private static void StartShreds(ShredStartupInfoList shredStartupInfoList)
            if (null != shredStartupInfoList)
                // create the data structure that will hold the shreds and their thread, etc. related objects
                foreach (ShredStartupInfo shredStartupInfo in shredStartupInfoList)
                    if (null != shredStartupInfo)
                        // clone the shredStartupInfo structure into the current AppDomain, otherwise, once the StagingDomain
                        // has been unloaded, the shredStartupInfo structure will be destroyed
                        ShredStartupInfo newShredStartupInfo = new ShredStartupInfo(shredStartupInfo.AssemblyPath, shredStartupInfo.ShredName, shredStartupInfo.ShredTypeName);

                        // create the controller that will allow us to start and stop the shred
                        ShredController shredController = new ShredController(newShredStartupInfo);

            foreach (ShredController shredController in _shredInfoList)
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the ExtensionPoint type to scan the plugins folder for extensions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// An enumerable collection that contains information on each extension that will help the loader
        /// load them into the AppDomain. If no extensions are found, null is returned.</returns>
        public ShredStartupInfoList ScanExtensions()
            Platform.Log(LogLevel.Debug, this.GetType().ToString() + ":" + this.GetType().Name + " in AppDomain [" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + "]");

            ShredStartupInfoList shredInfoList = new ShredStartupInfoList();
            ShredExtensionPoint  xp            = new ShredExtensionPoint();

            object[] shredObjects = xp.CreateExtensions();
            foreach (object shredObject in shredObjects)
                if (shredObject is IShred)
                    Uri assemblyPath = new Uri(shredObject.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase);
                    shredInfoList.Add(new ShredStartupInfo(assemblyPath, (shredObject as IShred).GetDisplayName(), shredObject.GetType().FullName));

        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the ShredHost routine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true - if the ShredHost is currently running, false - if ShredHost is stopped.</returns>
        public static bool Start()
            // install the unhandled exception event handler
            AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

            currentDomain.UnhandledException += MyUnhandledExceptionEventHandler;

            lock (_lockObject)
                if (RunningState.Running == _runningState || RunningState.Transition == _runningState)
                    return(RunningState.Running == _runningState);

                _runningState = RunningState.Transition;

            Platform.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Starting up in AppDomain [" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + "]");

            // the ShredList and shreds objects are proxy objects that actually exist
            // in the secondary AppDomain
            //AppDomain stagingDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("StagingDomain");
            ExtensionScanner     scanner = (ExtensionScanner)AppDomain.CurrentDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, "Macro.Server.ShredHost.ExtensionScanner");
            ShredStartupInfoList shredStartupInfoList = null;

                shredStartupInfoList = scanner.ScanExtensions();
            catch (PluginException pluginException)
                // There was a problem loading the plugins, including if there were no plugins found
                // This is an innocuous problem, and just means that there are no shreds to run
                Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, pluginException);


            // all the shreds have been created, so we can dismantle the secondary domain that was used
            // for scanning for all Extensions that are shreds

            //    _sed = WcfHelper.StartHttpHost<ShredHostServiceType, IShredHost>(
            //        "ShredHost", "Host program of multiple independent service-like sub-programs", ShredHostServiceSettings.Instance.ShredHostHttpPort);
            //    _shredHostWCFInitialized = true;
            //    string message = String.Format("The ShredHost WCF service has started on port {0}.", ShredHostServiceSettings.Instance.ShredHostHttpPort);
            //    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Info, message);
            //    Console.WriteLine(message);
            //catch(Exception	e)
            //    Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, e);
            //    Console.WriteLine("The ShredHost WCF service has failed to start.  Please check the log for more details.");

            lock (_lockObject)
                _runningState = RunningState.Running;

            return(RunningState.Running == _runningState);