/// <summary>
        /// This method is just used to make a new connection with MDS server.
        /// It receives response of register message and adds communicator to Communicators if successfuly registered.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Creator object of event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void Communicator_MessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedFromCommunicatorEventArgs e)
                //Message must be MDSOperationResultMessage
                var message = e.Message as MDSOperationResultMessage;
                if (message == null)
                    throw new MDSException("First message must be MDSOperationResultMessage");

                //Check if remote MDS server accepted connection
                    throw new MDSException("Remote MDS server did not accept connection.");

                //Unregister from event and add communicator to Communicators list.
                e.Communicator.MessageReceived -= Communicator_MessageReceived;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Warn("Can not connected to remote MDS server: '" + Name + "'. Connection is being closed.");
                Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex);
                catch (Exception ex2)
                    Logger.Warn(ex2.Message, ex2);                    
                _reconnectingCommunicator = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new TCPCommunicator to communicate with MDS server.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConnectToServer()
            var ip = IPAddress.Parse(_ipAddress);
            if (ip == null)
                throw new MDSException("IP address is not valid: " + _ipAddress);

            var socket = GeneralHelper.ConnectToServerWithTimeout(new IPEndPoint(ip, _port), 10000); //10 seconds
            if (!socket.Connected)
                throw new MDSException("TCP connection can not be established.");

            //Create communicator object.
            _reconnectingCommunicator = new TCPCommunicator(socket, CommunicationLayer.CreateCommunicatorId());

            //Register MessageReceived event to receive response of Register message
            _reconnectingCommunicator.MessageReceived += Communicator_MessageReceived;

            //Start communicator and send a register message
            _reconnectingCommunicator.SendMessage(new MDSRegisterMessage
                                                   CommunicationWay = CommunicationWays.SendAndReceive,
                                                   CommunicatorType = CommunicatorTypes.MdsServer,
                                                   Name = Settings.ThisServerName,
                                                   Password = "" //Not implemented yet