Beispiel #1
        public async Task <AsyncDisposableValue <string> > CreateSubscriptionAsync(string yamlDefinition)
            string output = await RunDarcAsyncWithInput(yamlDefinition, "add-subscription", "-q", "--read-stdin", "--no-trigger").ConfigureAwait(false);

            Match match = Regex.Match(output, "Successfully created new subscription with id '([a-f0-9-]+)'");

            if (match.Success)
                string subscriptionId = match.Groups[1].Value;
                return(AsyncDisposableValue.Create(subscriptionId, async() =>
                    TestContext.WriteLine($"Cleaning up Test Subscription {subscriptionId}");
                        await RunDarcAsync("delete-subscriptions", "--id", subscriptionId, "--quiet").ConfigureAwait(false);
                    catch (MaestroTestException)
                        // If this throws an exception the most likely cause is that the subscription was deleted as part of the test case

            throw new MaestroTestException("Unable to create subscription.");
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <AsyncDisposableValue <string> > CreateTestChannelAsync(string testChannelName)
                await RunDarcAsync("delete-channel", "--name", testChannelName).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (MaestroTestException)
                // Ignore failures from delete-channel, its just a pre-cleanup that isn't really part of the test

            await RunDarcAsync("add-channel", "--name", testChannelName, "--classification", "test").ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(AsyncDisposableValue.Create(testChannelName, async() =>
                TestContext.WriteLine($"Cleaning up Test Channel {testChannelName}");
                    string doubleDelete = await RunDarcAsync("delete-channel", "--name", testChannelName).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (MaestroTestException)
                    // Ignore failures from delete-channel, this delete is here to ensure that the channel is deleted
                    // even if the test does not do an explicit delete as part of the test
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <AsyncDisposableValue <string> > CreateSubscriptionAsync(
            string sourceChannelName,
            string sourceRepo,
            string targetRepo,
            string targetBranch,
            string updateFrequency,
            string sourceOrg = "dotnet",
            List <string> additionalOptions = null,
            bool sourceIsAzDo = false,
            bool targetIsAzDo = false,
            bool trigger      = false)
            string sourceUrl = sourceIsAzDo ? GetAzDoRepoUrl(sourceRepo) : GetRepoUrl(sourceOrg, sourceRepo);
            string targetUrl = targetIsAzDo ? GetAzDoRepoUrl(targetRepo) : GetRepoUrl(targetRepo);

            string[] command = { "add-subscription",   "-q",
                                 "--channel",          sourceChannelName,
                                 "--source-repo",      sourceUrl,
                                 "--target-repo",      targetUrl,
                                 "--target-branch",    targetBranch,
                                 "--update-frequency", updateFrequency,
                                 trigger? "--trigger" : "--no-trigger" };

            if (additionalOptions != null)
                command = command.Concat(additionalOptions).ToArray();

            string output = await RunDarcAsync(command).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Match match = Regex.Match(output, "Successfully created new subscription with id '([a-f0-9-]+)'");

            if (!match.Success)
                throw new MaestroTestException("Unable to create subscription.");

            string subscriptionId = match.Groups[1].Value;

            return(AsyncDisposableValue.Create(subscriptionId, async() =>
                TestContext.WriteLine($"Cleaning up Test Subscription {subscriptionId}");
                    await RunDarcAsync("delete-subscriptions", "--id", subscriptionId, "--quiet").ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (MaestroTestException)
                    // If this throws an exception the most likely cause is that the subscription was deleted as part of the test case
Beispiel #4
        internal async Task <AsyncDisposableValue <Microsoft.DotNet.DarcLib.PullRequest> > GetAzDoPullRequestAsync(int pullRequestId, string targetRepoName, string targetBranch, bool isUpdated, string expectedPRTitle = null)
            string repoUri = GetAzDoRepoUrl(targetRepoName);

            (string accountName, string projectName, string repoName) = Microsoft.DotNet.DarcLib.AzureDevOpsClient.ParseRepoUri(repoUri);
            string apiBaseUrl = GetAzDoApiRepoUrl(targetRepoName);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedPRTitle))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(expectedPRTitle, "ExpectedPRTitle must be defined for AzDo PRs that require an update.");

            for (int tries = 10; tries > 0; tries--)
                Microsoft.DotNet.DarcLib.PullRequest pr = await AzDoClient.GetPullRequestAsync($"{apiBaseUrl}/pullRequests/{pullRequestId}");

                string trimmedTitle = Regex.Replace(pr.Title, @"\s+", " ");

                if (!isUpdated || trimmedTitle == expectedPRTitle)
                    return(AsyncDisposableValue.Create(pr, async() =>
                        TestContext.WriteLine($"Cleaning up pull request {pr.Title}");

                            JObject content = await _parameters.AzDoClient.ExecuteAzureDevOpsAPIRequestAsync(
                                new NUnitLogger(),
                                "{ \"status\" : \"abandoned\"}"
                            // If this throws it means that it was cleaned up by a different clean up method first

                await Task.Delay(60 * 1000).ConfigureAwait(false);

            throw new MaestroTestException($"The created pull request for {targetRepoName} targeting {targetBranch} was not updated with subsequent subscriptions after creation");
Beispiel #5
        public async Task <AsyncDisposableValue <string> > CreateTestChannelAsync(string testChannelName)
            string message = "";

                message = await RunDarcAsync("delete-channel", "--name", testChannelName).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (MaestroTestException)
                // If there are subscriptions associated the the channel then a previous test clean up failed
                // Run a subscription clean up and try again
                    await DeleteSubscriptionsForChannel(testChannelName).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await RunDarcAsync("delete-channel", "--name", testChannelName).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (MaestroTestException)
                    // Otherwise ignore failures from delete-channel, its just a pre-cleanup that isn't really part of the test
                    // And if the test previously succeeded then it'll fail because the channel doesn't exist

            await RunDarcAsync("add-channel", "--name", testChannelName, "--classification", "test").ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(AsyncDisposableValue.Create(testChannelName, async() =>
                TestContext.WriteLine($"Cleaning up Test Channel {testChannelName}");
                    string doubleDelete = await RunDarcAsync("delete-channel", "--name", testChannelName).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (MaestroTestException)
                    // Ignore failures from delete-channel on cleanup, this delete is here to ensure that the channel is deleted
                    // even if the test does not do an explicit delete as part of the test. Other failures are typical that the channel has already been deleted.
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <AsyncDisposableValue <string> > CreateSubscriptionAsync(string sourceChannelName, string sourceRepo, string targetRepo, string targetBranch, string updateFrequency)
            string output = await RunDarcAsync("add-subscription", "-q", "--no-trigger",
                                               "--channel", sourceChannelName,
                                               "--source-repo", GetRepoUrl("dotnet", sourceRepo),
                                               "--target-repo", GetRepoUrl(targetRepo),
                                               "--target-branch", targetBranch,
                                               "--update-frequency", updateFrequency).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Match match = Regex.Match(output, "Successfully created new subscription with id '([a-f0-9-]+)'");

            if (match.Success)
                string subscriptionId = match.Groups[1].Value;
                return(AsyncDisposableValue.Create(subscriptionId, async() =>
                    TestContext.WriteLine($"Cleaning up Test Subscription {subscriptionId}");
                    await RunDarcAsync("delete-subscriptions", "--id", subscriptionId, "--quiet").ConfigureAwait(false);

            throw new MaestroTestException("Unable to create subscription.");