Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds some basic information on creation, can be toggled in config
 /// </summary>
 public static void AddBasicInfo()
     AddOnScreenDebugInfo(BASIC_DEBUG_CAT, "FPS", () => Engine.GetFramesPerSecond().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Colors.Cyan);
     AddOnScreenDebugInfo(BASIC_DEBUG_CAT, "Static Memory", () => MDStatics.HumanReadableMemorySize(OS.GetStaticMemoryUsage()), Colors.Cyan);
     AddOnScreenDebugInfo(BASIC_DEBUG_CAT, "Peer Type: ", () => MDStatics.GetNetMode().ToString(), Colors.Cyan);
     AddOnScreenDebugInfo(BASIC_DEBUG_CAT, "PeerId: ", () => MDStatics.GetPeerId().ToString(), Colors.Cyan);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs the message (supports formatting) in accordance with the LogProperties set for the specified log category
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CategoryName">The category to log in</param>
        /// <param name="LogLevel">The log level</param>
        /// <param name="Message">The message</param>
        /// <param name="Args">Arguments</param>
        public static void Log(string CategoryName, MDLogLevel LogLevel, string Message, params object[] Args)
            // TODO - Get calling method's name automatically:
            bool            LogFile    = true;
            bool            LogConsole = true;
            MDConfiguration Config     = MDStatics.GetGameInstance().GetConfiguration();

            if (Config.HasValue(MDConfiguration.ConfigurationSections.Logging, CategoryName))
                MDLogLevel ConfigLogLevel = Config.GetEnum <MDLogLevel>(MDConfiguration.ConfigurationSections.Logging, CategoryName, MDLogLevel.Trace);
                LogFile    = ConfigLogLevel <= LogLevel || LogLevel == MDLogLevel.Force;
                LogConsole = ConfigLogLevel <= LogLevel || LogLevel == MDLogLevel.Force;
            else if (LogProperties.ContainsKey(CategoryName))
                MDLogProperties LogProps = LogProperties[CategoryName];
                LogFile    = LogProps.FileLogLevel <= LogLevel || LogLevel == MDLogLevel.Force;
                LogConsole = LogProps.ConsoleLogLevel <= LogLevel || LogLevel == MDLogLevel.Force;
                MDLogLevel DefaultLogLevel = Config.GetEnum <MDLogLevel>(MDConfiguration.ConfigurationSections.Logging, MDConfiguration.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL, MDLogLevel.Trace);
                LogFile    = DefaultLogLevel <= LogLevel || LogLevel == MDLogLevel.Force;
                LogConsole = DefaultLogLevel <= LogLevel || LogLevel == MDLogLevel.Force;

            if (LogFile || LogConsole)
                int       PeerID   = MDStatics.GetPeerId();
                MDNetMode NetMode  = MDStatics.GetNetMode();
                string    ClientID = "PEER " + PeerID;
                if (NetMode == MDNetMode.Standalone)
                    ClientID = "STANDALONE";
                else if (NetMode == MDNetMode.Server)
                    ClientID = "SERVER";

                string FullMessage = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") + "]" +
                                     "[" + (Godot.Engine.GetIdleFrames() % 1000).ToString("D3") + "]" +
                                     "[" + ClientID + "] " +
                                     "[" + CategoryName + "::" + LogLevel + "] " +
                                     string.Format(Message, Args);

                if (LogFile)

                if (LogConsole)

            if (LogLevel == MDLogLevel.Fatal)