Beispiel #1
        // return a new DynamicPropertyAccessor
        internal static object NewDynamicPropertyAccessor(Type ownerType, string propertyName)
            SystemCoreExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemCore();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.NewDynamicPropertyAccessor(ownerType, propertyName) : null);
Beispiel #2
        // return true if the item is an XmlNamespaceManager
        internal static bool IsXmlNamespaceManager(object item)
            SystemXmlExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemXml();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsXmlNamespaceManager(item) : false);
Beispiel #3
        // Get a bitmap from the given data (either BitmapSource or Bitmap)
        internal static object GetBitmap(object data)
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing(force: true);

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetBitmap(data) : null);
Beispiel #4
        // Convert a metafile to HBitmap
        internal static IntPtr ConvertMetafileToHBitmap(IntPtr handle)
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing(force: true);

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.ConvertMetafileToHBitmap(handle) : IntPtr.Zero);
Beispiel #5
        //returns bitmap snapshot of selected area
        //this code takes a BitmapImage and converts it to a Bitmap so it can be put on the clipboard
        internal static object GetBitmapFromBitmapSource(object source)
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing(force: true);

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetBitmapFromBitmapSource(source) : null);
Beispiel #6
        // return the handle from a metafile
        internal static IntPtr GetHandleFromMetafile(Object data)
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetHandleFromMetafile(data) : IntPtr.Zero);
Beispiel #7
        // return true if the list is a DataView
        internal static bool IsDataView(IBindingList list)
            SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsDataView(list) : false);
Beispiel #8
        // get the InnerText of the given node
        internal static object GetInnerText(object item)
            SystemXmlExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemXml();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetInnerText(item) : null);
        // return a string of the form "{http://my.namespace}TagName"
        internal static string GetXElementTagName(object item)
            SystemXmlLinqExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemXmlLinq();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetXElementTagName(item) : null);
        // XLinq exposes several properties on XElement that create new objects
        // every time the getter is called.
        internal static bool IsXLinqNonIdempotentProperty(PropertyDescriptor pd)
            SystemXmlLinqExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemXmlLinq();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsXLinqNonIdempotentProperty(pd) : false);
        // return true if the item is an XElement
        internal static bool IsXElement(object item)
            SystemXmlLinqExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemXmlLinq();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsXElement(item) : false);
        // Token: 0x06006531 RID: 25905 RVA: 0x001C679C File Offset: 0x001C499C
        internal static bool IsIDynamicMetaObjectProvider(object item)
            SystemCoreExtensionMethods systemCoreExtensionMethods = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemCore(false);

            return(systemCoreExtensionMethods != null && systemCoreExtensionMethods.IsIDynamicMetaObjectProvider(item));
Beispiel #13
        // return a DynamicIndexerAccessor with the given number of arguments
        internal static object GetIndexerAccessor(int rank)
            SystemCoreExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemCore();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetIndexerAccessor(rank) : null);
Beispiel #14
        // return true if parent is an empty XmlDataCollection.
        internal static bool IsEmptyXmlDataCollection(object parent)
            SystemXmlExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemXml();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsEmptyXmlDataCollection(parent) : false);
Beispiel #15
        // return true if the item is a DataRowView
        internal static bool IsDataRowView(object item)
            SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsDataRowView(item) : false);
Beispiel #16
        // when item is an XmlNode, get its tag name (using the target DO as context
        // for namespace lookups)
        internal static string GetXmlTagName(object item, DependencyObject target)
            SystemXmlExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemXml();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetXmlTagName(item, target) : null);
Beispiel #17
        // return true if the value is null in the SqlTypes sense
        internal static bool IsSqlNull(object value)
            SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsSqlNull(value) : false);
Beispiel #18
        // return a new default-printing permission
        internal static CodeAccessPermission NewDefaultPrintingPermission()
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing(force: true);

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.NewDefaultPrintingPermission() : null);
Beispiel #19
        // return true if the type is nullable in the SqlTypes sense
        internal static bool IsSqlNullableType(Type type)
            SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsSqlNullableType(type) : false);
Beispiel #20
        // return true if the data is a graphics metafile
        internal static bool IsMetafile(object data)
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsMetafile(data) : false);
Beispiel #21
        // ADO DataSet exposes some properties that cause problems involving
        // identity and change notifications.  We handle these specially.
        internal static bool IsDataSetCollectionProperty(PropertyDescriptor pd)
            SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsDataSetCollectionProperty(pd) : false);
Beispiel #22
        // Get the metafile from the handle of the enhanced metafile.
        internal static Object GetMetafileFromHemf(IntPtr hMetafile)
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing(force: true);

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetMetafileFromHemf(hMetafile) : null);
Beispiel #23
        // Intercept GetValue calls for certain ADO properties
        internal static object GetValue(object item, PropertyDescriptor pd, bool useFollowParent)
            SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetValue(item, pd, useFollowParent) : null);
Beispiel #24
        // Get a bitmap handle from a Bitmap
        internal static IntPtr GetHBitmapFromBitmap(object data)
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetHBitmapFromBitmap(data) : IntPtr.Zero);
Beispiel #25
        // return true if DBNull is a valid value for the given item and column.
        // The column may be specified directly by name, or indirectly by indexer: Item[arg]
        internal static bool DetermineWhetherDBNullIsValid(object item, string columnName, object arg)
            SystemDataExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemData();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.DetermineWhetherDBNullIsValid(item, columnName, arg) : false);
Beispiel #26
        // return a stream for the ExifUserComment in the given Gif
        internal static Stream GetCommentFromGifStream(Stream stream)
            SystemDrawingExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemDrawing(force: true);

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.GetCommentFromGifStream(stream) : null);
Beispiel #27
        // return true if the item implements IDynamicMetaObjectProvider
        internal static bool IsIDynamicMetaObjectProvider(object item)
            SystemCoreExtensionMethods extensions = AssemblyHelper.ExtensionsForSystemCore();

            return((extensions != null) ? extensions.IsIDynamicMetaObjectProvider(item) : false);