Beispiel #1
        public bool find_task_in_list(EntryList list, Item item)
            //foreach (Item current_item in list)
               int i=0;

               for (i = 0; (i < list.listEntries.Count); i = i + 1)

               Item tmp_item = list.listEntries[i] as Item;
               if (is_same_task(item, tmp_item))
                   return true;
              return false;
Beispiel #2
        public void write_file(EntryList list, string filepath)
            string _modulename = "HelpFunctions.write_file";
            //FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log _log = new FTR2LO_log();

            //first sort...

            //then write ...
                XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(EntryList));
                using (TextWriter w = new StreamWriter(filepath))
                    s.Serialize(w, list);
            catch(Exception e)
                FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.ERROR, "Error writing to file " + filepath + ". Stop.\n" + e.ToString());
Beispiel #3
        public void ftr2lo_main()
            EntryList loce1 = new EntryList();
            EntryList ftrce1 = new EntryList();
            EntryList toadd = new EntryList();
            EntryList todelete = new EntryList();
            Hashtable guid_name_hashtable = new Hashtable();

            FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "ftr2lo_main running...");

            if (Proxies.IsInitialized) //  ServiceChannelFactories.IsInitialized)
                HelpFunctions.HelpFunctions hf = new HelpFunctions.HelpFunctions();
                string filepath = Ftr2LoService.config.FilepathLO;
                bool _changeflag = false;
                System.Collections.Generic.List<UpcomingProgram> upcomingprograms;

                #region get Lights-Out entries

                if (File.Exists(filepath))
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "TaskList.xml found at " + filepath);
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Loading LightsOut task list ....");
                    loce1 = hf.read_file(filepath);   //this is how the arraylist is read from the disk
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "ok.");
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.WARNING, "TaskList.xml not found at " + filepath + ", file will be created if planned recordings exist.");

                //FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Cleaning list....");
                //loce1 = hf.clean_tasklist(loce1, fnow);


                #region get FTR entries

                //using (ArgusTV.ServiceAgents.SchedulerServiceAgent tvssa = new ArgusTV.ServiceAgents.SchedulerServiceAgent())
                // ArgusTV.ServiceProxy.SchedulerServiceProxy tvssa = null; // = new SchedulerServiceProxy();
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Fetching upcoming recordings ....");
                    upcomingprograms = Proxies.SchedulerService.GetAllUpcomingPrograms(ScheduleType.Recording, false);
                    // upcomingprograms = tvssa.GetAllUpcomingPrograms(ScheduleType.Recording, false);

                FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Populating each upcoming recording ....");
                foreach (UpcomingProgram up in upcomingprograms)
                    DateTime astart;
                    DateTime astop;
                    Guid aprogid;
                    TimeSpan earlystart;
                    string fstart;
                    string fstop;
                    string fprogid;
                    string aname;

                    aname = up.Title.ToString();
                    earlystart = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt16(Ftr2LoService.config.EarlyStart), 0);
                    astart = up.ActualStartTime - earlystart;
                    astop = up.ActualStopTime;
                    aprogid = up.UpcomingProgramId;
                    fstart = astart.Year.ToString() + "-" + astart.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + astart.Day.ToString("00") + "T" + astart.TimeOfDay.ToString();
                    fstop = astop.Year.ToString() + "-" + astop.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + astop.Day.ToString("00") + "T" + astop.TimeOfDay.ToString();
                    fprogid = "ATV2LO-" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    Item item_tst = new Item(fstart, fstop, fprogid);
                    guid_name_hashtable.Add(fprogid, aname);

                if (upcomingprograms.Count > 0)
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Number of upcoming programs: " + upcomingprograms.Count);


                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "No upcoming recordings");


                #region Calculate Add/Delete lists

                bool _purgeoldftr2loitems = false;
                Boolean.TryParse(Ftr2LoService.config.PurgeOldFTR2LOItems, out _purgeoldftr2loitems);

                foreach (Item i in ftrce1.listEntries)
                    if (hf.find_task_in_list(loce1, i) == false)
                        _changeflag = true;
                        FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.INFO, "Add \"" + guid_name_hashtable[] + "\" to LightsOut. Actual Start Time: " + i.startdate + ", Actual Stop Time: " + i.enddate);

                DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now;
                string fnow = now.Year.ToString() + "-" + now.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + now.Day.ToString("00") + "T" + now.TimeOfDay.ToString();

                foreach (Item i in loce1.listEntries)
                    if ((hf.find_substring_in_string(, "ATV2LO") != -1) // if FTRLO incl, it is greater than -1
                        && (_purgeoldftr2loitems || (String.Compare(i.enddate, fnow) == 1)) //if earlier, it is -1
                        && (hf.find_task_in_list(ftrce1, i) == false))
                        _changeflag = true;

                #region Do Add/Delete Actions

                foreach (Item i in toadd.listEntries)

                foreach (Item i in todelete.listEntries)
                    //remove from LO Task-LIst
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.INFO, "Remove obsolete task from Lights-Out. Actual Start Time: " + i.startdate + ", Actual Stop Time: " + i.enddate);

                    // additionally, remove orphaned entries vom Windows task list
                    string tmp = DeleteWinTasks_CMD.DeleteOldWinTasks.RemoveFromWindowsTasklist(;
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.INFO, "Remove obsolete task from Windows Task Scheduler: " + tmp);


                if (_changeflag)
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Sorting list....");
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Writing to disk....");
                    hf.write_file(loce1, filepath);
                    FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Nothing to do.");
                FTR2LO_Log.FTR2LO_log.do_log(_modulename, (int)FTR2LO_log.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Problem in ftr2lo_main: ServiceChannelFactories not initialized, trying to re-init....");
                InitializeServiceChannelFactories(Ftr2LoService.config.ServerName, Convert.ToInt32(Ftr2LoService.config.ServerPort));
