Beispiel #1
        public bool VisitNode(Struct node)
            // struct [specifiers] structname [extends parentstruct] { \n contents \n };
            Write("struct ");
            if (node.Specifiers.Count > 0)
                Append("{0} ", String.Join(" ", node.Specifiers.Select(x => x.Value)));
            Append("{0} ", node.Name);
            if (node.Parent != null)
                Append("extends {0} ", node.Parent.Name);
            Append("{0}", "{");

            foreach (Variable member in node.Members)

            Write("{0};", "}");

            return true;
        public bool VisitNode(Struct node)
            if (Symbols.SymbolExistsInCurrentScope(node.Name))
                return Error("A member named '" + node.Name + "' already exists in this class!", node.StartPos, node.EndPos);

            Symbols.AddSymbol(node.Name, node);
            // TODO: add in package / global namespace.
            // If a symbol with that name exists, overwrite it with this symbol from now on.
            // damn this language...

            if (node.Parent != null)
                ASTNode parent;
                if (!Symbols.TryGetSymbol(node.Parent.Name, out parent, NodeUtils.GetOuterClassScope(node)))
                    Error("No parent struct named '" + node.Parent.Name + "' found!", node.Parent.StartPos, node.Parent.EndPos);
                if (parent != null)
                    if (parent.Type != ASTNodeType.Struct)
                        Error("Parent named '" + node.Parent.Name + "' is not a struct!", node.Parent.StartPos, node.Parent.EndPos);
                    else if ((parent as Struct).SameOrSubStruct(node.Name)) // TODO: not needed due to no forward declarations?
                        Error("Extending from '" + node.Parent.Name + "' causes circular extension!", node.Parent.StartPos, node.Parent.EndPos);
                        node.Parent = parent as Struct;


            // TODO: can all types of variable declarations be supported in a struct?
            // what does the parser let through?
            var unprocessed = node.Members.ToList();
            foreach (VariableDeclaration decl in node.Members.ToList())
                decl.Outer = node;
                Success = Success && decl.AcceptVisitor(this);


            node.Declaration = node;

            return Success;
Beispiel #3
        public Struct ConvertStruct(ME3Struct obj)
            var Vars = new List<VariableDeclaration>();
            foreach (var member in obj.Variables)

            VariableType parent = obj.SuperField != null
                ? new VariableType(obj.SuperField.Name, null, null) : null;

            var node = new Struct(obj.Name, new List<Specifier>(), Vars, null, null, parent);

            foreach (var member in Vars)
                member.Outer = node;

            return node;