public Stream GetStream()
            if (_fontUri.IsFile)
                FileMapping fileMapping = new FileMapping();


                return fileMapping;

            byte[] bits;

            // Try our cache first.
            lock (_resourceCache)
                bits = _resourceCache.Get(_fontUri);

            if (bits != null)
                return new MemoryStream(bits);

            WebRequest request = PackWebRequestFactory.CreateWebRequest(_fontUri);
            WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

            Stream fontStream = response.GetResponseStream();
            if (String.Equals(response.ContentType, ObfuscatedContentType, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // The third parameter makes sure the original stream is closed
                // when the deobfuscating stream is disposed.
                fontStream = new DeobfuscatingStream(fontStream, _fontUri, false);
            return fontStream;
        public UnmanagedMemoryStream GetUnmanagedStream()
            if (_fontUri.IsFile)
                FileMapping fileMapping = new FileMapping();


                return fileMapping;

            byte[] bits;
            // Try our cache first.
            lock (_resourceCache)
                bits = _resourceCache.Get(_fontUri);

            if (bits == null)
                WebResponse response = WpfWebRequestHelper.CreateRequestAndGetResponse(_fontUri);
                Stream fontStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                if (String.Equals(response.ContentType, ObfuscatedContentType, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // The third parameter makes sure the original stream is closed
                    // when the deobfuscating stream is disposed.
                    fontStream = new DeobfuscatingStream(fontStream, _fontUri, false);

                UnmanagedMemoryStream unmanagedStream = fontStream as UnmanagedMemoryStream;
                if (unmanagedStream != null)
                    return unmanagedStream;

                bits = StreamToByteArray(fontStream);


                lock (_resourceCache)
                    _resourceCache.Add(_fontUri, bits, false);
            return ByteArrayToUnmanagedStream(bits);