private void PutEvent(RESTapi.event_type type)
            RESTapi.web_service ws = new RESTapi.web_service()
            Item = new RESTapi.@event()
               type          = type,
               resource_type = ResourceType,
               resource_id   = ResourceID,

             /// IMPORTANT: Call the dispatcher IN A NEW THREAD or stuff will just
             /// randomly lock up / fail for no apparent reason!
             ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x => { this.Dispatcher.ProcessRequest(ws); });
        protected virtual void AnswerCall(RESTapi.media_type MediaType = RESTapi.media_type.audiovideo, bool AsyncCompletion = true)
            /// <call answer="yes" media="audiovideo" signaling="yes" dtmf_mode="rfc2833" async_completion="yes"
             ///       async_dtmf="yes" async_tone="yes" rx_delta="+0dB" tx_delta="+0dB" cpa="no" info_ack_mode="automatic"/>

             RESTapi.web_service ws = new RESTapi.web_service()
            Item = new
               answer                    = RESTapi.boolean_type.yes,
               answerSpecified           = true,
               async_completion          = AsyncCompletion ? RESTapi.boolean_type.yes :,
               async_completionSpecified = true,
               media                     = MediaType,
               mediaSpecified            = true,
               dtmf_mode                 = RESTapi.dtmf_mode_option.rfc2833,
               async_dtmf                = RESTapi.boolean_type.yes,
               async_dtmfSpecified       = true,
               async_tone                = RESTapi.boolean_type.yes,
               async_toneSpecified       = true,
               info_ack_mode             = RESTapi.ack_mode_option.automatic,
               info_ack_modeSpecified    = true,

             String responseString = String.Empty;

             if (RestHelpers.SendHttpRequest(out responseString, CallURI, "PUT", ws))
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Debug1, "Call::AnswerCall : AnswerCall OK");
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Debug1, responseString);

            // Note: If we use async_completion, we DON'T have to put the event
            // manually as it will (or rather... should) appear as a separate
            // event from the XMS server...
            if (!AsyncCompletion)
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Error, "Call::AnswerCall : AnswerCall failed!");
        /// <summary>
        /// This is an example of how to populate and call a more complicated 
        /// RESTapi structure. We play an audio/video file from here...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audioUri"></param>
        /// <param name="videoUri"></param>
        protected virtual void PlayFile(String audioUri, RESTapi.audio_type_option audioType = RESTapi.audio_type_option.audioxwav, String videoUri = "", RESTapi.video_type_option videoType = RESTapi.video_type_option.videoxvid)
            bool hasAudio = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(audioUri);
             bool hasVideo = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(videoUri);

             RESTapi.web_service ws = new RESTapi.web_service()
            Item = new
               call_action = new RESTapi.call_action()
                  Item = new
                     offset      = "0s",
                     repeat      = "0",
                     delay       = "0s",
                     play_source = new RESTapi.play_source()
                        audio_uri           = hasAudio ? audioUri : String.Empty,
                        audio_type          = audioType,
                        audio_typeSpecified = hasAudio,
                        video_uri           = hasVideo ? videoUri : String.Empty,
                        video_type          = videoType,
                        video_typeSpecified = hasVideo,

             if (hasAudio)
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Debug1, "Call::PlayFile : Playing audio \"{0}\"...", audioUri);

             if (hasVideo)
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Debug1, "Call::PlayFile : Playing video \"{0}\"...", videoUri);

             String responseString = String.Empty;

             if (RestHelpers.SendHttpRequest(out responseString, CallURI, "PUT", ws))
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Debug1, "Call::PlayFile : Play file OK");
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Debug1, responseString);
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Error, "Call::PlayFile : Play file failed!");
        protected virtual void AcceptCall(bool EarlyMedia = true, RESTapi.media_type MediaType = RESTapi.media_type.audiovideo)
            /// <call accept="yes" early_media="yes" media="audiovideo" signaling="yes" dtmf_mode="rfc2833"
             ///       async_dtmf="yes" async_tone="yes" rx_delta="+0dB" tx_delta="+0dB" cpa="no" info_ack_mode="automatic"/>
             RESTapi.web_service ws = new RESTapi.web_service()
            Item = new
               accept                 = RESTapi.boolean_type.yes,
               acceptSpecified        = true,
               early_media            = EarlyMedia ? RESTapi.boolean_type.yes :,
               early_mediaSpecified   = true,
               media                  = MediaType,
               mediaSpecified         = true,
               dtmf_mode              = RESTapi.dtmf_mode_option.rfc2833,
               async_dtmf             = RESTapi.boolean_type.yes,
               async_dtmfSpecified    = true,
               async_tone             = RESTapi.boolean_type.yes,
               async_toneSpecified    = true,
               info_ack_mode          = RESTapi.ack_mode_option.automatic,
               info_ack_modeSpecified = true,

             String responseString = String.Empty;

             if (RestHelpers.SendHttpRequest(out responseString, CallURI, "PUT", ws))
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Debug1, "Call::AcceptCall : Accept call OK");
            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Debug1, responseString);

            LoggingSingleton.Instance.Message(LogType.Library, LogLevel.Error, "Call::AcceptCall : Accept call failed!");