public LinearGradientBrush(Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2,
                                   float angle, int fillType)
            _start             = new Point(rect.X, rect.Y);
            _end               = new Point(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height);
            _gradientTransform = new AffineTransform();
            _fractions         = new[] { 0, 100 };
            _colors            = new[] { color1, color2 };
            bool opaque = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < _colors.Length; i++)
                opaque = opaque && (_colors[i].GetAlpha() == 0xff);
            _transparency = opaque ? Color.OPAQUE : Color.TRANSLUCENT;
            RectangleFP r = Utils.ToRectangleFP(rect);

            _wrappedBrushFP = new LinearGradientBrushFP(r.GetLeft(), r.GetTop(),
                                                        r.GetRight(), r.GetBottom(),
            for (int i = 0; i < _colors.Length; i++)
                                                     / 255.0f),
            _wrappedBrushFP.FillMode = fillType;
Beispiel #2
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * @param ff_sx
         * @param ff_sy
         * @param ff_ex
         * @param ff_ey
        private void Scanline(int ffSx, int ffSy, int ffEx, int ffEy)
            var sx   = ffSx >> (SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS - RENDERER_FRAC_X);
            var ex   = ffEx >> (SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS - RENDERER_FRAC_X);
            var sy   = (ffSy * RENDERER_FRAC_Y) >> SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS;
            var ey   = (ffEy * RENDERER_FRAC_Y) >> SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS;
            var xmin = MathFP.Min(sx, ex);
            var xmax = MathFP.Max(sx, ex);
            var ymin = MathFP.Min(sy, ey);
            var ymax = MathFP.Max(sy, ey);
            var incx = ffSx < ffEx && ffSy < ffEy || ffSx >= ffEx &&
                       ffSy >= ffEy ? 1 : -1;
            var x    = incx == 1 ? xmin : xmax;
            var dire = ffSy < ffEy ? 1 : 0;

            if (((ymin < 0) && (ymax < 0)) || ((ymin >= (_height * RENDERER_FRAC_Y)) &&
                                               (ymax >= (_height * RENDERER_FRAC_Y))))

            var n = MathFP.Abs(xmax - xmin);
            var d = MathFP.Abs(ymax - ymin);
            var i = d;

            ymax = MathFP.Min(ymax, _height * RENDERER_FRAC_Y);

            for (var y = ymin; y < ymax; y++)
                if (y >= 0)
                    if (_scanIndex >= Scanbuf.Length)
                        var bufSize = _scanIndex / BUFFERSIZE;
                        if ((_scanIndex + 1) % BUFFERSIZE != 0)
                            bufSize += 1;
                        ScanbufTmp = new int[bufSize * BUFFERSIZE];
                        Array.Copy(Scanbuf, 0, ScanbufTmp, 0, _scanIndex);
                        Scanbuf = new int[bufSize * BUFFERSIZE];
                        Array.Copy(ScanbufTmp, 0, Scanbuf, 0, _scanIndex);
                    Scanbuf[_scanIndex++] = ((y / RENDERER_FRAC_Y)
                                             << (RENDERER_REAL_X + RENDERER_FRAC_X + 1))
                                            | (MathFP.Max(0, MathFP.Min((_width *
                                                                         RENDERER_FRAC_X_FACTOR) - 1, x)) << 1) | dire;
                i += n;
                if (i > d)
                    var idivd = (i - 1) / d;
                    x += incx * idivd;
                    i -= d * idivd;
        private static PointFP CalcControlPoint(PointFP p1, PointFP p2,
                                                PointFP p3, int ffFactor)
            var ps = new PointFP(p2.X + MathFP.Mul(p2.X - p1.X, ffFactor),
                                 p2.Y + MathFP.Mul(p2.Y - p1.Y, ffFactor));

            return(new LineFP((new LineFP(p2, ps)).GetCenter(),
                              (new LineFP(p2, p3)).GetCenter()).GetCenter());
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 09NOV2008  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Create an round rectangle path from given parameter.
         * @param ff_xmin
         * @param ff_ymin
         * @param ff_xmax
         * @param ff_ymax
         * @param ff_rx
         * @param ff_ry
         * @return
        public static GraphicsPathFP CreateRoundRect(int ffXmin, int ffYmin,
                                                     int ffXmax, int ffYmax, int ffRx, int ffRy)
            const int ffPi = MathFP.PI;
            var       path = new GraphicsPathFP();

            path.AddMoveTo(new PointFP(ffXmin + ffRx, ffYmin));
            path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ffXmax - ffRx, ffYmin));
            var ffRmax = MathFP.Min(ffXmax - ffXmin, ffYmax - ffYmin) / 2;

            if (ffRx > ffRmax)
                ffRx = ffRmax;
            if (ffRy > ffRmax)
                ffRy = ffRmax;
            if (ffRx != 0 && ffRy != 0)
                path.AddPath(CreateArc(ffXmax - ffRx * 2,
                                       ffYmin, ffXmax, ffYmin + ffRy * 2,
                                       (-ffPi) / 2, 0, false, false));
            path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ffXmax, ffYmin + ffRy));
            path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ffXmax, ffYmax - ffRy));
            if (ffRx != 0 && ffRy != 0)
                path.AddPath(CreateArc(ffXmax - ffRx * 2,
                                       ffYmax - ffRy * 2, ffXmax, ffYmax, 0,
                                       ffPi / 2, false, false));
            path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ffXmax - ffRx, ffYmax));
            path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ffXmin + ffRx, ffYmax));
            if (ffRx != 0 && ffRy != 0)
                path.AddPath(CreateArc(ffXmin, ffYmax - ffRy * 2,
                                       ffXmin + ffRx * 2, ffYmax,
                                       ffPi / 2, ffPi, false, false));
            path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ffXmin, ffYmax - ffRy));
            path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ffXmin, ffYmin + ffRy));
            if (ffRx != 0 && ffRy != 0)
                path.AddPath(CreateArc(ffXmin, ffYmin,
                                       ffXmin + ffRx * 2, ffYmin + ffRy * 2, -ffPi,
                                       (-ffPi) / 2, false, false));
Beispiel #5
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 09NOV2008  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * @param point
        public override void LineTo(PointFP point)
            var pntTemp = new PointFP(point);

            _ffXmin = MathFP.Min(_ffXmin, CurrentPoint().X);
            _ffXmax = MathFP.Max(_ffXmax, point.X);
            _ffYmin = MathFP.Min(_ffYmin, CurrentPoint().Y);
            _ffYmax = MathFP.Max(_ffYmax, point.Y);

            if (_transformMatrix != null)

            Scanline(_transformedPoint.X, _transformedPoint.Y, pntTemp.X, pntTemp.Y);
            _transformedPoint = pntTemp;
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Create the gradient brush.
         * @param ff_xmin the top left coordinate.
         * @param ff_ymin the top left coordinate.
         * @param ff_xmax the bottom right coordinate.
         * @param ff_ymax the bottom right coordinate.
         * @param ff_angle the angle for this gradient.
         * @param type  the type of the gradient brush.
        public LinearGradientBrushFP(int ffXmin, int ffYmin, int ffXmax, int ffYmax,
                                     int ffAngle)
            _bounds.Reset(ffXmin, ffYmin,
                          ffXmax == ffXmin ? ffXmin + 1 : ffXmax,
                          ffYmax == ffYmin ? ffYmin + 1 : ffYmax);
            _matrix = new MatrixFP();
            _centerPt.Reset(ffXmin + (ffXmax - ffXmin) / 2,
                            ffYmin + (ffYmax - ffYmin) / 2);
            _matrix.Translate(-_centerPt.X, -_centerPt.Y);
            //matrix.translate((ff_xmin + ff_xmax) / 2,(ff_ymin + ff_ymax) / 2);

            var ffAng = MathFP.Atan(MathFP.Div(_bounds.GetHeight(),
                                               _bounds.GetWidth() == 0 ? 1 : _bounds.GetWidth()));
            var ffLen = PointFP.Distance(_bounds.GetHeight(), _bounds.GetWidth());

            _ffLength = MathFP.Mul(ffLen, MathFP.Max(
                                       MathFP.Abs(MathFP.Cos(ffAngle - ffAng)),
                                       MathFP.Abs(MathFP.Cos(ffAngle + ffAng))));
Beispiel #7
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 09NOV2008  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * @inheritDoc
         * @param x the x coordinate
         * @param y the y coordinate
         * @param singlePoint
         * @return the color at given position.
        public override int GetColorAt(int x, int y, bool singlePoint)
            var p = new PointFP(x << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS,
                                y << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS);

            _nextPt.X = p.X + SingleFP.ONE;
            _nextPt.Y = p.Y;
            var newCenterPt = new PointFP(_centerPt);

            if (_finalMatrix != null)
            _ffCurrpos = MathFP.Div(PointFP.Distance(p.X - newCenterPt.X,
                                                     p.Y - newCenterPt.Y), _ffRadius);
            var pos = _ffCurrpos >> SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS - RATIO_BITS;

            switch (FillMode)
            case REFLECT:
                pos = pos % (RATIO_MAX * 2);
                pos = pos < 0 ? pos + RATIO_MAX * 2 : pos;
                pos = (pos < RATIO_MAX) ? pos : RATIO_MAX * 2 - pos;

            case REPEAT:
                pos = pos % RATIO_MAX;
                pos = pos < 0 ? pos + RATIO_MAX : pos;

            case NO_CYCLE:
                pos = pos < 0 ? 0 : (pos > RATIO_MAX ? RATIO_MAX : pos);

Beispiel #8
        private void DrawBuffer()
            var curd  = 0;
            var cure  = 0;
            var cura  = 0;
            var cula  = 0;
            var cury  = 0;
            var curx  = 0;
            var count = _scanIndex;

            for (int c = 0; c <= count; c++)
                var curs = c == count ? 0 : Scanbuf[c];

                var newy = ((curs >> (RENDERER_REAL_X + RENDERER_FRAC_X + 1))
                            & RENDERER_REAL_Y_MASK);
                var newx = ((curs >> (RENDERER_FRAC_X + 1)) & RENDERER_REAL_X_MASK);
                if ((newx != curx) || (newy != cury))
                    var alp = (256 * cure) / (RENDERER_FRAC_Y)+
                              (256 * cula) / (RENDERER_FRAC_Y
                                              * (RENDERER_FRAC_X_FACTOR - 1)) +
                              (256 * cura) / (RENDERER_FRAC_Y
                                              * (RENDERER_FRAC_X_FACTOR - 1));
                    if (alp != 0)
                        if (_drawMode == MODE_XOR)
                            alp = (alp & 0x100) != 0
                                    ? (0xFF - (alp & 0xFF)) : (alp & 0xFF);
                            alp = MathFP.Min(255, MathFP.Abs(alp));
                        if (alp != 0)
                            MergePixels(curx, cury, 1, alp);
                    cure = curd;

                    if (newy == cury)
                        if (curd != 0)
                            alp = (256 * curd) / RENDERER_FRAC_Y;
                            if (alp != 0)
                                if (_drawMode == MODE_XOR)
                                    alp = (alp & 0x100) != 0
                                            ? (0xFF - (alp & 0xFF)) : (alp & 0xFF);
                                    alp = MathFP.Min(255, MathFP.Abs(alp));
                                if (alp != 0)
                                    MergePixels(curx + 1, cury, newx - curx - 1, alp);
                        cury = newy;
                        curd = cure = 0;

                    curx = newx;
                    cura = cula = 0;

                if ((curs & 1) != 0)
                    cula += ((~(curs >> 1)) & RENDERER_FRAC_X_MASK);
                    cura -= ((~(curs >> 1)) & RENDERER_FRAC_X_MASK);
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Create arc path.
         * @param ff_xmin
         * @param ff_ymin
         * @param ff_xmax
         * @param ff_ymax
         * @param ff_startangle
         * @param ff_sweepangle
         * @param closed
         * @param standalone
         * @return
        public static GraphicsPathFP CreateArc(int ffXmin, int ffYmin,
                                               int ffXmax, int ffYmax, int ffStartangle,
                                               int ffSweepangle, bool closed, bool standalone)
            if (ffSweepangle < 0)
                ffStartangle += ffSweepangle;
                ffSweepangle  = -ffSweepangle;
            var segments = MathFP.Round(MathFP.Div(4 * MathFP.Abs(ffSweepangle),
                                                   MathFP.PI)) >> SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS;

            if (segments == 0)
                segments = 1;
            var path      = new GraphicsPathFP();
            var ffDarg    = ffSweepangle / segments;
            var ffArg     = ffStartangle;
            var ffLastcos = MathFP.Cos(ffStartangle);
            var ffLastsin = MathFP.Sin(ffStartangle);
            var ffXc      = (ffXmin + ffXmax) / 2;
            var ffYc      = (ffYmin + ffYmax) / 2;
            var ffRx      = (ffXmax - ffXmin) / 2;
            var ffRy      = (ffYmax - ffYmin) / 2;
            var ffRxbeta  = MathFP.Mul(17381, ffRx);
            var ffRybeta  = MathFP.Mul(17381, ffRy);

            if (closed)
                path.AddMoveTo(new PointFP(ffXc, ffYc));

            for (var i = 1; i <= segments; i++)
                ffArg = i == segments ? ffStartangle + ffSweepangle
                        : ffArg + ffDarg;
                var ffCurrcos = MathFP.Cos(ffArg);
                var ffCurrsin = MathFP.Sin(ffArg);
                var ffX1      = ffXc + MathFP.Mul(ffRx, ffLastcos);
                var ffY1      = ffYc + MathFP.Mul(ffRy, ffLastsin);
                var ffX2      = ffXc + MathFP.Mul(ffRx, ffCurrcos);
                var ffY2      = ffYc + MathFP.Mul(ffRy, ffCurrsin);
                if (i == 1)
                    if (closed)
                        path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ffX1, ffY1));
                    else if (standalone)
                        path.AddMoveTo(new PointFP(ffX1, ffY1));

                    new PointFP(ffX1 - MathFP.Mul(ffRxbeta, ffLastsin),
                                ffY1 + MathFP.Mul(ffRybeta, ffLastcos)),
                    new PointFP(ffX2 + MathFP.Mul(ffRxbeta, ffCurrsin),
                                ffY2 - MathFP.Mul(ffRybeta, ffCurrcos)),
                    new PointFP(ffX2, ffY2));
                ffLastcos = ffCurrcos;
                ffLastsin = ffCurrsin;
            if (closed)