//pie menu only
        public void circuitInkCanvas_StylusMove(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            StylusPointCollection points = e.GetStylusPoints(this.circuitInkCanvas);
            //check if the current stroke is trigger pie menu stroke
            //debug only
            TimeSpan testSpan = now - _stylusDownTime;

                if (StrokeAnalyzer.IsTriggerPieMenuStroke(testSpan, StrokeInfo.pointDistance(StartPoint, points[points.Count - 1])))
                    PieMenuEventArgs args = new PieMenuEventArgs(true);
                    args.Position = e.GetPosition(this);
                    triggerPieMenuHandler(this, args);
                    IsPieMenuVisible = true;
                    PieMenuHitTestEventArgs hitargs = new PieMenuHitTestEventArgs(e.GetPosition(this), e, PieMenuHitTestEventArgs.EventType.Down);
                    hitPieMenuHandler(this, hitargs);
                PieMenuHitTestEventArgs hitargs = new PieMenuHitTestEventArgs(e.GetPosition(this), e, PieMenuHitTestEventArgs.EventType.Move);
                hitPieMenuHandler(this, hitargs);
        public void circuitInkCanvas_StylusUp(object sender, StylusEventArgs e)
            if (IsPieMenuVisible)
                PieMenuHitTestEventArgs hitargs = new PieMenuHitTestEventArgs(e.GetPosition(this), e, PieMenuHitTestEventArgs.EventType.Up);
                hitPieMenuHandler(this, hitargs);

            //Make Pie Menu Invisible
            PieMenuEventArgs args = new PieMenuEventArgs(false);
            triggerPieMenuHandler(this, args);

            Point mp2 = e.GetPosition(circuitInkCanvas);

            foreach (UIElement gate in circuitInkCanvas.Children)
                if (gate is Gate)
                    Gate g = gate as Gate;
                    Rect grect = new Rect(g.Margin.Left - 10, g.Margin.Top - 10, g.Width + 10, g.Height + 10);

                    bool condition = false;
                    condition = grect.Contains(mp2);
                    if (condition)
                        uigate_StylusUp(g ,e);
                }else if(gate is ConnectedWire)
                    HitTestResult result = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(gate, mp2);
                    if(result != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Hit Test Wire circuitInkCanvas_StylusUp");
                        //Image stroke starts from one terminal and stop at this wire
                        //1. through this wire, create new wire to connect existing wire's 
                        //if stroke starts from input terminal from one gate, then search for input terminal from existing wire.
                        //otherwise stroke starts from the output termianl from one gate, then search for output terminal from existing wire. 
                        ConnectedWire myWire = gate as ConnectedWire;

                        //new wire's destination is mp2; new wire's orignal is ???
                        if (onGateStroke)
                            //start the stroke from gate terminal
                            Gate.TerminalID tid = myWire.OriginTerminalID;

                            Gates.Terminal origin = null, dest = null;

                            if (tid.isInput && dragging == DragState.CONNECT_FROM &&
                                !wires.ContainsKey(new Gates.Terminal(tid.ID, tid.abgate)))
                                origin = new Gates.Terminal(beginTID.ID, beginTID.abgate);
                                dest = new Gates.Terminal(tid.ID, tid.abgate);

                            if (!tid.isInput && dragging == DragState.CONNECT_TO)
                                origin = new Gates.Terminal(tid.ID, tid.abgate);
                                dest = new Gates.Terminal(beginTID.ID, beginTID.abgate);


                            if (origin != null)
                                c[dest] = origin;
                                UndoRedo.ConnectWire cw = new UndoRedo.ConnectWire(c, origin, dest);

                                if (UndoProvider != null)

            dragging = DragState.NONE;
            //dragSelect.Width = 0;
            //dragSelect.Height = 0;
            //dragSelect.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0);
            //dragSelect.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            dragWire.Destination = new Point(0, 0);
            dragWire.Origin = new Point(0, 0);

            // unhightlight all
            foreach (Gates.AbstractGate ag in gates.Keys)

                for (int i = 0; i < ag.Output.Length; i++)
                    gates[ag].FindTerminal(false, i).t.Highlight = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < ag.NumberOfInputs; i++)
                    gates[ag].FindTerminal(true, i).t.Highlight = false;

            if (UndoProvider != null && moves != null && moves.Count > 0)
            moves = null;

            ReadyToSelect = false;
Beispiel #3
 void inkCanvas_triggerPieMenuHandler(object sender, PieMenuEventArgs e)
     DisableInkEventArgs args; 
     if (e.IsVisible)
         args = new DisableInkEventArgs(true);
         disableInkHandler(sender, args);
         pieMenuGateSelector.Background = Brushes.Transparent;
         pieMenuGateSelector.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
         pieMenuGateSelector.UserControlToolTipX = e.Position.X - pieMenuGateSelector.ActualWidth * 0.5; 
         pieMenuGateSelector.UserControlToolTipY = e.Position.Y - pieMenuGateSelector.ActualHeight * 0.5;
         //pieMenuGateSelector.UserControlToolTipX = e.Position.X;
         //pieMenuGateSelector.UserControlToolTipY = e.Position.Y;
         args = new DisableInkEventArgs(false);
         disableInkHandler(sender, args);
         pieMenuGateSelector.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;                    