DeleteMessage() public method

Deletes message with given index when Close() is called
public DeleteMessage ( int messageNumber ) : void
messageNumber int
return void
Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Mail-To-Weblog runs in background thread and this is the thread function.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            IBlogDataService dataService = null;
            ILoggingDataService loggingService = null;

            SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig( configPath );
            loggingService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(logPath);
            dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(contentPath, loggingService );
            ErrorTrace.Trace(System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Info,"MailToWeblog thread spinning up");

            loggingService.AddEvent( new EventDataItem( EventCodes.Pop3ServiceStart,"",""));

                    // reload on every cycle to get the current settings
                    siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig( configPath );
                    loggingService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(logPath);
                    dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(contentPath, loggingService);

                    if ( siteConfig.EnablePop3 && 
                        siteConfig.Pop3Server != null && siteConfig.Pop3Server.Length > 0 && 
                        siteConfig.Pop3Username != null && siteConfig.Pop3Username.Length > 0  )
                        Pop3 pop3=new Pop3();


                            for (int j=pop3.messageCount;j>=1;j--)
                                Pop3Message message=pop3.GetMessage(j);

                                string messageFrom;
								// [email protected] 1-MAR-04
								// only delete those messages that are processed
								bool messageWasProcessed = false; 

                                // E-Mail addresses look usually like this:
                                // My Name <*****@*****.**> or simply
                                // [email protected]. This block handles 
                                // both variants.
                                Regex getEmail = new Regex(".*\\<(?<email>.*?)\\>.*");
                                Match matchEmail = getEmail.Match(message.from);
                                if ( matchEmail.Success )
                                    messageFrom = matchEmail.Groups["email"].Value;
                                    messageFrom = message.from;
                                // Only if the subject of the message is prefixed (case-sensitive) with
                                // the configured subject prefix, we accept the message
                                if ( message.subject.StartsWith(siteConfig.Pop3SubjectPrefix) )
                                    Entry entry = new Entry();
                                    entry.Title = message.subject.Substring(siteConfig.Pop3SubjectPrefix.Length);
                                    entry.Content = "";
									entry.Author = messageFrom; //store the email, what we have for now...

                                    // Grab the categories. Categories are defined in square brackets 
                                    // in the subject line.
                                    Regex categoriesRegex = new Regex( "(?<exp>\\[(?<cat>.*?)\\])" );
                                    foreach( Match match in categoriesRegex.Matches( entry.Title ) )
                                        entry.Title = entry.Title.Replace(match.Groups["exp"].Value,"");
                                        entry.Categories += match.Groups["cat"].Value+";";
                                    entry.Title = entry.Title.Trim();
                                    string categories = "";
                                    string[] splitted = entry.Categories.Split(';');
                                    for( int i=0;i<splitted.Length;i++)
                                        categories += splitted[i].Trim()+";";
                                    entry.Categories = categories.TrimEnd(';');

                                    entry.CreatedUtc = RFC2822Date.Parse(;
									#region PLain Text
                                    // plain text?
                                    if ( message.contentType.StartsWith("text/plain") )
                                        entry.Content += message.body;

									#region Just HTML
										// Luke Latimer 16-FEB-2004 ([email protected])
										// HTML only emails were not appearing
									else if ( message.contentType.StartsWith("text/html") )
										string messageText = "";

										// Note the email may still be encoded
										//messageText = QuotedCoding.DecodeOne(message.charset, "Q", message.body);										
										messageText = message.body;

										// Strip the <body> out of the message (using code from below)
										Regex bodyExtractor = new Regex("<body.*?>(?<content>.*)</body>",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline);
										Match match = bodyExtractor.Match( messageText );
										if ( match != null && match.Success && match.Groups["content"] != null )
											entry.Content += match.Groups["content"].Value;
											entry.Content += messageText;

                                      // HTML/Text with attachments ?
                                    else if ( 
										message.contentType.StartsWith("multipart/related") ||
                                        message.contentType.StartsWith("multipart/mixed") )
                                        Hashtable embeddedFiles = new Hashtable();
                                        ArrayList attachedFiles = new ArrayList();

                                        foreach( Attachment attachment in message.attachments )
                                            // just plain text?
                                            if ( attachment.contentType.StartsWith("text/plain") )
                                                entry.Content += StringOperations.GetString(;

												// Luke Latimer 16-FEB-2004 ([email protected])
												// Allow for html-only attachments
											else if ( attachment.contentType.StartsWith("text/html") )
												// Strip the <body> out of the message (using code from below)												
												Regex bodyExtractor = new Regex("<body.*?>(?<content>.*)</body>",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline);
												string htmlString = StringOperations.GetString(;
												Match match = bodyExtractor.Match( htmlString );

												//NOTE: We will BLOW AWAY any previous content in this case.
												// This is because most mail clients like Outlook include
												// plain, then HTML. We will grab plain, then blow it away if 
												// HTML is included later.
												if ( match != null && match.Success && match.Groups["content"] != null )
													entry.Content = match.Groups["content"].Value;
													entry.Content = htmlString;

                                            // or alternative text ?
                                            else if ( attachment.contentType.StartsWith("multipart/alternative") )
                                                bool contentSet = false;
                                                string textContent = null;
                                                foreach( Attachment inner_attachment in attachment.attachments )
                                                    // we prefer HTML
                                                    if ( inner_attachment.contentType.StartsWith("text/plain") )
                                                        textContent = StringOperations.GetString(;
                                                    else if ( inner_attachment.contentType.StartsWith("text/html") )
                                                        Regex bodyExtractor = new Regex("<body.*?>(?<content>.*)</body>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline);
                                                        string htmlString = StringOperations.GetString(;
                                                        Match match = bodyExtractor.Match( htmlString );
                                                        if ( match != null && match.Success && match.Groups["content"] != null )
                                                            entry.Content += match.Groups["content"].Value;
                                                            entry.Content += htmlString;
                                                        contentSet = true;
                                                if ( !contentSet )
                                                    entry.Content += textContent;
                                                // or text with embeddedFiles (in a mixed message only)
                                            else if ( (message.contentType.StartsWith("multipart/mixed") || message.contentType.StartsWith("multipart/alternative"))
												&& attachment.contentType.StartsWith("multipart/related") )
												foreach( Attachment inner_attachment in attachment.attachments )
                                                    // just plain text?
                                                    if ( inner_attachment.contentType.StartsWith("text/plain") )
                                                        entry.Content += StringOperations.GetString(;

													else if ( inner_attachment.contentType.StartsWith("text/html") )
                                                        Regex bodyExtractor = new Regex("<body.*?>(?<content>.*)</body>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline);
                                                        string htmlString = StringOperations.GetString(;
                                                        Match match = bodyExtractor.Match( htmlString );
                                                        if ( match != null && match.Success && match.Groups["content"] != null )
                                                            entry.Content += match.Groups["content"].Value;
                                                            entry.Content += htmlString;
													// or alternative text ?
                                                    else if ( inner_attachment.contentType.StartsWith("multipart/alternative") )
                                                        bool contentSet = false;
                                                        string textContent = null;
                                                        foreach( Attachment inner_inner_attachment in inner_attachment.attachments )
                                                            // we prefer HTML
                                                            if ( inner_inner_attachment.contentType.StartsWith("text/plain") )
                                                                textContent = StringOperations.GetString(;
                                                            else if ( inner_inner_attachment.contentType.StartsWith("text/html") )
                                                                Regex bodyExtractor = new Regex("<body.*?>(?<content>.*)</body>",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline);
                                                                string htmlString = StringOperations.GetString(;
                                                                Match match = bodyExtractor.Match( htmlString );
                                                                if ( match != null && match.Success && match.Groups["content"] != null )
                                                                    entry.Content += match.Groups["content"].Value;
                                                                    entry.Content += htmlString;
                                                                contentSet = true;
                                                        if ( !contentSet )
                                                            entry.Content += textContent;
                                                        // any other inner_attachment
                                                    else if ( != null && 
                                                        inner_attachment.fileName != null && 
                                                        inner_attachment.fileName.Length > 0)
                                                        if ( inner_attachment.contentID.Length > 0 )
                                                            embeddedFiles.Add(inner_attachment.contentID, StoreAttachment( inner_attachment, binariesPath ));
                                                            attachedFiles.Add(StoreAttachment( inner_attachment, binariesPath ));
                                                // any other attachment
                                            else if ( != null && 
                                                attachment.fileName != null && 
                                                attachment.fileName.Length > 0)
                                                if ( attachment.contentID.Length > 0 && message.contentType.StartsWith("multipart/related"))
                                                    embeddedFiles.Add(attachment.contentID, StoreAttachment( attachment, binariesPath ));
                                                    attachedFiles.Add(StoreAttachment( attachment, binariesPath ));

                                        // check for orphaned embeddings
                                        string[] embeddedKeys = new string[embeddedFiles.Keys.Count];
                                        foreach( string key in embeddedKeys )
                                            if ( entry.Content.IndexOf("cid:"+key.Trim('<','>')) == -1 )
                                                object file = embeddedFiles[key];
                                        // now fix up the URIs
                                        if ( siteConfig.Pop3InlineAttachedPictures )
                                            foreach( string fileName in attachedFiles )
                                                string fileNameU = fileName.ToUpper();
                                                if ( fileNameU.EndsWith(".JPG") || fileNameU.EndsWith(".JPEG") ||
                                                    fileNameU.EndsWith(".GIF") || fileNameU.EndsWith(".PNG") ||
                                                    fileNameU.EndsWith(".BMP") )
                                                    bool scalingSucceeded = false;

                                                    if ( siteConfig.Pop3InlinedAttachedPicturesThumbHeight > 0 )
                                                            string absoluteFileName = Path.Combine(binariesPath, fileName);
                                                            string thumbBaseFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)+"-thumb.dasblog.JPG";
                                                            string thumbFileName = Path.Combine(binariesPath, thumbBaseFileName);
                                                            Bitmap sourceBmp = new Bitmap(absoluteFileName);
                                                            if ( sourceBmp.Height > siteConfig.Pop3InlinedAttachedPicturesThumbHeight )
                                                                Bitmap targetBmp = new Bitmap(sourceBmp,new Size(
                                                                ImageCodecInfo codecInfo = GetEncoderInfo("image/jpeg");
                                                                Encoder encoder = Encoder.Quality;
                                                                EncoderParameters encoderParams= new EncoderParameters(1);
                                                                long compression=75;
                                                                EncoderParameter encoderParam = new EncoderParameter(encoder,compression);
                                                                encoderParams.Param[0] = encoderParam;
                                                                string absoluteUri = new Uri( binariesBaseUri, fileName ).AbsoluteUri;
                                                                string absoluteThumbUri = new Uri( binariesBaseUri, thumbBaseFileName ).AbsoluteUri;
                                                                entry.Content += String.Format("<div class=\"inlinedMailPictureBox\"><a href=\"{0}\"><img border=\"0\" class=\"inlinedMailPicture\" src=\"{2}\"></a><br /><a class=\"inlinedMailPictureLink\" href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></div>",absoluteUri, fileName, absoluteThumbUri);
                                                                scalingSucceeded = true;
                                                    if ( !scalingSucceeded )
                                                        string absoluteUri = new Uri( binariesBaseUri, fileName ).AbsoluteUri;
                                                        entry.Content += String.Format("<div class=\"inlinedMailPictureBox\"><img class=\"inlinedMailPicture\" src=\"{0}\"><br /><a class=\"inlinedMailPictureLink\" href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></div>",absoluteUri, fileName);

                                        if ( attachedFiles.Count > 0 )
                                            entry.Content += "<p>";

                                        foreach( string fileName in attachedFiles )
                                            string fileNameU = fileName.ToUpper();
                                            if ( !siteConfig.Pop3InlineAttachedPictures ||
                                                ( !fileNameU.EndsWith(".JPG") && !fileNameU.EndsWith(".JPEG") &&
                                                !fileNameU.EndsWith(".GIF") && !fileNameU.EndsWith(".PNG") &&
                                                !fileNameU.EndsWith(".BMP") ))
                                                string absoluteUri = new Uri( binariesBaseUri, fileName ).AbsoluteUri;
                                                entry.Content += String.Format("Download: <a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a><br />",absoluteUri, fileName);
                                        if ( attachedFiles.Count > 0 )
                                            entry.Content += "</p>";
                                        foreach( string key in embeddedFiles.Keys )
                                            entry.Content = entry.Content.Replace("cid:"+key.Trim('<','>'), new Uri( binariesBaseUri, (string)embeddedFiles[key] ).AbsoluteUri );

										new EventDataItem( 
										EventCodes.Pop3EntryReceived, entry.Title, 

                                    SiteUtilities.SaveEntry(entry, siteConfig, loggingService, dataService);
                                        String.Format("Message stored. From: {0}, Title: {1} as entry {2}",
                                        messageFrom, entry.Title, entry.EntryId ));

                                    // give the XSS upstreamer a hint that things have changed
//                                    XSSUpstreamer.TriggerUpstreaming();
									// [email protected] (01-MAR-04)
									messageWasProcessed = true;

									// [email protected] (01-MAR-04)
									// logging every ignored email is apt
									// to fill up the event page very quickly
									// especially if only processed emails are
									// being deleted
									if ( siteConfig.Pop3LogIgnoredEmails )
											new EventDataItem( 
											EventCodes.Pop3EntryIgnored, message.subject, 
											null, messageFrom));
								// [email protected] (01-MAR-04)
								if ( siteConfig.Pop3DeleteAllMessages || messageWasProcessed )
									if (!messageWasProcessed)
											new EventDataItem( 
											EventCodes.Pop3EntryDiscarded, message.subject, 
											null, messageFrom));
                        catch( Exception e )
                                new EventDataItem( 
                                EventCodes.Pop3ServerError, e.ToString().Replace("\n","<br />"), null, null));

                    Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( siteConfig.Pop3Interval ) );
                catch( ThreadAbortException abortException )
                    loggingService.AddEvent( new EventDataItem( EventCodes.Pop3ServiceShutdown,"",""));
                catch( Exception e )
                    // if the siteConfig can't be read, stay running regardless 
                    // default wait time is 4 minutes in that case
                    Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSeconds(240));
            while ( true );
            ErrorTrace.Trace(System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Info,"MailToWeblog thread terminating");
            loggingService.AddEvent( new EventDataItem( EventCodes.Pop3ServiceShutdown,"",""));