Beispiel #1
        // Save the state
        public override void SaveState()
            string mapAlias = ParamsDictionary[ActiveMapAliasKey] as string;
            Map    map      = GetMapObj(mapAlias);

            if (map == null)

            //ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(map.Layers, "Layers");
            ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Selections.DefaultSelection, GetKey("Selection"));

            // Needs this because StateManger doens't have proper function to save them.
            // Need to serialize the temp table first since the temp layer is based on it.
            if (StateManager.IsManualState())
                MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer fLyr = (MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer)map.Layers[Constants.TempLayerAlias];
                MapInfo.Data.Table           tbl  = (fLyr != null) ? fLyr.Table : null;
                if (fLyr != null)
                    ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(tbl, "tempTable");
                    ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(fLyr, "tempLayer");
Beispiel #2
        private void FillDropDown(string tableName, string colName)
            MapInfo.Mapping.Map map = null;

            // Get the map
            if (MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory.Count == 0 ||
                (map = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory[MapControl1.MapAlias]) == null)

            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer fl = (MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer)map.Layers[tableName];
            MapInfo.Data.Table           t  = fl.Table;
            MIDataReader tr;
            MIConnection con = new MIConnection();
            MICommand    tc  = con.CreateCommand();

            tc.CommandText = "select " + colName + " from " + t.Alias;
            tr = tc.ExecuteReader();
            while (tr.Read())
        // Save the state
        public override void SaveState()
            string mapAlias = this.ParamsDictionary[AppStateManager.ActiveMapAliasKey] as String;

            MapInfo.Mapping.Map map = GetMapObj(mapAlias);

            if (map != null)
                ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Selections.DefaultSelection, StateManager.GetKey("Selection"));


                // Needs this because StateManger doens't have proper function to save them.
                if (StateManager.IsManualState())
                    // this TempLayer should be always there, otherwise there is a chance to get other customer's TempLayer.
                    MapInfo.Mapping.IMapLayer lyr = map.Layers[SampleConstants.TempLayerAlias];
                    if (lyr != null)
                        MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer fLyr = lyr as MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer;
                        // Need to serialize the temp table first since the temp layer is based on it.
                        ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(fLyr.Table, "tempTable");
                        ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(fLyr, "tempLayer");
Beispiel #4
        private void FindCity()
            Find find = null;

                MapInfo.Mapping.Map map = null;

                // Get the map
                if (MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory.Count == 0 ||
                    (map = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory[MapControl1.MapAlias]) == null)

                // Do the find
                MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer findLayer = (MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer)map.Layers[_findLayerName];
                find = new Find(findLayer.Table, findLayer.Table.TableInfo.Columns[_findColumnName]);
                FindResult result = find.Search(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text);
                if (result.ExactMatch)
                    // Create a Feature (point) for the location we found
                    CoordSys        csys = findLayer.CoordSys;
                    FeatureGeometry g    = new MapInfo.Geometry.Point(csys, result.FoundPoint.X, result.FoundPoint.Y);
                    Feature         f    = new Feature(g, new MapInfo.Styles.SimpleVectorPointStyle(52, System.Drawing.Color.DarkGreen, 32));

                    // Delete the existing find object and add the new one
                    MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer workingLayer = (MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer)map.Layers[_workingLayerName];
                    if (workingLayer != null)
                        (workingLayer.Table as ITableFeatureCollection).Clear();

                    // Set the map's center and zooom
                    map.Center = new DPoint(result.FoundPoint.X, result.FoundPoint.Y);
                    MapInfo.Geometry.Distance d = new MapInfo.Geometry.Distance(1000, map.Zoom.Unit);
                    map.Zoom = d;
                    this.Label3.Text = ("Cannot find the country");
            catch (Exception)
                if (find != null)
Beispiel #5
        // Creates a simple theme using the default values
        private void SimpleTheme(Map map)
            // Get table from the feature layer
            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer mexicoLayer = map.Layers["mexico"] as MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer;
            MapInfo.Data.Table           mexicoTable = mexicoLayer.Table;
            // Create the theme
            GraduatedSymbolTheme theme = new GraduatedSymbolTheme(mexicoTable, "Pop_90");
            // Create the theme layer
            ObjectThemeLayer themeLayer = new ObjectThemeLayer("Population1990", "Population1990", theme);

            // Add theme layer to the map
Beispiel #6
        private bool InitWorkingLayer()
            MapInfo.Mapping.Map map = null;

            // Get the map
            if (MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory.Count == 0 ||
                (map = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory[MapControl1.MapAlias]) == null)

            // Make sure the Find layer's MemTable exists
            MapInfo.Data.Table table = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog.GetTable(_workingLayerName);
            if (table == null)
                TableInfoMemTable ti = new TableInfoMemTable(_workingLayerName);
                ti.Temporary = true;
                // Add the Geometry column
                Column col = new MapInfo.Data.GeometryColumn(map.GetDisplayCoordSys());
                col.Alias    = "obj";
                col.DataType = MIDbType.FeatureGeometry;
                // Add the Style column
                col          = new MapInfo.Data.Column();
                col.Alias    = "MI_Style";
                col.DataType = MIDbType.Style;
                table = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog.CreateTable(ti);
            if (table == null)

            // Make sure the Find layer exists
            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer layer = (MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer)map.Layers[_workingLayerName];
            if (layer == null)
                layer = new MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer(table, _workingLayerName, _workingLayerName);
                map.Layers.Insert(0, layer);
            if (layer == null)

            // Delete the find object.  There should only be one object in this table.
            (layer.Table as ITableFeatureCollection).Clear();

Beispiel #7
        // Creates a theme with a non-default symbol
        private void CustomPositiveSymbolTheme(Map map)
            // Get table from the feature layer
            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer mexicoLayer = map.Layers["mexico"] as MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer;
            MapInfo.Data.Table           mexicoTable = mexicoLayer.Table;
            // Create the theme
            GraduatedSymbolTheme theme = new GraduatedSymbolTheme(mexicoTable, "Pop_90");

            // Replace the default symbol of the theme
            theme.PositiveSymbol = new MapInfo.Styles.SimpleVectorPointStyle(35, Color.Blue, 36);
            // Create the theme layer
            ObjectThemeLayer themeLayer = new ObjectThemeLayer("Population1990", "Population1990", theme);

            // Add theme layer to the map
Beispiel #8
        // Creates a theme with a custom DataValueAtSize property
        private void DataValueAtSizeTheme(Map map)
            // Get table from the feature layer
            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer mexicoLayer = map.Layers["mexico"] as MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer;
            MapInfo.Data.Table           mexicoTable = mexicoLayer.Table;
            // Create the theme
            GraduatedSymbolTheme theme = new GraduatedSymbolTheme(mexicoTable, "Pop_90");

            // Decreasing DataValueAtSize value will increase the size of the symbols.
            theme.DataValueAtSize /= 4;
            // Create the theme layer
            ObjectThemeLayer themeLayer = new ObjectThemeLayer("Population1990", "Population1990", theme);

            // Add theme layer to the map
Beispiel #9
        // Creates a theme whose symbol sizes are graduated logarithmically
        private void GraduateByLogTheme(Map map)
            // Get table from the feature layer
            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer mexicoLayer = map.Layers["mexico"] as MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer;
            MapInfo.Data.Table           mexicoTable = mexicoLayer.Table;
            // Create the theme
            GraduatedSymbolTheme theme = new GraduatedSymbolTheme(mexicoTable, "Pop_90");

            // Graduate the size logarithmically
            theme.GraduateSizeBy = GraduateSizeBy.Log;
            // Create the theme layer
            ObjectThemeLayer themeLayer = new ObjectThemeLayer("Population1990", "Population1990", theme);

            // Add theme layer to the map
Beispiel #10
        // Save the state
        public override void SaveState()
            string mapAlias = this.ParamsDictionary[AppStateManager.ActiveMapAliasKey] as String;

            MapInfo.Mapping.Map myMap = GetMapObj(mapAlias);

            if (myMap == null)

            // Note: for performance reasons, only save the map's center and zoom.

            // Get the workingLayerName saved in WebForm1.aspx page_load.
            string workingLayerName = this.ParamsDictionary["WorkingLayerName"] as String;

            // Save the map's Working table and layer
            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer workingLayer = (MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer)myMap.Layers[workingLayerName];
            MapInfo.Data.Table           workingTable = workingLayer != null ? workingLayer.Table : null;
            ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(workingTable, "WorkingTable");
            ManualSerializer.SaveMapXtremeObjectIntoHttpSession(workingLayer, "WorkingLayer");
Beispiel #11
        // Creates a theme that shows symbols for negative values.
        // Also uses the NumericNull property to hide the symbol of
        // the greatest theme value.
        private void NegativeValueTheme(Map map)
            // Get table from the feature layer
            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer mexicoLayer = map.Layers["mexico"] as MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer;
            MapInfo.Data.Table           mexicoTable = mexicoLayer.Table;
            // Add a temporary column to the mexico table,
            // calulating the difference between Pop_90 and Pop_80
            MapInfo.Data.Columns tempColumns = new MapInfo.Data.Columns();
            tempColumns.Add(new MapInfo.Data.Column("CarsMinusTrucks", "(Cars_91-Trucks_91)"));
            // Create the theme
            GraduatedSymbolTheme theme = new GraduatedSymbolTheme(mexicoTable, "CarsMinusTrucks");

            // Show Negative symbols
            theme.ShowNegativeSymbol = true;
            // Setup symbols
            theme.PositiveSymbol = new MapInfo.Styles.SimpleVectorPointStyle(35, Color.Blue, 18);
            theme.NegativeSymbol = new MapInfo.Styles.SimpleVectorPointStyle(35, Color.Red, 36);
            // Get the larget value in the theme column
            MapInfo.Data.MIDataReader reader = mexicoTable.ExecuteReader("MAX(CarsMinusTrucks)");
            double maxValue = reader.GetDouble(0);

            // Setup the numeric null value to exclude the largest value
            theme.NumericNull    = maxValue;
            theme.HasNumericNull = true;
            // These end up being small values, so use the DataValueAtSize
            // property to increase the size of the symbols
            theme.DataValueAtSize = 50000;
            // Create the theme layer
            ObjectThemeLayer themeLayer = new ObjectThemeLayer("CarOrTruck", "CarOrTruck", theme);

            // Add theme layer to the map
        private bool InitWorkingLayer()
            MapInfo.Mapping.Map map = null;

            // Get the map
            if (MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory.Count == 0 ||
                (map = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.MapFactory[MapControl1.MapAlias]) == null)
                return false;

            // Make sure the Find layer's MemTable exists
            MapInfo.Data.Table table = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog.GetTable(_workingLayerName);
            if (table == null)
                TableInfoMemTable ti = new TableInfoMemTable(_workingLayerName);
                ti.Temporary = true;
                // Add the Geometry column
                Column col = new MapInfo.Data.GeometryColumn(map.GetDisplayCoordSys());
                col.Alias = "obj";
                col.DataType = MIDbType.FeatureGeometry;
                // Add the Style column
                col = new MapInfo.Data.Column();
                col.Alias = "MI_Style";
                col.DataType = MIDbType.Style;
                table = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog.CreateTable(ti);
            if (table == null) return false;

            // Make sure the Find layer exists
            MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer layer = (MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer)map.Layers[_workingLayerName];
            if (layer == null)
                layer = new MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer(table, _workingLayerName, _workingLayerName);
                map.Layers.Insert(0, layer);
            if (layer == null) return false;

            // Delete the find object.  There should only be one object in this table.
            (layer.Table as ITableFeatureCollection).Clear();

            return true;