Beispiel #1
        // this class wraps a (Type-D)  many to many junction table
        //     connecting books and borrowers
        //        a book can be borrowed by many users
        //        a user can borrow many books
        //     Type-d :  duplication
        //        a single book can be borrowed multiple times by the same user
        //     Type-d :  extra data
        //        The Due Date, Returned Date, and Rating is different for
        //        each borrowing.  This extra data is not stored with the user
        //        or the book, it is stored in the junction record.

        //  in addition, this is the ViewModel class, so here is the info about that

        // This class is a simple shim around an embedded common library class
        // This class may have PopulateXXXItems and XXXItems classes which are
        // helper functions to make it easy to work with drop down list box controls
        // containing friendly descriptions for Foreign Key IDs
        // This class does contain the following additional helper functions:
        // MakeNew -- acts as a special constructor for the viewModel layer.  The
        //    Lower Layers may return NULL if the do not find an expected record
        //    the MakeNew method will pass this null on instead of createing an instance
        //    of the ViewModel Object.  A typical constructor would create a real VM
        //    object that was wrapping null, it would not return null as the MakeNew
        //    method does.
        // ToList -- helps translate a List<XXX> to a List<VMXXX>.  Most of the
        //    lowerlevel methods return a List<XXX> instead of a List<ViewModelXXX>
        // implicit operator XXX(VMXXX) -- this helps convert VMXXX to XXX whenever and
        //    whereever needed.  The conversion is simple, return the embedded object!
        // Two Constructors -- to allow the embedded items to be inserted as needed
        // This ViewModel class is intended to be used at the MVC layer without requiring
        // a reimplementation of the base XXX.  This class allows the properties to be
        // decorated with data annotations to be recognized at the MVC layer, and also
        // allows additional MVC functionality to be inserted if required.  Inheritance
        // from the common library class does not support an easy way to do data
        // annotation, and this embedding mechanism avoids copying/remapping
        // the data between layers
        // it is possible that a Generic Base Class can be devised to simplify this
        // model
        // -- followup:  After expirimenting with the generic behavior, I was able
        // to make a generic implementation, but I do not feel that it is
        // understandable or explainable to entry level programmers.
        //   The code is in the class VMBase if you want to see it.

        public static VMBorrowing MakeNew(TypeDRatedBorrowing theList)
            if (theList == null)
            var rv = new VMBorrowing(theList);

Beispiel #2
        public static List <VMBorrowing> ToList(List <TypeDRatedBorrowing> theList)
            List <VMBorrowing> rv = new List <VMBorrowing>();

            foreach (var b in theList)
                VMBorrowing vm = new VMBorrowing(b);