public CanvasCommandList GetCanvasImage(ICanvasResourceCreator resourceCreator, float scaleX, float scaleY)
            lock (this)
                var commandList = new CanvasCommandList(resourceCreator);
                using (var session = commandList.CreateDrawingSession())
                    var width  = _composition.Bounds.Width * scaleX;
                    var height = _composition.Bounds.Height * scaleY;
                    if (_bitmapCanvas == null || _bitmapCanvas.Width < width || _bitmapCanvas.Height < height)
                        _bitmapCanvas = new BitmapCanvas(width, height);

                    using (_bitmapCanvas.CreateSession(resourceCreator.Device, (float)width,
                                                       (float)height, session))
                        if (_compositionLayer == null)

                        _matrix = MatrixExt.PreScale(_matrix, scaleX, scaleY);
                        _compositionLayer.Draw(_bitmapCanvas, _matrix, _alpha);

Beispiel #2
        //public int Opacity
        //    get
        //    {
        //        return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT;
        //    }

        private void CanvasControlOnDraw(ICanvasAnimatedControl canvasControl, CanvasAnimatedDrawEventArgs args)
            lock (this)
                using (_bitmapCanvas.CreateSession(canvasControl.Device, canvasControl.Size.Width, canvasControl.Size.Height, args.DrawingSession))
                    if (_compositionLayer == null)

                    var   scale      = _scale;
                    float extraScale = 1f;

                    float maxScale = GetMaxScale(_bitmapCanvas);
                    if (scale > maxScale)
                        scale      = maxScale;
                        extraScale = _scale / scale;

                    if (extraScale > 1)
                        // This is a bit tricky...
                        // We can't draw on a canvas larger than ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledMaximumDrawingCacheSize()
                        // which works out to be roughly the size of the screen because Android can't generate a
                        // bitmap large enough to render to.
                        // As a result, we cap the scale such that it will never be wider/taller than the screen
                        // and then only render in the top left corner of the canvas. We then use extraScale
                        // to scale up the rest of the scale. However, since we rendered the animation to the top
                        // left corner, we need to scale up and translate the canvas to zoom in on the top left
                        // corner.
                        float halfWidth        = (float)_composition.Bounds.Width / 2f;
                        float halfHeight       = (float)_composition.Bounds.Height / 2f;
                        float scaledHalfWidth  = halfWidth * scale;
                        float scaledHalfHeight = halfHeight * scale;
                            Scale * halfWidth - scaledHalfWidth,
                            Scale * halfHeight - scaledHalfHeight);
                        _bitmapCanvas.Scale(extraScale, extraScale, scaledHalfWidth, scaledHalfHeight);

                    _matrix = MatrixExt.PreScale(_matrix, scale, scale);
                    _compositionLayer.Draw(_bitmapCanvas, _matrix, _alpha);

                    if (extraScale > 1)
        private static void Draw(CanvasDevice device, BitmapCanvas bitmapCanvas, CompositionLayer compositionLayer, Rect bounds, float scale, byte alpha, Matrix3X3 matrix, double width, double height, CanvasDrawingSession canvasDrawingSession)
            using (bitmapCanvas.CreateSession(device, width, height, canvasDrawingSession))
                if (compositionLayer == null)

                var   localScale = scale;
                float extraScale = 1f;

                float maxScale = GetMaxScale(bitmapCanvas, bounds);
                if (localScale > maxScale)
                    localScale = maxScale;
                    extraScale = scale / localScale;

                if (extraScale > 1)
                    // This is a bit tricky...
                    // We can't draw on a canvas larger than ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledMaximumDrawingCacheSize()
                    // which works out to be roughly the size of the screen because Android can't generate a
                    // bitmap large enough to render to.
                    // As a result, we cap the scale such that it will never be wider/taller than the screen
                    // and then only render in the top left corner of the canvas. We then use extraScale
                    // to scale up the rest of the scale. However, since we rendered the animation to the top
                    // left corner, we need to scale up and translate the canvas to zoom in on the top left
                    // corner.
                    float halfWidth        = (float)bounds.Width / 2f;
                    float halfHeight       = (float)bounds.Height / 2f;
                    float scaledHalfWidth  = halfWidth * localScale;
                    float scaledHalfHeight = halfHeight * localScale;
                        scale * halfWidth - scaledHalfWidth,
                        scale * halfHeight - scaledHalfHeight);
                    bitmapCanvas.Scale(extraScale, extraScale, scaledHalfWidth, scaledHalfHeight);

                matrix = MatrixExt.PreScale(matrix, localScale, localScale);
                compositionLayer.Draw(bitmapCanvas, matrix, alpha);

                if (extraScale > 1)
Beispiel #4
        //public int Opacity
        //    get
        //    {
        //        return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT;
        //    }

        private void CanvasControlOnDraw(ICanvasAnimatedControl canvasControl, CanvasAnimatedDrawEventArgs args)
            lock (this)
                using (_bitmapCanvas.CreateSession(canvasControl.Device, canvasControl.Size.Width, canvasControl.Size.Height, args.DrawingSession))
                    if (_compositionLayer == null)
                    var   scale         = _scale;
                    float extraScale    = 1f;
                    var   hasExtraScale = false;
                    float maxScale      = GetMaxScale(_bitmapCanvas);
                    if (_compositionLayer.HasMatte() || _compositionLayer.HasMasks())
                        // Since we can only scale up the animation so much before masks and mattes get clipped, we
                        // may have to scale the canvas to fake the rest. This isn't a problem for software rendering
                        // but hardware accelerated scaling is rasterized so it will appear pixelated.
                        extraScale = scale / maxScale;
                        scale      = Math.Min(scale, maxScale);
                        // This check fixes some floating point rounding issues.
                        hasExtraScale = extraScale > 1.001f;

                    if (hasExtraScale)
                        // This is extraScale ^2 because what happens is when the scale increases, the intrinsic size
                        // of the view increases. That causes the drawable to keep growing even though we are only
                        // rendering to the size of the view in the top left quarter, leaving the rest blank.
                        // The first scale by extraScale scales up the canvas so that we are back at the original
                        // size. The second extraScale is what actually has the scaling effect.
                        float extraScaleSquared = extraScale * extraScale;
                        int   px = (int)(_composition.Bounds.Width * scale / 2f);
                        int   py = (int)(_composition.Bounds.Height * scale / 2f);
                        _bitmapCanvas.Scale(extraScaleSquared, extraScaleSquared, px, py);

                    _matrix = MatrixExt.PreScale(_matrix, scale, scale);
                    _compositionLayer.Draw(_bitmapCanvas, _matrix, _alpha);
                    if (hasExtraScale)
Beispiel #5
         * TODO: see if we can use this for the main get_Matrix method.
        internal Matrix3X3 GetMatrixForRepeater(float amount)
            var position    = _position.Value;
            var anchorPoint = _anchorPoint.Value;
            var scale       = _scale.Value;
            var rotation    = _rotation.Value.Value;

            _matrix = MatrixExt.PreTranslate(_matrix, position.Value.X * amount, position.Value.Y * amount);
            _matrix = MatrixExt.PreScale(_matrix,
                                         (float)Math.Pow(scale.ScaleX, amount),
                                         (float)Math.Pow(scale.ScaleY, amount));
            _matrix = MatrixExt.PreRotate(_matrix, rotation * amount, anchorPoint.Value.X, anchorPoint.Value.Y);
