/// <summary>
        /// Plays the currently loaded song in the NAudio drivers
        /// </summary>
        public void playCurrentSong()
            if (playPause)
                // Changes button image to pause
                pcbPlay.Image = Properties.Resources.pausetrack;

                // Change to pause
                playPause = false;

                // If not playing active track
                if (!isPlaying)
                    // Get the file path
                    string songPath = getNextSong();

                    // Sets song to be played
                    string trackDetails = "Now Playing: " + thisSong.getTrackName() + " by " + thisSong.getArtist();
                    lblPlayerStatus.Text = trackDetails;

                    // Sets the length of the track
                    trackLength = musicController.getTrackLength();
                    TimeSpan totalLength = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(trackLength);
                    lblTimeTwo.Text = totalLength.ToString("mm':'ss");

                    // Sets upper threshold for track
                    sliderValue = 0;
                    isPlaying = true;

                // Begins the timer
                tmrTracker.Enabled = true;

                // Updates playcount for particular song
                VoteModel voteModel = new VoteModel();
                Song updSong = activePlaylist.getSongByID(playlistIndex);

                // Initiates playing of song

                // Changes button image to play
                pcbPlay.Image = Properties.Resources.playtrack;

                // Sets up for paused playback
                tmrTracker.Enabled = false;
                playPause = true;

                // Pauses playback
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the position of the slider based on the passed value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The new value of the slider</param>
        private void SetValue(int value)
            // Return if no track loaded
            if (!isPlaying)
            { return; }

            // Make sure the new value is within bounds.
            if (value < 0) value = 0;
            if (value > trackLength) value = trackLength;
            if (value >= trackLength) // End of the song
                // Checks where to increment the index counter to (if not repeating)
                if (playlistIndex < activePlaylist.getPlaylistSize() && !rbnCurrent.Checked  && !rbnOnce.Checked)

                // Checks repeat status
                if (rbnNone.Checked)
                    // Resets tracker bar
                    value = 0;


                    // If it is at the end of the playlist
                    if (!(playlistIndex >= activePlaylist.getPlaylistSize() - 1))
                        // Stops current song, and plays the next song

                else if (rbnOnce.Checked) // Repeat Once
                    value = 0;
                    rbnNone.Checked = true;
                    // Updates playcount for particular song
                    VoteModel voteModel = new VoteModel();
                    Song updSong = activePlaylist.getSongByID(playlistIndex);
                else if (rbnCurrent.Checked) // Repeat eternally
                    value = 0;
                    // Updates playcount for particular song
                    VoteModel voteModel = new VoteModel();
                    Song updSong = activePlaylist.getSongByID(playlistIndex);
                else if (rbnPlaylist.Checked) // Repeat playlist
                    value = 0;

                    // If at the end of the playlist
                    if (playlistIndex >= activePlaylist.getPlaylistSize())
                        playlistIndex = 0;

                    // Stops the current song, and starts the next song

            // See if the value has changed.
            if (sliderValue == value) return;

            // Save the new value.
            sliderValue = value;

            // Redraw to show the new value.

            // Updates the time indicator
            TimeSpan currentTime = updateTimeIndicator();

            // If tracking position
            if (mouseIsDown)
                // Display the value tooltip.
                int tip_x = pcbSliderBar.Left + (int)ValueToX(sliderValue);
                int tip_y = pcbSliderBar.Top;
                ttpSliderIndicator.Show(currentTime.ToString("mm':'ss"), this, tip_x, tip_y, 3000);