Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when ContextMenuOpening is raised on FlowDocument viewer element.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void OnContextMenuOpening(FlowDocument document, Control viewer, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
            // Get ContextMenu from TargetElement, if exests. Otherwise get ContextMenu from the viewer.
            ContextMenu cm = null;

            if (e.TargetElement != null)
                cm = e.TargetElement.GetValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty) as ContextMenu;
            if (cm == null)
                cm = viewer.ContextMenu;

            // Add special handling for ContextMenu, if invoked through a hotkey.
            if (cm != null)
                if (document != null)
                    // A negative offset for e.CursorLeft means the user invoked
                    // the menu with a hotkey (shift-F10).
                    // For this case place the menu relative to Selection.Start,
                    // otherwise do not modify it.
                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(e.CursorLeft, 0))
                        // Retrieve desired ContextMenu position. If the TextSelection is not empty and visible,
                        // use selection start position. Otherwise prefer TargetElements's start, if provided.
                        ITextContainer textContainer       = (ITextContainer)((IServiceProvider)document).GetService(typeof(ITextContainer));
                        ITextPointer   contextMenuPosition = null;
                        if (textContainer.TextSelection != null)
                            if ((textContainer.TextSelection.IsEmpty || !textContainer.TextSelection.TextEditor.UiScope.IsFocused) &&
                                e.TargetElement is TextElement)
                                contextMenuPosition = ((TextElement)e.TargetElement).ContentStart;
                                // Selection start is always normalized to have backward LogicalDirection. However, if selection starts at the beginning
                                // of a line this will cause the text view to return rectangle on the previous line. So we need to switch  logical direction.
                                contextMenuPosition = textContainer.TextSelection.Start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                        else if (e.TargetElement is TextElement)
                            contextMenuPosition = ((TextElement)e.TargetElement).ContentStart;

                        // If ContextMenu position has been found and it is visible, show ContextMenu there.
                        // Otherwise let default ContextMenu handling logic handle this event.
                        ITextView textView = textContainer.TextView;
                        if (contextMenuPosition != null && textView != null && textView.IsValid && textView.Contains(contextMenuPosition))
                            Rect positionRect = textView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(contextMenuPosition);
                            if (positionRect != Rect.Empty)
                                positionRect = DocumentViewerHelper.CalculateVisibleRect(positionRect, textView.RenderScope);
                                if (positionRect != Rect.Empty)
                                    GeneralTransform transform         = textView.RenderScope.TransformToAncestor(viewer);
                                    Point            contextMenuOffset = transform.Transform(positionRect.BottomLeft);
                                    cm.Placement        = PlacementMode.Relative;
                                    cm.PlacementTarget  = viewer;
                                    cm.HorizontalOffset = contextMenuOffset.X;
                                    cm.VerticalOffset   = contextMenuOffset.Y;
                                    cm.IsOpen           = true;
                                    e.Handled           = true;
                if (!e.Handled)
                    // Since we are not handling ContextMenu, clear all the values that
                    // could be set through explicit handling.
        // Token: 0x06006FD7 RID: 28631 RVA: 0x00202514 File Offset: 0x00200714
        internal static void OnContextMenuOpening(FlowDocument document, Control viewer, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
            ContextMenu contextMenu = null;

            if (e.TargetElement != null)
                contextMenu = (e.TargetElement.GetValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty) as ContextMenu);
            if (contextMenu == null)
                contextMenu = viewer.ContextMenu;
            if (contextMenu != null)
                if (document != null && DoubleUtil.LessThan(e.CursorLeft, 0.0))
                    ITextContainer textContainer = (ITextContainer)((IServiceProvider)document).GetService(typeof(ITextContainer));
                    ITextPointer   textPointer   = null;
                    if (textContainer.TextSelection != null)
                        if ((textContainer.TextSelection.IsEmpty || !textContainer.TextSelection.TextEditor.UiScope.IsFocused) && e.TargetElement is TextElement)
                            textPointer = ((TextElement)e.TargetElement).ContentStart;
                            textPointer = textContainer.TextSelection.Start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                    else if (e.TargetElement is TextElement)
                        textPointer = ((TextElement)e.TargetElement).ContentStart;
                    ITextView textView = textContainer.TextView;
                    if (textPointer != null && textView != null && textView.IsValid && textView.Contains(textPointer))
                        Rect rect = textView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(textPointer);
                        if (rect != Rect.Empty)
                            rect = DocumentViewerHelper.CalculateVisibleRect(rect, textView.RenderScope);
                            if (rect != Rect.Empty)
                                GeneralTransform generalTransform = textView.RenderScope.TransformToAncestor(viewer);
                                Point            point            = generalTransform.Transform(rect.BottomLeft);
                                contextMenu.Placement        = PlacementMode.Relative;
                                contextMenu.PlacementTarget  = viewer;
                                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = point.X;
                                contextMenu.VerticalOffset   = point.Y;
                                contextMenu.IsOpen           = true;
                                e.Handled = true;
                if (!e.Handled)