Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is used to determine one or more overall quality scores
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objXcaliburAccessor"></param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <remarks></remarks>

        private void ComputeQualityScores(XRawFileIO objXcaliburAccessor, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            float sngOverallScore;

            double dblOverallAvgIntensitySum = 0;
            var    intOverallAvgCount        = 0;

            if (mLCMS2DPlot.ScanCountCached > 0)
                // Obtain the overall average intensity value using the data cached in mLCMS2DPlot
                // This avoids having to reload all of the data using objXcaliburAccessor
                const int intMSLevelFilter = 1;
                sngOverallScore = mLCMS2DPlot.ComputeAverageIntensityAllScans(intMSLevelFilter);
                var intScanCount = objXcaliburAccessor.GetNumScans();
                GetStartAndEndScans(intScanCount, out var intScanStart, out var intScanEnd);

                for (var intScanNumber = intScanStart; intScanNumber <= intScanEnd; intScanNumber++)
                    // This function returns the number of points in dblMassIntensityPairs()
                    var intReturnCode = objXcaliburAccessor.GetScanData2D(intScanNumber, out var dblMassIntensityPairs);

                    if (intReturnCode <= 0)

                    if ((dblMassIntensityPairs == null) || dblMassIntensityPairs.GetLength(1) <= 0)

                    // Keep track of the quality scores and then store one or more overall quality scores in datasetFileInfo.OverallQualityScore
                    // For now, this just computes the average intensity for each scan and then computes and overall average intensity value

                    double dblIntensitySum = 0;
                    for (var intIonIndex = 0; intIonIndex <= dblMassIntensityPairs.GetUpperBound(1); intIonIndex++)
                        dblIntensitySum += dblMassIntensityPairs[1, intIonIndex];

                    dblOverallAvgIntensitySum += dblIntensitySum / dblMassIntensityPairs.GetLength(1);

                    intOverallAvgCount += 1;

                if (intOverallAvgCount > 0)
                    sngOverallScore = (float)(dblOverallAvgIntensitySum / intOverallAvgCount);
                    sngOverallScore = 0;

            datasetFileInfo.OverallQualityScore = sngOverallScore;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the Contents.xml file to look for the AcquiredTime entry
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strFolderPath"></param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <returns>True if the file exists and the AcquiredTime entry was successfully parsed; otherwise false</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        private bool ProcessContentsXMLFile(string strFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            var blnSuccess = false;

                // Open the Contents.xml file
                var strFilePath = Path.Combine(strFolderPath, AGILENT_XML_CONTENTS_FILE);

                using (var srReader = new System.Xml.XmlTextReader(new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
                    while (!srReader.EOF)

                        switch (srReader.NodeType)
                        case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element:

                            if (srReader.Name == "AcquiredTime")
                                    var dtAcquisitionStartTime = srReader.ReadElementContentAsDateTime();

                                    // Convert from Universal time to Local time
                                    var dtAcquisitionTime = dtAcquisitionStartTime.ToLocalTime();

                                    // There have been some cases where the acquisition start time is several years before the file modification time,
                                    // for example XG_A83CapiHSSWash1.d where the time in the Contents.xml file is 3/20/2005 while the file modification time is 2010
                                    // Thus, we use a sanity check of a maximum run time of 24 hours

                                    if (datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd.Subtract(dtAcquisitionTime).TotalDays < 1)
                                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtAcquisitionStartTime.ToLocalTime();
                                        blnSuccess = true;
                                catch (Exception)
                                    // Ignore errors here

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Exception reading file
                OnErrorEvent("Exception reading " + AGILENT_XML_CONTENTS_FILE + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #3
        private bool ParseGCIniFile(string strFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            double dblTotalRuntime = 0;

            var blnSuccess = false;

            try {
                // Open the GC.ini file
                var strFilePath = Path.Combine(strFolderPath, AGILENT_GC_INI_FILE);
                if (!File.Exists(strFilePath))

                using (var srInFile = new StreamReader(strFilePath)) {
                    while (!srInFile.EndOfStream)
                        var strLineIn = srInFile.ReadLine();

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strLineIn))

                        if (!strLineIn.StartsWith("gc.runlength"))

                        // Runtime is the value after the equals sign
                        var strSplitLine = strLineIn.Split('=');
                        if (strSplitLine.Length <= 1)

                        if (double.TryParse(strSplitLine[1], out dblTotalRuntime))
                            blnSuccess = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Exception reading file
                OnErrorEvent("Exception reading " + AGILENT_GC_INI_FILE + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
                blnSuccess = false;

            if (blnSuccess)
                // Update the acquisition start time
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd.AddMinutes(-dblTotalRuntime);

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the DeconTools results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strDataFilePath">Isos file path</param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <returns>True if success, False if an error</returns>
        /// <remarks>Will also read the _scans.csv file if present (to determine ElutionTime and MSLevel</remarks>
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            var fiIsosFile = new FileInfo(strDataFilePath);

            if (!fiIsosFile.Exists)
                OnErrorEvent("_isos.csv file not found: " + strDataFilePath);

            var intDatasetID = DatasetID;

            // Record the file size and Dataset ID
            datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = fiIsosFile.CreationTime;
            datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = fiIsosFile.LastWriteTime;

            // The acquisition times will get updated below to more accurate values
            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

            datasetFileInfo.DatasetID     = intDatasetID;
            datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(fiIsosFile.Name);
            datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = fiIsosFile.Extension;
            datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = fiIsosFile.Length;

            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;


            if (mSaveTICAndBPI || mCreateDatasetInfoFile || mCreateScanStatsFile || mSaveLCMS2DPlots)
                // Load data from each scan
                // This is used to create the TIC and BPI plot, the 2D LC/MS plot, and/or to create the Dataset Info File
                LoadData(fiIsosFile, datasetFileInfo);

            // Read the file info from the file system
            // (much of this is already in datasetFileInfo, but we'll call UpdateDatasetFileStats() anyway to make sure all of the necessary steps are taken)
            UpdateDatasetFileStats(fiIsosFile, intDatasetID);

            // Copy over the updated filetime info from datasetFileInfo to mDatasetFileInfo
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetID     = datasetFileInfo.DatasetID;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.DatasetName);
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.FileExtension);
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart  = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd    = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes;

Beispiel #5
        private bool ParseICRFolder(DirectoryInfo icrFolderInfo, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Look for and open the .Pek file in ioFolderInfo
            // Count the number of PEK_FILE_FILENAME_LINE lines

            var intFileListCount = 0;
            var blnSuccess       = false;

            foreach (var pekFile in icrFolderInfo.GetFiles("*.pek"))
                    // Try to open the PEK file
                    intFileListCount = 0;
                    using (var srInFile = new StreamReader(pekFile.OpenRead()))
                        while (!srInFile.EndOfStream)
                            var strLineIn = srInFile.ReadLine();

                            if ((strLineIn != null))
                                if (strLineIn.StartsWith(PEK_FILE_FILENAME_LINE))
                                    intFileListCount += 1;
                    blnSuccess = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Error opening or parsing the PEK file
                    blnSuccess = false;

                if (intFileListCount > datasetFileInfo.ScanCount)
                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = intFileListCount;

                // Only parse the first .Pek file found

Beispiel #6
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Returns True if success, False if an error

            // Override strDataFilePath here, if needed
            // strDataFilePath = strDataFilePath;

            // Obtain the full path to the file
            var fiDatasetFile = new FileInfo(strDataFilePath);

            datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = fiDatasetFile.CreationTime;
            datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = fiDatasetFile.LastWriteTime;

            // Using the file system modification time as the acquisition end time
            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

            datasetFileInfo.DatasetID     = 0;
            datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(fiDatasetFile.Name);
            datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = fiDatasetFile.Extension;
            datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = fiDatasetFile.Length;

            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;

            mLCMS2DPlot.Options.UseObservedMinScan = false;

            ProcessWiffFile(fiDatasetFile, datasetFileInfo);

            // Read the file info from the file system
            // (much of this is already in datasetFileInfo, but we'll call UpdateDatasetFileStats() anyway to make sure all of the necessary steps are taken)
            UpdateDatasetFileStats(fiDatasetFile, datasetFileInfo.DatasetID);

            // Copy over the updated filetime info and scan info from datasetFileInfo to mDatasetFileInfo
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.DatasetName);
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.FileExtension);
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart  = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd    = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount;

Beispiel #7
        private bool ParseBrukerAcquFile(string strFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            bool blnSuccess;

                // Try to open the acqu file
                blnSuccess = false;
                using (var srInFile = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(strFolderPath, BRUKER_ACQU_FILE)))
                    while (!srInFile.EndOfStream)
                        var strLineIn = srInFile.ReadLine();

                        if ((strLineIn != null))
                            if (strLineIn.StartsWith(BRUKER_ACQU_FILE_ACQ_LINE_START))
                                // Date line found
                                // It is of the form: ##$AQ_DATE= <Sat Aug 20 07:56:55 2005>
                                strLineIn = strLineIn.Substring(BRUKER_ACQU_FILE_ACQ_LINE_START.Length).Trim();
                                strLineIn = strLineIn.TrimEnd(BRUKER_ACQU_FILE_ACQ_LINE_END);

                                blnSuccess = ParseBrukerDateFromArray(strLineIn, out var dtDate);
                                if (blnSuccess)
                                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = dtDate;
            catch (Exception)
                // Error opening the acqu file
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #8
        private void ParseAnalysisCDFFile(string strFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            NetCDFReader.clsMSNetCdf objNETCDFReader = null;

                // Note: as of May 2016 this only works if you compile as x86 or with "Prefer 32-bit" enabled when compiling as AnyCPU

                objNETCDFReader = new NetCDFReader.clsMSNetCdf();
                var blnSuccess = objNETCDFReader.OpenMSCdfFile(Path.Combine(strFolderPath, AGILENT_ANALYSIS_CDF_FILE));
                if (blnSuccess)
                    var intScanCount = objNETCDFReader.GetScanCount();

                    if (intScanCount > 0)
                        // Lookup the scan time of the final scan

                        if (objNETCDFReader.GetScanInfo(intScanCount - 1, out var intScanNumber,
                                                        out _, out var dblScanTime, out _, out _))
                            // Add 1 to intScanNumber since the scan number is off by one in the CDF file
                            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount  = intScanNumber + 1;
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.Add(SecondsToTimeSpan(dblScanTime));
                        datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnWarningEvent("Error in ParseAnalysisCDFFile: " + ex.Message);
Beispiel #9
        private bool ParseBrukerLockFile(string strFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            bool blnSuccess;

                // Try to open the Lock file
                // The date line is the first (and only) line in the file
                blnSuccess = false;
                using (var srInFile = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(strFolderPath, BRUKER_LOCK_FILE)))
                    if (!srInFile.EndOfStream)
                        var strLineIn = srInFile.ReadLine();
                        if ((strLineIn != null))
                            // Date line found
                            // It is of the form: wd37119 2208 WD37119\9TOperator Sat Aug 20 06:10:31 2005

                            blnSuccess = ParseBrukerDateFromArray(strLineIn, out var dtDate);
                            if (blnSuccess)
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtDate;
            catch (Exception)
                // Error opening the Lock file
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #10
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Returns True if success, False if an error

            DataReader   objUIMFReader   = null;
            GlobalParams objGlobalParams = null;

            var intMasterFrameNumList = new int[1];

            // Obtain the full path to the file
            var fiFileInfo = new FileInfo(strDataFilePath);

            if (!fiFileInfo.Exists)

            // Future, optional: Determine the DatasetID
            // Unfortunately, this is not present in metadata.txt
            // intDatasetID = LookupDatasetID(strDatasetName)
            var intDatasetID = 0;

            datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = fiFileInfo.CreationTime;
            datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = fiFileInfo.LastWriteTime;

            // The acquisition times will get updated below to more accurate values
            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

            datasetFileInfo.DatasetID     = intDatasetID;
            datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(fiFileInfo.Name);
            datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = fiFileInfo.Extension;
            datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = fiFileInfo.Length;

            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;


            var blnReadError           = false;
            var blnInaccurateStartTime = false;

                // Use the UIMFLibrary to read the .UIMF file
                objUIMFReader = new DataReader(fiFileInfo.FullName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // File open failed
                OnErrorEvent("Call to .OpenUIMF failed for " + fiFileInfo.Name + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
                blnReadError = true;

            if (!blnReadError)
                    // First obtain the global parameters
                    objGlobalParams = objUIMFReader.GetGlobalParams();
                catch (Exception)
                    // Read error
                    blnReadError = true;

            if (!blnReadError)
                // Read the file info

                var dctMasterFrameList = new Dictionary <int, DataReader.FrameType>();

                    // Construct a master list of frame numbers and frame types
                    dctMasterFrameList = objUIMFReader.GetMasterFrameList();

                    if (dctMasterFrameList.Count > 0)
                        // Copy the frame numbers into an array so that we can assure it's sorted
                        intMasterFrameNumList = new int[dctMasterFrameList.Keys.Count];
                        dctMasterFrameList.Keys.CopyTo(intMasterFrameNumList, 0);


                    // Extract the acquisition time information
                    // The Global_Parameters table records the start time of the entire dataset in field DateStarted
                    // The Frame_Parameters table records the start time of reach frame in field StartTime

                    // The DateStarted column in the Global_Parameters table should be represented by one of these values
                    //   A text-based date, like "5/2/2011 4:26:59 PM"; example: Sarc_MS2_26_2Apr11_Cheetah_11-02-18_inverse.uimf
                    //   A text-based date (no time info), like "Thursday, January 13, 2011"; example: QC_Shew_11_01_pt5_c2_030311_earth_4ms_0001
                    //   A tick-based date, like 129272890050787740 (number of ticks since January 1, 1601); example: BATs_TS_01_c4_Eagle_10-02-06_0000

                    // The StartTime column in the Frame_Parameters table should be represented by one of these values
                    //   Integer between 0 and 1440 representing number of minutes since midnight (can loop from 1439.9 to 0); example: Sarc_MS2_26_2Apr11_Cheetah_11-02-18_inverse.uimf
                    //   Integer between 0 and 60 representing number of minutes since past the current hour (can loop from 59.9 to 0); example: BATs_TS_01_c4_Eagle_10-02-06_0000.uimf
                    //   A tick-based date, like 634305349108974800 (number of ticks since January 1, 0001); example: QC_Shew_11_01_pt5_c2_030311_earth_4ms_0001
                    //   A negative number representing number of minutes from the start of the run in UTC time to the start of the current frame, in local time; example: Sarc_P08_G03_0747_7Dec11_Cheetah_11-09-05.uimf
                    //      Examine values: Frame 1 has StartTime = -479.993 and Frame 1177 has StartTime = -417.509
                    //   A positive integer representing number of minutes since the start of the run
                    //      Theoretically, this will be the case for IMS_TOF_4 acquired after 12/14/2011

                    double dblRunTime = 0;

                    // First examine objGlobalParams.DateStarted
                        var blnValidStartTime      = false;
                        var strReportedDateStarted = objGlobalParams.GetValue(GlobalParamKeyType.DateStarted);

                        if (!DateTime.TryParse(strReportedDateStarted, out var dtReportedDateStarted))
                            // Invalid date; log a message
                            OnWarningEvent(".UIMF file has an invalid DateStarted value in table Global_Parameters: " + strReportedDateStarted + "; " +
                                           "will use the time the datafile was last modified");
                            blnInaccurateStartTime = true;
                            if (dtReportedDateStarted.Year < 450)
                                // Some .UIMF files have DateStarted values represented by huge integers, e.g. 127805472000000000 or 129145004045937500; example: BATs_TS_01_c4_Eagle_10-02-06_0000
                                // These numbers are the number of ticks since 1 January 1601 (where each tick is 100 ns)
                                // This value is returned by function GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (see

                                // When SQLite parses these numbers, it converts them to years around 0410
                                // To get the correct year, simply add 1600

                                dtReportedDateStarted = dtReportedDateStarted.AddYears(1600);
                                blnValidStartTime     = true;
                            else if (dtReportedDateStarted.Year <2000 | dtReportedDateStarted.Year> DateTime.Now.Year + 1)
                                // Invalid date; log a message
                                OnWarningEvent(".UIMF file has an invalid DateStarted value in table Global_Parameters: " + strReportedDateStarted + "; " +
                                               "will use the time the datafile was last modified");
                                blnInaccurateStartTime = true;
                                blnValidStartTime = true;

                        if (blnValidStartTime)
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtReportedDateStarted;

                            // Update the end time to match the start time; we'll update it below using the start/end times obtained from the frame parameters
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                    catch (Exception ex2)
                        OnWarningEvent("Exception extracting the DateStarted date from table Global_Parameters in the .UIMF file: " + ex2.Message);

                    // NumFrames is the total number of frames in the file (for all frame types)
                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = objGlobalParams.NumFrames;
                    if (intMasterFrameNumList.Length > datasetFileInfo.ScanCount)
                        datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = intMasterFrameNumList.Length;

                    if (intMasterFrameNumList.Length > 0)
                        // Ideally, we would lookup the acquisition time of the first frame and the last frame, then subtract the two times to determine the run time
                        // However, given the odd values that can be present in the StartTime field, we need to construct a full list of start times and then parse it

                        // Get the start time of the first frame
                        // See above for the various numbers that could be stored in the StartTime column
                        var objFrameParams = objUIMFReader.GetFrameParams(intMasterFrameNumList[0]);
                        var dblStartTime   = objFrameParams.GetValueDouble(FrameParamKeyType.StartTimeMinutes);

                        // Get the start time of the last frame
                        // If the reported start time is zero, then step back until a non-zero start time is reported

                        var    frameIndex = intMasterFrameNumList.Length - 1;
                        double dblEndTime;
                            objFrameParams = objUIMFReader.GetFrameParams(intMasterFrameNumList[frameIndex]);
                            dblEndTime     = objFrameParams.GetValueDouble(FrameParamKeyType.StartTimeMinutes);

                            if (Math.Abs(dblEndTime) < float.Epsilon)
                                frameIndex -= 1;
                        } while (Math.Abs(dblEndTime) < float.Epsilon && frameIndex >= 0);

                        // Check whether the StartTime and EndTime values are based on ticks
                        if (dblStartTime >= 1E+17 & dblEndTime > 1E+17)
                            // StartTime and Endtime were stored as the number of ticks (where each tick is 100 ns)
                            // Tick start date is either 1 January 1601 or 1 January 0001

                            var dtRunTime = DateTime.MinValue.AddTicks((long)(dblEndTime - dblStartTime));

                            dblRunTime = dtRunTime.Subtract(DateTime.MinValue).TotalMinutes;

                            // In some .UIMF files, the DateStarted column in Global_Parameters is simply the date, and not a specific time of day
                            // If that's the case, then update datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart to be based on dblRunTime
                            if (datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.Date == datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart)
                                var dtReportedDateStarted = DateTime.MinValue.AddTicks((long)dblStartTime);

                                if (dtReportedDateStarted.Year < 500)
                                    dtReportedDateStarted = dtReportedDateStarted.AddYears(1600);

                                if (dtReportedDateStarted.Year >= 2000 & dtReportedDateStarted.Year <= DateTime.Now.Year + 1)
                                    // Date looks valid
                                    if (blnInaccurateStartTime)
                                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtReportedDateStarted;
                                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                                        // How does it compare to datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart?
                                        if (dtReportedDateStarted.Subtract(datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart).TotalHours < 24)
                                            // Update the date
                                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtReportedDateStarted;
                                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                            // Ideally, we'd just compute RunTime like this: dblRunTime = dblEndTime - dblStartTime
                            // But, given the idiosyncracies that can occur, we need to construct a full list of start times

                            var    lstStartTimes   = new List <double>();
                            double dblEndTimeAddon = 0;

                            for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex <= intMasterFrameNumList.Length - 1; intIndex++)
                                objFrameParams = objUIMFReader.GetFrameParams(intMasterFrameNumList[intIndex]);

                            // Some datasets erroneously have zeroes stored in the .UIMF file for the StartTime of the last two frames; example: Sarc_MS2_26_2Apr11_Cheetah_11-02-18_inverse
                            // Check for this and remove them
                            var intFrameCountRemoved = 0;
                            while ((Math.Abs(lstStartTimes[lstStartTimes.Count - 1]) < float.Epsilon))
                                lstStartTimes.RemoveAt(lstStartTimes.Count - 1);
                                intFrameCountRemoved += 1;
                                if (lstStartTimes.Count == 0)

                            if (intFrameCountRemoved > 0)
                                if (lstStartTimes.Count > 2)
                                    // Compute the amount of time (in minutes) to addon to the total run time
                                    // We're computing the time between two frames, and multiplying that by intFrameCountRemoved
                                    dblEndTimeAddon += intFrameCountRemoved * (lstStartTimes[lstStartTimes.Count - 1] - lstStartTimes[lstStartTimes.Count - 2]);

                            // Now check for the StartTime changing to a smaller number from one frame to the next
                            // This could happen if the StartTime changed from 1439 to 0 as the system clock hits midnight
                            // Or if the StartTime changes from 59.9 to 0 as the system clock hits the top of a new hour
                            for (var intIndex = 1; intIndex <= lstStartTimes.Count - 1; intIndex++)
                                if (lstStartTimes[intIndex] < lstStartTimes[intIndex - 1])
                                    if (lstStartTimes[intIndex - 1] > 1439)
                                        dblEndTimeAddon += 1440;
                                    else if (lstStartTimes[intIndex - 1] > 59.7)
                                        dblEndTimeAddon += 60;

                            if (lstStartTimes.Count > 0)
                                // Compute the runtime
                                // Luckily, even if dblStartTime is -479.993 and dblEntTime is -417.509, this works out to a positive, accurate runtime
                                dblEndTime = lstStartTimes[lstStartTimes.Count - 1];
                                dblRunTime = dblEndTime + dblEndTimeAddon - dblStartTime;
                        dblRunTime = 0;

                    if (dblRunTime > 0)
                        if (dblRunTime > 24000)
                            OnWarningEvent("Invalid runtime computed using the StartTime value from the first and last frames: " + dblRunTime);
                            if (blnInaccurateStartTime)
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd.AddMinutes(-dblRunTime);
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.AddMinutes(dblRunTime);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnWarningEvent("Exception extracting acquisition time information: " + ex.Message);

                if (mSaveTICAndBPI || mCreateDatasetInfoFile || mCreateScanStatsFile || mSaveLCMS2DPlots)
                    // Load data from each frame
                    // This is used to create the TIC and BPI plot, the 2D LC/MS plot, and/or to create the Dataset Info File
                    LoadFrameDetails(objUIMFReader, dctMasterFrameList, intMasterFrameNumList);

                if (mComputeOverallQualityScores)
                    // Note that this call will also create the TICs and BPIs
                    ComputeQualityScores(objUIMFReader, datasetFileInfo, dctMasterFrameList, intMasterFrameNumList);

            // Close the handle to the data file

            // Read the file info from the file system
            // (much of this is already in datasetFileInfo, but we'll call UpdateDatasetFileStats() anyway to make sure all of the necessary steps are taken)
            UpdateDatasetFileStats(fiFileInfo, intDatasetID);

            // Copy over the updated filetime info from datasetFileInfo to mDatasetFileInfo
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetID     = datasetFileInfo.DatasetID;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.DatasetName);
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.FileExtension);
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart  = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd    = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes;

Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is used to determine one or more overall quality scores
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objUIMFReader"></param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="dctMasterFrameList"></param>
        /// <param name="intMasterFrameNumList"></param>
        private void ComputeQualityScores(
            DataReader objUIMFReader,
            clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <int, DataReader.FrameType> dctMasterFrameList,
            IReadOnlyList <int> intMasterFrameNumList)
            float sngOverallScore;

            double dblOverallAvgIntensitySum = 0;
            var    intOverallAvgCount        = 0;

            if (mLCMS2DPlot.ScanCountCached > 0)
                // Obtain the overall average intensity value using the data cached in mLCMS2DPlot
                // This avoids having to reload all of the data using objUIMFReader
                const int intMSLevelFilter = 1;
                sngOverallScore = mLCMS2DPlot.ComputeAverageIntensityAllScans(intMSLevelFilter);
                var objGlobalParams = objUIMFReader.GetGlobalParams();

                var intGlobalMaxBins = objGlobalParams.Bins;

                var dblMZList        = new double[intGlobalMaxBins + 1];
                var intIntensityList = new int[intGlobalMaxBins + 1];

                // Call .GetStartAndEndScans to get the start and end Frames
                GetStartAndEndScans(objGlobalParams.NumFrames, out var intFrameStart, out var intFrameEnd);

                for (var intMasterFrameNumIndex = 0; intMasterFrameNumIndex <= intMasterFrameNumList.Count - 1; intMasterFrameNumIndex++)
                    var intFrameNumber = intMasterFrameNumList[intMasterFrameNumIndex];
                    if (!dctMasterFrameList.TryGetValue(intFrameNumber, out var eFrameType))
                                           "Frametype {0} not found in dictionary dctMasterFrameList; ignoring frame {1} in ComputeQualityScores",
                                           eFrameType, intFrameNumber));


                    // Check whether the frame number is within the desired range
                    if (intFrameNumber < intFrameStart || intFrameNumber > intFrameEnd)

                    FrameParams objFrameParams;
                        objFrameParams = objUIMFReader.GetFrameParams(intFrameNumber);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception obtaining frame parameters for frame " + intFrameNumber + "; will skip this frame");
                        objFrameParams = null;

                    if (objFrameParams == null)

                    // We have to clear the m/z and intensity arrays before calling GetSpectrum

                    Array.Clear(dblMZList, 0, dblMZList.Length);
                    Array.Clear(intIntensityList, 0, intIntensityList.Length);

                    // Process all of the IMS scans in this Frame to compute a summed spectrum representative of the frame
                    // Scans likely range from 0 to objFrameParams.Scans-1, but we'll use objFrameParams.Scans just to be safe
                    var intIonCount = objUIMFReader.GetSpectrum(intFrameNumber, intFrameNumber, eFrameType, 0, objFrameParams.Scans, out dblMZList, out intIntensityList);

                    if (intIonCount <= 0)

                    // The m/z and intensity arrays might contain entries with m/z values of 0;
                    // need to copy the data in place to get the data in the correct format.

                    if (intIonCount > dblMZList.Length)
                        intIonCount = dblMZList.Length;

                    var intTargetIndex = 0;
                    for (var intIonIndex = 0; intIonIndex <= intIonCount - 1; intIonIndex++)
                        if (dblMZList[intIonIndex] > 0)
                            if (intTargetIndex != intIonIndex)
                                dblMZList[intTargetIndex]        = dblMZList[intIonIndex];
                                intIntensityList[intTargetIndex] = intIntensityList[intIonIndex];
                            intTargetIndex += 1;

                    intIonCount = intTargetIndex;

                    if (intIonCount > 0)
                        // ToDo: Analyze dblIonMZ and dblIonIntensity to compute a quality scores
                        // Keep track of the quality scores and then store one or more overall quality scores in datasetFileInfo.OverallQualityScore
                        // For now, this just computes the average intensity for each scan and then computes and overall average intensity value

                        double dblIntensitySum = 0;
                        for (var intIonIndex = 0; intIonIndex <= intIonCount - 1; intIonIndex++)
                            dblIntensitySum += intIntensityList[intIonIndex];

                        dblOverallAvgIntensitySum += dblIntensitySum / intIonCount;

                        intOverallAvgCount += 1;

                if (intOverallAvgCount > 0)
                    sngOverallScore = (float)(dblOverallAvgIntensitySum / intOverallAvgCount);
                    sngOverallScore = 0;

            datasetFileInfo.OverallQualityScore = sngOverallScore;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the dataset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strDataFilePath"></param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <returns>True if success, False if an error</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            var strDataFilePathLocal = string.Empty;

            // Obtain the full path to the file
            var fiRawFile = new FileInfo(strDataFilePath);

            if (!fiRawFile.Exists)
                OnErrorEvent(".Raw file not found: " + strDataFilePath);

            // Future, optional: Determine the DatasetID
            // Unfortunately, this is not present in metadata.txt
            // intDatasetID = LookupDatasetID(strDatasetName)
            var intDatasetID = DatasetID;

            // Record the file size and Dataset ID
            datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = fiRawFile.CreationTime;
            datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = fiRawFile.LastWriteTime;

            // The acquisition times will get updated below to more accurate values
            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

            datasetFileInfo.DatasetID     = intDatasetID;
            datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(fiRawFile.Name);
            datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = fiRawFile.Extension;
            datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = fiRawFile.Length;

            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;


            var blnDeleteLocalFile = false;
            var blnReadError       = false;

            // Use Xraw to read the .Raw file
            // If reading from a SAMBA-mounted network share, and if the current user has
            //  Read privileges but not Read&Execute privileges, then we will need to copy the file locally
            var xcaliburAccessor = new XRawFileIO();

            // Attach event handlers
            xcaliburAccessor.ReportError   += XcaliburAccessor_ReportError;
            xcaliburAccessor.ReportWarning += XcaliburAccessor_ReportWarning;

            // Open a handle to the data file
            if (!xcaliburAccessor.OpenRawFile(fiRawFile.FullName))
                // File open failed
                OnErrorEvent("Call to .OpenRawFile failed for: " + fiRawFile.FullName);
                blnReadError = true;

                if (!string.Equals(clsMSFileInfoScanner.GetAppFolderPath().Substring(0, 2), fiRawFile.FullName.Substring(0, 2), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    if (mCopyFileLocalOnReadError)
                        // Copy the file locally and try again

                            strDataFilePathLocal = Path.Combine(clsMSFileInfoScanner.GetAppFolderPath(), Path.GetFileName(strDataFilePath));

                            if (!string.Equals(strDataFilePathLocal, strDataFilePath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                OnDebugEvent("Copying file " + Path.GetFileName(strDataFilePath) + " to the working folder");
                                File.Copy(strDataFilePath, strDataFilePathLocal, true);

                                strDataFilePath    = string.Copy(strDataFilePathLocal);
                                blnDeleteLocalFile = true;

                                // Update fiRawFile then try to re-open
                                fiRawFile = new FileInfo(strDataFilePath);

                                if (!xcaliburAccessor.OpenRawFile(fiRawFile.FullName))
                                    // File open failed
                                    OnErrorEvent("Call to .OpenRawFile failed for: " + fiRawFile.FullName);
                                    blnReadError = true;
                                    blnReadError = false;
                        catch (Exception)
                            blnReadError = true;

            if (!blnReadError)
                // Read the file info
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.CreationDate;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Read error
                    blnReadError = true;

                if (!blnReadError)
                        // Look up the end scan time then compute .AcqTimeEnd
                        var intScanEnd = xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.ScanEnd;
                        xcaliburAccessor.GetScanInfo(intScanEnd, out clsScanInfo scanInfo);

                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.AddMinutes(scanInfo.RetentionTime);
                        datasetFileInfo.ScanCount  = xcaliburAccessor.GetNumScans();
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Error; use default values
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                        datasetFileInfo.ScanCount  = 0;

                    if (mSaveTICAndBPI || mCreateDatasetInfoFile || mCreateScanStatsFile || mSaveLCMS2DPlots || mCheckCentroidingStatus)
                        // Load data from each scan
                        // This is used to create the TIC and BPI plot, the 2D LC/MS plot, and/or to create the Dataset Info File

                    if (mComputeOverallQualityScores)
                        // Note that this call will also create the TICs and BPIs
                        ComputeQualityScores(xcaliburAccessor, datasetFileInfo);

            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.SampleInfo.SampleName = xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.SampleName;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.SampleInfo.Comment1   = xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.Comment1;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.SampleInfo.Comment2   = xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.Comment2;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.SampleComment))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDatasetStatsSummarizer.SampleInfo.Comment1))
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.SampleInfo.Comment1 = xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.SampleComment;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDatasetStatsSummarizer.SampleInfo.Comment2))
                        mDatasetStatsSummarizer.SampleInfo.Comment2 = xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.SampleComment;
                        // Append the sample comment to comment 2
                        mDatasetStatsSummarizer.SampleInfo.Comment2 += "; " + xcaliburAccessor.FileInfo.SampleComment;

            // Close the handle to the data file

            // Read the file info from the file system
            // (much of this is already in datasetFileInfo, but we'll call UpdateDatasetFileStats() anyway to make sure all of the necessary steps are taken)
            UpdateDatasetFileStats(fiRawFile, intDatasetID);

            // Copy over the updated filetime info from datasetFileInfo to mDatasetFileInfo
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetID     = datasetFileInfo.DatasetID;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.DatasetName);
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.FileExtension);
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart  = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd    = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount;
            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes;

            // Delete the local copy of the data file
            if (blnDeleteLocalFile)
                catch (Exception)
                    // Deletion failed
                    OnErrorEvent("Deletion failed for: " + Path.GetFileName(strDataFilePathLocal));

Beispiel #13
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Returns True if success, False if an error

            var blnSuccess           = false;
            var blnAcqTimeDetermined = false;

            try {
                var ioFolderInfo      = new DirectoryInfo(strDataFilePath);
                var strMSDataFilePath = Path.Combine(ioFolderInfo.FullName, AGILENT_MS_DATA_FILE);

                datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = ioFolderInfo.CreationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = ioFolderInfo.LastWriteTime;

                // The acquisition times will get updated below to more accurate values
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

                datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(ioFolderInfo.Name);
                datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = ioFolderInfo.Extension;
                datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = 0;

                // Look for the MS file
                // Use its modification time to get an initial estimate for the acquisition end time
                // Assign the .MS file's size to .FileSizeBytes
                var fiMSDatafile = new FileInfo(strMSDataFilePath);
                if (fiMSDatafile.Exists)
                    datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = fiMSDatafile.Length;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart  = fiMSDatafile.LastWriteTime;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd    = fiMSDatafile.LastWriteTime;

                    // Read the file info from the file system
                    UpdateDatasetFileStats(fiMSDatafile, datasetFileInfo.DatasetID);

                    blnSuccess = true;

                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;

                if (blnSuccess)
                    // Read the detailed data from the MS file
                    blnSuccess = ProcessChemstationMSDataFile(strMSDataFilePath, datasetFileInfo);

                    if (blnSuccess)
                        blnAcqTimeDetermined = true;

                if (!blnSuccess)
                    // MS file not found (or problems parsing); use acqmeth.txt and/or GC.ini

                    // The timestamp of the acqmeth.txt file or GC.ini file is more accurate than the GC.ini file, so we'll use that
                    var fiMethodFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(ioFolderInfo.FullName, AGILENT_ACQ_METHOD_FILE));
                    if (!fiMethodFile.Exists)
                        fiMethodFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(ioFolderInfo.FullName, AGILENT_GC_INI_FILE));

                    if (fiMethodFile.Exists)
                        // Update the AcqTimes only if the LastWriteTime of the acqmeth.txt or GC.ini file is within the next 60 minutes of .AcqTimeEnd
                        if (!blnSuccess || fiMethodFile.LastWriteTime.Subtract(datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd).TotalMinutes < 60)
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = fiMethodFile.LastWriteTime;
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = fiMethodFile.LastWriteTime;
                            blnSuccess = true;

                        if (datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes == 0)
                            // File size was not determined from the MS file
                            // Instead, sum up the sizes of all of the files in this folder
                            foreach (var item in ioFolderInfo.GetFiles())
                                datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes += item.Length;

                            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes;

                if (!blnAcqTimeDetermined)
                    try {
                        // Parse the acqmeth.txt file to determine the actual values for .AcqTimeStart and .AcqTimeEnd
                        blnSuccess = ParseAcqMethodFile(strDataFilePath, datasetFileInfo);

                        if (!blnSuccess)
                            // Try to extract Runtime from the GC.ini file
                            blnSuccess = ParseGCIniFile(strDataFilePath, datasetFileInfo);
                    } catch (Exception) {
                        // Error parsing the acqmeth.txt file or file; do not abort

                    // We set blnSuccess to true, even if either of the above functions fail
                    blnSuccess = true;

                if (blnSuccess)
                    // Copy over the updated filetime info and scan info from datasetFileInfo to mDatasetFileInfo
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.DatasetName);
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.FileExtension);

                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.ScanCount    = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                OnErrorEvent("Exception parsing GC .D folder: " + ex.Message, ex);
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #14
        private bool ParseAcqMethodFile(string strFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            double dblTotalRuntime = 0;

            var  blnRunTimeFound = false;
            bool blnSuccess;

            try {
                // Open the acqmeth.txt file
                var strFilePath = Path.Combine(strFolderPath, AGILENT_ACQ_METHOD_FILE);
                if (!File.Exists(strFilePath))

                // Populate a dictionary var with the text strings for finding lines with runtime information
                // Note that "Post Run" occurs twice in the file, so we use clsLineMatchSearchInfo.Matched to track whether or not the text has been matched
                var dctRunTimeText = new Dictionary <string, clsLineMatchSearchInfo>
                    { ACQ_METHOD_FILE_EQUILIBRATION_TIME_LINE, new clsLineMatchSearchInfo(true) },
                    { ACQ_METHOD_FILE_RUN_TIME_LINE, new clsLineMatchSearchInfo(true) }

                // We could also add in the "Post Run" time for determining total acquisition time, but we don't do this, to stay consistent with run times reported by the MS file
                // dctRunTimeText.Add(ACQ_METHOD_FILE_POST_RUN_LINE, New clsLineMatchSearchInfo(False))

                using (var srInFile = new StreamReader(strFilePath)) {
                    while (!srInFile.EndOfStream)
                        var strLineIn = srInFile.ReadLine();

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strLineIn))

                        foreach (var strKey in dctRunTimeText.Keys)
                            if (dctRunTimeText[strKey].Matched)

                            bool blnMatchSuccess;
                            if (dctRunTimeText[strKey].MatchLineStart)
                                blnMatchSuccess = strLineIn.StartsWith(strKey);
                                blnMatchSuccess = strLineIn.Contains(strKey);

                            if (!blnMatchSuccess)

                            if (!ExtractRunTime(strLineIn, out var dblRunTime))

                            dctRunTimeText[strKey].Matched = true;
                            dblTotalRuntime += dblRunTime;
                            blnRunTimeFound  = true;

                blnSuccess = blnRunTimeFound;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Exception reading file
                OnErrorEvent("Exception reading " + AGILENT_ACQ_METHOD_FILE + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
                blnSuccess = false;

            if (blnSuccess)
                // Update the acquisition start time
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd.AddMinutes(-dblTotalRuntime);

Beispiel #15
        private bool ParseBrukerZippedSFolders(DirectoryInfo diZippedSFilesFolderInfo, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Looks through the s*.zip files to determine the total file size (uncompressed) of all files in all the matching .Zip files
            // Updates datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes with this info, while also updating datasetFileInfo.ScanCount with the total number of files found
            // Returns True if success and also if no matching Zip files were found; returns False if error

            bool blnSuccess;

            datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = 0;
            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = 0;

                foreach (var zippedSFile in diZippedSFilesFolderInfo.GetFiles("s*.zip"))
                    // Get the info on each zip file

                    using (var objZipFile = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile(zippedSFile.FullName))
                        foreach (var objZipEntry in objZipFile.Entries)
                            datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes += objZipEntry.UncompressedSize;
                            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount     += 1;
                blnSuccess = true;
            catch (Exception)
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #16
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Returns True if success, False if an error

            var blnSuccess = false;

                var diRootFolder    = new DirectoryInfo(strDataFilePath);
                var diAcqDataFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(diRootFolder.FullName, AGILENT_ACQDATA_FOLDER_NAME));

                datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = diAcqDataFolder.CreationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = diAcqDataFolder.LastWriteTime;

                // The acquisition times will get updated below to more accurate values
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

                datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(diRootFolder.Name);
                datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = diRootFolder.Extension;
                datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = 0;
                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = 0;

                if (diAcqDataFolder.Exists)
                    // Sum up the sizes of all of the files in the AcqData folder
                    foreach (var fiFile in diAcqDataFolder.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes += fiFile.Length;

                    // Look for the MSScan.bin file
                    // Use its modification time to get an initial estimate for the acquisition end time
                    var fiMSScanfile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(diAcqDataFolder.FullName, AGILENT_MS_SCAN_FILE));

                    if (fiMSScanfile.Exists)
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = fiMSScanfile.LastWriteTime;
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = fiMSScanfile.LastWriteTime;

                        // Read the file info from the file system
                        // Several of these stats will be further updated later
                        UpdateDatasetFileStats(fiMSScanfile, datasetFileInfo.DatasetID);
                        // Read the file info from the file system
                        // Several of these stats will be further updated later
                        UpdateDatasetFileStats(diAcqDataFolder, datasetFileInfo.DatasetID);

                    blnSuccess = true;

                if (blnSuccess)
                    // The AcqData folder exists

                    // Parse the Contents.xml file to determine the acquisition start time
                    var blnAcqStartTimeDetermined = ProcessContentsXMLFile(diAcqDataFolder.FullName, datasetFileInfo);

                    // Parse the MSTS.xml file to determine the acquisition length and number of scans
                    var blnValidMSTS = ProcessTimeSegmentFile(diAcqDataFolder.FullName, datasetFileInfo, out var dblAcquisitionLengthMinutes);

                    if (!blnAcqStartTimeDetermined && blnValidMSTS)
                        // Compute the start time from .AcqTimeEnd minus dblAcquisitionLengthMinutes
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd.AddMinutes(-dblAcquisitionLengthMinutes);

                    // Note: could parse the AcqMethod.xml file to determine if MS2 spectra are present
                    //	<QTOF>
                    //		<TimeSegment>
                    //	      <Acquisition>
                    //	        <AcqMode>TargetedMS2</AcqMode>

                    // Read the raw data to create the TIC and BPI
                    ReadBinaryData(diRootFolder.FullName, datasetFileInfo);

                if (blnSuccess)
                    // Copy over the updated filetime info and scan info from datasetFileInfo to mDatasetFileInfo
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.DatasetName);
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.FileExtension);
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart  = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd    = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount;
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnErrorEvent("Exception parsing Agilent TOF .D folder: " + ex.Message, ex);
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #17
        private void LoadData(FileInfo fiIsosFile, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Cache the data in the _isos.csv and _scans.csv files

            if (mSaveTICAndBPI)
                // Initialize the TIC and BPI arrays

            if (mSaveLCMS2DPlots)

            var lstIsosData = LoadIsosFile(fiIsosFile.FullName, MaxFit);

            if (lstIsosData.Count == 0)
                OnErrorEvent("No data found in the _isos.csv file: " + fiIsosFile.FullName);

            var strScansFilePath = GetDatasetNameViaPath(fiIsosFile.Name) + DECONTOOLS_SCANS_FILE_SUFFIX;

            if (fiIsosFile.Directory != null)
                strScansFilePath = Path.Combine(fiIsosFile.Directory.FullName, strScansFilePath);

            var lstScanData        = LoadScansFile(strScansFilePath);
            var scansFileIsMissing = false;

            if (lstScanData.Count > 0)
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.AddMinutes(lstScanData.Last().ElutionTime);
                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount  = lstScanData.Last().Scan;
                scansFileIsMissing = true;

                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = (from item in lstIsosData select item.Scan).Max();

                for (var intScanIndex = 1; intScanIndex <= datasetFileInfo.ScanCount; intScanIndex++)
                    var udtScanData = new udtScansDataType
                        Scan        = intScanIndex,
                        ElutionTime = intScanIndex,
                        MSLevel     = 1


            // Step through the isos data and call mLCMS2DPlot.AddScan() for each scan

            var lstIons        = new List <clsLCMSDataPlotter.udtMSIonType>();
            var intCurrentScan = 0;

            // Note: we only need to update mLCMS2DPlot
            // The options for mLCMS2DPlotOverview will be cloned from mLCMS2DPlot.Options
            mLCMS2DPlot.Options.PlottingDeisotopedData = true;

            var dblMaxMonoMass = mLCMS2DPlot.Options.MaxMonoMassForDeisotopedPlot;

            for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex <= lstIsosData.Count - 1; intIndex++)
                if (lstIsosData[intIndex].Scan > intCurrentScan || intIndex == lstIsosData.Count - 1)
                    // Store the cached values

                    if (lstIons.Count > 0)
                        var udtCurrentScan = (from item in lstScanData where item.Scan == intCurrentScan select item).ToList().FirstOrDefault();

                        lstIons.Sort(new clsLCMSDataPlotter.udtMSIonTypeComparer());
                        mLCMS2DPlot.AddScan(intCurrentScan, udtCurrentScan.MSLevel, udtCurrentScan.ElutionTime, lstIons);

                        if (scansFileIsMissing && mSaveTICAndBPI)
                            // Determine the TIC and BPI values using the data from the .isos file
                            double tic = 0;
                            double bpi = 0;

                            for (var dataIndex = 0; dataIndex <= lstIons.Count - 1; dataIndex++)
                                tic += lstIons[dataIndex].Intensity;
                                if (lstIons[dataIndex].Intensity > bpi)
                                    bpi = lstIons[dataIndex].Intensity;

                            mTICandBPIPlot.AddData(intCurrentScan, udtCurrentScan.MSLevel, udtCurrentScan.ElutionTime, bpi, tic);

                    intCurrentScan = lstIsosData[intIndex].Scan;

                if (lstIsosData[intIndex].MonoMass <= dblMaxMonoMass)
                    var udtIon = new clsLCMSDataPlotter.udtMSIonType
                        // Note that we store .MonoMass in a field called .mz; we'll still be plotting monoisotopic mass
                        MZ        = lstIsosData[intIndex].MonoMass,
                        Intensity = lstIsosData[intIndex].Abundance,
                        Charge    = lstIsosData[intIndex].Charge

Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Examines the subdirectories in the specified zip file
        /// Determines the oldest and newest modified analysis.baf files (or apexAcquisition.method file if analysis.baf files are not found)
        /// Presumes this is the AcqStartTime and AcqEndTime
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fiZipFile"></param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <returns>True if at least one valid file is found; otherwise false</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        private void DetermineAcqStartEndTime(FileInfo fiZipFile, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            var blnSuccess = false;

                // Bump up the file size
                datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes += fiZipFile.Length;

                var lstFileNamesToFind = new List <string> {

                var oZipFile = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile(fiZipFile.FullName);

                foreach (var strFileNameToFind in lstFileNamesToFind)
                    using (var oZipEntry = oZipFile.GetEnumerator())
                        while (oZipEntry.MoveNext())
                            if (oZipEntry.Current == null)

                            if (oZipEntry.Current.IsDirectory)

                            // Split the filename on the forward slash character
                            var strNameParts = oZipEntry.Current.FileName.Split('/');

                            if (strNameParts.Length <= 0)

                            if (!string.Equals(strNameParts[strNameParts.Length - 1], strFileNameToFind, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

                            if (oZipEntry.Current.LastModified < datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart)
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = oZipEntry.Current.LastModified;

                            if (oZipEntry.Current.LastModified > datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd)
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = oZipEntry.Current.LastModified;

                            // Bump up the scan count
                            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount += 1;

                            // Add a Scan Stats entry
                            var objScanStatsEntry = new clsScanStatsEntry
                                ScanNumber                 = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount,
                                ScanType                   = 1,
                                ScanTypeName               = "MALDI-HMS",
                                ScanFilterText             = "",
                                ElutionTime                = "0",
                                TotalIonIntensity          = "0",
                                BasePeakIntensity          = "0",
                                BasePeakMZ                 = "0",
                                BasePeakSignalToNoiseRatio = "0",
                                IonCount                   = 0,
                                IonCountRaw                = 0

                            // Base peak signal to noise ratio


                            blnSuccess = true;

                    if (blnSuccess)
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnErrorEvent("Error in DetermineAcqStartEndTime: " + ex.Message);
Beispiel #19
        private bool ParseTICFolder(DirectoryInfo ticFolderInfo, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo, out DateTime dtTICModificationDate)
            // Look for and open the .Tic file in ioFolderInfo and look for the line listing the number of files
            // As a second validation, count the number of lines between TIC_FILE_TIC_FILE_LIST_START and TIC_FILE_TIC_FILE_LIST_END

            var intFileListCount      = 0;
            var blnParsingTICFileList = false;
            var blnSuccess            = false;

            dtTICModificationDate = DateTime.MinValue;

            foreach (var ticFile in ticFolderInfo.GetFiles("*.tic"))
                    // Try to open the TIC file
                    intFileListCount = 0;
                    using (var srInFile = new StreamReader(ticFile.OpenRead()))
                        while (!srInFile.EndOfStream)
                            var strLineIn = srInFile.ReadLine();

                            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLineIn)))

                            if (blnParsingTICFileList)
                                if (strLineIn.StartsWith(TIC_FILE_TIC_FILE_LIST_END))
                                    blnParsingTICFileList = false;

                                if (strLineIn == TIC_FILE_COMMENT_SECTION_END)
                                    // Found the end of the text section; exit the loop

                                intFileListCount += 1;
                                if (strLineIn.StartsWith(TIC_FILE_NUMBER_OF_FILES_LINE_START))
                                    // Number of files line found
                                    // Parse out the file count
                                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = int.Parse(strLineIn.Substring(TIC_FILE_NUMBER_OF_FILES_LINE_START.Length).Trim());
                                else if (strLineIn.StartsWith(TIC_FILE_TIC_FILE_LIST_START))
                                    blnParsingTICFileList = true;
                                else if (strLineIn == TIC_FILE_COMMENT_SECTION_END)
                                    // Found the end of the text section; exit the loop
                    blnSuccess = true;

                    dtTICModificationDate = ticFile.LastWriteTime;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Error opening or parsing the TIC file
                    blnSuccess = false;

                if (intFileListCount > datasetFileInfo.ScanCount)
                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = intFileListCount;

                // Only parse the first .Tic file found

Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strDataFilePath">Bruker 1 folder path or Bruker file</param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Process a Bruker 1 folder or Bruker file, specified by strDataFilePath
            // If a Bruker 1 folder, it must contain file acqu and typically contains file LOCK

            DirectoryInfo diZippedSFilesFolderInfo = null;

            var intScanCountSaved     = 0;
            var dtTICModificationDate = DateTime.MinValue;

            var  blnParsingBrukerOneFolder = false;
            bool blnSuccess;

                // Determine whether strDataFilePath points to a file or a folder
                // See if strFileOrFolderPath points to a valid file
                var brukerDatasetfile = new FileInfo(strDataFilePath);

                if (brukerDatasetfile.Exists)
                    // Parsing a zipped S folder
                    blnParsingBrukerOneFolder = false;

                    // The dataset name is equivalent to the name of the folder containing strDataFilePath
                    diZippedSFilesFolderInfo = brukerDatasetfile.Directory;
                    blnSuccess = true;

                    // Cannot determine accurate acqusition start or end times
                    // We have to assign a date, so we'll assign the date for the zipped s-folder
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = brukerDatasetfile.LastWriteTime;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = brukerDatasetfile.LastWriteTime;
                    // Assuming it's a "1" folder
                    blnParsingBrukerOneFolder = true;

                    diZippedSFilesFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(strDataFilePath);
                    if (diZippedSFilesFolderInfo.Exists)
                        // Determine the dataset name by looking up the name of the parent folder of strDataFilePath
                        diZippedSFilesFolderInfo = diZippedSFilesFolderInfo.Parent;
                        blnSuccess = true;
                        blnSuccess = false;

                if (blnSuccess && diZippedSFilesFolderInfo != null)
                    datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = diZippedSFilesFolderInfo.CreationTime;
                    datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = diZippedSFilesFolderInfo.LastWriteTime;

                    // The acquisition times will get updated below to more accurate values
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

                    datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = diZippedSFilesFolderInfo.Name;
                    datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Empty;
                    datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = 0;
                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = 0;
            catch (Exception)
                blnSuccess = false;

            if (blnSuccess && blnParsingBrukerOneFolder)
                // Parse the Acqu File to populate .AcqTimeEnd
                blnSuccess = ParseBrukerAcquFile(strDataFilePath, datasetFileInfo);

                if (blnSuccess)
                    // Parse the Lock file to populate.AcqTimeStart
                    blnSuccess = ParseBrukerLockFile(strDataFilePath, datasetFileInfo);

                    if (!blnSuccess)
                        // Use the end time as the start time
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
                        blnSuccess = true;

            if (blnSuccess)
                // Look for the zipped S folders in ioZippedSFilesFolderInfo
                    blnSuccess        = ParseBrukerZippedSFolders(diZippedSFilesFolderInfo, datasetFileInfo);
                    intScanCountSaved = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Error parsing zipped S Folders; do not abort

                    blnSuccess = false;

                    // Look for the TIC* folder to obtain the scan count from a .Tic file
                    // If the Scan Count in the TIC is larger than the scan count from ParseBrukerZippedSFolders,
                    //  then we'll use that instead
                    foreach (var subFolder in diZippedSFilesFolderInfo.GetDirectories("TIC*"))
                        blnSuccess = ParseTICFolder(subFolder, datasetFileInfo, out dtTICModificationDate);

                        if (blnSuccess)
                            // Successfully parsed a TIC folder; do not parse any others

                    if (!blnSuccess)
                        // TIC folder not found; see if a .TIC file is present in ioZippedSFilesFolderInfo
                        blnSuccess = ParseTICFolder(diZippedSFilesFolderInfo, datasetFileInfo, out dtTICModificationDate);

                    if (blnSuccess & !blnParsingBrukerOneFolder && dtTICModificationDate >= MINIMUM_ACCEPTABLE_ACQ_START_TIME)
                        // If dtTICModificationDate is earlier than .AcqTimeStart then update to dtTICMOdificationDate
                        if (dtTICModificationDate < datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart)
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtTICModificationDate;
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = dtTICModificationDate;

                    if (!blnSuccess)
                        // .Tic file not found in ioZippedSFilesFolderInfo
                        // Look for an ICR* folder to obtain the scan count from a .Pek file
                        foreach (var subFolder in diZippedSFilesFolderInfo.GetDirectories("ICR*"))
                            blnSuccess = ParseICRFolder(subFolder, datasetFileInfo);

                            if (blnSuccess)
                                // Successfully parsed an ICR folder; do not parse any others

                    if (blnSuccess)
                        if (intScanCountSaved > datasetFileInfo.ScanCount)
                            datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = intScanCountSaved;
                        // Set success to true anyway since we do have enough information to save the MS file info
                        blnSuccess = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Error parsing the TIC* or ICR* folders; do not abort

                // Validate datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart vs. datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd
                if (datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd >= MINIMUM_ACCEPTABLE_ACQ_START_TIME)
                    if (datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart > datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd)
                        // Start time cannot be greater than the end time
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
                    else if (datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart < MINIMUM_ACCEPTABLE_ACQ_START_TIME)
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;

Beispiel #21
        private void ReadBinaryData(string strDataFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
                // Open the data folder using the ProteoWizardWrapper

                var objPWiz = new pwiz.ProteowizardWrapper.MSDataFileReader(strDataFolderPath);

                    var dtRunStartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(objPWiz.RunStartTime);

                    // Update AcqTimeEnd if possible
                    if (dtRunStartTime < datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd)
                        if (datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd.Subtract(dtRunStartTime).TotalDays < 1)
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtRunStartTime;
                catch (Exception)
                    // Leave the times unchanged

                // Instantiate the Proteowizard Data Parser class
                var pWizParser = new clsProteowizardDataParser(objPWiz, mDatasetStatsSummarizer, mTICandBPIPlot,
                                                               mLCMS2DPlot, mSaveLCMS2DPlots, mSaveTICAndBPI,
                    HighResMS1 = true,
                    HighResMS2 = true


                var    blnTICStored      = false;
                double dblRuntimeMinutes = 0;

                if (objPWiz.ChromatogramCount > 0)
                    // Process the chromatograms
                    pWizParser.StoreChromatogramInfo(datasetFileInfo, out blnTICStored, out _, out dblRuntimeMinutes);
                    pWizParser.PossiblyUpdateAcqTimeStart(datasetFileInfo, dblRuntimeMinutes);

                if (objPWiz.SpectrumCount > 0)
                    // Process the spectral data
                    pWizParser.StoreMSSpectraInfo(datasetFileInfo, blnTICStored, ref dblRuntimeMinutes);
                    pWizParser.PossiblyUpdateAcqTimeStart(datasetFileInfo, dblRuntimeMinutes);

            catch (Exception ex)
                OnErrorEvent("Exception reading the Binary Data in the Agilent TOF .D folder using Proteowizard: " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #22
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Returns True if success, False if an error

            try {
                var ioFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(strDataFilePath);
                datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = ioFolderInfo.CreationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = ioFolderInfo.LastWriteTime;

                // The acquisition times will get updated below to more accurate values
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

                datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(ioFolderInfo.Name);
                datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = ioFolderInfo.Extension;

                // Sum up the sizes of all of the files in this folder
                datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = 0;
                var intFileCount = 0;
                foreach (var item in ioFolderInfo.GetFiles())
                    datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes += item.Length;

                    if (intFileCount == 0)
                        // Assign the first file's modification time to .AcqTimeStart and .AcqTimeEnd
                        // Necessary in case _header.txt is missing
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = item.LastWriteTime;
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = item.LastWriteTime;

                    if (item.Name.ToLower() == "_header.txt")
                        // Assign the file's modification time to .AcqTimeStart and .AcqTimeEnd
                        // These will get updated below to more precise values
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = item.LastWriteTime;
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = item.LastWriteTime;

                    intFileCount += 1;

                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;

                var objNativeFileIO = new clsMassLynxNativeIO();

                if (objNativeFileIO.GetFileInfo(ioFolderInfo.FullName, out var udtHeaderInfo))
                    var dtNewStartDate = DateTime.Parse(udtHeaderInfo.AcquDate + " " + udtHeaderInfo.AcquTime);

                    var intFunctionCount = objNativeFileIO.GetFunctionCount(ioFolderInfo.FullName);

                    if (intFunctionCount > 0)
                        // Sum up the scan count of all of the functions
                        // Additionally, find the largest EndRT value in all of the functions
                        float sngEndRT = 0;
                        for (var intFunctionNumber = 1; intFunctionNumber <= intFunctionCount; intFunctionNumber++)
                            if (objNativeFileIO.GetFunctionInfo(ioFolderInfo.FullName, 1, out clsMassLynxNativeIO.udtMSFunctionInfoType udtFunctionInfo))
                                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount += udtFunctionInfo.ScanCount;
                                if (udtFunctionInfo.EndRT > sngEndRT)
                                    sngEndRT = udtFunctionInfo.EndRT;

                        if (dtNewStartDate >= MINIMUM_ACCEPTABLE_ACQ_START_TIME)
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtNewStartDate;

                            if (sngEndRT > 0)
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.Add(MinutesToTimeSpan(sngEndRT));
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                            // Keep .AcqTimeEnd as the file modification date
                            // Set .AcqTimeStart based on .AcqEndTime
                            if (sngEndRT > 0)
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd.Subtract(MinutesToTimeSpan(sngEndRT));
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                        if (dtNewStartDate >= MINIMUM_ACCEPTABLE_ACQ_START_TIME)
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtNewStartDate;
                    // Error getting the header info using clsMassLynxNativeIO
                    // Continue anyway since we've populated some of the values

            } catch (Exception) {
Beispiel #23
        private bool ProcessChemstationMSDataFile(string strDatafilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            bool blnSuccess;
            var  intCurrentIndex = 0;

            try {
                using (var oReader = new ChemstationMSFileReader.clsChemstationDataMSFileReader(strDatafilePath)) {
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = oReader.Header.AcqDate;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart.AddMinutes(oReader.Header.RetentionTimeMinutesEnd);

                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = oReader.Header.SpectraCount;

                    for (var intSpectrumIndex = 0; intSpectrumIndex <= datasetFileInfo.ScanCount - 1; intSpectrumIndex++)
                        intCurrentIndex = intSpectrumIndex;

                        ChemstationMSFileReader.clsSpectralRecord oSpectrum = null;
                        List <float> lstMZs         = null;
                        List <Int32> lstIntensities = null;
                        const int    intMSLevel     = 1;

                        bool blnValidSpectrum;
                        try {
                            oReader.GetSpectrum(intSpectrumIndex, ref oSpectrum);
                            lstMZs           = oSpectrum.Mzs;
                            lstIntensities   = oSpectrum.Intensities;
                            blnValidSpectrum = true;
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            OnWarningEvent("Exception obtaining data from the MS file for spectrum index " + intCurrentIndex + ": " + ex.Message);
                            blnValidSpectrum = false;

                        if (blnValidSpectrum)
                            var objScanStatsEntry = new clsScanStatsEntry
                                ScanNumber                 = intSpectrumIndex + 1,
                                ScanType                   = intMSLevel,
                                ScanTypeName               = "GC-MS",
                                ScanFilterText             = "",
                                ElutionTime                = oSpectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes.ToString("0.0###"),
                                TotalIonIntensity          = StringUtilities.ValueToString(oSpectrum.TIC, 1),
                                BasePeakIntensity          = StringUtilities.ValueToString(oSpectrum.BasePeakAbundance, 1),
                                BasePeakMZ                 = oSpectrum.BasePeakMZ.ToString("0.0###"),
                                BasePeakSignalToNoiseRatio = "0",
                                IonCount                   = lstMZs.Count

                            objScanStatsEntry.IonCountRaw = objScanStatsEntry.IonCount;


                            if (mSaveTICAndBPI)
                                mTICandBPIPlot.AddData(objScanStatsEntry.ScanNumber, intMSLevel, oSpectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes, oSpectrum.BasePeakAbundance, oSpectrum.TIC);

                                if (lstMZs.Count > 0)
                                    var dblIonsMZ        = new double[lstMZs.Count];
                                    var dblIonsIntensity = new double[lstMZs.Count];

                                    for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex <= lstMZs.Count - 1; intIndex++)
                                        dblIonsMZ[intIndex]        = lstMZs[intIndex];
                                        dblIonsIntensity[intIndex] = lstIntensities[intIndex];

                                    mLCMS2DPlot.AddScan(objScanStatsEntry.ScanNumber, intMSLevel, oSpectrum.RetentionTimeMinutes, dblIonsMZ.Length, dblIonsMZ, dblIonsIntensity);

                            if (mCheckCentroidingStatus)
                                var lstMzDoubles = new List <double>(lstMZs.Count);
                                lstMzDoubles.AddRange(lstMZs.Select(ion => (double)ion));
                                mDatasetStatsSummarizer.ClassifySpectrum(lstMzDoubles, intMSLevel);

                blnSuccess = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Exception reading file
                OnWarningEvent("Exception reading data from the MS file at spectrum index " + intCurrentIndex + ": " + ex.Message);
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #24
 public abstract bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo);
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the MSTS.xml file to determine the acquisition length and the number of scans
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strFolderPath"></param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="dblTotalAcqTimeMinutes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        private bool ProcessTimeSegmentFile(string strFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo, out double dblTotalAcqTimeMinutes)
            var blnSuccess = false;

            double dblStartTime = 0;
            double dblEndTime   = 0;

            dblTotalAcqTimeMinutes = 0;

                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;

                // Open the Contents.xml file
                var strFilePath = Path.Combine(strFolderPath, AGILENT_TIME_SEGMENT_FILE);

                using (var srReader = new System.Xml.XmlTextReader(new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
                    while (!srReader.EOF)

                        switch (srReader.NodeType)
                        case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element:
                            switch (srReader.Name)
                            case "TimeSegment":
                                dblStartTime = 0;
                                dblEndTime   = 0;


                            case "StartTime":
                                dblStartTime = srReader.ReadElementContentAsDouble();


                            case "EndTime":
                                dblEndTime = srReader.ReadElementContentAsDouble();


                            case "NumOfScans":
                                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount += srReader.ReadElementContentAsInt();
                                blnSuccess = true;


                                // Ignore it


                        case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                            if (srReader.Name == "TimeSegment")
                                // Store the acqtime for this time segment

                                if (dblEndTime > dblStartTime)
                                    blnSuccess              = true;
                                    dblTotalAcqTimeMinutes += (dblEndTime - dblStartTime);

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Exception reading file
                OnErrorEvent("Exception reading " + AGILENT_TIME_SEGMENT_FILE + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #26
        private void ProcessWiffFile(FileSystemInfo fiDatasetFile, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
                // Open the .Wiff file using the ProteoWizardWrapper

                var objPWiz = new pwiz.ProteowizardWrapper.MSDataFileReader(fiDatasetFile.FullName);

                    var dtRunStartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(objPWiz.RunStartTime);

                    // Update AcqTimeEnd if possible
                    // Found out by trial and error that we need to use .ToUniversalTime() to adjust the time reported by ProteoWizard
                    dtRunStartTime = dtRunStartTime.ToUniversalTime();
                    if (dtRunStartTime < datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd)
                        if (datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd.Subtract(dtRunStartTime).TotalDays < 1)
                            datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtRunStartTime;
                catch (Exception)
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;

                // Instantiate the Proteowizard Data Parser class
                var pWizParser = new clsProteowizardDataParser(objPWiz, mDatasetStatsSummarizer, mTICandBPIPlot,
                                                               mLCMS2DPlot, mSaveLCMS2DPlots, mSaveTICAndBPI,
                    HighResMS1 = true,
                    HighResMS2 = true


                var    blnTICStored      = false;
                var    blnSRMDataCached  = false;
                double dblRuntimeMinutes = 0;

                // Note that SRM .Wiff files will only have chromatograms, and no spectra

                if (objPWiz.ChromatogramCount > 0)
                    // Process the chromatograms
                    pWizParser.StoreChromatogramInfo(datasetFileInfo, out blnTICStored, out blnSRMDataCached, out dblRuntimeMinutes);
                    pWizParser.PossiblyUpdateAcqTimeStart(datasetFileInfo, dblRuntimeMinutes);

                if (objPWiz.SpectrumCount > 0 & !blnSRMDataCached)
                    // Process the spectral data (though only if we did not process SRM data)
                    pWizParser.StoreMSSpectraInfo(datasetFileInfo, blnTICStored, ref dblRuntimeMinutes);
                    pWizParser.PossiblyUpdateAcqTimeStart(datasetFileInfo, dblRuntimeMinutes);

            catch (Exception ex)
                OnErrorEvent("Error using ProteoWizard reader: " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the data file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strDataFilePath">Dataset folder ptah</param>
        /// <param name="datasetFileInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Returns True if success, False if an error

            var blnSuccess = false;

                var diFolder = new DirectoryInfo(strDataFilePath);

                datasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = diFolder.CreationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = diFolder.LastWriteTime;

                // The acquisition times will get updated below to more accurate values
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = datasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

                datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(diFolder.Name);
                datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = diFolder.Extension;

                // Look for the Analysis.yep file
                // Use its modification time to get an initial estimate for the acquisition time
                // Assign the .Yep file's size to .FileSizeBytes
                var fiYepFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(diFolder.FullName, AGILENT_YEP_FILE));
                if (fiYepFile.Exists)
                    datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = fiYepFile.Length;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart  = fiYepFile.LastWriteTime;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd    = fiYepFile.LastWriteTime;
                    blnSuccess = true;
                    // Analysis.yep not found; look for Run.log
                    var fiRunLog = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(diFolder.FullName, AGILENT_RUN_LOG_FILE));
                    if (fiRunLog.Exists)
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = fiRunLog.LastWriteTime;
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = fiRunLog.LastWriteTime;
                        blnSuccess = true;

                        // Sum up the sizes of all of the files in this folder
                        datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = 0;
                        foreach (var datasetFile in diFolder.GetFiles())
                            datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes += datasetFile.Length;

                datasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0;

                if (blnSuccess)
                        // Parse the Run Log file to determine the actual values for .AcqTimeStart and .AcqTimeEnd
                        ParseRunLogFile(strDataFilePath, datasetFileInfo);

                        // Parse the Analysis.cdf file to determine the scan count and to further refine .AcqTimeStart
                        ParseAnalysisCDFFile(strDataFilePath, datasetFileInfo);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Error parsing the Run Log file or the Analysis.cdf file; do not abort
            catch (Exception)
                blnSuccess = false;

Beispiel #28
        private void ParseRunLogFile(string strFolderPath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            var strMostRecentMethodLine = string.Empty;

                // Try to open the Run.Log file
                bool     blnProcessedFirstMethodLine;
                bool     blnEndDateFound;
                DateTime dtMethodDate;

                using (var srInFile = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(strFolderPath, AGILENT_RUN_LOG_FILE)))
                    blnProcessedFirstMethodLine = false;
                    blnEndDateFound             = false;
                    while (!srInFile.EndOfStream)
                        var strLineIn = srInFile.ReadLine();

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLineIn))

                        if (!strLineIn.StartsWith(RUN_LOG_FILE_METHOD_LINE_START))

                        strMostRecentMethodLine = string.Copy(strLineIn);

                        // Method line found
                        // See if the line contains a key phrase
                        var intCharLoc = strLineIn.IndexOf(RUN_LOG_FILE_INSTRUMENT_RUNNING, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                        if (intCharLoc > 0)
                            if (ExtractMethodLineDate(strLineIn, out dtMethodDate))
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtMethodDate;
                            blnProcessedFirstMethodLine = true;
                            intCharLoc = strLineIn.IndexOf(RUN_LOG_INSTRUMENT_RUN_COMPLETED, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                            if (intCharLoc > 0)
                                if (ExtractMethodLineDate(strLineIn, out dtMethodDate))
                                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = dtMethodDate;
                                    blnEndDateFound            = true;

                        // If this is the first method line, then parse out the date and store in .AcqTimeStart
                        if (!blnProcessedFirstMethodLine)
                            if (ExtractMethodLineDate(strLineIn, out dtMethodDate))
                                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = dtMethodDate;

                if (blnProcessedFirstMethodLine & !blnEndDateFound)
                    // Use the last time in the file as the .AcqTimeEnd value
                    if (ExtractMethodLineDate(strMostRecentMethodLine, out dtMethodDate))
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd = dtMethodDate;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Run.log file not found
                OnWarningEvent("Error in ParseRunLogFile: " + ex.Message);
Beispiel #29
        public override bool ProcessDataFile(string strDataFilePath, clsDatasetFileInfo datasetFileInfo)
            // Process a Bruker Xmass folder, specified by strDataFilePath (which can either point to the dataset folder containing the XMass files, or any of the Zip files in the dataset folder)

            bool blnSuccess;

                // Determine whether strDataFilePath points to a file or a folder

                var diDatasetFolder = GetDatasetFolder(strDataFilePath);

                // Validate that we have selected a valid folder
                if (!diDatasetFolder.Exists)
                    OnErrorEvent("File/folder not found: " + strDataFilePath);

                // In case we cannot find any .Zip files, update the .AcqTime values to the folder creation date
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = diDatasetFolder.CreationTime;
                datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = diDatasetFolder.CreationTime;

                // Look for the 0_R*.zip files
                // If we cannot find any zip files, return false

                var lstFiles = diDatasetFolder.GetFiles(ZIPPED_IMAGING_FILE_SEARCH_SPEC).ToList();
                if (lstFiles.Count == 0)
                    // 0_R*.zip files not found
                    OnErrorEvent(ZIPPED_IMAGING_FILE_SEARCH_SPEC + "files not found in " + diDatasetFolder.FullName);
                    blnSuccess = false;
                    var fiFirstImagingFile = lstFiles.First();

                    // Initialize the .DatasetFileInfo
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemCreationTime     = fiFirstImagingFile.CreationTime;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime = fiFirstImagingFile.LastWriteTime;

                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSystemModificationTime;

                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetID     = datasetFileInfo.DatasetID;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = diDatasetFolder.Name;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileExtension = fiFirstImagingFile.Extension;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = 0;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = 0;

                    // Update the dataset name and file extension
                    datasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = GetDatasetNameViaPath(diDatasetFolder.FullName);
                    datasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Empty;

                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = DateTime.MinValue;
                    datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = DateTime.MaxValue;
                    datasetFileInfo.ScanCount    = 0;

                    // Process each zip file

                    foreach (var fiFileInfo in lstFiles)
                        // Examine all of the apexAcquisition.method files in this zip file
                        DetermineAcqStartEndTime(fiFileInfo, datasetFileInfo);

                    if (datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd == DateTime.MinValue || datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart == DateTime.MaxValue)
                        // Did not find any apexAcquisition.method files or submethods.xml files
                        // Use the file modification date of the first zip file
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart = fiFirstImagingFile.LastWriteTime;
                        datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd   = fiFirstImagingFile.LastWriteTime;

                    // Copy over the updated filetime info and scan info from datasetFileInfo to mDatasetFileInfo
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.DatasetName   = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.DatasetName);
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileExtension = string.Copy(datasetFileInfo.FileExtension);
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart  = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeStart;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd    = datasetFileInfo.AcqTimeEnd;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.ScanCount     = datasetFileInfo.ScanCount;
                    mDatasetStatsSummarizer.DatasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes = datasetFileInfo.FileSizeBytes;

                    blnSuccess = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnErrorEvent("Exception processing Zipped Imaging Files: " + ex.Message);
                blnSuccess = false;
