Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Pays rent to the owner and takes the rent away from the current player
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">the current player's turn</param>
        private void PayRent(Player player)
            // Check if a utility, and calculates the rent
            if (GetType() == typeof(Utility))
                Utility currentUtility = (Utility)this;
                currentUtility.CalculateRent((Utility)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[12], (Utility)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[28], currentUtility.NearstUtility);
            // Checks if a railroad, and and calculates the rent
            if (GetType() == typeof(Railroad))
                Railroad currentRailroad = (Railroad)this;
                currentRailroad.CalculateRent((Railroad)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[5], (Railroad)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[15],
                                              (Railroad)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[25], (Railroad)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[35], currentRailroad.NearestRailroad);
            // Takes the money away from the current player
            player.Money -= Rent;

            // Pays rent to the owner
            foreach (Player plyr in GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.Players)
                if (plyr == Owner)
                    plyr.Money += Rent;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the pay rent form or the purchase property form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">Current player</param>
        /// <param name="property">Property tile that the current player landed on</param>
        private void DisplayPayRentOrPurchasePropertyForm(Player player, Property property)
            Player propertyOwner = property.Owner;

            // if a property and is not owned, call the purchase property form
            if (propertyOwner == null)
                // Figured out how to center windows with respect to their predecessors:
                PurchaseProperty purchaseProperty = new PurchaseProperty();
                purchaseProperty.Owner = this;

                // Output information to the purchase property form
                purchaseProperty.tbOutputName.Text  = player.Name;
                purchaseProperty.tbOutputMoney.Text = string.Format("{0:$#,##0}", player.Money);
                foreach (Property proprty in player.PropertiesOwned)
                purchaseProperty.tbOutputCostOfProperty.Text = property.Cost.ToString("c0");
                if (player.Money >= property.Cost)
                    purchaseProperty.tbUserInformation.Text = "Would you like to buy " + property.Name + "?";
                    purchaseProperty.tbUserInformation.Text = "Sorry, you do not have enough money to purchase " + property.Name + ".";
                    purchaseProperty.btnYesBuy.IsEnabled    = false;
            } // if the current player owns the property, do nothing
            else if (propertyOwner.Name == player.Name)
            } // if another player owns the property, call the PayRent form
                PayRent payRent = new PayRent();
                payRent.Owner = this;

                // Output information to pay rent form
                payRent.tbOutputName.Text      = player.Name;
                payRent.tbOutputMoney.Text     = string.Format("{0:$#,##0}", player.Money);
                payRent.tbOutputPayRentTo.Text = propertyOwner.Name;

                // Calculates the rent for utility or railroad property before output to the pay rent form
                if (GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[player.Location].GetType() == typeof(Utility))
                    Utility utilityProperty = (Utility)property;
                    utilityProperty.CalculateRent((Utility)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[12], (Utility)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[28], utilityProperty.NearstUtility);
                else if (GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[player.Location].GetType() == typeof(Railroad))
                    Railroad railroadProperty = (Railroad)property;
                    railroadProperty.CalculateRent((Railroad)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[5], (Railroad)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[15],
                                                   (Railroad)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[25], (Railroad)GameLoop.getInstance().Gameboard.TileOrder[35], railroadProperty.NearestRailroad);
                payRent.tbOutputRentIsHowMuch.Text = property.Rent.ToString("c0");