Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Read all properties from a type - store in a static cache - exclude: Id and [BsonIgnore]
        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary <string, PropertyMapper> GetProperties(Type type,
                                                                        Func <string, string> resolvePropertyName)
            var dict  = new Dictionary <string, PropertyMapper>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            var id    = GetIdProperty(type);
            var props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            foreach (var prop in props)
                // ignore indexer property
                if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)

                // ignore not read/write
                ////if (!prop.CanRead || !prop.CanWrite) continue;
                if (!prop.CanRead)

                var mapper =
                    (LiteMapperAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LiteMapperAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() ??
                    new LiteMapperAttribute();

                // [BsonIgnore]
                if (mapper.Ignore)

                // check if property has [BsonField]
                var bsonField = prop.IsDefined(typeof(LiteMapperAttribute), false);

                // create getter/setter IL function
                var getter = CreateGetMethod(type, prop, bsonField);
                var setter = CreateSetMethod(type, prop, bsonField);

                // if not getter or setter - no mapping
                if (getter == null)

                var name = id != null && id.Equals(prop) ? "_id" : resolvePropertyName(prop.Name);

                // check if property has [BsonField] with a custom field name
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapper.FieldName))
                    name = mapper.FieldName;

                // test if field name is OK (avoid to check in all instances) - do not test internal classes, like DbRef
                if (BsonDocument.IsValidFieldName(name) == false)
                    throw LiteException.InvalidFormat(prop.Name, name);

                // create a property mapper
                var p = new PropertyMapper
                    AutoId       = mapper.AutoID != AutoID.False,
                    FieldName    = name,
                    PropertyName = prop.Name,
                    PropertyType = prop.PropertyType,
                    IndexOptions = name == "_id" || !bsonField ? null : mapper.Indexes,
                    Getter       = getter,
                    Setter       = setter

                dict.Add(prop.Name, p);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read all properties from a type - store in a static cache - exclude: Id and [BsonIgnore]
        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary <string, PropertyMapper> GetProperties(Type type, Func <string, string> resolvePropertyName)
            var dict       = new Dictionary <string, PropertyMapper>();
            var id         = GetIdProperty(type);
            var ignore     = typeof(BsonIgnoreAttribute);
            var idAttr     = typeof(BsonIdAttribute);
            var fieldAttr  = typeof(BsonFieldAttribute);
            var indexAttr  = typeof(BsonIndexAttribute);
            var props      = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var isInternal = type.Assembly.Equals(typeof(LiteDatabase).Assembly);

            foreach (var prop in props)
                // ignore indexer property
                if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)

                // ignore not read/write
                if (!prop.CanRead || !prop.CanWrite)

                // [BsonIgnore]
                if (prop.IsDefined(ignore, false))

                // create getter/setter IL function
                var getter = CreateGetMethod(type, prop);
                var setter = CreateSetMethod(type, prop);

                // if not getter or setter - no mapping
                if (getter == null)

                var name = id != null && id.Equals(prop) ? "_id" : resolvePropertyName(prop.Name);

                // check if property has [BsonField] with a custom field name
                var field = (BsonFieldAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(fieldAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                if (field != null)
                    name = field.Name;

                // check if property has [BsonId] to get with was setted AutoId = true
                var autoId = (BsonIdAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(idAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                // checks if this proerty has [BsonIndex]
                var index = (BsonIndexAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(indexAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                // if is _id field, do not accept index definition
                if (name == "_id")
                    index = null;

                // test if field name is OK (avoid to check in all instances) - do not test internal classes, like DbRef
                if (BsonDocument.IsValidFieldName(name) == false && isInternal == false)
                    throw LiteException.InvalidFormat(prop.Name, name);

                // create a property mapper
                var p = new PropertyMapper
                    AutoId       = autoId == null ? true : autoId.AutoId,
                    FieldName    = name,
                    PropertyName = prop.Name,
                    PropertyType = prop.PropertyType,
                    IndexOptions = index == null ? null : index.Options,
                    Getter       = getter,
                    Setter       = setter

                dict.Add(prop.Name, p);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read all properties from a type - store in a static cache - exclude: Id and [BsonIgnore]
        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary <string, PropertyMapper> GetProperties(Type type, Func <string, string> resolvePropertyName)
            var dict   = new Dictionary <string, PropertyMapper>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            var id     = GetIdProperty(type);
            var ignore = typeof(BsonIgnoreAttribute);
                                var idAttr = typeof(BsonIdAttribute);
                                var fieldAttr = typeof(BsonFieldAttribute);
                                var indexAttr = typeof(BsonIndexAttribute);

#if PCL
                                var props = type.GetRuntimeProperties();
                                var props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                                foreach (var prop in props)
                // ignore indexer property
                if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)

                // ignore not read/write
                ////if (!prop.CanRead || !prop.CanWrite) continue;
                if (!prop.CanRead)

                // [BsonIgnore]
                if (prop.IsDefined(ignore, false))

                // check if property has [BsonField]
                var bsonField = prop.IsDefined(fieldAttr, false);

                // create getter/setter IL function
                var getter = LitePlatform.Platform.ReflectionHandler.CreateGenericGetter(type, prop, bsonField);
                var setter = LitePlatform.Platform.ReflectionHandler.CreateGenericSetter(type, prop, bsonField);

                // if not getter or setter - no mapping
                if (getter == null)

                if (dict.ContainsKey(prop.Name))
                    // If the property is already in the dictionary, it's probably an override
                    // Keep the first instance added


                var name = id != null && id.Equals(prop) ? "_id" : resolvePropertyName(prop.Name);

                // check if property has [BsonField] with a custom field name
                if (bsonField)
                    var field = (BsonFieldAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(fieldAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (field != null && field.Name != null)
                        name = field.Name;

                // check if property has [BsonId] to get with was setted AutoId = true
                var autoId = (BsonIdAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(idAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                // checks if this proerty has [BsonIndex]
                var index = (BsonIndexAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(indexAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                // if is _id field, do not accept index definition
                if (name == "_id")
                    index = null;

                // test if field name is OK (avoid to check in all instances) - do not test internal classes, like DbRef
                if (BsonDocument.IsValidFieldName(name) == false)
                    throw LiteException.InvalidFormat(prop.Name, name);

                // create a property mapper
                var p = new PropertyMapper
                    AutoId       = autoId == null ? true : autoId.AutoId,
                    FieldName    = name,
                    PropertyName = prop.Name,
                    PropertyType = prop.PropertyType,
                    IndexOptions = index == null ? null : index.Options,
                    Getter       = getter,
                    Setter       = setter

                dict.Add(prop.Name, p);
