cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward() private method

private cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward ( cudnnHandle handle, cudnnLRNDescriptor normDesc, cudnnLRNMode lrnMode, double &alpha, cudnnTensorDescriptor srcDesc, ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.CUdeviceptr srcData, cudnnTensorDescriptor srcDiffDesc, ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.CUdeviceptr srcDiffData, cudnnTensorDescriptor destDesc, ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.CUdeviceptr destData, double &beta, cudnnTensorDescriptor destDiffDesc, ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.CUdeviceptr destDiffData ) : cudnnStatus
handle cudnnHandle
normDesc cudnnLRNDescriptor
lrnMode cudnnLRNMode
alpha double
srcDesc cudnnTensorDescriptor
srcData ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.CUdeviceptr
srcDiffDesc cudnnTensorDescriptor
srcDiffData ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.CUdeviceptr
destDesc cudnnTensorDescriptor
destData ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.CUdeviceptr
beta double
destDiffDesc cudnnTensorDescriptor
destDiffData ManagedCuda.BasicTypes.CUdeviceptr
return cudnnStatus
Beispiel #1
 public void cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward(
     cudnnLRNMode lrnMode,
     ref double alpha,
     cudnnTensorDescriptor srcDesc,
     CUdeviceptr srcData,
     cudnnTensorDescriptor srcDiffDesc,
     CUdeviceptr srcDiffData,
     cudnnTensorDescriptor destDesc,
     CUdeviceptr destData,
     ref double beta,
     cudnnTensorDescriptor destDiffDesc,
     CUdeviceptr destDiffData)
     res = CudaDNNNativeMethods.cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward(_handle, _desc, lrnMode, ref alpha, srcDesc, srcData, srcDiffDesc, srcDiffData, destDesc, destData, ref beta, destDiffDesc, destDiffData);
     Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:G}, {1}: {2}", DateTime.Now, "cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward", res));
     if (res != cudnnStatus.Success)
         throw new CudaDNNException(res);
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// This function performs the backward LRN layer computation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lrnMode">LRN layer mode of operation. Currently only
 /// CUDNN_LRN_CROSS_CHANNEL_DIM1 is implemented. Normalization is
 /// performed along the tensor's dimA[1].</param>
 /// <param name="alpha">Pointer to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output
 /// value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue =
 /// alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section
 /// for additional details.</param>
 /// <param name="yDesc">Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the bottom layer's
 /// data. (Bottom layer is the earlier layer in the computation graph during
 /// inference).</param>
 /// <param name="y">Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the bottom layer's
 /// data. (Bottom layer is the earlier layer in the computation graph during
 /// inference).</param>
 /// <param name="dyDesc">Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the top layer's
 /// cumulative loss differential data (error backpropagation). (Top layer is the
 /// later layer in the computation graph during inference).</param>
 /// <param name="dy">Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the top layer's
 /// cumulative loss differential data (error backpropagation). (Top layer is the
 /// later layer in the computation graph during inference).</param>
 /// <param name="xDesc">Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the bottom layer's
 /// data. (Bottom layer is the earlier layer in the computation graph
 /// during inference). Note that these values are not modified during
 /// backpropagation.</param>
 /// <param name="x">Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the bottom layer's
 /// data. (Bottom layer is the earlier layer in the computation graph
 /// during inference). Note that these values are not modified during
 /// backpropagation.</param>
 /// <param name="beta">Pointer to scaling factors (in host memory) used to blend the layer output
 /// value with prior value in the destination tensor as follows: dstValue =
 /// alpha[0]*resultValue + beta[0]*priorDstValue. Please refer to this section
 /// for additional details.</param>
 /// <param name="dxDesc">Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the bottom layer's
 /// cumulative loss differential data (error backpropagation). (Bottom layer is
 /// the earlier layer in the computation graph during inference).</param>
 /// <param name="dx">Tensor descriptor and pointer in device memory for the bottom layer's
 /// cumulative loss differential data (error backpropagation). (Bottom layer is
 /// the earlier layer in the computation graph during inference).</param>
 public void cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward(
     cudnnLRNMode lrnMode,
     ref double alpha,
     cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc,
     CUdeviceptr y,
     cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc,
     CUdeviceptr dy,
     cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc,
     CUdeviceptr x,
     ref double beta,
     cudnnTensorDescriptor dxDesc,
     CUdeviceptr dx)
     res = CudaDNNNativeMethods.cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward(_handle, _desc, lrnMode, ref alpha, yDesc, y, dyDesc, dy, xDesc, x, ref beta, dxDesc, dx);
     Debug.Write("");            //Line(String.Format("{0:G}, {1}: {2}", DateTime.Now, "cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward", res));
     if (res != cudnnStatus.Success)
         throw new CudaDNNException(res);