Beispiel #1
		public void ColorChange_Should_SpanColorRange(ActionParams actionData)
			var sut = new LedWrapper ();

			var result = sut.GetActionOutput (actionData);

			// detemining that ColorChange spans color range uniformly is tricky because of dynamic precision in C++ code
			// Instead, verify that increments happen uniformly and that start, middle and end colors are correct

			result [0].Should ().Be (actionData.colorFrom);
			result [actionData.effectiveResultsCount / 2].MaxDifference (actionData.colorFrom.MoveCloserTo (actionData.colorTo, 0.5)).Should ().BeLessOrEqualTo (2, "Middle color can be different only by a small margin");
			result [actionData.effectiveResultsCount - 1].Should ().Be (actionData.colorTo);

			List<int> diffs = new List<int> ();
			for (int i = 1; i < actionData.effectiveResultsCount; i++) 
				var delta = result [i].MaxDifference (result [i - 1]);
				diffs.Add (delta);
			var notNullDiffs = diffs.Where (i => i != 0).ToList();
			(notNullDiffs.Average() - notNullDiffs.Max()).Should ().BeLessThan (2, "Color increments should be uniform and can vary only due to rounding errors"); 
			(notNullDiffs.Average() - notNullDiffs.Min()).Should ().BeLessThan (2);

			var minDifferentValuesCount = actionData.duration / (Math.Max (actionData.tickLength, 32)); // precision is never less than 32ms
			notNullDiffs.Count.Should ().BeGreaterOrEqualTo (Math.Min(actionData.colorTo.MaxDifference(actionData.colorFrom) / 2, minDifferentValuesCount - 2));
Beispiel #2
		public void Strobe_Should_BeInOrder(ActionParams actionData)
			var sut = new LedWrapper ();

			var result = sut.GetActionOutput (actionData);
			// ascending
			int i = 0;
			if (actionData.upPct != 0) result [0].Should ().Be (actionData.colorFrom);

			while (i < actionData.effectiveResultsCount * actionData.upPct)
				result [i + 1].IsCloserOrSameTo (actionData.colorTo, result [i]).Should ().BeTrue ();

			// max brightness
			while (i < actionData.effectiveResultsCount * (actionData.upPct + actionData.maxColorPct))
				result [i].Should ().Be (actionData.colorTo);

			// descending
			while (i < actionData.effectiveResultsCount - 1)
				result [i + 1].IsCloserOrSameTo (actionData.colorFrom, result[i]).Should ().BeTrue ();
			if (actionData.upPct + actionData.maxColorPct < 1) result [actionData.effectiveResultsCount].Should ().Be (actionData.colorFrom);
Beispiel #3
		public List<RGB> GetActionOutput(ActionParams actiondata) 
			int size = 0;
			IntPtr data = IntPtr.Zero;
			int errorCode = 0;
			errorCode = GetActionOutput ((uint)actiondata.action, out size, out data, actiondata.colorFrom, actiondata.colorTo, actiondata.startTime, actiondata.duration,
				actiondata.delayAfter, actiondata.tickLength, actiondata.count, actiondata.upPct, actiondata.maxColorPct, actiondata.firstColorPct, actiondata.secondColorPct);
			// We can't catch exceptions thrown in native code so we return errorCode instead
			if (errorCode != 0) {
				throw new Exception (string.Format ("Got error {0} in native code", errorCode));
			var result = new List<RGB> ();

			/*byte[] buffer = new byte[size * 3];
			Marshal.Copy (data, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);*/

			var structSize = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(RGB));
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				var valuePtr = new IntPtr(data.ToInt64() + structSize * i);
				RGB tmpVal = (RGB)Marshal.PtrToStructure(valuePtr, typeof(RGB));

			return result;
Beispiel #4
		public void ColorChange_Should_ShowBlack_AfterEnd(ActionParams actionData)
			var sut = new LedWrapper ();

			var result = sut.GetActionOutput (actionData);

			var afterEndElemets = result.Skip (actionData.effectiveResultsCount + 1).ToList ();
			afterEndElemets.Count.Should ().Be (actionData.afterEndResultsCount);
			if (actionData.delayAfter > 0) afterEndElemets.Should ().OnlyContain (c => c.Equals(RGBColors.COLOR_BLACK));
Beispiel #5
		public void ColorChange_Should_BeInOrder(ActionParams actionData)
			var sut = new LedWrapper ();

			var result = sut.GetActionOutput (actionData);

			for (int i = 1; i < actionData.effectiveResultsCount; i++) 
				result [i].IsCloserOrSameTo (actionData.colorTo, result [i - 1]).Should ().BeTrue ();
Beispiel #6
		public ActionParams(ActionParams data) 
			this.action = data.action;
			this.colorFrom = data.colorFrom;
			this.colorTo = data.colorTo;
			this.startTime = data.startTime;
			this.duration = data.duration;
			this.delayAfter = data.delayAfter;
			this.tickLength = data.tickLength;
			this.count = data.count;
			this.upPct = data.upPct;
			this.maxColorPct = data.maxColorPct;
			this.firstColorPct = data.firstColorPct;
			this.secondColorPct = data.secondColorPct;
