private void plist(OnPlayerChat eventargs)
            if (eventargs.message.ToLower() != "yes" || eventargs.Player.ExtraData.GetIfExist("LastCmd") != "mapinfo" && eventargs.Player.ExtraData.GetIfExist("LastCmd") != "mi")

            List<Player> templist = Server.Players.FindAll((p) => { return p.Level == (Level)eventargs.datapass; });

            if (templist.Count == 0)
                eventargs.Player.SendMessage("No one is on " + ((Level)eventargs.datapass).Name + ".");
            if (templist.Count == 1 && eventargs.Player.Level == (Level)eventargs.datapass)
                eventargs.Player.SendMessage("No one besides you is on " + ((Level)eventargs.datapass).Name + ".");

            templist.ForEach((p) =>
                eventargs.Player.SendMessage(String.Concat((string)p.ExtraData.GetIfExist("Color"), p.Username));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is meant to be called from the code where you mean for the event to happen.
        /// In this case, it is called from the chat processing code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The player that caused the event.</param>
        /// <param name="msg">The message sent by the player.</param>
        /// <returns>a new (or existing) event with the modified string.</returns>
        internal static OnPlayerChat Call(Player p, string msg)
            Logger.Log("Calling OnPlayerChat event", LogType.Debug);
            //Event was called from the code.
            List<OnPlayerChat> opcList = new List<OnPlayerChat>();
            //Do we keep or discard the event?
            _eventQueue.ForEach(opc => {
                if (opc.Player == null || opc.Player.Username == p.Username) {// We keep it
                    //Set up variables, then fire all callbacks.
                    opc.message = msg;
                    Player oldPlayer = opc.Player;
                    opc._target = p; // Set player that triggered event.
                    opc._queue(opc); // fire callback
                    opcList.Add(opc); // add to used list
                    opc._target = oldPlayer;
            OnPlayerChat pc = new OnPlayerChat(null, p);
            //If the messages are equal, we return it.
            pc.message = (opcList.Count > 0 ? opcList[0].message : msg);
            if (opcList.Any(pe => pe.cancel)) {

            //The message returned is the new message to use.  If two events return different messages, then the 'null' message is used first. (Prevents duplicates)
            return ((opcList.All((opc) => opc.message == pc.message)) ? pc : opcList.Find(opc => opc.Player == null)); // Retern an event with the message
            //return (opcList.Any(pe => pe.cancel) ? "" : (opcList.Count > 0 ? opcList.Last().message : msg )); //Return if last canceled the event. (empty string)