Beispiel #1
 public static UString Find(this string str, UString what, bool ignoreCase = false)
     return(((UString)str).Find(what, ignoreCase));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>Called by Format to replace named placeholders with numeric
        /// placeholders in format strings.</summary>
        /// <returns>A format string that can be used to call string.Format.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="FormatCore"/>
        public static string EliminateNamedArgs(string format, params object[] args)
            char c;
            bool containsNames = false;
            int  highestIndex  = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < format.Length - 1; i++)
                if (format[i] == '{' && format[i + 1] != '{')
                    int j = ++i;
                    for (; (c = format[i]) >= '0' && c <= '9'; i++)
                    if (i == j)
                        containsNames = true;
                        highestIndex = int.Parse(format.Substring(j, i - j));

            if (!containsNames)

            if (((args.Length - highestIndex) & 1) == 0)
                highestIndex++;                 // so that the number of args left is even
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder(format);
            int           correction = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length - 1; i++)
                if (sb[i] == '{' && sb[i + 1] != '{')
                    int placeholderStart = ++i;                     // Placeholder name starts here.
                    for (; (c = sb[i]) != '}' && c != ':' && c != ','; i++)
                    int placeholderLen = i - placeholderStart;

                    // StringBuilder lacks Substring()! Instead, get the name
                    // from the original string and keep track of a correction
                    // factor so that in subsequent iterations, we get the
                    // substring from the right position in the original string.
                    UString name = format.Slice(placeholderStart + correction, placeholderLen);

                    for (int arg = highestIndex + 1; arg < args.Length; arg += 2)
                        if (args[arg] != null && name.Equals(args[arg] as string, ignoreCase: true))
                            // Matching argument found. Replace name with index:
                            string idxStr = (arg + 1).ToString();
                            sb.Remove(placeholderStart, placeholderLen);
                            sb.Insert(placeholderStart, idxStr);
                            int dif = placeholderLen - idxStr.Length;
                            correction += dif;
                            i          -= dif;
                Debug.Assert(sb[i] == format[i + correction]);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>Low-level method that identifies the parts of a float literal
        /// of arbitrary base (typically base 2, 10, or 16) with no prefix or
        /// suffix, such as <c>2.Cp0</c> (which means 2.75 in base 16).</summary>
        /// <param name="radix">Base of the number to parse; must be between 2
        /// and 36.</param>
        /// <param name="mantissa">Integer magnitude of the number.</param>
        /// <param name="exponentBase2">Base-2 exponent to apply, as specified by
        /// the 'p' suffix, or 0 if there is no 'p' suffix..</param>
        /// <param name="exponentBase10">Base-10 exponent to apply, as specified by
        /// the 'e' suffix, or 0 if there is no 'e' suffix..</param>
        /// <param name="exponentBaseR">Base-radix exponent to apply. This number
        /// is based on the front part of the number only (not including the 'p' or
        /// 'e' suffix). Negative values represent digits after the decimal point,
        /// while positive numbers represent 64-bit overflow. For example, if the
        /// input is <c>12.3456</c> with <c>radix=10</c>, the output will be
        /// <c>mantissa=123456</c> and <c>exponentBaseR=-4</c>. If the input is
        /// <c>0123_4567_89AB_CDEF_1234.5678</c> with <c>radix=16</c>, the mantissa
        /// overflows, and the result is <c>mantissa = 0x1234_5678_9ABC_DEF1</c>
        /// with <c>exponentBaseR=3</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="numDigits">Set to the number of digits in the number, not
        /// including the exponent part.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">Alters parsing behavior, see <see cref="ParseFlags"/>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The syntax required is
        /// <code>
        ///   ( '+'|'-' )?
        ///   ( Digits ('.' Digits?)? | '.' Digits )
        ///   ( ('p'|'P') ('-'|'+')? DecimalDigits+ )?
        ///   ( ('e'|'E') ('-'|'+')? DecimalDigits+ )?
        /// </code>
        /// where Digits refers to one digits in the requested base, possibly
        /// including underscores or spaces if the flags allow it; similarly,
        /// DecimalDigits refers to base-10 digits and is also affected by the
        /// flags.
        /// <para/>
        /// Returns false if there was an error interpreting the input.
        /// <para/>
        /// To keep the parser relatively simple, it does not roll back in case of
        /// error the way the int parser does. For example, given the input "23p",
        /// the 'p' is consumed and causes the method to return false, even though
        /// the parse could have been successful if it had ignored the 'p'.
        /// </remarks>
        public static bool TryParseFloatParts(ref UString source, int radix, out bool negative, out ulong mantissa, out int exponentBaseR, out int exponentBase2, out int exponentBase10, out int numDigits, ParseFlag flags = 0)
            flags |= G.ParseFlag.StopBeforeOverflow;

            if ((flags & ParseFlag.SkipSpacesInFront) != 0)
                source = SkipSpaces(source);

            negative = false;
            char c = source[0, '\0'];

            if (c == '-' || c == '+')
                negative = c == '-';
                source   = source.Slice(1);

            int numDigits2 = 0;

            mantissa       = 0;
            exponentBase2  = 0;
            exponentBase10 = 0;
            exponentBaseR  = 0;

            bool success = TryParseUInt(ref source, ref mantissa, radix, flags, out numDigits);

            if (!success)             // possible overflow, extra digits remain if so
                numDigits += (exponentBaseR = SkipExtraDigits(ref source, radix, flags));

            c = source[0, '\0'];
            if (c == '.' || (c == ',' && (flags & ParseFlag.AllowCommaDecimalPoint) != 0))
                source = source.Slice(1);
                if (exponentBaseR == 0)
                    success = TryParseUInt(ref source, ref mantissa, radix, flags, out numDigits2);
                    if ((numDigits += numDigits2) == 0)
                    exponentBaseR = -numDigits2;
                if (!success)                 // possible overflow, extra digits remain if so
                    numDigits += SkipExtraDigits(ref source, radix, flags);
                c = source[0, '\0'];

            if (numDigits == 0)

            success = true;
            if (c == 'p' || c == 'P')
                source  = source.Slice(1);
                success = TryParseInt(ref source, out exponentBase2, 10, flags) && success;
                c       = source[0, '\0'];
            if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
                source  = source.Slice(1);
                success = TryParseInt(ref source, out exponentBase10, 10, flags) && success;
Beispiel #4
 public static string EscapeCStyle(UString s, EscapeC flags = EscapeC.Default)
     return(EscapeCStyle(s, flags, '\0'));
Beispiel #5
        public static bool TryParseHex(UString s, out int value)
            int count = TryParseHex(ref s, out value);

            return(count > 0 && s.IsEmpty);
Beispiel #6
 public UString ReplaceOne(UString what, UString replacement, bool ignoreCase = false)
     return(Replace(what, replacement, ignoreCase, 1));
Beispiel #7
 public bool Equals(UString other)
     return(Equals(other, false));