/// <summary>
        /// This class writes to the PLC for Tesla
        /// Tags have default values, but they can be overriden by accessing the public variables of each of the tags
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PLCIPAddress"></param>
        /// <param name="_ResultsTags"></param>
        /// <param name="_VehicleInfoTags"></param>
        public PLCComm(string PLCIPAddress)
            ResultsTags = new TPM_Results_Tags();

            HeartbeatTime = 500; //ms.  This value can also be set through a public variable.

            mPLC = new Esys.IO.PLC.AB.ControlLogix();
            mIPAddress = PLCIPAddress;
        public void Initialize()
            try {
                //Setup the system logger.
                mLog = new Esys.Logger(Properties.Settings.Default.PathToLogFiles, Esys.Logger.NewFileFrequency.Daily);
                mLog.Write("TPM Service starting.");

                Linc.Communication.TPM_Results_Tags ResultsTags = new Linc.Communication.TPM_Results_Tags();
                ResultsTags.O_SerialNumber = "TPMDataToPC.SN";
                ResultsTags.O_StemCode = "TPMDataToPC.StemCode";
                ResultsTags.O_Pressure = "TPMDataToPC.PSI";
                ResultsTags.O_TIDfromPLC = "TPMDataToPC.TIDfromPLC";
                ResultsTags.I_TIDfromPC = "TPMDataToPC.TIDfromPC";
                ResultsTags.I_Heartbeat = "TPMDataToPC.HB";
                ResultsTags.I_ErrorMessage = "TPMDataToPC.ErrorMessageFromPC";

                //Start the PLC comms threads.
                //VehicleInfo thread handles downloading MES data to PLC. ResultsFromPLC handles uploading read results from the PLC.
                mLog.Write("Created PLCComm to " + Properties.Settings.Default.PLCIP.ToString());
                mPLC = new Linc.Communication.PLCComm(Properties.Settings.Default.PLCIP);
                mLog.Write("mPLC created");
                mLog.Write("mPLC.HeartbeatTime = " + mPLC.HeartbeatTime.ToString());
                //Add the tags
                mPLC.ResultsTags = ResultsTags;

                //Add event handlers for PLC events.
                mPLC.Message += new Linc.Communication.MessageEventHandler(mPLC_MessageReceived);
                mPLC.ReadResults += new Linc.Communication.NewReadResultsEventHandler(mPLC_ReadResultsReceived);
                //Start the PLC object.
                mLog.Write("mPLC Starting");
                mLog.Write("mPLC Started");

                //Test & Create the connection to the database.
                if (DataManager.TestConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.DBServer, Properties.Settings.Default.DBName,
                                                Properties.Settings.Default.DBUserName, Properties.Settings.Default.DBPassword) == false) {
                    mPLC.WriteErrorMessagetoPLC("TPM service failed to connect to database. Check MySQL is running on PC.");
                } else {
                    //Connection is OK so connect.
                    DataManager.Initialize(Properties.Settings.Default.DBServer, Properties.Settings.Default.DBName,
                                            Properties.Settings.Default.DBUserName, Properties.Settings.Default.DBPassword);
                    mLog.Write("Connection to database is good. Server = " + Properties.Settings.Default.DBServer + ", DBName=" + Properties.Settings.Default.DBName + ", User="******", DBPassword="******"FATAL ERROR DURING Initialize");
                throw new Exception("FATAL ERROR DURING Initialize " + ex.ToString()); //Raise an exception so the service will stop itself