Beispiel #1
        }         /* END OF Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM */

        public static long Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic(long Zone,
                                                   char Hemisphere,
                                                   double Easting,
                                                   double Northing,
                                                   out double Latitude,
                                                   out double Longitude)
             * The function Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic converts UTM projection (zone,
             * hemisphere, easting and northing) coordinates to geodetic(latitude
             * and  longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid
             * parameters.  If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned
             * by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR is returned.
             *    Zone              : UTM zone                               (input)
             *    Hemisphere        : North or South hemisphere              (input)
             *    Easting           : Easting (X) in meters                  (input)
             *    Northing          : Northing (Y) in meters                 (input)
             *    Latitude          : Latitude in radians                    (output)
             *    Longitude         : Longitude in radians                   (output)
            long   Error_Code       = UTM_NO_ERROR;
            long   tm_error_code    = UTM_NO_ERROR;
            double Origin_Latitude  = 0;
            double Central_Meridian = 0;
            double False_Easting    = 500000;
            double False_Northing   = 0;
            double Scale            = 0.9996;

            Latitude  = 0;
            Longitude = 0;
            if ((Zone < 1) || (Zone > 60))
                Error_Code |= UTM_ZONE_ERROR;
            if ((Hemisphere != 'S') && (Hemisphere != 'N'))
                Error_Code |= UTM_HEMISPHERE_ERROR;
            if ((Easting < MIN_EASTING) || (Easting > MAX_EASTING))
                Error_Code |= UTM_EASTING_ERROR;
            if ((Northing < MIN_NORTHING) || (Northing > MAX_NORTHING))
                Error_Code |= UTM_NORTHING_ERROR;
            if (Error_Code == 0)
            {             /* no errors */
                if (Zone >= 31)
                    Central_Meridian = ((6 * Zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180.0 /*+ 0.00000005*/);
                    Central_Meridian = ((6 * Zone + 177) * Math.PI / 180.0 /*+ 0.00000005*/);
                if (Hemisphere == 'S')
                    False_Northing = 10000000;
                TransverseMercator.Set_Transverse_Mercator_Parameters(UTM_a, UTM_f, Origin_Latitude,
                                                                      Central_Meridian, False_Easting, False_Northing, Scale);

                tm_error_code = TransverseMercator.Convert_Transverse_Mercator_To_Geodetic(Easting, Northing, out Latitude, out Longitude);
                if (tm_error_code != 0)
                    if ((tm_error_code & TransverseMercator.TRANMERC_EASTING_ERROR) != 0)
                        Error_Code |= UTM_EASTING_ERROR;
                    if ((tm_error_code & TransverseMercator.TRANMERC_NORTHING_ERROR) != 0)
                        Error_Code |= UTM_NORTHING_ERROR;

                if ((Latitude < MIN_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_LAT))
                {                 /* Latitude out of range */
                    Error_Code |= UTM_NORTHING_ERROR;
        }         /* END OF Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic */
Beispiel #2
        }         /* END OF Get_UTM_Parameters */

        public static long Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM(double Latitude,
                                                   double Longitude,
                                                   out long Zone,
                                                   out char Hemisphere,
                                                   out double Easting,
                                                   out double Northing)
             * The function Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM converts geodetic (latitude and
             * longitude) coordinates to UTM projection (zone, hemisphere, easting and
             * northing) coordinates according to the current ellipsoid and UTM zone
             * override parameters.  If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned
             * by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR is returned.
             *    Latitude          : Latitude in radians                 (input)
             *    Longitude         : Longitude in radians                (input)
             *    Zone              : UTM zone                            (output)
             *    Hemisphere        : North or South hemisphere           (output)
             *    Easting           : Easting (X) in meters               (output)
             *    Northing          : Northing (Y) in meters              (output)

            long   Lat_Degrees;
            long   Long_Degrees;
            long   temp_zone;
            long   Error_Code       = UTM_NO_ERROR;
            double Origin_Latitude  = 0;
            double Central_Meridian = 0;
            double False_Easting    = 500000;
            double False_Northing   = 0;
            double Scale            = 0.9996;

            Zone       = -1;
            Hemisphere = '-';
            Easting    = 0;
            Northing   = 0;
            if ((Latitude < MIN_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_LAT))
            {             /* Latitude out of range */
                Error_Code |= UTM_LAT_ERROR;
            if ((Longitude < -Math.PI) || (Longitude > (2 * Math.PI)))
            {             /* Longitude out of range */
                Error_Code |= UTM_LON_ERROR;
            if (Error_Code == 0)
            {             /* no errors */
                if ((Latitude > -1.0e-9) && (Latitude < 0))
                    Latitude = 0.0;
                if (Longitude < 0)
                    Longitude += (2 * Math.PI) + 1.0e-10;

                Lat_Degrees  = (long)(Latitude * 180.0 / Math.PI);
                Long_Degrees = (long)(Longitude * 180.0 / Math.PI);

                if (Longitude < Math.PI)
                    temp_zone = (long)(31 + ((Longitude * 180.0 / Math.PI) / 6.0));
                    temp_zone = (long)(((Longitude * 180.0 / Math.PI) / 6.0) - 29);

                if (temp_zone > 60)
                    temp_zone = 1;
                /* UTM special cases */
                if ((Lat_Degrees > 55) && (Lat_Degrees < 64) && (Long_Degrees > -1) &&
                    (Long_Degrees < 3))
                    temp_zone = 31;
                if ((Lat_Degrees > 55) && (Lat_Degrees < 64) && (Long_Degrees > 2) &&
                    (Long_Degrees < 12))
                    temp_zone = 32;
                if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > -1) && (Long_Degrees < 9))
                    temp_zone = 31;
                if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 8) && (Long_Degrees < 21))
                    temp_zone = 33;
                if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 20) && (Long_Degrees < 33))
                    temp_zone = 35;
                if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 32) && (Long_Degrees < 42))
                    temp_zone = 37;

                if (UTM_Override != 0)
                    if ((temp_zone == 1) && (UTM_Override == 60))
                        temp_zone = UTM_Override;
                    else if ((temp_zone == 60) && (UTM_Override == 1))
                        temp_zone = UTM_Override;
                    else if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > -1) && (Long_Degrees < 42))
                        if (((temp_zone - 2) <= UTM_Override) && (UTM_Override <= (temp_zone + 2)))
                            temp_zone = UTM_Override;
                            Error_Code = UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR;
                    else if (((temp_zone - 1) <= UTM_Override) && (UTM_Override <= (temp_zone + 1)))
                        temp_zone = UTM_Override;
                        Error_Code = UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR;
                if (Error_Code == 0)
                    if (temp_zone >= 31)
                        Central_Meridian = (6 * temp_zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180.0;
                        Central_Meridian = (6 * temp_zone + 177) * Math.PI / 180.0;
                    Zone = temp_zone;
                    if (Latitude < 0)
                        False_Northing = 10000000;
                        Hemisphere     = 'S';
                        Hemisphere = 'N';
                    TransverseMercator.Set_Transverse_Mercator_Parameters(UTM_a, UTM_f, Origin_Latitude, Central_Meridian, False_Easting, False_Northing, Scale);
                    TransverseMercator.Convert_Geodetic_To_Transverse_Mercator(Latitude, Longitude, out Easting, out Northing);
                    if ((Easting < MIN_EASTING) || (Easting > MAX_EASTING))
                        Error_Code = UTM_EASTING_ERROR;
                    if ((Northing < MIN_NORTHING) || (Northing > MAX_NORTHING))
                        Error_Code |= UTM_NORTHING_ERROR;
            }     /* END OF if (!Error_Code) */
        }         /* END OF Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM */