public void LoadCheck()
			var path = @"..\..\Sample\";
				// special casing the integration server
				path = @"..\..\Test\Lokad.Cloud.Framework.Test\Sample\";

			byte[] buffer;
			using (var dllFile = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
				buffer = new byte[dllFile.Length];
				dllFile.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

			var provider = GlobalSetup.Container.Resolve<IBlobStorageProvider>();

			// put the sample assembly
			provider.PutBlob(AssemblyLoader.ContainerName, AssemblyLoader.PackageBlobName, buffer);

			var loader = new AssemblyLoader(provider);

			// validate that 'sample.dll' has been loaded
			var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
			Assert.That(assemblies.Any(a => a.FullName.StartsWith("sample")));

			// validate using management class
			var cloudAssemblies = new CloudAssemblies(provider, NullLog.Instance);
			Assert.That(cloudAssemblies.GetAssemblies().Any(a => a.AssemblyName.StartsWith("sample")));

			// no update, checking
			catch (TriggerRestartException)
				Assert.Fail("Package has not been updated yet.");

			// forcing update, this time using the management class

			// update, re-checking
				Assert.Fail("Update should have been detected.");
			catch (TriggerRestartException)
				// do nothing

		public AssemblyConfigurationUpdateService(IBlobStorageProvider blobStorage)
			// NOTE: we can't use the BlobStorage as provided by the base class
			// as this is not available at constructur time, but we want to reset
			// the status as soon as possible to avoid missing any changes

			_assemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader(blobStorage);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load and get all initialized service instances using the provided IoC container.
        /// </summary>
        IContainer LoadAndBuildApplication(out List<CloudService> services)
            var applicationBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
            applicationBuilder.RegisterModule(new CloudModule());

            // Load Application Assemblies into the AppDomain
            var loader = new AssemblyLoader(_runtimeProviders);

            // Load Application IoC Configuration and apply it to the builder
            var config = loader.LoadConfiguration();
            if (config.HasValue)
                // HACK: need to copy settings locally first
                // HACK: hard-code string for local storage name
                const string fileName = "";
                const string resourceName = "LokadCloudStorage";

                var pathToFile = Path.Combine(CloudEnvironment.GetLocalStoragePath(resourceName), fileName);
                File.WriteAllBytes(pathToFile, config.Value);
                applicationBuilder.RegisterModule(new ConfigurationSettingsReader("autofac", pathToFile));

            // Look for all cloud services currently loaded in the AppDomain
            var serviceTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
                .Select(a => a.GetExportedTypes()).SelectMany(x => x)
                .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof (CloudService)) && !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsGenericType)

            // Register the cloud services in the IoC Builder so we can support dependencies
            foreach (var type in serviceTypes)
                    .OnActivating(e =>

                            var initializable = e.Instance as IInitializable;
                            if (initializable != null)

                // ExternallyOwned: to prevent the container from disposing the
                // cloud services - we manage their lifetime on our own using
                // e.g. RuntimeFinalizer

            var applicationContainer = applicationBuilder.Build();

            // Instanciate and return all the cloud services
            services = serviceTypes.Select(type => (CloudService)applicationContainer.Resolve(type)).ToList();

            return applicationContainer;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load and get all initialized service instances using the provided IoC container.
        /// </summary>
        IContainer LoadAndBuildApplication(out List <CloudService> services)
            var applicationBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();

            applicationBuilder.RegisterModule(new CloudModule());

            // Load Application Assemblies into the AppDomain
            var loader = new AssemblyLoader(_storage.BlobStorage);


            // Load Application IoC Configuration and apply it to the builder
            var config = loader.LoadConfiguration();

            if (config.HasValue)
                // HACK: need to copy settings locally first
                // HACK: hard-code string for local storage name
                const string fileName     = "";
                const string resourceName = "LokadCloudStorage";

                var pathToFile = Path.Combine(_environment.GetLocalResourcePath(resourceName), fileName);
                File.WriteAllBytes(pathToFile, config.Value);
                applicationBuilder.RegisterModule(new ConfigurationSettingsReader("autofac", pathToFile));

            // Look for all cloud services currently loaded in the AppDomain
            var serviceTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
                               .Select(a => a.GetExportedTypes()).SelectMany(x => x)
                               .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CloudService)) && !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsGenericType)

            // Register the cloud services in the IoC Builder so we can support dependencies
            foreach (var type in serviceTypes)
                .OnActivating(e =>

                    var initializable = e.Instance as IInitializable;
                    if (initializable != null)

                // ExternallyOwned: to prevent the container from disposing the
                // cloud services - we manage their lifetime on our own using
                // e.g. RuntimeFinalizer

            var applicationContainer = applicationBuilder.Build();

            // Instanciate and return all the cloud services
            services = serviceTypes.Select(type => (CloudService)applicationContainer.Resolve(type)).ToList();
