Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to find the spawn at the specified MAP coordinate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The X MAP coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="y">The Y MAP coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="threshhold">Search tolerance</param>
        /// <returns>The closest spawn to the specified map coordinates, or null if there are no spawns within the search tolerance.</returns>
        public GameSpawn FindSpawn(float x, float y, float threshhold)
            float     closestDistance = -1;
            GameSpawn closestSpawn    = null;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, GameSpawn> pair in Spawns)
                if (!pair.Value.Hidden || m_data.Engine.ShowHiddenSpawns)
                    //calculate the distance between where the mouse cursor is and the center of the spawn
                    float distance = CalcDistance(pair.Value, x, y);

                    //if this is currently the closest then cache the spawn
                    if (closestDistance < 0 || distance < closestDistance)
                        closestDistance = distance;
                        closestSpawn    = pair.Value;

            //if closest spawn is within the requested threshold then return it
            if (closestDistance > 0 && closestDistance < threshhold)
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>Clears all spawn information</summary>
 public void Clear()
     Target      = null;
     Player      = null;
     Selected    = null;
     Highlighted = null;
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>Adds the spawn to the collection.</summary>
 public void Add(GameSpawn spawn)
     if (!Spawns.ContainsKey(spawn.ID))
         Spawns.Add(spawn.ID, spawn);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>Clears all spawn information</summary>
 public void Clear()
     Target = null;
     Player = null;
     Selected = null;
     Highlighted = null;
Beispiel #5
 protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
     if (e.X == panMouseOrigin.X && e.Y == panMouseOrigin.Y)
         //selected clicked spawn, or deselect if nothing clicked
         GameSpawn spawn = MapEngine.FindSpawn(e.X, e.Y);
         if (spawn != MapEngine.Game.Selected)
             MapEngine.Game.Selected = spawn;
     panMode = false;
Beispiel #6
 protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
     if (panMode)
         MapEngine.ViewLocation = new PointF(
             (float)(panViewOrigin.X - (float)(panMouseOrigin.X - e.X)),
             (float)(panViewOrigin.Y - (float)(panMouseOrigin.Y - e.Y))
         //highlight the hovered spawn
         GameSpawn spawn = MapEngine.FindSpawn(e.X, e.Y);
         if (spawn != MapEngine.Game.Highlighted)
             MapEngine.Game.Highlighted = spawn;
Beispiel #7
 public void ShowContextMenu(GameSpawn context, Point location) {
    m_contextspawn = context;
    MapMenu.Show(this, location);
        //renders an individual spawn to the buffer
        private void DrawSpawn(Graphics g, GameSpawn spawn)
            //cache certain applicability checks
            bool STH = spawn == m_game.Target || spawn == m_game.Highlighted || spawn == m_game.Selected;
            bool STHAH = STH || spawn.Alert || spawn.Hunt;
            bool STHP = STH;

            if ((m_showSpawns || STHAH) && (!spawn.Hidden || m_showHiddenSpawn))
                //calc the screen coords. result is rounded to help deal with anti-aliasing issues.
                float x = (float)Math.Round(CalcClientCoordX(spawn.Location.X));
                float y = (float)Math.Round(CalcClientCoordY(spawn.Location.Y));
                float ox, oy;
                float size = 0;
                float radius = 0;

                //calculate the size to render the spawn
                if (spawn.Icon != null)
                    size = Math.Max(spawn.Icon.Width, spawn.Icon.Height);
                    switch (spawn.Type)
                        case SpawnType.Player:
                            size = m_playerSize;
                        case SpawnType.NPC:
                            size = m_NPCSize;
                        case SpawnType.MOB:
                            size = m_MOBSize;
                            size = 4.0f;

                    if (STH)
                        size += m_spawnSelectSize;
                    if (spawn.RaidMember || spawn.GroupMember)
                        size += m_spawnMemberSize;
                    if (spawn.Alert)
                        size += m_alertSize;
                    if (spawn.Hunt)
                        size += m_huntSize;
                radius = size / 2;

                if (spawn.Icon != null)
                    //since an icon is set, draw it instead of a standard shape
                    g.DrawImage(spawn.Icon, x - radius, y - radius);
                    if (STHP)
                        g.DrawRectangle(pSelected, x - radius - 1, y - radius - 1, size + 1, size + 1); //prevent fuzzy edges in hq mode
                    //draw the spawn shape based on its type
                    switch (spawn.Type)
                        case SpawnType.Player:
                            //draw the player box. if the current target draw an outline around it.
                            if (!m_usePlayerColor)
                                pCachePlayer.Color = spawn.FillColor;
                                bPlayer = pCachePlayer.Brush;
                            g.FillRectangle(bPlayer, x - radius, y - radius, size, size);

                            //alter the border to reflect various player states
                            if (STHP)
                                pCacheSpawnBorder.Color = pSelected.Color;
                            else if (spawn.GroupMember)
                                pCacheSpawnBorder.Color = m_GroupMemColor;
                            else if (spawn.RaidMember)
                                pCacheSpawnBorder.Color = m_RaidMemColor;
                                pCacheSpawnBorder.Color = pCachePlayer.Color; //prevent fuzzy edges

                            g.DrawRectangle(pCacheSpawnBorder, x - radius, y - radius, size, size);
                        case SpawnType.NPC:
                            g.FillEllipse(bNPC, x - radius, y - radius, size, size);
                            if (STH)
                                g.DrawEllipse(pSelected, x - radius, y - radius, size, size); //prevent fuzzy edges in hq mode
                            if (m_drawAlertRanges && spawn.Alert)
                                g.DrawEllipse(pAlertRing, x - (size + m_alertSize) / 2, y - (size + m_alertSize) / 2, (size + m_alertSize), (size + m_alertSize));
                        case SpawnType.MOB:
                            g.FillEllipse(bMOB, x - radius, y - radius, size, size);
                            if (STH)
                                g.DrawEllipse(pSelected, x - radius, y - radius, size, size); //prevent fuzzy edges in hq mode
                            if (m_drawAlertRanges && spawn.Alert)
                                g.DrawEllipse(pAlertRing, x - (size + m_alertSize) / 2, y - (size + m_alertSize) / 2, (size + m_alertSize), (size + m_alertSize));

                //draw heading line if required
                if ((m_drawHeadings || STHAH) && spawn.Type != SpawnType.Hidden)
                    oy = (float)(Math.Sin(spawn.Heading) * size);
                    ox = (float)(Math.Cos(spawn.Heading) * size);
                    g.DrawLine(pHeading, x, y, x + ox, y + oy);

                //Should the quick info be displayed?
                bool showInfo = STHAH || spawn.DEBUG != "";
                if (!showInfo)
                    showInfo = showInfo || (m_infoAllPlayers && spawn.Type == SpawnType.Player);
                    showInfo = showInfo || (m_infoAllNPCs && spawn.Type == SpawnType.NPC);
                    showInfo = showInfo || (m_infoAllEnemies && spawn.Type == SpawnType.MOB);

                //If so then build the template and write it out
                if (showInfo)
                    Font fInfoText;
                    Brush bInfoText;

                    switch (spawn.Type)
                        case SpawnType.Player:
                            fInfoText = m_playerTextFont;
                            bInfoText = bTextPlayer;
                        case SpawnType.NPC:
                            fInfoText = m_NPCTextFont;
                            bInfoText = bTextNPC;
                        case SpawnType.MOB:
                            fInfoText = m_MOBTextFont;
                            bInfoText = bTextMOB;
                            fInfoText = SystemFonts.DefaultFont;
                            bInfoText = bSelected;

                    if (STH)
                        bInfoText = bSelected;

                    //build the output string using the custom template
                    string output = m_infoTemplate;
                    //output = rxInfoName.Replace(output, spawn.Name);
                    if (spawn.Replacement)
                        output = rxInfoName.Replace(output, spawn.RepName);
                        output = rxInfoName.Replace(output, spawn.Name);
                        output = rxInfoHpp.Replace(output, spawn.HealthPercent.ToString());
                        output = rxInfoDistance.Replace(output, spawn.Distance.ToString("0.##"));
                        output = rxNewLine.Replace(output, "\n");
                        output = rxInfoID.Replace(output, spawn.ID.ToString("X")); /// IHM EDIT

                    //if debugging and a debug string is set on the spawn, then append it to the info text regardless of the template
            #if DEBUG
                    if (spawn.DEBUG != "")
                        output += (output == "" ? "" : "\n") + spawn.DEBUG;

                    //measure the string and draw it on to the buffer
                    if (output != "")
                        SizeF infoSize = g.MeasureString(output, fInfoText);
                        ox = x + radius + 3;
                        oy = y - (infoSize.Height / 2);

                        if (STHAH && m_drawTextOutline)
                            DrawOutlineString(g, output, fInfoText, bSelectedOutline, ox, oy, 4);
                        g.DrawString(output, fInfoText, bInfoText, ox, oy);
        //renders the special player graphic to the buffer
        //  this spawn represents YOU the user which displays heading information and drawn in a manner different from the other spawns
        private void DrawPlayer(Graphics g, GameSpawn spawn)
            float ox = CalcClientCoordX(spawn.Location.X);
            float oy = CalcClientCoordY(spawn.Location.Y);
            float x, y;

            float size = (m_playerSize + m_spawnSelectSize);
            float arrowSize = size * 0.7f;
            float arrowHeadSize = arrowSize * 0.8f;

            //draw bounding circle
            if (m_drawYOUFill)
                g.FillEllipse(bYOUFill, ox - size, oy - size, size * 2, size * 2);
                g.DrawEllipse(pYOU, ox - size, oy - size, size * 2, size * 2);

            //draw arrow shaft
            y = (float)(Math.Sin(spawn.Heading) * arrowSize);
            x = (float)(Math.Cos(spawn.Heading) * arrowSize);
            g.DrawLine(pYOU, ox - x, oy - y, ox + x, oy + y);

            //draw the arrow head
            DrawArrowHead(g, pYOU, ox + x, oy + y, spawn.Heading, 10f, arrowHeadSize);
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>Calculate the distance between two spawns</summary>
 public float CalcDistance(GameSpawn source, GameSpawn dest)
     return(CalcDistance(source.Location.X, source.Location.Y, dest.Location.X, dest.Location.Y));
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>Determine if ANY hunt applies to the specified spawn.</summary>
 public bool isHunt(GameSpawn spawn) {
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MapHunt> pair in m_hunts) {
       if (pair.Value.isMatch(spawn))
          return true;
    return false;
 /// <summary>Calculate the distance between a spawn and an arbitrary set of MAP coordinates.</summary>
 public float CalcDistance(GameSpawn source, float x, float y)
     return CalcDistance(source.Location.X, source.Location.Y, x, y);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>Determines if the spawn matches this hunt.</summary>
 public bool isMatch(GameSpawn spawn)
     /// IHM EDIT
     //if (spawn.Type == SpawnType.MOB || spawn.Type == SpawnType.Hidden)
         //If regex is A-F see if it matches only the ID. Does anyone hunt a mob by name with only one letter?!
         if (ToString() == "A" || ToString() == "B" || ToString() == "C" || ToString() == "D" ||
         ToString() == "E" || ToString() == "F")
             return m_regex.IsMatch(spawn.ID.ToString("X"));
         //if not search both the name or the ID (if it is an hex number it will never match the name and the other way around)
             return m_regex.IsMatch(spawn.Name) || m_regex.IsMatch(spawn.ID.ToString("X"));
         //If not a MOB or hidden spawn don't search based on A-F
         if (ToString() == "A" || ToString() == "B" || ToString() == "C" || ToString() == "D" ||
         ToString() == "E" || ToString() == "F")
             return false;
         //search players and NPCs based on name
             return m_regex.IsMatch(spawn.Name);*/
     //return m_regex.IsMatch(spawn.Name);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>Determine if ANY hunt applies to the specified spawn.</summary>
 public bool isReplacement(GameSpawn spawn)
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MapReplacement> pair in m_replacements)
         if (pair.Value.isMatch(spawn))
             spawn.RepName = pair.Value.ReplacedName;
             return true;
     spawn.RepName = "";
     return false;
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>Bind the spawn to the hunt collection. Additive only.</summary>
 public void Bind(GameSpawn spawn)
     spawn.Replacement = isReplacement(spawn);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the target spawn by its ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ID">The ID of the spawn</param>
        /// <param name="batch">If true, the map will not automatically update</param>
        public void setTarget(uint ID, bool batch)
            if (Target != null && Target.ID == ID)

            if (ID == 0)
                Target = null;
            else if (Spawns.ContainsIndex(ID))
                Target = Spawns[ID];

            if (!batch && Updated != null)
 /// <summary>Adds the spawn to the collection.</summary>
 public void Add(GameSpawn spawn)
     if (!Spawns.ContainsKey(spawn.ID))
         Spawns.Add(spawn.ID, spawn);
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>Calculate the distance between a spawn and an arbitrary set of MAP coordinates.</summary>
 public float CalcDistance(GameSpawn source, float x, float y)
     return(CalcDistance(source.Location.X, source.Location.Y, x, y));
 /// <summary>Calculate the distance between two spawns</summary>
 public float CalcDistance(GameSpawn source, GameSpawn dest)
     return CalcDistance(source.Location.X, source.Location.Y, dest.Location.X, dest.Location.Y);
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>Bind the spawn to the hunt collection. Additive only.</summary>
 public void Bind(GameSpawn spawn) {
    if (isHunt(spawn))
       spawn.Hunt = true;