Beispiel #1
        public void Grow(StarGenerator starGenerator)
            //set length + size
            length = RandomHelper.GetRandomInt(1, 14);
            size   = RandomHelper.GetRandomInt(2, 5);

            Star firstNebula = fieldsToCheck.First();

            //create a line of nebulas (later a curve)
            var angle = RandomHelper.GetRandomFloat(0, 1) * Math.PI * 2;

            var x = (int)(Math.Cos(angle) * length);
            var y = (int)(Math.Sin(angle) * length);

            line(starGenerator, firstNebula.X, firstNebula.Y, firstNebula.X + x, firstNebula.Y + y, firstNebula.StarNebulaType);
            // x can be negative or positive

             * for (int xstart = (x < 0 ? x : 0); xstart < (x < 0 ? 0 : x) ; xstart++)
             * {
             *  for (int ystart = (y < 0 ? y : 0); ystart < (y < 0 ? 0 : y); ystart++)
             *  {
             *      if (xstart == 0 && ystart == 0) continue;
             *      fieldsToCheck.Add(starGenerator.MakeNebula(firstNebula.X + xstart, firstNebula.Y + ystart, firstNebula.StarNebulaType));
             *  }
             * }

             * if (x != 0 || y != 0)
             *  fieldsToCheck.Add(starGenerator.MakeNebula(firstNebula.X + x, firstNebula.Y + y, firstNebula.StarNebulaType));
             * x = (int)(Math.Cos(angle) * length / 2);
             * y = (int)(Math.Sin(angle) * length / 2);
             * if (x != 0 || y != 0)
             *  fieldsToCheck.Add(starGenerator.MakeNebula(firstNebula.X + x, firstNebula.Y + y, firstNebula.StarNebulaType));

            for (var i = 1; i < length; i++)
                //fieldsToCheck.Add(starGenerator.MakeNebula(firstNebula.X + i, firstNebula.Y + 0, firstNebula.StarNebulaType));

            foreach (var z in fieldsToCheck)
                //create filled circle around the current nebula
                for (y = -size; y <= size; y++)
                    for (x = -size; x <= size; x++)
                        if (x * x + y * y <= size * size * 0.8f)
                            //setpixel(origin.x + x, origin.y + y);
                            if (!StarExists(z.X + x, z.Y + y))
                                fieldsAfterGrow.Add(starGenerator.MakeNebula(z.X + x, z.Y + y, z.StarNebulaType));

            //fieldsAfterGrow.ForEach(e => e.NebulaPercentage = fieldsAfterGrow.Count(n => n.X >= e.X - 1 && n.X <= e.X + 1 && n.Y >= e.Y - 1 && n.Y <= e.Y + 1));

            //remove some of the outermost nebula fields - but never the ones that were created as starting line/curve of the nebula
            //count all neighbours of each field - also counts the field itself
            fieldsAfterGrow.ForEach(e => e.neighbourCount = fieldsAfterGrow.Count(n => n.X >= e.X - 1 && n.X <= e.X + 1 && n.Y >= e.Y - 1 && n.Y <= e.Y + 1));
            fieldsAfterGrow.RemoveAll(e => e.neighbourCount != 8 && e.neighbourCount != 9 && e.neighbourCount < RandomHelper.GetRandomInt(0, 12));

            fieldsAfterGrow.ForEach(e => fields.Add(e));