelRect, fontStyle: FontStyle.Bold, fontSize: 19 - layout.zoom * 8);

            //drawing help link
            Rect helpRect = layout.Inset(22);

            if (attribute != null && attribute.helpLink != null && attribute.helpLink.Length != 0)
                layout.Label("", helpRect, url: attribute.helpLink, icon: "MapMagic_Help");
                //if (layout.Button("", helpRect, icon:"MapMagic_Help")) Application.OpenURL(attribute.helpLink);
                //UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect (layout.ToDisplay(helpRect), UnityEditor.MouseCursor.Link);

Beispiel #2
			bool CouldBeUpdated (Generator gen)
				if (gen == null) return false;
				System.Type type = gen.GetType();
				GeneratorMenuAttribute attribute = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)) as GeneratorMenuAttribute;

				if ( == "Legacy") return true;
				else return false;
Beispiel #3
		public void DrawPopup ()
			//if (MapMagic.instance.guiGens == null) MapMagic.instance.guiGens = MapMagic.instance.gens;
			//GeneratorsAsset gens = MapMagic.instance.guiGens;
			//if (MapMagic.instance.guiGens != null) gens = MapMagic.instance.guiGens;
			Vector2 mousePos = gens.layout.ToInternal(Event.current.mousePosition);
			//finding something that was clicked
			Generator clickedGenerator = null;
			Group clickedGroup = null;
			Generator.Output clickedOutput = null;

			for (int i=0; i<gens.list.Length; i++) 
				Generator gen = gens.list[i];
				if (gen.guiRect.Contains(mousePos))
					if (!(gen is Group)) clickedGenerator = gens.list[i];
					else clickedGroup = gens.list[i] as Group;
				foreach (Generator.Output output in gens.list[i].Outputs())
					if (output.guiRect.Contains(mousePos)) clickedOutput = output; 
			if (clickedGenerator == null) clickedGenerator = clickedGroup;
			Dictionary<string, PopupMenu.MenuItem> itemsDict = new Dictionary<string, PopupMenu.MenuItem>();
			foreach (System.Type type in typeof(Generator).Subtypes())
				if (System.Attribute.IsDefined(type, typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)))
					GeneratorMenuAttribute attribute = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)) as GeneratorMenuAttribute;
					System.Type genType = type;

					if (attribute.disabled) continue;

					PopupMenu.MenuItem item = new PopupMenu.MenuItem(, delegate () { CreateGenerator(genType, mousePos); });
					item.priority = attribute.priority;

					if ( != 0)
						if (!itemsDict.ContainsKey( itemsDict.Add(, new PopupMenu.MenuItem(, subs:new PopupMenu.MenuItem[0]));
						ArrayTools.Add(ref itemsDict[].subItems, createElement:() => item);
					else itemsDict.Add(, item);

			itemsDict["Map"].priority = 1;
			itemsDict["Objects"].priority = 2;
			itemsDict["Output"].priority = 3;
			itemsDict["Portal"].priority = 4;
			itemsDict["Group"].priority = 5;
			itemsDict["Biome"].priority = 6;
			itemsDict["Legacy"].priority = 7;

			PopupMenu.MenuItem[] createItems = new PopupMenu.MenuItem[itemsDict.Count];
			itemsDict.Values.CopyTo(createItems, 0);

			//create group
			//PopupMenu.MenuItem createGroupItem = new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Group",  delegate () { CreateGroup(mousePos); });
			//Extensions.ArrayAdd(ref createItems, createItems.Length-1, createGroupItem);

			//additional name
			/*string additionalName = "All";
			if (clickedGenerator != null) 
				additionalName = "Generator";
				if (clickedGenerator is Group) additionalName = "Group";

			PopupMenu.MenuItem[] previewSubs = new PopupMenu.MenuItem[]
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("On Terrain", delegate() {PreviewOutput(clickedGenerator, clickedOutput, false);}, disabled:clickedOutput==null||clickedGenerator==null, priority:0), 
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("In Window", delegate() {PreviewOutput(clickedGenerator, clickedOutput, true);}, disabled:clickedOutput==null||clickedGenerator==null, priority:1),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Clear", delegate() {PreviewOutput(null, null, false);}, priority:2 )//, disabled:MapMagic.instance.previewOutput==null)

			PopupMenu.MenuItem[] popupItems = new PopupMenu.MenuItem[]
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Create", createItems, priority:0),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Export",	delegate () { ExportGenerator(clickedGenerator, mousePos); }, priority:10),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Import",	delegate () { ImportGenerator(mousePos); }, priority:20),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Duplicate",	delegate () { DuplicateGenerator(clickedGenerator); }, priority:30),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Update",	delegate () { UpdateGenerator(clickedGenerator); }, disabled:clickedGenerator==null || !CouldBeUpdated(clickedGenerator), priority:40),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Remove",	delegate () { if (clickedGenerator!=null) DeleteGenerator(clickedGenerator); },	disabled:clickedGenerator==null, priority:50),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Reset",		delegate () { if (clickedGenerator!=null) ResetGenerator(clickedGenerator); },	disabled:clickedGenerator==null, priority:60), 
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Preview", previewSubs, priority:70)

			if (onDrawPopup != null)
				popupItems = onDrawPopup(popupItems, mousePos, gens, clickedGenerator, clickedGroup, clickedOutput);

			PopupMenu.DrawPopup(popupItems, Event.current.mousePosition, closeAllOther:true);
Beispiel #4
			void UpdateGenerator (Generator gen)
				if (!updateWarningShowed) 
					if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "Updating generator can break your graph. Make a backup before continue", "Go on, I've made a backup", "Cancel"))
						updateWarningShowed = true;
					else return;
				Undo.RecordObject (gens, "MapMagic Update Generator"); 
				gens.setDirty = !gens.setDirty;

				//Generator[] copyGens = gens.SmartDuplicateGenerators(gen);

				System.Type type = gen.GetType();
				GeneratorMenuAttribute attribute = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)) as GeneratorMenuAttribute;

				//finding type to replace
				System.Type newType = null;
				if (attribute.updateType != null) newType = attribute.updateType;
					string name =;
					name = name.Split(new string[] {" (Legacy"}, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[0];

					//iterating types starting from current version
					for (int v=MapMagic.version; v>=0; v--)
						//newType = System.Type.GetType("MapMagic." + name + "Generator" + v.ToString()); //does not work
						newType = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("Assembly-CSharp").GetType("MapMagic." + name + "Generator" + v.ToString());
						if (newType != null) break;

					if (newType == null)
					for (int v=MapMagic.version; v>=0; v--)
						newType = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("Assembly-CSharp").GetType("MapMagic." + name + v.ToString()); //for generators that have no "Generator" in name
						if (newType != null) break;
				if (newType == null) { Debug.Log("Could not find a proper type to update"); return; }
				Generator newGen = System.Activator.CreateInstance(newType) as Generator;


				//changing links
				for (int g=0; g<gens.list.Length; g++)
					foreach (Generator.Input input in gens.list[g].Inputs())
						if (input != null && input.linkGen == gen) input.linkGen = newGen;

				//replacing in array
				int numInArray = ArrayTools.Find(gens.list, gen);
				gens.list[numInArray] = newGen;

				if (mapMagic != null)
					mapMagic.ClearResults(gen); //copyGens

Beispiel #5
        public void OnGUIBase()
            //drawing background
            layout.Element("MapMagic_Window", layout.field, new RectOffset(34, 34, 34, 34), new RectOffset(33, 33, 33, 33));

            //resetting layout
            layout.field.height = 0;
            layout.field.width  = 160;
            layout.cursor       = new Rect();
            layout.change       = false;
            layout.margin       = 1; layout.rightMargin = 1;
            layout.fieldSize    = 0.4f;

            //drawing window header
            if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebug)
            layout.Icon("MapMagic_Window_Header", new Rect(layout.field.x, layout.field.y, layout.field.width, 16));

            //drawing eye icon
            layout.Par(14); layout.Inset(2);
            Rect eyeRect = layout.Inset(18);
            GeneratorMenuAttribute attribute = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(GetType(), typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)) as GeneratorMenuAttribute;

            if (attribute != null && attribute.disengageable)
                layout.Toggle(ref enabled, rect: eyeRect, onIcon: "MapMagic_GeneratorEnabled", offIcon: "MapMagic_GeneratorDisabled");
                layout.Icon("MapMagic_GeneratorAlwaysOn", eyeRect,,;

            if (layout.lastChange && !enabled && this is IOutput)             //hack to refresh on output disable
//				MapMagic.instance.ForceGenerate();

                foreach (Generator sameOut in MapMagic.instance.gens.OutputGenerators(onlyEnabled:false, checkBiomes:true))
                    if (sameOut.GetType() == this.GetType())
                        foreach (Chunk chunk in MapMagic.instance.terrains.Objects())
                            chunk.ready.CheckRemove(sameOut);                                                                                   //MapMagic.instance.gens.ChangeGenerator(sameOut);
                //MapMagic.instance.Generate(); //re-generate starts itself because generator changed

            //drawing label
            string genName = attribute == null? "Unknown" :;

            if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebug)
                bool generated = true;
                foreach (Chunk tw in MapMagic.instance.terrains.Objects())
                    if (!tw.ready.Contains(this))
                        generated = false;
                if (!generated)
                    genName += "*";

            Rect labelRect = layout.Inset(); labelRect.height = 25; labelRect.y -= (1f - layout.zoom) * 6 + 2;
            layout.Label(genName, labelRect, fontStyle: FontStyle.Bold, fontSize: 19 - layout.zoom * 8);


            if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebug)

            //gen params
            if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebug)
                UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Gen Params");
            if (!MapMagic.instance.guiDebug)
                try { OnGUI(); }
                catch (System.Exception e)
                { if (e is System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException || e is System.NullReferenceException)
                      Debug.LogError("Error drawing generator " + GetType() + "\n" + e);
            if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebug)

            //drawing debug generate time
            if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebug)
                Rect   timerRect = new Rect(layout.field.x, layout.field.y + layout.field.height, 200, 20);
                string timeLabel = "g:" + guiDebugTime + "ms ";
                if (this is IOutput)
                    if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebugProcessTimes.ContainsKey(this.GetType()))
                        timeLabel += " p:" + MapMagic.instance.guiDebugProcessTimes[this.GetType()] + "ms ";
                    if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebugApplyTimes.ContainsKey(this.GetType()))
                        timeLabel += " a:" + MapMagic.instance.guiDebugApplyTimes[this.GetType()] + "ms ";
                layout.Label(timeLabel, timerRect);
                //EditorGUI.LabelField(gen.layout.ToLocal(timerRect), gen.timer.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");
Beispiel #6
        public void OnGUIBase()
            //drawing background
            layout.Element("MapMagic_Window", layout.field, new RectOffset(34, 34, 34, 34), new RectOffset(33, 33, 33, 33));

            //resetting layout
            layout.field.height = 0;
            layout.field.width  = 160;
            layout.cursor       = new Rect();
            layout.change       = false;
            layout.margin       = 1; layout.rightMargin = 1;
            layout.fieldSize    = 0.4f;

            //drawing window header
            layout.Icon("MapMagic_Window_Header", new Rect(layout.field.x, layout.field.y, layout.field.width, 16));

            //drawing eye icon
            //if (layout.zoom > 0.5f)
            layout.Par(14); layout.Inset(2);
            Rect eyeRect = layout.Inset(18);
            GeneratorMenuAttribute attribute = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(GetType(), typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)) as GeneratorMenuAttribute;

            if (attribute != null && attribute.disengageable)
                layout.Toggle(ref enabled, rect: eyeRect, onIcon: "MapMagic_GeneratorEnabled", offIcon: "MapMagic_GeneratorDisabled");
                layout.Icon("MapMagic_GeneratorAlwaysOn", eyeRect,,;

            //drawing label
            string genName = attribute == null? "Unknown" :;

            bool generated = true;

            foreach (MapMagic.Chunk tw in MapMagic.instance.terrains.Objects())
                if (!tw.ready.Contains(this))
                    generated = false;
            if (!generated)
                genName += "*";

            Rect labelRect = layout.Inset(); labelRect.height = 25; labelRect.y -= (1f - layout.zoom) * 6 + 2;

            layout.Label(genName, labelRect, fontStyle: FontStyle.Bold, fontSize: 19 - layout.zoom * 8);


            //gen params
            if (!MapMagic.instance.guiDebug)
                try { OnGUI(); }
                catch (System.Exception e)
                { if (e is System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException || e is System.NullReferenceException)
                      Debug.LogError("Error drawing generator " + GetType() + "\n" + e);

            //drawing debug generate time
            if (MapMagic.instance.guiDebug && timer != null)
                Rect timerRect = new Rect(layout.field.x, layout.field.y + layout.field.height, 200, 20);
                layout.Label(timer.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms", timerRect);
                //EditorGUI.LabelField(gen.layout.ToLocal(timerRect), gen.timer.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");
Beispiel #7
		public void DrawPopup ()
			Vector2 mousePos = layout.ToInternal(Event.current.mousePosition);
			//finding something that was clicked
			Generator clickedGenerator = null;
			for (int i=0; i<MapMagic.instance.gens.list.Length; i++) 
				Generator gen = MapMagic.instance.gens.list[i];
				if (gen.guiRect.Contains(mousePos) && !(gen is Group)) clickedGenerator = MapMagic.instance.gens.list[i];

			Group clickedGroup = null;
			for (int i=0; i<MapMagic.instance.gens.list.Length; i++) 
				Generator gen = MapMagic.instance.gens.list[i];
				if (gen.guiRect.Contains(mousePos) && gen is Group) clickedGroup = MapMagic.instance.gens.list[i] as Group;

			if (clickedGenerator == null) clickedGenerator = clickedGroup;
			Generator.Output clickedOutput = null;
			for (int i=0; i<MapMagic.instance.gens.list.Length; i++) 
				foreach (Generator.Output output in MapMagic.instance.gens.list[i].Outputs())
					if (output.guiRect.Contains(mousePos)) clickedOutput = output;

			Dictionary<string, PopupMenu.MenuItem> itemsDict = new Dictionary<string, PopupMenu.MenuItem>();
			List<System.Type> allGeneratorTypes = typeof(Generator).GetAllChildTypes();
			for (int i=0; i<allGeneratorTypes.Count; i++)
				if (System.Attribute.IsDefined(allGeneratorTypes[i], typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)))
					GeneratorMenuAttribute attribute = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(allGeneratorTypes[i], typeof(GeneratorMenuAttribute)) as GeneratorMenuAttribute;
					System.Type genType = allGeneratorTypes[i];

					if (attribute.disabled) continue;

					PopupMenu.MenuItem item = new PopupMenu.MenuItem(, delegate () { CreateGenerator(genType, mousePos); });
					item.priority = attribute.priority;

					if ( != 0)
						if (!itemsDict.ContainsKey( itemsDict.Add(, new PopupMenu.MenuItem(, subs:new PopupMenu.MenuItem[0]));
						ArrayTools.Add(ref itemsDict[].subItems, item);
					else itemsDict.Add(, item);
			PopupMenu.MenuItem[] createItems = new PopupMenu.MenuItem[itemsDict.Count];
			itemsDict.Values.CopyTo(createItems, 0);

			//create group
			//PopupMenu.MenuItem createGroupItem = new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Group",  delegate () { CreateGroup(mousePos); });
			//Extensions.ArrayAdd(ref createItems, createItems.Length-1, createGroupItem);

			//additional name
			string additionalName = "All";
			if (clickedGenerator != null) 
				additionalName = "Generator";
				if (clickedGenerator is Group) additionalName = "Group";

			PopupMenu.MenuItem[] previewSubs = new PopupMenu.MenuItem[]
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("On Terrain", delegate() {PreviewOutput(clickedGenerator, clickedOutput, false);}, disabled:clickedOutput==null||clickedGenerator==null), 
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("In Window", delegate() {PreviewOutput(clickedGenerator, clickedOutput, true);}, disabled:clickedOutput==null||clickedGenerator==null),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Clear", delegate() {PreviewOutput(null, null, false);}, disabled:MapMagic.instance.gens.GetGenerator<PreviewOutput>()==null)

			PopupMenu.MenuItem[] popupItems = new PopupMenu.MenuItem[]
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Create", createItems),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Save " + additionalName,	delegate () { SaveGenerator(clickedGenerator, mousePos); }),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Load",						delegate () { LoadGenerator(mousePos); }),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Duplicate",					delegate () { DuplicateGenerator(clickedGenerator); }),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Remove",	delegate () { if (clickedGenerator!=null) DeleteGenerator(clickedGenerator); },	disabled:(clickedGenerator==null)),
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Reset",						delegate () { if (clickedGenerator!=null) ResetGenerator(clickedGenerator); },	disabled:clickedGenerator==null), 
				new PopupMenu.MenuItem("Preview", previewSubs)

			PopupMenu.DrawPopup(popupItems, Event.current.mousePosition, closeAllOther:true);