public static Song ToDomainModel(this SongCreateViewModel songCreateViewModel)
     var song = new Song(songCreateViewModel.Name, songCreateViewModel.SongGenres);
     song.SongID = songCreateViewModel.SongID;
     song.Artist = songCreateViewModel.Artist;
     //song.Genres = UpdateGenres.GetGenresFromIntList(songCreateViewModel.SelectedGenres);
     return song;
 public static void AddOrUpdateArtist(StoreContext db, Song song, Artist artistToAdd)
     if (song.Artist == artistToAdd) //new artist is the same as the original artist
         //do nothing
         song.Artist = artistToAdd;
        public static void AddOrUpdateSongGenre(StoreContext context, Song song, IEnumerable<Genre> songGenres)
            if (songGenres != null)
                //drop existing song genres

                foreach (var songGenre in songGenres)
 public static void AddOrUpdateSongGenre(StoreContext context, Song song, List<int> genreIDs)
     List<Genre> genres = GetGenresFromIntList(context, genreIDs);
     AddOrUpdateSongGenre(context, song, genres);