/// <remarks>Upsert is making several storage calls to emulate the
        /// missing semantic from the Table Storage.</remarks>
        void UpsertInternal <T>(string tableName, IEnumerable <CloudEntity <T> > entities)
            var context = _tableStorage.GetTableServiceContext();

            context.MergeOption = MergeOption.AppendOnly;
            context.ResolveType = ResolveFatEntityType;

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            var fatEntities = entities.Select(e => Tuple.Create(FatEntity.Convert(e, _serializer), e));

            var noBatchMode = false;

            foreach (var slice in SliceEntities(fatEntities, e => e.Item1.GetPayload()))

                var cloudEntityOfFatEntity = new Dictionary <object, CloudEntity <T> >();
                foreach (var fatEntity in slice)
                    // entities should be updated in a single round-trip
                    context.AttachTo(tableName, fatEntity.Item1);
                    cloudEntityOfFatEntity.Add(fatEntity.Item1, fatEntity.Item2);

                Retry.Do(_policies.TransientTableErrorBackOff(), CancellationToken.None, () =>
                        context.SaveChanges(noBatchMode ? SaveChangesOptions.ReplaceOnUpdate : SaveChangesOptions.ReplaceOnUpdate | SaveChangesOptions.Batch);
                        ReadETagsAndDetach(context, (entity, etag) => cloudEntityOfFatEntity[entity].ETag = etag);
                    catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)
                        var errorCode = RetryPolicies.GetErrorCode(ex);

                        if (errorCode == StorageErrorCodeStrings.OperationTimedOut)
                            // if batch does not work, then split into elementary requests
                            // PERF: it would be better to split the request in two and retry
                            ReadETagsAndDetach(context, (entity, etag) => cloudEntityOfFatEntity[entity].ETag = etag);
                            noBatchMode = true;
                        else if (errorCode == TableErrorCodeStrings.TableNotFound)
                            Retry.Do(_policies.SlowInstantiation(), CancellationToken.None, () =>
                                    var table = _tableStorage.GetTableReference(tableName);
                                // HACK: incorrect behavior of the StorageClient (2010-09)
                                // Fails to behave properly in multi-threaded situations
                                catch (StorageException cex)
                                    var extended = cex.RequestInformation != null ? cex.RequestInformation.ExtendedErrorInformation : null;
                                    if (extended == null || extended.ErrorCode != TableErrorCodeStrings.TableAlreadyExists)
                                context.SaveChanges(noBatchMode ? SaveChangesOptions.ReplaceOnUpdate : SaveChangesOptions.ReplaceOnUpdate | SaveChangesOptions.Batch);
                                ReadETagsAndDetach(context, (entity, etag) => cloudEntityOfFatEntity[entity].ETag = etag);
                        else if (errorCode == StorageErrorCodeStrings.ResourceNotFound)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot call update on a resource that does not exist", ex);
                    catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                        // HACK: code duplicated

                        var errorCode = RetryPolicies.GetErrorCode(ex);

                        if (errorCode == StorageErrorCodeStrings.OperationTimedOut)
                            // if batch does not work, then split into elementary requests
                            // PERF: it would be better to split the request in two and retry
                            ReadETagsAndDetach(context, (entity, etag) => cloudEntityOfFatEntity[entity].ETag = etag);
                            noBatchMode = true;

                NotifySucceeded(StorageOperationType.TableUpsert, stopwatch);
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        void DeleteInternal <T>(string tableName, string partitionKey, IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > rowKeysAndETags, bool force)
            var context = _tableStorage.GetTableServiceContext();

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            // CAUTION: make sure to get rid of potential duplicate in rowkeys.
            // (otherwise insertion in 'context' is likely to fail)
            foreach (var s in Slice(rowKeysAndETags
                                    // Similar effect than 'Distinct' based on 'RowKey'
                                    .ToLookup(p => p.Item1, p => p).Select(g => g.First()),

                var slice = s;

DeletionStart:  // 'slice' might have been refreshed if some entities were already deleted

                foreach (var rowKeyAndETag in slice)
                    // Deleting entities in 1 roundtrip
                    // http://blog.smarx.com/posts/deleting-entities-from-windows-azure-without-querying-first
                    var mock = new FatEntity
                        PartitionKey = partitionKey,
                        RowKey       = rowKeyAndETag.Item1

                    context.AttachTo(tableName, mock, rowKeyAndETag.Item2);

                try     // HACK: [vermorel] if a single entity is missing, then the whole batch operation is aborded
                    try // HACK: nested try/catch to handle the special case where the table is missing
                        Retry.Do(_policies.TransientTableErrorBackOff(), CancellationToken.None, () => context.SaveChanges(SaveChangesOptions.Batch));
                    catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)
                        // if the table is missing, no need to go on with the deletion
                        var errorCode = RetryPolicies.GetErrorCode(ex);
                        if (TableErrorCodeStrings.TableNotFound == errorCode)
                            NotifySucceeded(StorageOperationType.TableDelete, stopwatch);

                // if some entities exist
                catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)
                    var errorCode = RetryPolicies.GetErrorCode(ex);

                    // HACK: Table Storage both implement a bizarre non-idempotent semantic
                    // but in addition, it throws a non-documented exception as well.
                    if (errorCode != "ResourceNotFound")

                    slice = Get <T>(tableName, partitionKey, slice.Select(p => p.Item1))
                            .Select(e => Tuple.Create(e.RowKey, MapETag(e.ETag, force))).ToArray();

                    // entities with same name will be added again
                    context = _tableStorage.GetTableServiceContext();

                    // HACK: [vermorel] yes, gotos are horrid, but other solutions are worst here.
                    goto DeletionStart;

                NotifySucceeded(StorageOperationType.TableDelete, stopwatch);
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        private IEnumerable <CloudEntity <T> > GetInternal <T>(TableServiceContext context, string tableName, Maybe <string> filter)
            string continuationRowKey       = null;
            string continuationPartitionKey = null;

            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            context.MergeOption = MergeOption.AppendOnly;
            context.ResolveType = ResolveFatEntityType;

                var query = context.CreateQuery <FatEntity>(tableName);

                if (filter.HasValue)
                    query = query.AddQueryOption("$filter", filter.Value);

                if (null != continuationRowKey)
                    query = query.AddQueryOption(NextRowKeyToken, continuationRowKey)
                            .AddQueryOption(NextPartitionKeyToken, continuationPartitionKey);

                QueryOperationResponse response    = null;
                FatEntity[]            fatEntities = null;

                Retry.Do(_policies.TransientTableErrorBackOff(), CancellationToken.None, () =>
                        response    = query.Execute() as QueryOperationResponse;
                        fatEntities = ((IEnumerable <FatEntity>)response).ToArray();
                    catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                        // if the table does not exist, there is nothing to return
                        var errorCode = RetryPolicies.GetErrorCode(ex);
                        if (TableErrorCodeStrings.TableNotFound == errorCode ||
                            StorageErrorCodeStrings.ResourceNotFound == errorCode)
                            fatEntities = new FatEntity[0];


                NotifySucceeded(StorageOperationType.TableQuery, stopwatch);

                foreach (var fatEntity in fatEntities)
                    var etag = context.Entities.First(e => e.Entity == fatEntity).ETag;
                    yield return(FatEntity.Convert <T>(fatEntity, _serializer, etag));

                Debug.Assert(context.Entities.Count == 0);

                if (null != response && response.Headers.ContainsKey(ContinuationNextRowKeyToken))
                    continuationRowKey       = response.Headers[ContinuationNextRowKeyToken];
                    continuationPartitionKey = response.Headers[ContinuationNextPartitionKeyToken];

                    continuationRowKey       = null;
                    continuationPartitionKey = null;
            } while (null != continuationRowKey);