Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes error to error log file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualServer">Virtual server name.</param>
        /// <param name="errorText">Error text to dump.</param>
        public static void DumpError(string virtualServer, string errorText)
                DataSet ds = new DataSet("dsEvents");
                ds.Tables["Events"].Columns.Add("CreateDate", typeof(DateTime));

                if (File.Exists(SCore.PathFix(m_Path + "Settings\\Events.xml")))
                    ds.ReadXml(SCore.PathFix(m_Path + "Settings\\Events.xml"));

                DataRow dr = ds.Tables["Events"].NewRow();
                dr["ID"]            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                dr["VirtualServer"] = virtualServer;
                dr["CreateDate"]    = DateTime.Now;
                dr["Type"]          = 0;
                dr["Text"]          = errorText;

                ds.WriteXml(SCore.PathFix(m_Path + "Settings\\Events.xml"));
            catch {
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Posts message to web page via HTTP.
        /// </summary>
        private void Post()
                WebClient http = new WebClient();
                http.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------8c808e3aebd9294");

                string header = "-----------------------8c808e3aebd9294\r\n";
                header += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"mail.eml\"\r\n";
                header += "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n";
                header += "\r\n";

                MemoryStream ms     = new MemoryStream();
                byte[]       buffer = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(header);
                ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                SCore.StreamCopy(m_pMessage, ms);
                buffer = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("\r\n-----------------------8c808e3aebd9294--\r\n");
                ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                byte[] response = http.UploadData(m_Url, ms.ToArray());
            catch (Exception x)
                Error.DumpError(x, new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace());
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads specified virtual server API.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assembly">API assembly name.</param>
        /// <param name="type">API type name.</param>
        /// <param name="initString">API init string</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal IMailServerApi LoadApi(string assembly, string type, string initString)
            string apiAssemblyPath = "";

            if (File.Exists(SCore.PathFix(m_StartupPath + "\\" + assembly)))
                apiAssemblyPath = SCore.PathFix(m_StartupPath + "\\" + assembly);
                apiAssemblyPath = SCore.PathFix(assembly);

            Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadFile(apiAssemblyPath);

            return((IMailServerApi)Activator.CreateInstance(ass.GetType(type), new object[] { initString }));
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">FTP server.</param>
        /// <param name="port">FTP server port.</param>
        /// <param name="user">User name.</param>
        /// <param name="password">Password.</param>
        /// <param name="folder">FTP folder.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Data to store to server.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">File name to add to stored data.</param>
        public _MessageRuleAction_FTP_AsyncSend(string server, int port, string user, string password, string folder, Stream data, string fileName)
            m_Server   = server;
            m_Port     = port;
            m_User     = user;
            m_Password = password;
            m_Folder   = folder;
            m_FileName = fileName;

            m_DataStream = new MemoryStream(); // We need to use copy of message
            SCore.StreamCopy(data, m_DataStream);
            m_DataStream.Position = 0;

            Thread tr = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Send));

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes specified text to log file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">Log file name.</param>
        /// <param name="text">Log text.</param>
        public static void WriteLog(string fileName, string text)
                fileName = SCore.PathFix(fileName);

                // If there isn't such directory, create it.
                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)))

                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)){
                    StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs); // create a Char writer
                    w.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);  // set the file pointer to the end
                    w.Write(text + "\r\n");
                    w.Flush();                             // update underlying file
            catch {
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes specified actions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dvActions">Dataview what contains actions to be executed.</param>
        /// <param name="server">Reference to owner virtual server.</param>
        /// <param name="message">Recieved message.</param>
        /// <param name="sender">MAIL FROM: command value.</param>
        /// <param name="to">RCPT TO: commands values.</param>
        public GlobalMessageRuleActionResult DoActions(DataView dvActions, VirtualServer server, Stream message, string sender, string[] to)
            // TODO: get rid of MemoryStream, move to Stream

            //    bool   messageChanged = false;
            bool   deleteMessage = false;
            string storeFolder   = null;
            string errorText     = null;

            // Loop actions
            foreach (DataRowView drV in dvActions)
                GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum action = (GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum)drV["ActionType"];
                byte[] actionData = (byte[])drV["ActionData"];

                // Reset stream position
                message.Position = 0;

                #region AutoResponse

                /* Description: Sends specified autoresponse message to sender.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <From></From>
                 *          <Message></Message>
                 *      </ActionData>

                if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.AutoResponse)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    string smtp_from   = table.GetValue("From");
                    string responseMsg = table.GetValue("Message");

                    // See if we have header field X-LS-MailServer-AutoResponse, never answer to auto response.
                    MIME_h_Collection header = new MIME_h_Collection(new MIME_h_Provider());
                    header.Parse(new SmartStream(message, false));
                    if (header.Contains("X-LS-MailServer-AutoResponse"))
                        // Just skip
                        Mail_Message autoresponseMessage = Mail_Message.ParseFromByte(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(responseMsg));

                        // Add header field 'X-LS-MailServer-AutoResponse:'
                        autoresponseMessage.Header.Add(new MIME_h_Unstructured("X-LS-MailServer-AutoResponse", ""));
                        // Update message date
                        autoresponseMessage.Date = DateTime.Now;

                        // Set To: if not explicity set
                        if (autoresponseMessage.To == null || autoresponseMessage.To.Count == 0)
                            if (autoresponseMessage.To == null)
                                Mail_t_AddressList t = new Mail_t_AddressList();
                                t.Add(new Mail_t_Mailbox(null, sender));
                                autoresponseMessage.To = t;
                                autoresponseMessage.To.Add(new Mail_t_Mailbox(null, sender));
                        // Update Subject: variables, if any
                        if (autoresponseMessage.Subject != null)
                            if (header.Contains("Subject"))
                                autoresponseMessage.Subject = autoresponseMessage.Subject.Replace("#SUBJECT", header.GetFirst("Subject").ValueToString().Trim());

                        // Sender missing, we can't send auto response.
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sender))

                        server.ProcessAndStoreMessage(smtp_from, new string[] { sender }, new MemoryStream(autoresponseMessage.ToByte(new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.UTF8)), null);


                #region Delete Message

                /* Description: Deletes message.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.DeleteMessage)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    deleteMessage = true;


                #region ExecuteProgram

                /* Description: Executes specified program.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <Program></Program>
                 *          <Arguments></Arguments>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.ExecuteProgram)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo pInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
                    pInfo.FileName       = table.GetValue("Program");
                    pInfo.Arguments      = table.GetValue("Arguments");
                    pInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;


                #region ForwardToEmail

                /* Description: Forwards email to specified email.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <Email></Email>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.ForwardToEmail)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    // See If message has X-LS-MailServer-ForwardedTo: and equals to "Email".
                    // If so, then we have cross reference forward, don't forward that message
                    MIME_h_Collection header = new MIME_h_Collection(new MIME_h_Provider());
                    header.Parse(new SmartStream(message, false));
                    bool forwardedAlready = false;
                    if (header.Contains("X-LS-MailServer-ForwardedTo"))
                        foreach (MIME_h headerField in header["X-LS-MailServer-ForwardedTo"])
                            if (headerField.ValueToString().Trim() == table.GetValue("Email"))
                                forwardedAlready = true;

                    // Reset stream position
                    message.Position = 0;

                    if (forwardedAlready)
                        // Just skip
                        // Add header field 'X-LS-MailServer-ForwardedTo:'
                        MemoryStream msFwMessage = new MemoryStream();
                        byte[]       fwField     = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("X-LS-MailServer-ForwardedTo: " + table.GetValue("Email") + "\r\n");
                        msFwMessage.Write(fwField, 0, fwField.Length);
                        SCore.StreamCopy(message, msFwMessage);

                        server.ProcessAndStoreMessage(sender, new string[] { table.GetValue("Email") }, msFwMessage, null);


                #region ForwardToHost

                /* Description: Forwards email to specified host.
                 *              All RCPT TO: recipients are preserved.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <Host></Host>
                 *          <Port></Port>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.ForwardToHost)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    foreach (string t in to)
                        message.Position = 0;
                            HostEndPoint.Parse(table.GetValue("Host") + ":" + table.GetValue("Port")),
                    message.Position = 0;


                #region StoreToDiskFolder

                /* Description: Stores message to specified disk folder.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <Folder></Folder>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.StoreToDiskFolder)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    string folder = table.GetValue("Folder");
                    if (!folder.EndsWith("\\"))
                        folder += "\\";

                    if (Directory.Exists(folder))
                        using (FileStream fs = File.Create(folder + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss") + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '_').Substring(0, 8) + ".eml")){
                            SCore.StreamCopy(message, fs);
                        // TODO: log error somewhere


                #region StoreToIMAPFolder

                /* Description: Stores message to specified IMAP folder.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <Folder></Folder>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.StoreToIMAPFolder)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");
                    storeFolder = table.GetValue("Folder");


                #region AddHeaderField

                /* Description: Add specified header field to message main header.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <HeaderFieldName></HeaderFieldName>
                 *          <HeaderFieldValue></HeaderFieldValue>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.AddHeaderField)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    Mail_Message mime = Mail_Message.ParseFromStream(message);
                    mime.Header.Add(new MIME_h_Unstructured(table.GetValue("HeaderFieldName"), table.GetValue("HeaderFieldValue")));
                    mime.ToStream(message, new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.UTF8);

                    //  messageChanged = true;


                #region RemoveHeaderField

                /* Description: Removes specified header field from message mian header.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <HeaderFieldName></HeaderFieldName>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.RemoveHeaderField)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    Mail_Message mime = Mail_Message.ParseFromStream(message);
                    mime.ToStream(message, new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.UTF8);

                    //    messageChanged = true;


                #region SendErrorToClient

                /* Description: Sends error to currently connected client. NOTE: Error text may contain ASCII printable chars only and maximum length is 500.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <ErrorText></ErrorText>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.SendErrorToClient)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    errorText = table.GetValue("ErrorText");


                #region StoreToFTPFolder

                /* Description: Stores message to specified FTP server folder.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <Server></Server>
                 *          <Port></Server>
                 *          <User></User>
                 *          <Password></Password>
                 *          <Folder></Folder>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.StoreToFTPFolder)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    _MessageRuleAction_FTP_AsyncSend ftpSend = new _MessageRuleAction_FTP_AsyncSend(
                        DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss") + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '_').Substring(0, 8) + ".eml"


                #region PostToNNTPNewsGroup

                /* Description: Posts message to specified NNTP newsgroup.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <Server></Server>
                 *          <Port></Server>
                 *          <User></User>
                 *          <Password></Password>
                 *          <Newsgroup></Newsgroup>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.PostToNNTPNewsGroup)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    // Add header field "Newsgroups: newsgroup", NNTP server demands it.
                    Mail_Message mime = Mail_Message.ParseFromStream(message);
                    if (!mime.Header.Contains("Newsgroups:"))
                        mime.Header.Add(new MIME_h_Unstructured("Newsgroups:", table.GetValue("Newsgroup")));

                    _MessageRuleAction_NNTP_Async nntp = new _MessageRuleAction_NNTP_Async(
                        new MemoryStream(mime.ToByte(new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.UTF8))


                #region PostToHTTP

                /* Description: Posts message to specified page via HTTP.
                 *  Action data structure:
                 *      <ActionData>
                 *          <URL></URL>
                 *          <FileName></FileName>
                 *      </ActionData>

                else if (action == GlobalMessageRuleAction_enum.PostToHTTP)
                    XmlTable table = new XmlTable("ActionData");

                    _MessageRuleAction_HTTP_Async http = new _MessageRuleAction_HTTP_Async(


            return(new GlobalMessageRuleActionResult(deleteMessage, storeFolder, errorText));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if specified message matches to specified criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntaxCheckOnly">Specifies if syntax check is only done. If true no matching is done.</param>
        /// <param name="r">Match expression reader what contains match expression.</param>
        /// <param name="mailFrom">SMTP MAIL FROM: command email value.</param>
        /// <param name="rcptTo">SMTP RCPT TO: command email values.</param>
        /// <param name="smtpSession">SMTP current session.</param>
        /// <param name="mime">Message to match.</param>
        /// <param name="messageSize">Message size in bytes.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if message matches to specified criteria.</returns>
        private bool Match(bool syntaxCheckOnly, LumiSoft.Net.StringReader r, string mailFrom, string[] rcptTo, SMTP_Session smtpSession, Mail_Message mime, int messageSize)
            /* Possible keywords order
             *  At first there can be NOT,parethesized or matcher
             *      After NOT, parethesized or matcher
             *      After matcher, AND or OR
             *      After OR, NOT,parethesized or matcher
             *      After AND, NOT,parethesized or matcher
             *      After parethesized, NOT or matcher

            PossibleClauseItem possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.NOT | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher;
            bool lastMatchValue = false;

            // Empty string passed
            if (r.Available == 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected !");

            // Parse while there are expressions or get error
            while (r.Available > 0)

                // Syntax check must consider that there is alwas match !!!
                if (syntaxCheckOnly)
                    lastMatchValue = true;

                #region () Groupped matchers

                // () Groupped matchers
                if (r.StartsWith("("))
                    lastMatchValue = Match(syntaxCheckOnly, new LumiSoft.Net.StringReader(r.ReadParenthesized()), mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);

                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher | PossibleClauseItem.NOT;


                #region AND clause

                // AND clause
                else if (r.StartsWith("and", false))
                    // See if AND allowed
                    if ((possibleClauseItems & PossibleClauseItem.AND) == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected !");

                    // Last match value is false, no need to check next conditions
                    if (!lastMatchValue)

                    // Remove AND

                    lastMatchValue = Match(syntaxCheckOnly, r, mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);

                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher | PossibleClauseItem.NOT;


                #region OR clause

                // OR clause
                else if (r.StartsWith("or", false))
                    // See if OR allowed
                    if ((possibleClauseItems & PossibleClauseItem.OR) == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected !");

                    // Remove OR

                    // Last match value is false, then we need to check next condition.
                    // Otherwise OR is matched already, just eat next matcher.
                    if (lastMatchValue)
                        // Skip next clause
                        Match(syntaxCheckOnly, r, mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);
                        lastMatchValue = Match(syntaxCheckOnly, r, mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);

                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher | PossibleClauseItem.NOT;


                #region NOT clause

                // NOT clause
                else if (r.StartsWith("not", false))
                    // See if NOT allowed
                    if ((possibleClauseItems & PossibleClauseItem.NOT) == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected !");

                    // Remove NOT

                    // Just reverse match result value
                    lastMatchValue = !Match(syntaxCheckOnly, r, mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);

                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher;


                    // See if matcher allowed
                    if ((possibleClauseItems & PossibleClauseItem.Matcher) == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected ! \r\n\r\n Near: '" + r.OriginalString.Substring(0, r.Position) + "'");

                    // 1) matchsource
                    // 2) keyword

                    // Read match source
                    string word = r.ReadWord();
                    if (word == null)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: matcher is missing !");
                    word = word.ToLower();
                    string[] matchSourceValues = new string[] {};

                    #region smtp.mail_from

                    // SMTP command MAIL FROM: value.
                    //  smtp.mail_from
                    if (word == "smtp.mail_from")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { mailFrom };


                    #region smtp.rcpt_to

                    // SMTP command RCPT TO: values.
                    //  smtp.mail_to
                    else if (word == "smtp.rcpt_to")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = rcptTo;


                    #region smtp.ehlo

                    // SMTP command EHLO/HELO: value.
                    //  smtp.ehlo
                    else if (word == "smtp.ehlo")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { smtpSession.EhloHost };


                    #region smtp.authenticated

                    // Specifies if SMTP session is authenticated.
                    //  smtp.authenticated
                    else if (word == "smtp.authenticated")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            if (smtpSession != null)
                                matchSourceValues = new string[] { smtpSession.IsAuthenticated.ToString() };


                    #region smtp.user

                    // SMTP authenticated user name. Empy string "" if not authenticated.
                    //  smtp.user
                    else if (word == "smtp.user")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            if (smtpSession != null && smtpSession.AuthenticatedUserIdentity != null)
                                matchSourceValues = new string[] { smtpSession.AuthenticatedUserIdentity.Name };


                    #region smtp.remote_ip

                    // SMTP session connected client IP address.
                    //  smtp.remote_ip
                    else if (word == "smtp.remote_ip")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            if (smtpSession != null)
                                matchSourceValues = new string[] { smtpSession.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() };


                    #region message.size

                    // Message size in bytes.
                    //  message.size
                    else if (word == "message.size")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { messageSize.ToString() };


                    #region message.header <SP> "HeaderFieldName:"

                    // Message main header header field. If multiple header fields, then all are checked.
                    //  message.header <SP> "HeaderFieldName:"
                    else if (word == "message.header")
                        string headerFieldName = r.ReadWord();
                        if (headerFieldName == null)
                            throw new Exception("Match source MainHeaderField HeaderFieldName is missing ! Syntax:{MainHeaderField <SP> \"HeaderFieldName:\"}");

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            if (mime.Header.Contains(headerFieldName))
                                MIME_h[] fields = mime.Header[headerFieldName];
                                matchSourceValues = new string[fields.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < matchSourceValues.Length; i++)
                                    matchSourceValues[i] = fields[i].ValueToString();


                    #region message.all_headers <SP> "HeaderFieldName:"

                    // Any mime entity header header field. If multiple header fields, then all are checked.
                    //  message.all_headers <SP> "HeaderFieldName:"
                    else if (word == "message.all_headers")
                        string headerFieldName = r.ReadWord();
                        if (headerFieldName == null)
                            throw new Exception("Match source MainHeaderField HeaderFieldName is missing ! Syntax:{MainHeaderField <SP> \"HeaderFieldName:\"}");

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            List <string> values = new List <string>();
                            foreach (MIME_Entity entity in mime.AllEntities)
                                if (entity.Header.Contains(headerFieldName))
                                    MIME_h[] fields = entity.Header[headerFieldName];
                                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                            matchSourceValues = values.ToArray();


                    #region message.body_text

                    // Message body text.
                    //  message.body_text
                    else if (word == "message.body_text")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { mime.BodyText };


                    #region message.body_html

                    // Message body html.
                    //  message.body_html
                    else if (word == "message.body_html")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { mime.BodyHtmlText };


                    #region message.content_md5

                    // Message any mime entity decoded data MD5 hash.
                    //  message.content_md5
                    else if (word == "message.content_md5")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            List <string> values = new List <string>();
                            foreach (MIME_Entity entity in mime.AllEntities)
                                    if (entity.Body is MIME_b_SinglepartBase)
                                        byte[] data = ((MIME_b_SinglepartBase)entity.Body).Data;
                                        if (data != null)
                                            System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                                catch {
                                    // Message data parsing failed, just skip that entity md5
                            matchSourceValues = values.ToArray();


                    #region sys.date_time

                    // System current date time. Format: yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.
                    //  sys.date_time
                    else if (word == "sys.date_time")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss") };



                    // System current date. Format: yyyy.MM.dd.
                    else if (word == "")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Today.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") };


                    #region sys.time

                    // System current time. Format: HH:mm:ss.
                    //  sys.time
                    else if (word == "sys.time")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") };


                    #region sys.day_of_week

                    // Day of week. Days: sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday.
                    //  sys.day_of_week
                    else if (word == "sys.day_of_week")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString() };


                     * // Day of month. Format: 1 - 31. If no so much days in month, then replaced with month max days.
                     * // sys.day_of_month
                     * else if(word == "sys.day_of_month"){
                     * }
                    #region sys.day_of_year

                    // Month of year. Format: 1 - 12.
                    // sys.day_of_year
                    else if (word == "sys.day_of_year")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Today.ToString("M") };


                    #region Unknown

                    // Unknown
                        throw new Exception("Unknown match source '" + word + "' !");


                    /* If we reach so far, then we have valid match sorce and compare value.
                     * Just do compare.

                    // Reset lastMatch result
                    lastMatchValue = false;

                    // Read matcher
                    word = r.ReadWord(true, new char[] { ' ' }, true);
                    if (word == null)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: operator is missing ! \r\n\r\n Near: '" + r.OriginalString.Substring(0, r.Position) + "'");
                    word = word.ToLower();

                    #region * <SP> "astericPattern"

                    // * <SP> "astericPattern"
                    if (word == "*")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (SCore.IsAstericMatch(val, matchSourceValue.ToLower()))
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region !* <SP> "astericPattern"

                    // !* <SP> "astericPattern"
                    else if (word == "!*")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (SCore.IsAstericMatch(val, matchSourceValue.ToLower()))
                                    lastMatchValue = false;


                    #region == <SP> "value"

                    // == <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "==")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (val == matchSourceValue.ToLower())
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region != <SP> "value"

                    // != <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "!=")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found, then already value equals
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (val == matchSourceValue.ToLower())
                                    lastMatchValue = false;
                                lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region >= <SP> "value"

                    // >= <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == ">=")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (matchSourceValue.ToLower().CompareTo(val) >= 0)
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region <= <SP> "value"

                    // <= <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "<=")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (matchSourceValue.ToLower().CompareTo(val) <= 0)
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region > <SP> "value"

                    // > <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == ">")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (matchSourceValue.ToLower().CompareTo(val) > 0)
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region < <SP> "value"

                    // < <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "<")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (matchSourceValue.ToLower().CompareTo(val) < 0)
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region regex <SP> "value"

                    // Regex <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "regex")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (Regex.IsMatch(val, matchSourceValue.ToLower()))
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region Unknown

                    // Unknown
                        throw new Exception("Unknown keword '" + word + "' !");


                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.AND | PossibleClauseItem.OR;

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads virtual server from xml file.
        /// </summary>
        internal void LoadVirtualServers()
                if (!File.Exists(SCore.PathFix(m_StartupPath + "Settings\\localServers.xml")))

                DateTime dateServers = File.GetLastWriteTime(SCore.PathFix(m_StartupPath + "Settings\\localServers.xml"));

                if (DateTime.Compare(dateServers, m_ServersFileDate) != 0)
                    m_ServersFileDate = dateServers;

                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    ds.ReadXml(SCore.PathFix(m_StartupPath + "Settings\\localServers.xml"));

                    if (ds.Tables.Contains("Servers"))
                        // Delete running virtual servers what has deleted.
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_pVirtualServers.Count; i++)
                            VirtualServer server = m_pVirtualServers[i];
                            bool          exists = false;
                            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Servers"].Rows)
                                if (server.ID == dr["ID"].ToString())
                                    exists = true;
                            if (!exists)

                        // Add new added virtual servers what aren't running already.
                        foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Servers"].Rows)
                            //--- See if specified server already running, if so, skip it. --//
                            bool exists = false;
                            foreach (VirtualServer server in m_pVirtualServers)
                                if (server.ID == dr["ID"].ToString())
                                    exists         = true;
                                    server.Enabled = ConvertEx.ToBoolean(dr["Enabled"], true);
                            if (exists)

                            string id       = dr["ID"].ToString();
                            string name     = dr["Name"].ToString();
                            string assembly = dr["API_assembly"].ToString();
                            string apiClass = dr["API_class"].ToString();
                            string intiStr  = dr["API_initstring"].ToString();

                            IMailServerApi api           = LoadApi(assembly, apiClass, intiStr);
                            VirtualServer  virtualServer = new VirtualServer(this, id, name, intiStr, api);
                            virtualServer.Enabled = ConvertEx.ToBoolean(dr["Enabled"], true);
            catch (Exception x) {
                Error.DumpError(x, new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace());
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates delivery status notifications(DSN) message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="to">DSN message To.</param>
        /// <param name="subject">DSN message subject.</param>
        /// <param name="rtfText">DSN message RTF body text.</param>
        /// <param name="envelopeID">Envelope ID(MAIL FROM: ENVID).</param>
        /// <param name="arrivalDate">Message arrival date.</param>
        /// <param name="receivedFromMTA">The remote host EHLo name from where messages was received.</param>
        /// <param name="reportingMTA">Reporting MTA name.</param>
        /// <param name="originalRecipient">Original recipient(RCPT TO: ORCTP).</param>
        /// <param name="finalRecipient">Final recipient.</param>
        /// <param name="action">DSN action.</param>
        /// <param name="statusCode_text">Remote SMTP status code with text.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteMTA">Remote MTA what returned <b>statusCode_text</b>.</param>
        /// <param name="lastAttempt">Last delivery attempt.</param>
        /// <param name="retryUntil">Date time how long server will attempt to deliver message.</param>
        /// <param name="ret">Specifies what original message part are renturned.</param>
        /// <param name="message">Original message.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns created DSN message.</returns>
        public static Mail_Message CreateDsnMessage(string to, string subject, string rtfText, string envelopeID, DateTime arrivalDate, string receivedFromMTA, string reportingMTA, string originalRecipient, string finalRecipient, string action, string statusCode_text, string remoteMTA, DateTime lastAttempt, DateTime retryUntil, SMTP_DSN_Ret ret, Mail_Message message)
            // For more info, see RFC 3464.

            // Ensure that all line-feeds are CRLF.
            rtfText = rtfText.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n");

            Mail_Message msg = new Mail_Message();

            msg.MimeVersion = "1.0";
            msg.Date        = DateTime.Now;
            msg.From        = new Mail_t_MailboxList();
            msg.From.Add(new Mail_t_Mailbox("Mail Delivery Subsystem", "postmaster@local"));
            msg.To = new Mail_t_AddressList();
            msg.To.Add(new Mail_t_Mailbox(null, to));
            msg.Subject = subject;

            //--- multipart/report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            MIME_h_ContentType contentType_multipartReport = new MIME_h_ContentType(;

            contentType_multipartReport.Parameters["report-type"] = "delivery-status";
            contentType_multipartReport.Param_Boundary            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '.');
            MIME_b_MultipartReport multipartReport = new MIME_b_MultipartReport(contentType_multipartReport);

            msg.Body = multipartReport;

            //--- multipart/alternative -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            MIME_Entity        entity_multipart_alternative     = new MIME_Entity();
            MIME_h_ContentType contentType_multipartAlternative = new MIME_h_ContentType(MIME_MediaTypes.Multipart.alternative);

            contentType_multipartAlternative.Param_Boundary = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '.');
            MIME_b_MultipartAlternative multipartAlternative = new MIME_b_MultipartAlternative(contentType_multipartAlternative);

            entity_multipart_alternative.Body = multipartAlternative;

            //--- text/plain ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            MIME_Entity entity_text_plain = new MIME_Entity();
            MIME_b_Text text_plain        = new MIME_b_Text(MIME_MediaTypes.Text.plain);

            entity_text_plain.Body = text_plain;
            text_plain.SetText(MIME_TransferEncodings.QuotedPrintable, Encoding.UTF8, SCore.RtfToText(rtfText));

            //--- text/html -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            MIME_Entity entity_text_html = new MIME_Entity();
            MIME_b_Text text_html        = new MIME_b_Text(MIME_MediaTypes.Text.html);

            entity_text_html.Body = text_html;
            text_html.SetText(MIME_TransferEncodings.QuotedPrintable, Encoding.UTF8, SCore.RtfToHtml(rtfText));

            //--- message/delivery-status
            MIME_Entity    entity_message_deliveryStatus = new MIME_Entity();
            MIME_b_Message body_message_deliveryStatus   = new MIME_b_Message(MIME_MediaTypes.Message.delivery_status);

            entity_message_deliveryStatus.Body = body_message_deliveryStatus;
            StringBuilder dsnText = new StringBuilder();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(envelopeID))
                dsnText.Append("Original-Envelope-Id: " + envelopeID + "\r\n");
            dsnText.Append("Arrival-Date: " + MIME_Utils.DateTimeToRfc2822(arrivalDate) + "\r\n");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(receivedFromMTA))
                dsnText.Append("Received-From-MTA: dns; " + receivedFromMTA + "\r\n");
            dsnText.Append("Reporting-MTA: dns; " + reportingMTA + "\r\n");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalRecipient))
                dsnText.Append("Original-Recipient: " + originalRecipient + "\r\n");
            dsnText.Append("Final-Recipient: rfc822;" + finalRecipient + "" + "\r\n");
            dsnText.Append("Action: " + action + "\r\n");
            dsnText.Append("Status: " + statusCode_text.Substring(0, 1) + ".0.0" + "\r\n");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusCode_text))
                dsnText.Append("Diagnostic-Code: smtp; " + statusCode_text + "\r\n");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remoteMTA))
                dsnText.Append("Remote-MTA: dns; " + remoteMTA + "\r\n");
            if (lastAttempt != DateTime.MinValue)
                dsnText.Append("Last-Attempt-Date: " + MIME_Utils.DateTimeToRfc2822(lastAttempt) + "\r\n");
            if (retryUntil != DateTime.MinValue)
                dsnText.Append("Will-Retry-Until: " + MIME_Utils.DateTimeToRfc2822(retryUntil) + "\r\n");
            body_message_deliveryStatus.SetData(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dsnText.ToString())), MIME_TransferEncodings.EightBit);

            //--- message/rfc822
            if (message != null)
                MIME_Entity          entity_message_rfc822 = new MIME_Entity();
                MIME_b_MessageRfc822 body_message_rfc822   = new MIME_b_MessageRfc822();
                entity_message_rfc822.Body = body_message_rfc822;
                if (ret == SMTP_DSN_Ret.FullMessage)
                    body_message_rfc822.Message = message;
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    message.Header.ToStream(ms, null, null);
                    ms.Position = 0;
                    body_message_rfc822.Message = Mail_Message.ParseFromStream(ms);
