Beispiel #1
 public static void ThirdExercise()
     //Take all actors Orderby inverse and GroupBy by sex
     var sexActors = DataGeneration.CreateMovies().SelectMany(x => x.Actors)
                     .OrderBy(x => x.Name)
                     .GroupBy(x => x.Sex);
Beispiel #2
        public static void FirstExercise()
            //Convert TimeSpan from movies to Minutes duration.

            var movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            var durationMovies = movies.Select(x => x.Duration);
Beispiel #3
        public static void SecondExercise()
            //Convert Movies and take only the Name of actors

            var movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            var nameOfActors = movies.SelectMany(x => x.Actors).Select(x => x.Name);
Beispiel #4
        public static void ThirdExercise()
            //Create a new collection with Name of Movie and collection Actors name.

            var movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            var movieAndActors = movies.Select(x => new Tuple <string, List <Actor> >(x.Name, x.Actors));
        public static void ForthSample()
            //You can take or skip N elements from a collection to take that you want.
            //It's really useful when create a index.

            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            IEnumerable <Movie> moviesSkipped = movies.Skip(2).Take(5);
        public static void FirstSample()
            //We can filter and get a new collection with Where operator.
            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            //Always need to return a boolean in Lambda function
            IEnumerable <Movie> actionMovies = movies.Where(x => x.Genre == GenreEnum.Action);

            foreach (var movie in actionMovies)
Beispiel #7
        public static void ThirdSample()
            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            //We can create a flat collection from another in this case use the SelectMany Linq operator

            IEnumerable <Actor> actors = movies.SelectMany(x => x.Actors);

            foreach (var actor in actors)
        public static void SecondSample()
            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            //We can use two or more Lambda operators concatenated.
            IEnumerable <Movie> resultMovies = movies.Where(x => x.Genre == GenreEnum.Action)
                                               .Where(x => x.Duration >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(80));

            //You can use the Where operator inside of a collection if there another collection
            IEnumerable <Movie> moviesWithActorOld15 = resultMovies.Where(x => x.Actors.Any(y => y.Age >= 15));

Beispiel #9
        public static void FirstSample()
            //You can Orderby the collection for an element and create a orderedCollection
            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            IOrderedEnumerable <Movie> moviesOrderedByGenre = movies.OrderBy(x => x.Genre);

            //Elements it's ordered by Genre

            foreach (var movieOrdered in moviesOrderedByGenre)
Beispiel #10
        public static void SecondSample()
            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            //We can create to another class too.

            IEnumerable <Tuple <string, TimeSpan> > nameAndDurationMovies = movies.Select(x => new Tuple <string, TimeSpan>(x.Name, x.Duration));

            //In this case we create in Tuple<string, TimeSpan>>

            foreach (var elem in nameAndDurationMovies)
                Console.WriteLine($"{elem.Item1} {elem.Item2}");
        public static void ThirdSample()
            //Linq have a First and Last operators that allows take the first Element or the LastOperator from a collection
            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            Movie firstMovie = movies.First();
            Movie lastMovie  = movies.Last();

            //You can use Lambda like Where operator

            Movie firstMovieOfTerror = movies.First(x => x.Genre == GenreEnum.Terror);
            Movie lastMovieOfTerror  = movies.Last(x => x.Genre == GenreEnum.Terror);

            //There and implementation Operator with OrDefault, that take the Default value. (Null in Class case)
            Movie firstMovieOfTerrorOrDefault = movies.FirstOrDefault();
            Movie lastMoviewOfTerrorOrDefault = movies.LastOrDefault();
Beispiel #12
        public static void FirstSample()
            //Convert a bunch of data in another type

            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            //We have the movies. Take only the Name from Movies

            IEnumerable <string> moviesName = movies.Select(x => x.Name);

            //The lambda it's x => x.Name that express a String return

            foreach (var name in moviesName)
Beispiel #13
        public static void SecondSample()
            //We can group elements by an element from our collection

            List <Movie> movies = DataGeneration.CreateMovies();

            //The collection have a Key (In this case it's Genre) and a values that it's a collection with every movie order by Genre.

            IEnumerable <IGrouping <GenreEnum, Movie> > moviesGroupByGenre = movies.GroupBy(x => x.Genre);

            foreach (var orderElements in moviesGroupByGenre)
                //There a Key and Values inside it's collected in a Collection
Beispiel #14
 public static void FirstExercise()
     //Movies Orderby duration
     var moviesOrdered = DataGeneration.CreateMovies().OrderBy(x => x.Duration);
 public static void FirstExercise()
     //Filter actions movies and get the last one
     var lastActionMovie = DataGeneration.CreateMovies().LastOrDefault(x => x.Genre == GenreEnum.Action);
 public static void SecondExercise()
     //Filter comedy movies and Duration it's 90 minutes or more
     var comedyMoviesMore90 = DataGeneration.CreateMovies().Where(x => x.Genre == GenreEnum.Comedy && x.Duration >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(90));
Beispiel #17
 public static void SecondExercise()
     //Take all actors from collection and GroupBy by Age.
     var actorsByAge = DataGeneration.CreateMovies().SelectMany(x => x.Actors).GroupBy(x => x.Age);
 public static void ThirdExercise()
     //Take the first element or Default that have an actor that old 40 or more.
     var actor40 = DataGeneration.CreateMovies().SelectMany(x => x.Actors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Age >= 40);