Beispiel #1
        private void btnEnter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string userPass = "";

            //Password Validation
            if (!usersCmd.Parameters.Contains("@username"))
                usersCmd.Parameters.Add(new global::System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@username", global::System.Data.SqlDbType.NChar));
            usersCmd.Parameters["@username"].Value = cmbUserType.SelectedItem.ToString();
            usersCmd.CommandText = "SELECT password, role FROM users WHERE username = @username";
            dr = usersCmd.ExecuteReader();

            if (dr.Read())
                userPass = dr.GetString(0);

            userPass = userPass.Replace(" ", String.Empty);//remove whitespaces

            if (txtPassword.Text == userPass)
            {//Password is OK
             //string securePass=MD5Hash(userPass);
                SingletoneUser.UserName = cmbUserType.SelectedItem.ToString();
                SingletoneUser.UserPass = userPass;
                SingletoneUser.Role     = (dr.GetString(1) == "Admin" ? 0 : 1);

                con.Close();                                                     //close the connection
                LinqExample.Forms.Menu menu = new LinqExample.Forms.Menu();
                menu.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(child_FormClosed); //add handler to catch when child form is closed

                menu.Show();                                                     //show child
                this.Hide();                                                     //hide parent

                x = new RTDataGenerator();
                x.Start();//Start to generate the values
                MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                txtPassword.Text = "";
                txtPassword.Focus(); //Set the focus to the password field for second chance.
                con.Close();         //close the connection
        //Generat the values based on contract database
        private void Generator(object arg)
            RTDataGenerator me            = (RTDataGenerator)arg;
            Random          randGenerator = new Random();

            while (shouldContinue)
                foreach (DeviceData currDevice in devicesData)
                    DeviceData theChosenDevice = currDevice;

                    if (thresholdForDeviceType.ContainsKey(theChosenDevice.type))
                        ContractData currContract = thresholdForDeviceType[theChosenDevice.type];

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, float> thresholdWithContractValue in currContract.listThresholdIds)
                            int           thresholdId    = thresholdWithContractValue.Key;
                            ThresholdData theChosenRange = thresholds[thresholdId];
                            insertSimulatedMeasurementCmd.Parameters[0].Value =;
                            insertSimulatedMeasurementCmd.Parameters[1].Value = thresholdId;
                            insertSimulatedMeasurementCmd.Parameters[2].Value =
                                GetValueForDeviceThresholdPair(theChosenDevice, thresholdId, currContract, (irregularPeak % 67) == 0);
                            insertSimulatedMeasurementCmd.Parameters[3].Value = DateTime.Now;

                            //Here for debugging - need to know the generate values are correct
                            Debug.WriteLine("device: " + + " threshold_id: " + thresholdId + " value: " + insertSimulatedMeasurementCmd.Parameters[2].Value + " time: " + insertSimulatedMeasurementCmd.Parameters[3].Value);

                            //ExecuteNonQuery - use when insert data to database

                            //Incrase the irregularPeak to insert diff values after some time
                //Generate values each time based on the interval