/// <summary>
        /// Handle the 'New package' menu item click
        /// </summary>
        private void PackageNewPackageMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = sender as ToolStripMenuItem;

            if (ProjectPackagesTreeView.SelectedNode != null)
                Mog_BaseTag tag = ProjectPackagesTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                if (tag != null && tag.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Class)
                    PackageCreator creator = new PackageCreator();
                    creator.Classification = ProjectPackagesTreeView.SelectedNode.FullPath;

                    if (menuItem != null)
                        if (MOG_ControllerProject.IsValidPlatform(menuItem.Text) ||
                            String.Compare(menuItem.Text, MOG_ControllerProject.GetAllPlatformsString(), true) == 0)
                            creator.Platform = menuItem.Text;

                    if (creator.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                        if (creator.AssetName != null)
                            // Re-create the tree then drill down to the newly created package
                            ProjectPackagesTreeView.LastNodePath = creator.AssetName.GetAssetClassification() + ProjectPackagesTreeView.PathSeparator + creator.AssetName.GetAssetName();
        protected TreeNode CreateSyncTargetTreeNode(MOG_DBSyncTargetInfo info, string platform)
            bool ableToGetSourceFileAssetLinks = false;

            string       currentVersionStamp = info.mVersion;
            MOG_Filename tempFilename        = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(info.mAssetClassification, info.mAssetPlatform, info.mAssetLabel);
            MOG_Filename assetRealFile       = MOG_ControllerRepository.GetAssetBlessedVersionPath(tempFilename, currentVersionStamp);

            // Create node with FocusLevel that does not plug into the BaseLeafTreeView
            TreeNode    node = new TreeNode(info.FilenameOnly, new TreeNode[] { new TreeNode(Blank_Node_Text) });
            Mog_BaseTag tag  = new Mog_BaseTag(node, assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename(), RepositoryFocusLevel.Classification, true);

            node.Name = tempFilename.GetAssetFullName();
            tag.AttachedSyncTargetInfo = info;
            node.Tag = tag;

            string gamedataFilePath;

            if (ableToGetSourceFileAssetLinks)
                gamedataFilePath = assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename() + "\\Files.Imported\\" + info.mSyncTargetFile;
                gamedataFilePath = assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename() + "\\Files.Imported\\" + info.FilenameOnly;

            //This is either a file or an asset
            SetImageIndices(node, base.GetAssetFileImageIndex(gamedataFilePath));

 /// <summary>
 /// Make sure that we keep our currently selected node's FullPath stored in our global variable.
 /// </summary>
 private void MogControl_BaseTreeView_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
     // If we are not ignoring events...
     if (!bIgnoreEvents)
         // Save the path of our last selected node
         Mog_BaseTag tag = e.Node.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
         if (tag != null)
             MOG_Filename filename = new MOG_Filename(tag.FullFilename);
             mLastNodePath = filename.GetAssetFullName();
        private void MogControl_BaseTreeView_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            // We will only accept a ArrayListAssetManager type object
            if (e.Data.GetDataPresent("ProjectTreeView"))
                // Get our array list
                ArrayList items = (ArrayList)e.Data.GetData("ProjectTreeView");

                foreach (TreeNode classObj in items)
                    Mog_BaseTag objInfo = classObj.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;

                    bool success = false;
                    // If we are a classification
                    if (objInfo != null && objInfo.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Class)
                        // Prompt user to make sure they did this intentionally
                        string message = "Are you sure you want to move this classification?\n\n" +
                                         "CLASSIFICATION: " + classObj.Text + "\n" +
                                         "TARGET: " + SelectedNode.FullPath;
                        if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Move Classification?", message, MOGPromptButtons.YesNoCancel) == MOGPromptResult.Yes)
                            // Do classification move here!!!
                            success = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().ClassificationRename(classObj.FullPath, SelectedNode.FullPath + "~" + classObj.Text);
                    // Is it an asset
                    else if (objInfo != null &&
                             (objInfo.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Asset || objInfo.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Package))
                        // Prompt user to make sure they did this intentionally
                        string message = "Are you sure you want to move this asset?\n\n" +
                                         "ASSET: " + classObj.Text + "\n" +
                                         "NEW CLASSIFICATION: " + SelectedNode.FullPath;
                        if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Move Asset?", message, MOGPromptButtons.YesNoCancel) == MOGPromptResult.Yes)
                            // Do Asset move here!!!
                            MOG_Filename assetFullname = new MOG_Filename(objInfo.FullFilename);
                            success = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().AssetRename(classObj.FullPath, SelectedNode.FullPath + "~" + classObj.Text);

                    AllowDrop = false;

            AllowDrop = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Walk up the parent chain putting together our class
        /// </summary>
        private string FindClassification(TreeNode node)
                Mog_BaseTag tag = (Mog_BaseTag)node.Tag;

                if (tag.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Class)
                    if (node.Parent != null)
                        return(FindClassification(node.Parent) + "~" + node.Text);
                    if (node.Parent != null)
                if (node != null)
                    if (node.Parent != null)

        protected override void ExpandTreeDown(TreeNode node)
            if (node != null && node.Nodes.Count > 0 && node.Nodes[0].Text == Blank_Node_Text)
                UseWaitCursor = true;
                this.Cursor   = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor;

                if (IsAtAssetLevel(node) && this.ExpandAssets)
                    // Expand our Asset/Package nodes

                    if (node.FullPath.IndexOf(PathSeparator) == -1)
                        // This is our first node, populate platform(s)
                        //This is a platform-specific node...
                        string nodePlatform = GetPlatformNameFromFullPath(node.FullPath);

                        Mog_BaseTag tag = node.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                        if (tag != null)
                            MOG_Filename filename = new MOG_Filename(tag.FullFilename);
                            if (filename.GetFilenameType() == MOG_FILENAME_TYPE.MOG_FILENAME_Asset)
                                ExpandSyncTargetAssetNode(node, nodePlatform);
                                ExpandSyncTargetSubNodes(node, nodePlatform);
                this.Cursor   = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default;
                UseWaitCursor = false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Prepare a drag object to recieve any driped items from the package tree
		/// </summary>
		public DataObject GetItemDragEventDataObject()
			if (Nodes.Count > 0)
				Mog_BaseTag tag = SelectedNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
				if (tag != null)
					string packageFullPath = tag.PackageFullName;

					ArrayList packages = new ArrayList();

					// Create a new Data object for the send
					return new DataObject("Package", packages);

			return null;
        public virtual void MakeAssetCurrent(MOG_Filename assetFilename)
            // Make sure this assetFilename has the info we want
            if (assetFilename != null &&
                assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp().Length > 0)
                TreeNode foundNode = FindNode(assetFilename.GetAssetFullName());
                if (foundNode != null)
                    // Update this parent node with the new information concerning this asset
                    Mog_BaseTag assetTag = foundNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                    if (assetTag != null)
                        assetTag.FullFilename = assetFilename.GetOriginalFilename();
                    // Try to find the asset's classification node?
                    foundNode = FindNode(assetFilename.GetAssetClassification());
                    if (foundNode != null)
                        // Create a new asset node
                        TreeNode assetNode = CreateAssetNode(assetFilename);

                        // Find the right spot in the list for this new asset
                        int insertPosition = 0;
                        foreach (TreeNode node in foundNode.Nodes)
                            if (string.Compare(node.Text, assetNode.Text, true) < 0)
                        // Insert the new asset node
                        foundNode.Nodes.Insert(insertPosition, assetNode);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to get an Asset node with a good node.Tag for this TreeView or any inheriting classes.
        ///  Does not use full filename.
        /// </summary>
        protected override TreeNode CreateAssetNode(MOG_Filename asset)
            TreeNode assetNode = base.CreateAssetNode(asset);

            // If we are expandingAssets or expandingPackageGroups, we need to be able to expand down
            if (ExpandAssets || ExpandPackageGroups)
                // Add the dummy node so the usere will be given the opportunity to expand it
                assetNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(Blank_Node_Text));

            // Rebuild the node's tag
            MOG_Filename assetFile = MOG_ControllerProject.GetAssetCurrentBlessedPath(asset);
            Mog_BaseTag  tag       = new Mog_BaseTag(assetNode, assetFile.GetEncodedFilename(), FocusForAssetNodes, true);

            tag.PackageNodeType = PackageNodeTypes.Asset;
            tag.PackageFullName = assetFile.GetAssetFullName();
            assetNode.Tag       = tag;

        private void ExpandSyncTargetAssetNode(TreeNode gamedataNode, string platform)
            Mog_BaseTag gamedataTag = (Mog_BaseTag)gamedataNode.Tag;

            // If we have valid data...
            if (gamedataTag.AttachedSyncTargetInfo != null)
                // Key is gamedataFilename, Value is gamedataFilenameOnly
                MOG_DBSyncTargetInfo gamedataInfo = gamedataTag.AttachedSyncTargetInfo;
                string       currentVersionStamp  = gamedataInfo.mVersion;
                MOG_Filename tempFilename         = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(gamedataInfo.mAssetClassification, gamedataInfo.mAssetPlatform, gamedataInfo.mAssetLabel);
                MOG_Filename assetRealFile        = MOG_ControllerRepository.GetAssetBlessedVersionPath(tempFilename, currentVersionStamp);

                // Add the asset this gamedata file is associated with under the oldGamedataNode
                TreeNode assetNode = new TreeNode(assetRealFile.GetAssetFullName(), new TreeNode[] { new TreeNode(Blank_Node_Text) });
                assetNode.Tag  = new Mog_BaseTag(assetNode, assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename(), LeafFocusLevel.RepositoryItems, true);
                assetNode.Name = assetRealFile.GetAssetFullName();
                SetImageIndices(assetNode, GetAssetFileImageIndex(assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename()));
        private void ExpandArchivalTreeDown(TreeNode node)
            // Create names for our lookup into the DB
            string parentClassification = node.FullPath;
            string branchName           = MOG_ControllerProject.GetBranchName();

            // Make our node.Tag easy to use
            Mog_BaseTag parentTag = (Mog_BaseTag)node.Tag;

            // Get a list of the classifications for our regular views
            ArrayList classifications;

            // If we have attached classifications, use them
            if (parentTag.AttachedClassifications != null && parentTag.AttachedClassifications.Count > 0)
                classifications = parentTag.AttachedClassifications;
                classifications = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetSubClassifications(parentClassification, branchName);
            // Get a list of archived classifications to compare our regular classifications to
            ArrayList archiveClassifications = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetArchivedSubClassifications(parentClassification);

            // If we have null classifcations, quit our function
            if (classifications == null || archiveClassifications == null)

            FillInClassifications(node, classifications, archiveClassifications);

            //Populate assets for this classification
            // If classificationNode is in a treeView (so we can use the FullPath property) AND we want Assets...
            if (node.TreeView != null && ExpandAssets)
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a Package from the PackageManagement Tree.
        ///  Adapted from MogControl_AssetContextMenu.cs::MenuItemRemoveFromProject_Click()
        /// </summary>
        private void RemovePackageFromProject(Mog_BaseTag packageTag)
                string message = "Are you sure you want to remove this package from the game?\r\n" + packageTag.PackageFullName;

                // If user OKs our removal...
                if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Remove Asset From Project", message, MOGPromptButtons.OKCancel) == MOGPromptResult.OK)
                    if (packageTag.Execute)
                        MOG_Filename filename = new MOG_Filename(packageTag.FullFilename);

                        // Make sure we are an asset before showing log
                        if (filename.GetFilenameType() == MOG_FILENAME_TYPE.MOG_FILENAME_Asset)
                            // Proceed to remove this package from the project; skiping the unpackage merge event
                            if (MOG_ControllerProject.RemoveAssetFromProject(filename, "No longer needed", false))
                                // Go ahead and actually remove the node
                                MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Remove Package From Project Failed",
                                                         "The package could not be removed from the project.\n" +
                                                         "PACKAGE: " + filename.GetAssetFullName() + "\n\n" +
                                                         "We are now aborting the remove process.\n", Environment.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Remove From Project", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, MOG.PROMPT.MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);
        private void FillInClassifications(TreeNode node, ArrayList classifications, ArrayList archiveClassifications)
            string      parentClassification = node.FullPath;
            string      branchName           = MOG_ControllerProject.GetBranchName();
            Mog_BaseTag parentTag            = (Mog_BaseTag)node.Tag;

            // Fill in our classifications, comparing to archive classifications
            foreach (string childTempClassification in archiveClassifications)
                // Hold the childClassification name in a mutable variable
                string   childClassification = parentClassification + PathSeparator + childTempClassification;
                TreeNode classificationNode  = new TreeNode();

                // Add our classification node
                classificationNode.Text = childTempClassification;
                classificationNode.Tag  = new Mog_BaseTag(classificationNode, childClassification);
                ((Mog_BaseTag)classificationNode.Tag).PackageNodeType = PackageNodeTypes.Class;

                // If we are in the Archive View and this classification is not in our classifications,
                //	change our color to Archive_Color
                if (!classifications.Contains(childTempClassification))
                    classificationNode.ForeColor = Archive_Color;


                classificationNode.Name = classificationNode.FullPath;
                SetImageIndices(classificationNode, GetClassificationImageIndex(classificationNode.FullPath));

                // JohnRen - Speed up trees (This is a lot of extra work just so we can know if there is anything inside)
                if (true)
                    // Add our node
                    classificationNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(Blank_Node_Text));
        private void MogControl_BaseTreeView_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            // Make sure we only display the drag-n-drop icon (via Windows) if we have the right data...
            if (e.Data.GetData("ProjectTreeView") != null)
                TreeView tree = sender as TreeView;

                // Get the node at the location of our drag
                tree.SelectedNode = tree.GetNodeAt(PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));

                if (tree.SelectedNode != null)
                    Mog_BaseTag classObj = tree.SelectedNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;

                    // Make sure this target is a class
                    if (classObj != null && classObj.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Class)
                        e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;

                        // Chedk if it has been enough time hovering over this classification, if it has expand it.
                        if (hoverTarget != tree.SelectedNode.FullPath)
                            hoverTarget        = tree.SelectedNode.FullPath;
                            hoverTargetChanged = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(500);
                        else if (hoverTarget == tree.SelectedNode.FullPath &&
                                 DateTime.Now >= hoverTargetChanged)

            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
        public override void MakeAssetCurrent(MOG_Filename assetFilename)
            // Call our parent's MakeAssetCurrent

            // Make sure this assetFilename has the info we want
            if (assetFilename != null &&
                assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp().Length > 0)
                TreeNode foundNode = FindNode(assetFilename.GetAssetFullName());
                if (foundNode != null)
                    // Check if this node was previously marked as a deleted version?
                    if (foundNode.ForeColor == Archive_Color)
                        // Collapse this baby and let it get rebuilt the next time the user expands it because it needs to change it internal structure

                    // Reset the color
                    foundNode.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                    // Update this parent node with the new information concerning this asset
                    Mog_BaseTag assetTag = foundNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                    if (assetTag != null)
                        // Create a dateFormat just like that used in standard MS Windows USA regional date settings
                        string dateFormat = MOG_Tokens.GetMonth_1() + "/" + MOG_Tokens.GetDay_1() + "/" + MOG_Tokens.GetYear_4()
                                            + " " + MOG_Tokens.GetHour_1() + ":" + MOG_Tokens.GetMinute_2() + " " + MOG_Tokens.GetAMPM();

                        // Scan the children nodes looking for other places needing to be fixed up
                        foreach (TreeNode node in foundNode.Nodes)
                            // Make sure this is a valid node?
                            if (node != null)
                                // Checkif this is the 'All Revisions'?
                                if (node.Text == Revisions_Text)
                                    bool bFoundCurrentRevisionNode = false;

                                    // Fixup this list of revisions
                                    foreach (TreeNode revisionNode in node.Nodes)
                                        Mog_BaseTag baseTag = revisionNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                                        if (baseTag != null)
                                            MOG_Filename revisionFilename = new MOG_Filename(baseTag.FullFilename);
                                            if (revisionFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp() == assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp())
                                                revisionNode.ForeColor    = CurrentVersion_Color;
                                                bFoundCurrentRevisionNode = true;
                                                revisionNode.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                                    // Check if we need to add our new revision node?
                                    if (!bFoundCurrentRevisionNode)
                                        // Looks like this is a new revision and needs to be added
                                        // Hey Whipple - What do I do here?
                                        // It seems like this is already added by an earlier event so I suspect we will never hit this.
                                    // Check if this is the 'Current <' node
                                    if (node.Text.StartsWith(Current_Text + " <"))
                                        node.Text = Current_Text + " <" + assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStampString(dateFormat) + ">";

                                    // Update it's tag
                                    Mog_BaseTag currentTag = node.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                                    if (currentTag != null)
                                        assetTag.FullFilename = assetFilename.GetOriginalFilename();

                                    // Finally collapse this baby and let it get rebuilt the next time the user expands it
        private void PackageRemoveMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                TreeNode selectedNode = ProjectPackagesTreeView.SelectedNode;
                // If we have not expanded this node, go ahead and do so...
                if (selectedNode != null && !selectedNode.IsExpanded)
                    // Get rid of any Blank node

                // Make sure we have a selected node and that that node does not have sub nodes other than the blank node
                if (selectedNode != null && selectedNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
                    Mog_BaseTag packageTag = (Mog_BaseTag)ProjectPackagesTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag;
                    // Are we a package?
                    if (packageTag.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Asset ||
                        packageTag.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Package)
                    // Are we a classification?
                    else if (packageTag.PackageNodeType == PackageNodeTypes.Class)
                        MessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot remove a Classification node.  Please go to Project Tab | Project Trees "
                                        + "to be able to do this.");

                    string removeCandidate = ProjectPackagesTreeView.SelectedNode.Text;

                    // Find our parent package
                    TreeNode package = ProjectPackagesTreeView.FindPackage(ProjectPackagesTreeView.SelectedNode);

                    if (package != null)
                        MOG_Filename packageAsset = new MOG_Filename(((Mog_BaseTag)package.Tag).FullFilename);

                        // Remove the classification from our fullPath
                        string objectPath = ProjectPackagesTreeView.SelectedNode.FullPath.Replace(packageAsset.GetAssetClassification() + "/", "");
                        // First, get the index of our package name
                        int assetNameIndex = objectPath.IndexOf(packageAsset.GetAssetName());
                        // If we have a valid index for the package's name...
                        if (assetNameIndex > -1)
                            // Remove everything before our package name
                            objectPath = objectPath.Substring(assetNameIndex);
                        // Now remove our package name
                        objectPath = objectPath.Replace(packageAsset.GetAssetName(), "");
                        // Add back in our Group/Object separator
                        objectPath = objectPath.Replace("~", "/");

                        // If we have an initial forward slash...
                        if (objectPath.IndexOf("/") == 0)
                            // Get rid of it
                            objectPath = objectPath.Substring(1);

                        // If we can remove it from the databse, remove the treenode?
                        if (ProjectPackagesTreeView.RemoveGroupFromDatabase(objectPath, packageAsset))
                            // Remove the node
                    MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Remove node", "Could not remove this node because:\n\tNode must not contain any sub-nodes before removal.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Remove node", "MOG encountered an unexpected problem.  Aborting node remove.\nSystem Message:" + ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, MOG.PROMPT.MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses through our mSyncTargetFiles to figure out what should be added where
        /// </summary>
        private void ExpandSyncTargetSubNodes(TreeNode node, string platformName)
            SyncTargetPlatform platform  = mSyncTargetFileManager.GetPlatform(platformName);
            ArrayList          fileNodes = new ArrayList();
            int baseFolderIndex          = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetClassIconIndex(BaseFolder_ImageText);

            // Go through each entry we created when we initialized
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SyncTargetFolder> entry in platform.Folders)
                SyncTargetFolder folder       = entry.Value as SyncTargetFolder;
                string           relativePath = folder.Path;
                string           nodePath     = node.FullPath;

                if (String.Compare(relativePath, node.FullPath, true) == 0)
                    //This is the folder that matches the node we're expanding
                    //Go through and get all the files from the folder so we can add nodes for them
                    //We will add these to the current node after we finish going through and adding all the folders
                    foreach (MOG_DBSyncTargetInfo info in folder.Files)
                        TreeNode fileNode = CreateSyncTargetTreeNode(info, platformName);
                else if (relativePath.StartsWith(nodePath + PathSeparator, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // We found a node with a path that is a parent to us in the hiererchy
                    // Get rid of our current node's path (preparatory to using relativePath as a node.Text)
                    relativePath = relativePath.Substring(nodePath.Length + PathSeparator.Length);
                    if (relativePath.Length > 0)
                        //If there's a path separator we only want the first part before the separator
                        if (relativePath.Contains(PathSeparator))
                            //Just grab the first part of the string, everything before the ~
                            relativePath = relativePath.Substring(0, relativePath.IndexOf(PathSeparator));

                        if (!SyncTargetSubNodeExists(node, relativePath))
                            // create a new subnode to represent this folder
                            TreeNode temp = new TreeNode(relativePath, new TreeNode[] { new TreeNode(Blank_Node_Text) });
                            temp.Tag = new Mog_BaseTag(temp, temp.Text);
                            temp.ImageIndex         = baseFolderIndex;
                            temp.SelectedImageIndex = temp.ImageIndex;

            // Add all the file nodes we found above...
            foreach (TreeNode fileNode in fileNodes)
                // Add each node and set its icon
                Mog_BaseTag tag = fileNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                if (tag != null)
                    string assetFullFilename = tag.FullFilename;
                    string foundFilename     = FindAssetsFile(fileNode.Text, assetFullFilename);

                    //Set the image for this node
                    if (foundFilename.Length > 0 || (new MOG_Filename(assetFullFilename)).GetFilenameType() == MOG_FILENAME_TYPE.MOG_FILENAME_Asset)
                        //This is either a file or an asset
                        SetImageIndices(fileNode, GetAssetFileImageIndex(foundFilename));
                        //This is a folder
                        fileNode.ImageIndex         = baseFolderIndex;
                        fileNode.SelectedImageIndex = fileNode.ImageIndex;