Beispiel #1
        public static DataTable GetGuardsWithAssignment(string searchkeyword)
            String    q  = @"select 
                        guards.gid, d.did, sduty_assignment.aid,
                        concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) as name,
                        concat(streetno, ', ', streetname, ', ', brgy, ', ', city) as Location,
	                        when ti_hh is null then 'Unscheduled'
                            when ti_hh is not null then 'Scheduled'
                            end as schedule,
						case astatus
                            when 1 then 'Active'    
                            when 2 then 'Inactive' 
                            when 3 then 'Approved' 
                        end as Status,
                        case gender when 1 then 'Male' when 2 then 'Female' end as 'GENDER', 
                        cellno as 'CONTACTNO',
                        case gstatus 
                            when 0 then 'Inctive' 
                            when 1 then 'Active'
                            when 2 then 'Pending Payroll'
                            when 1 then 'Pending Assignment'
                        end as 'STATUS'
                         from guards 
                        left join sduty_assignment on sduty_assignment.gid=guards.gid
                        left join (select * from dutydetails where dstatus=1) as d on sduty_assignment.aid=d.aid
                        left join request_assign on
                        left join request on request_assign.rid=request.rid
                        where  city is not null ";
            DataTable dt = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q + searchkeyword + " group by guards.gid order by name asc");

Beispiel #2
        public static DataTable GetDutyDetailList()
            ExtraQueryParams = "GROUP BY concat(guards.ln, ', ', guards.fn, ' ', ORDER BY client.Name asc; ";
            String q = "SELECT client.Name as 'Client Name' , concat(guards.ln, ', ', guards.fn, ' ', AS 'Guards Assigned', guards.LicenseNo as 'License Number', concat(request_assign.streetno, ' ', request_assign.streetname, ', ', request_assign.brgy, ', ', as 'Assignment Address', concat(dutydetails.TI_hh, ':', dutydetails.TI_mm, ' ', dutydetails.TI_period) AS 'Shift Start', concat(dutydetails.TO_hh, ':', dutydetails.TO_mm, ' ', dutydetails.TO_period) AS 'Shift End', concat(CASE WHEN(dutydetails.Sun = 1) THEN 'S' END, CASE WHEN(dutydetails.Mon = 1) THEN 'M' END, CASE WHEN(dutydetails.Tue = 1) THEN 'T' END, CASE WHEN(dutydetails.Wed = 1) THEN 'W' END, CASE WHEN(dutydetails.Thu = 1) THEN 'Th' END, CASE WHEN(dutydetails.Fri = 1) THEN 'F' END, CASE WHEN(dutydetails.Sat = 1) THEN 'Sa' END) AS 'Shift Days', CAST(request_assign.ContractStart AS date) AS 'Contract Start', CAST(request_assign.ContractEnd AS DATE) AS 'Contract End' FROM sduty_assignment JOIN guards ON sduty_assignment.GID = guards.GID JOIN request_assign ON sduty_assignment.RAID = request_assign.RAID JOIN request ON request_assign.RID = request.RID JOIN client ON request.CID = client.CID LEFT JOIN dutydetails ON sduty_assignment.AID = dutydetails.AID " + ExtraQueryParams;

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all requests made on a specific date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">DateTime object.</param>
        /// <returns>DT columns: rid, name, dateentry, type</returns>
        public static DataTable GetRequests(String searchkeyword, int ClientFilter, int TypeFilter, String SearchColumn, String orderby, DateTime date)
            String q = @"select rid, name, dateentry, 
                        case requesttype 
                        when 1 then 'Assignment'
                        when 2 then 'Unassignment' 
                        end as type,
                        case rstatus
                        when 1 then 'Pending'
                        when 2 then 'Approved'
                        when 3 then 'Active'
                        when 4 then 'Inactive'
                        when 5 then 'Declined'
                        end as status
                        from msadb.request 
                        left join client on request.cid=client.cid 
                        where dateentry='{0}' ";

            if (ClientFilter != -1)
                q += " and client.cid=" + ClientFilter;
            if (TypeFilter != 0)
                q += " and requesttype=" + TypeFilter;
            searchkeyword = cleansearch(searchkeyword);
            return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q, SearchColumn, searchkeyword, "dateentry desc", new String[] { date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") }));
Beispiel #4
        public static int CreateWithTaxBracket(double value, int excessmult)
            var isnert_query = $@"INSERT INTO `msadb`.`withtax_value` (`value`, `excessmult`) VALUES ('{value}', '{excessmult}');";

            return(SQLTools.GetInt("select last_insert_id()"));
Beispiel #5
         * public static DataTable ViewGuardsFromClient(int cid) {
         *  String q = @"select did, concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) as Name, concat(streetno, ', ', streetname, ', ', brgy, ', ', city) as Location,concat(timein, '-', timeout,' ', days) as Schedule from guards left join sduty_assignment on guards.gid = sduty_assignment.gid
         *              left join dutydetails on sduty_assignment.aid = dutydetails.AID
         *              left join request_assign on =
         *              left join request on request_assign.rid=request.rid
         *              where cid = 1;";
         *  DataTable dt = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q);
         *  foreach (DataRow e in dt.Rows) {
         *      String[] x = e["Schedule"].ToString().Split(' ');
         *      e.SetField("Schedule", (x[0] + ParseDays(x[1])));
         *  }
         *  return dt;
         * }


        #region View Assignments    ✔Done

        public static DataTable GetAssignmentsByClient(int cid, int filter, string searchkeyword)
            String q = @"select 
                        guards.gid, d.did, sduty_assignment.aid,
                        concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) as name,
                        concat(streetno, ', ', streetname, ', ', brgy, ', ', city) as Location, as cname,
	                        when ti_hh is null then 'Unscheduled'
                            when ti_hh is not null then 'Scheduled'
                            end as schedule,
						case astatus
                        when 1 then 'Active' when 2 then 'Inactive' when 3 then 'Approved' end as Status
                         from guards 
                        left join sduty_assignment on sduty_assignment.gid=guards.gid
                        left join (select * from dutydetails where dstatus=1) as d on sduty_assignment.aid=d.aid
                        left join request_assign on
                        left join request on request_assign.rid=request.rid
                        left join client on request.cid = client.cid
                        where  city is not null and sduty_assignment.unassignedon is null " +
                       (cid == -1 ? "" : " AND sduty_assignment.cid = " + cid + "");

            if (filter == Enumeration.ScheduleStatus.Scheduled)
                q += " AND ti_hh is not null";
            else if (filter == Enumeration.ScheduleStatus.Unscheduled)
                q += " AND ti_hh is null ";
            q += searchkeyword;
            q += " group by guards.gid";
            DataTable dt = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q + " order by name asc");

Beispiel #6
        public static DataTable GetRequests(String searchkeyword, int ClientFilter, int TypeFilter, String ColumnToSortByAscDesc, String orderby)
            String q = @"select rid, name, dateentry, 
                        case requesttype when 1 then 'Assignment' when 2 then 'Unassignment' end as type,
                        case rstatus
                        when 1 then 'Pending'
                        when 2 then 'Approved'
                        when 3 then 'Active'
                        when 4 then 'Inactive'
                        when 5 then 'Declined'
                        end as status from msadb.request inner join client on request.cid=client.cid ";

            q += " where 1=1 ";
            if (ClientFilter != -1)
                q += " and client.cid=" + ClientFilter;
            if (TypeFilter != 0)
                q += " and requesttype=" + TypeFilter;

            searchkeyword = cleansearch(searchkeyword);
            return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q, ColumnToSortByAscDesc, searchkeyword, "dateentry desc"));
Beispiel #7
        public static DataTable GetGuardsList()
            ExtraQueryParams = "ORDER BY GStatus desc";
            String q = "SELECT concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) AS 'Full Name', CASE WHEN GStatus = 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN GStatus = 0 THEN 'Inactive' END as Status,  CellNo as 'Cell Number', LicenseNo as 'License Number', SSS, TIN, PhilHealth as PHIC FROM msadb.guards " + ExtraQueryParams;

Beispiel #8
 public static DataTable GetPeriods(int GID)
     return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(@"SELECT month, period, year
                                 FROM msadb.period 
                                 where GID = " + GID + @"
                                 group by month,period,year order by year desc, month desc, period desc;"));
Beispiel #9
        public static void ApproveUnassignment(int RequestId)
            DataTable de            = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery($@"select * from request
                                                        left join request_unassign on request_unassign.RID = request.RID
                                                        where request.rid={RequestId};");
            DateTime  DateEffective = DateTime.Parse(de.Rows[0]["dateeffective"].ToString());
            // 1.) Get all GIDs of guards in RID
            DataTable GuardsToBeDismissed = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(@"select guards.gid as gid, sduty_assignment.aid as aid from guards 
                                            left join sduty_assignment on sduty_assignment.GID = guards.gid
                                            left join request_unassign on request_unassign.gid = guards.gid
                                            where rid = " + RequestId + ";");

            foreach (DataRow e in GuardsToBeDismissed.Rows)
                // 1A) Set scheds to inactive
                String q = @"UPDATE `msadb`.`dutydetails` SET `DStatus`='" + Enumeration.DutyDetailStatus.Inactive + "' WHERE `AID`='" + e["aid"] + "';";
                // 2.) Set assignment to dismissed (IF they have schedules active)
                q = $@"UPDATE `msadb`.`sduty_assignment` SET `AStatus`='{
                    }', UnassignedOn='{DateEffective:yyyy-MM-dd}' WHERE `gid`='{e["gid"]}';";
                // 3.) Set guard to Inactive (BUT NOT DISMISSED)
                q = $@"UPDATE `msadb`.`guards` SET `GStatus`='{Enumeration.GuardStatus.PendingPayroll}' WHERE `GID`='{e[0]}'";
                SQLTools.ExecuteQuery($@"call init_checkdate_gstatus_onapprove({e[0]})");
            // Step 4
            UpdateRequestStatus(RequestId, Enumeration.RequestStatus.Approved, Login.LoggedInUser);
Beispiel #10
        public static DataTable GetClientsList()
            ExtraQueryParams = " ORDER BY Name asc";
            String q = "SELECT Name as 'Name', CASE WHEN CStatus = 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN CStatus = 0 THEN 'Inactive' END as Status, concat(ClientStreetNo,' ', ClientStreet, ', ', ClientBrgy, ', ', ClientCity) as Address, Manager, ContactPerson as 'Contact Person', ContactNo as 'Contact Number' FROM msadb.client" + ExtraQueryParams;

Beispiel #11
 public static DataTable GetAssignmentHistory(int gid)
     return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery($@"select aid,, assignedon, unassignedon from sduty_assignment
     left join request_assign on =
     left join request on request.rid = request_assign.rid
     left join client on client.cid = request.cid where gid={gid}"));
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// TODO: Fill query.
 /// Returns a DT of guards assigned on a specific request.
 /// (Request must be approved + assigned)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="RequestId"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable GetRequestedGuards(int RequestId)
     return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery($@"Select concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) from guards 
         right join SDuty_Assignment on SDuty_Assignment.gid = guards.gid
         right join Request_Assign on =
         where = {RequestId}; "));
Beispiel #13
        public static DataTable GetAllGuards(string searchKeyWords, int mode)
            string query;
            string orderbyclause;

            if (mode == 0)
                query         = $@"Select gid,concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) as NAME, 
                            case gstatus 
                                when {Enumeration.GuardStatus.Active} then 'Active' 
                                when {Enumeration.GuardStatus.Inactive} then 'Inactive' 
                                when {Enumeration.GuardStatus.PendingPayroll} then 'Pending Payroll'
                                end as 'STATUS', 
                            case gtype when 0 then 'Regular' when 1 then 'Officer' end as 'RANK', case gender when 1 then 'Male' when 2 then 'Female' end as 'GENDER',
                            cellno as 'CONTACTNO' 
                            FROM Guards ";
                orderbyclause = "ORDER BY NAME ASC;";
                query         = $@"Select Guards.gid,concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) as NAME, 
                        concat(StreetNo,', ', Brgy,', ',Street, ', ', City) As LOCATION, case gstatus 
                            when { Enumeration.GuardStatus.Active}
                            then 'Active'
                            when { Enumeration.GuardStatus.Inactive}
                            then 'Inactive'
                            when { Enumeration.GuardStatus.PendingPayroll}
                            then 'Payroll Pending'
                            end as 'STATUS'
                        FROM Guards LEFT JOIN Address ON Address.GID = Guards.GID ";
                orderbyclause = " AND Atype = 2 ORDER BY NAME ASC;";
            return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(query + searchKeyWords + orderbyclause));
Beispiel #14
        public static DataTable GetAllAssignmentDetails(int AID)
            SQLTools.ExecuteNonQuery("call msadb.init_checkdate_assignmentstatus();");

             * On Status:  What status? Assignment status?
             * NTS: Is status supposed to be active when guard has duty? Or when guard has assignment?
            //return Gid, Name sa Guard, CID, name sa client, status
            String q = @"/* return Gid, Name sa Guard, CID, name sa client, status */
                            guards.gid as gid,
                            client.cid as cid,
                            concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) as guardname,
                   as clientname,
                            case astatus when 1 then 'Active' when 2 then 'Inactive' end as assignmentstatus
                             from sduty_assignment
                            left join request_assign on sduty_assignment.RAID=request_assign.RAID
                            left join request on request.RID = request_assign.RID
                            left join client on request.cid = client.cid
                            left join guards on guards.gid = sduty_assignment.GID
                            where sduty_assignment.AID = " + AID;

Beispiel #15
 public static DataTable GetPeriods(int GID)
     return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery($@"SELECT month, period, year
                                 FROM msadbarchive.period 
                                where GID='{GID}' 
                                 group by month,period,year order by year desc, month desc, period desc"));
Beispiel #16
        public Hours GetAttendanceSummary()
            String    q = $@"
                       select atid, dutydetails.did, DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y-%m-%d') as Date, SUBSTRING(DAYNAME(DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y-%m-%d')) FROM 1 FOR 3)  as day, 
							concat (ti_hh,':',ti_mm,' ',ti_period, ' - ',to_actual_hh,':',to_actual_mm,' ',to_actual_period) as Schedule,
                            ' ' as normal_day, ' ' as normal_night, ' ' as holiday_day, ' ' as holiday_night, ' ' as total, CONCAT(`year`, '-',period.month,'-', (DATE_FORMAT(date, '%d')), '  ') as Datex,
                            CONCAT(to_hh,':',to_mm,' ',to_period) as asto,
                            CONCAT(ti_hh,':',ti_mm,' ',ti_period) as asti
                            from attendance
                            left join dutydetails 
                            on dutydetails.did=attendance.did
                            left join period 
                            where period = '{period.period}'
                            and month = '{period.month}'
                            and year = '{period.year}'
                            and period.gid = {this.GID}
                            and aid = {AID}
                            order by date asc
            DataTable d = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q);

            foreach (DataRow f in d.Rows)
                var           sti   = f["Datex"].ToString() + f["TimeIn"].ToString();
                var           sto   = f["Datex"].ToString() + f["TimeOut"].ToString();
                var           sti_c = f["Datex"].ToString() + f["asti"].ToString();
                var           sto_c = f["Datex"].ToString() + f["asto"].ToString();
                DateTime      ti    = DateTime.Parse(sti);
                DateTime      to    = DateTime.Parse(sto);
                HourProcessor proc  = new HourProcessor(ti, to, DateTime.Parse(sti_c), DateTime.Parse(sto_c));
                f["normal_day"]    = proc.GetNormalDay();
                f["normal_night"]  = proc.GetNormalNight();
                f["holiday_day"]   = proc.GetHolidayDay();
                f["holiday_night"] = proc.GetHolidayNight();
                f["total"]         = proc.GetTotal();
            Hours h = new Hours();

            attendance_cached = d;
            TimeSpan holiday_day, holiday_night, normal_day, normal_night, total;

            holiday_day = holiday_night = normal_day = normal_night = total = new TimeSpan();

            foreach (HourProcessor x in hourlist)
                TotalHours      += x;
                h.holiday_day   += x.GetHolidayDayTS();
                h.holiday_night += x.GetHolidayNightTS();
                h.normal_day    += x.GetNormalDayTS();
                h.normal_night  += x.GetNormalNightTS();;
               += x.GetTotalTS();
                int pc = 1 + 1;
Beispiel #17
        public static DataTable GetClients()
            SQLTools.ExecuteQuery("call init_status_clientstatus()");
            DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
            String    query = "select cid, name from client;";

Beispiel #18
 public static DataTable GetAssignmentHistory(int GID)
     return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery($@"select aid, DATE_FORMAT(assignedon, '%Y-%m-%d') as AssignedOn, DATE_FORMAT(unassignedon, '%Y-%m-%d') as UnassignedOn, 
                                     from msadbarchive.sduty_assignment 
                                     left join msadb.client on msadb.client.cid = msadbarchive.sduty_assignment.cid
                                     where gid = {GID};"));
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns Individual Time elements of DutyDetail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DID">Duty Detail ID</param>
        /// <returns>Columns: ["ti_hh" , "ti_mm" , "ti_period" , "to_hh" , "to_mm" , "to_period"]</returns>
        public static DataTable GetDutyDetailsDetails(int DID)
            String q = @"select ti_hh, ti_mm, ti_period,
		                to_actual_hh as 'to_hh', to_actual_mm as 'to_mm', to_actual_period as 'to_period', date_effective, date_dismissal
                        from dutydetails  where did=" + DID;

Beispiel #20
        public static DataTable GetAssignmentDetails(int aid)
            // Location, ContractStart, ContractEnd
            String q = @"SELECT address as location,
                        AssignedOn as contractstart, UnassignedOn as contractend FROM msadbarchive.sduty_assignment
                        where msadbarchive.sduty_assignment.aid=" + aid + ";";

Beispiel #21
        public static void InitGuardStatusAndDutyAssignments()
            // If duty starts now, and not yet activated..
            var w = $@"call init_checkdate_assignments()";
            var z = $@"call init_checkdate_guardstatus()";

Beispiel #22
        public static DataTable GetAllClientDetails(String searchKeyWords)
            searchKeyWords = CleanSearch(searchKeyWords);
            var q = $@"SELECT cid, name, CONCAT(Clientstreetno,' ',Clientstreet,', ', Clientbrgy,', ',Clientcity) AS contactno, 
                    case cstatus when {Enumeration.ClientStatus.Active} then 'Active' when {Enumeration.ClientStatus.Inactive} then 'Inactive' 
                    end as status FROM client" + searchKeyWords;

Beispiel #23
        public static DataTable GetGuardsToBeUnassigned(int RID)
            String q = @"select guards.gid, concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) as name from request_unassign 
                        left join guards on guards.gid = request_unassign.gid
                        left join request on request.RID = request_unassign.RID
                        where request.RID = " + RID;

Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the details of a specific ASSIGNMENT Request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rid">Request ID.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetAssignmentRequestDetails(int rid)
            String q = @"SELECT name, concat(streetno,', ',streetname,', ',brgy,', ',city) as Location, 
                        contractstart, contractend, noguards, request.rstatus, uname
                        FROM request left join request_assign on request_assign.rid = request.rid left join client on request.cid = client.cid 
                        left join account on account.accid = request.processedby "
                       + " where request.rid={0}";;

            return(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q, null, null, null, new String[] { rid.ToString() }));
Beispiel #25
        public static DataTable GetIncidentInvolved(int rid)
            var q = @"select concat (ln, ', ',  fn, ' ', mn) as name, 
                        case InvolvementType when 1 then 'Involved' when 2 then 'Witness' end as InvType from request_unassign
                        left join request on request_unassign.RID = request.RID
                        left join incidentreport on request_unassign.IID = incidentreport.IID 
                        left join personsinvolved on incidentreport.IID = personsinvolved.IID where request.RID = " + rid + " group by name";

Beispiel #26
        public static Payroll GetPayroll(int GID, int month, int period, int year)
            Payroll py = new Payroll(SQLTools.ExecuteQuery($@"select * from msadbarchive.payroll where
                                            gid = {GID}
                                            and period = {period}
                                            and year = {year}
                                            and month = {month} ").Rows[0]);

Beispiel #27
 public static DataTable GetAttendanceSummary(int year, int month, int period, int gid)
                $@"SELECT pid, concat(ln,', ',fn,' ',mn) as 'certby', holiday_day, holiday_night, normal_day, normal_night, total FROM msadbarchive.period
         left join msadb.certifier on msadb.certifier.ccid = msadbarchive.period.certby
         where month = {month}
         and period={period}
         and year = {year}
         and gid={gid};"));
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns DataTable: Location, ContractStart, ContractEnd
        /// of guard with corresponding AID number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetAssignmentDetails(int aid)
            // Location, ContractStart, ContractEnd
            String q = @"SELECT concat(streetno, ', ', streetname, ', ', brgy, ', ', city) as Location, ContractStart, ContractEnd FROM msadb.sduty_assignment
                        left join request_assign on
                        left join request on request.rid=request_assign.rid
                        where sduty_assignment.aid=" + aid + ";";

Beispiel #29
        public static DataTable GetIncidentReport(int rid)
            var q = @"select case incidentreport.ReportType when 1 then 'Injury' when 2 then 'Accident' when 3 then 'Complaint' end as Type, 
                        incidentreport.EventDate as EventDate, 
                        incidentreport.EventLocation as Location, 
                        incidentreport.Description as Description from request_unassign
                        left join request on request_unassign.RID = request.RID
                        left join incidentreport on request_unassign.IID = incidentreport.IID 
                        left join personsinvolved on incidentreport.IID = personsinvolved.IID where request.RID = " + rid + " group by Description";

Beispiel #30
        public static void CreateWithTaxQuery(DateTime date_effective)
            SingleTransactionQuery =
                "insert into `msadb`.`withtax_bracket` (`estatus`, `bracket`, `taxid`, `contrib_id`) VALUES ";
            var insert_contribdetail =
                $@"INSERT INTO `msadb`.`contribdetails` 
                    (`date_effective`, `date_dissolved`, `type`, `status`) 
                    VALUES ('{date_effective.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}', '{"9999-12-31"}', '{2}', '{2}');";

            contrib_id = SQLTools.GetInt("select last_insert_id()");