public void detectGesture(Leap.Frame frame) //Función publica de detección de gesto con los frames recibidos del Leap Motion { GestureList gestures = frame.Gestures(); //Intanciación del objeto gestos con la llamada de frames for (int i = 0; i < gestures.Count(); i++) //Bucle for para recorrer la cantidad de gestos recibidos { Gesture gesture = gestures[i]; //Aignación de las posiciones del array segun se recorre el array de gestos switch (gesture.Type) //Switch de caos del tipo de gesto { case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_CIRCLE: //Si se recibe el gesto de circulo richTextBox1.AppendText("Circle detected!" + Environment.NewLine); //Se muestra el texto por pantalla y se pasa a la siguiente linea del cuadro de muestras de texto por pantalla break; //Salida case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP: //Si se recibe el gesto de screen tap richTextBox1.AppendText("Screen tap!" + Environment.NewLine); //Se muestra el texto por pantalla y se pasa a la siguiente linea del cuadro de muestras de texto por pantalla break; //Salida case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_KEY_TAP: //Si se recibe el gesto de key tap richTextBox1.AppendText("Key tap!" + Environment.NewLine); //Se muestra el texto por pantalla y se pasa a la siguiente linea del cuadro de muestras de texto por pantalla break; //Salida case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SWIPE: //Si se recibe el gesto de swipe richTextBox1.AppendText("Swipe detected!" + Environment.NewLine); //Se muestra el texto por pantalla y se pasa a la siguiente linea del cuadro de muestras de texto por pantalla break; //Salida } } }
private void detectGesture(Leap.Frame frame) { GestureList gestures = frame.Gestures(); for (int i = 0; i < gestures.Count(); i++) { Gesture gesture = gestures[i]; switch (gesture.Type) { case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_CIRCLE: //richTextBox1.AppendText("Movement detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_KEY_TAP: //richTextBox1.AppendText("Movement detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SWIPE: // richTextBox1.AppendText("Translation detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_INVALID: //richTextBox1.AppendText("NO MOVEMENT "); break; } } }
//method to detect hand and creates the frame object public void detectGesture(Leap.Frame frame) { // creates an object GestureList gestures = frame.Gestures(); //returns list of gestures for (int i = 0; i < gestures.Count(); i++) { Gesture gesture = gestures[i]; //switch using gesture.type as a flag, when it gets the type of gesture it will go to its respective case switch (gesture.Type) { //these are the cases and prints out the detected gesture case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_CIRCLE: Debug.WriteLine("Circle"); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_KEY_TAP: Debug.WriteLine("Key Tap"); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SWIPE: Debug.WriteLine("Swipe"); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP: Debug.WriteLine("Screen Tap"); break; } } }
void newFrameHandler(Leap.Frame frame) { LeapInfo.X = (int)frame.Pointables.Frontmost.TipPosition.x; LeapInfo.Y = (int)frame.Pointables.Frontmost.TipPosition.y; LeapInfo.Z = (int)frame.Pointables.Frontmost.TipPosition.z; Console.WriteLine(LeapInfo); }
protected void DrawLeapTouch(Leap.Frame frame) { InteractionBox interactionBox = frame.InteractionBox; if (frame.Pointables.Extended().Count != 1) { return; } Pointable pointable = frame.Pointables.Extended()[0]; // InteractionBox を利用した座標変換 Leap.Vector normalizedPosition = interactionBox.NormalizePoint(pointable.StabilizedTipPosition); double tx = normalizedPosition.x * windowWidth; double ty = windowHeight - normalizedPosition.y * windowHeight; StylusPoint touchPoint = new StylusPoint(tx, ty); StylusPointCollection tips = new StylusPointCollection(new StylusPoint[] { touchPoint }); // タッチ状態 if (normalizedPosition.z <= TouchBorder) { Stroke touchStroke = new Stroke(tips, touchIndicator); this.InkCanvas_LeapPaintLine.Strokes.Add(touchStroke.Clone()); } }
private void TransformModulationFraction(Leap.Frame frameData) { foreach (var hand in frameData.Hands) { if (hand.IsLeft) { float yPosition = hand.PalmPosition.y; if (yPosition < 500 && yPosition >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < yPartition.Length; ++i) { if (i < yPartition.Length - 1) { if (yPosition >= yPartition[i] && yPosition < yPartition[i + 1]) { pmProvider.LerpModulationFraction(modulationFractions[i], InterpolationSpeed); return; } } else { pmProvider.CarrierFrequency = noteFrequencies[yPartition.Length - 1]; } } } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { frame = a.frame; if(t<1.5) t += Time.deltaTime; //This prevents multiple unintentional gestures. Debug.Log (manager != null); Debug.Log (manager.IsLeapInitialized ()); if (manager != null && manager.IsLeapInitialized ()) { if(t>=1.5){ // prevents multiple unintentional gestures. if(frame.Pointables.Count>=5){ k++; /*if(frame.RotationAngle(frame)<=0){ k++; } else{ k=0; }*/ } } if(k>15){//Debug.Log ("BditVICTORY"); isDT=!isDT; //This is the "objective" of the gesture. k=0; t=0; } if(isDT){transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false);} else{transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true);} } }
protected void DrawLeapPoint(Leap.Frame frame) { this.InkCanvas_LeapPaint.Strokes.Clear(); windowHeight = (float)this.MainWindow1.Height; windowWidth = (float)this.MainWindow1.Width; InteractionBox interactionBox = frame.InteractionBox; foreach (Pointable pointable in frame.Pointables.Extended()) { // InteractionBox を利用した座標変換 Leap.Vector normalizedPosition = interactionBox.NormalizePoint(pointable.StabilizedTipPosition); double tx = normalizedPosition.x * windowWidth; double ty = windowHeight - normalizedPosition.y * windowHeight; StylusPoint touchPoint = new StylusPoint(tx, ty); StylusPointCollection tips = new StylusPointCollection(new StylusPoint[] { touchPoint }); // ホバー状態 if (normalizedPosition.z > TouchBorder) { Stroke touchStroke = new Stroke(tips, pointIndicator); this.InkCanvas_LeapPaint.Strokes.Add(touchStroke); } } }
public override void OnFrame(Controller controller) { Leap.Frame frame = controller.Frame(); if (!frame.Hands.IsEmpty) { var screen = controller.LocatedScreens.FirstOrDefault(); if (screen != null && screen.IsValid) { if (frame.Fingers.Count > 0) { _now = frame.Timestamp; _timeDifference = _now - _previous; _previous = frame.Timestamp; if (_timeDifference >= 1000) { Finger oFinger = frame.Fingers[0]; var coordinate = GetNormalizedXAndY(oFinger, screen); if (this.OnFingerLocationChanged != null) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => OnFingerLocationChanged(coordinate.X, coordinate.Y)); } } } var pos = FindCursorPosition(frame.Hands[0], screen); if (this.OnHandLocationChanged != null) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => OnHandLocationChanged(pos.x, pos.y)); } } } }
protected void DrawLeapLine(Controller leap, Leap.Frame frame) { FingerList allFingers = frame.Fingers.Extended(); if (allFingers.Count != 2 || leap.Frame(10).Fingers.Extended().Count != 2) { return; } Finger finger1 = allFingers.Leftmost; Finger finger2 = allFingers.Rightmost; InteractionBox interactionBox = frame.InteractionBox; Leap.Vector normalizedPosition1 = interactionBox.NormalizePoint(finger1.StabilizedTipPosition); Leap.Vector normalizedPosition2 = interactionBox.NormalizePoint(finger2.StabilizedTipPosition); double tx1 = normalizedPosition1.x * windowWidth; double ty1 = windowHeight - normalizedPosition1.y * windowHeight; double tx2 = normalizedPosition2.x * windowWidth; double ty2 = windowHeight - normalizedPosition2.y * windowHeight; StylusPointCollection tips = new StylusPointCollection(); tips.Add(new StylusPoint(tx1, ty1)); tips.Add(new StylusPoint(tx2, ty2)); Stroke stroke = new Stroke(tips, lineIndicator); this.InkCanvas_LeapPaint.Strokes.Add(stroke); }
protected void DetectLeapGesture(Controller leap, Leap.Frame frame) { GestureList gestures = frame.Gestures(); foreach (Gesture gesture in gestures) { if (gesture.State != Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { continue; } switch (gesture.Type) { case Gesture.GestureType.TYPESWIPE: SwipeGesture swipe = new SwipeGesture(gesture); if (swipe.StartPosition.x < 0 && swipe.Direction.x > 0) { TurnSlide(-1); } else if (swipe.StartPosition.x > 0 && swipe.Direction.x < 0) { TurnSlide(+1); } break; default: break; } } }
public void detectGesture(Leap.Frame frame) { GestureList gestures = frame.Gestures(); //Return a list of gestures for (int i = 0; i < gestures.Count(); i++) // enumerate all the gestures detected in a frame { Gesture gesture = gestures[i]; switch (gesture.Type) { case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_CIRCLE: richTextBox1.AppendText("Circle detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_KEY_TAP: richTextBox1.AppendText("Key Tap detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SWIPE: richTextBox1.AppendText("Swipe detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP: richTextBox1.AppendText("Screen Tap detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; } } }
private void TransformModulationIndex(Leap.Frame frameData) { foreach (var hand in frameData.Hands) { if (hand.IsRight) { float xPosition = hand.PalmPosition.x; if (xPosition >= xMin && xPosition <= xMax) { for (int i = 0; i < xPartition.Length; ++i) { if (i < xPartition.Length - 1) { if (xPosition >= xPartition[i] && xPosition < xPartition[i + 1]) { pmProvider.LerpModulationIndex(modulationIndices[i], InterpolationSpeed); return; } } else { pmProvider.LerpModulationIndex(modulationIndices[xPartition.Length - 1], InterpolationSpeed); } } } } } }
public override void Init() { try { headDistance = new JSONStorableFloat("Camera to head distance required", 0.2f, 0f, 0.5f, true); headDistance.storeType = JSONStorableParam.StoreType.Full; RegisterFloat(headDistance); CreateSlider(headDistance, false); xOffsetSlider = new JSONStorableFloat("X Offset", 0.045f, -0.1f, 0.1f, true); xOffsetSlider.storeType = JSONStorableParam.StoreType.Full; RegisterFloat(xOffsetSlider); CreateSlider(xOffsetSlider, false); provider = FindObjectOfType <LeapProvider>() as LeapProvider; frame = provider.CurrentFrame; hands = frame.Hands; if (SuperController.singleton.isOVR) { mainCamera = SuperController.singleton.ViveCenterCamera; } else { mainCamera = SuperController.singleton.lookCamera; } } catch (Exception e) { SuperController.LogError("Exception caught: " + e); } }
public void detectGesture(Leap.Frame frame) { GestureList gestures = frame.Gestures(); //Return a list of gestures for (int i = 0; i < gestures.Count(); i++) // enumerate all the gestures detected in a frame { Gesture gesture = gestures[i]; switch (gesture.Type) { case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_CIRCLE: richTextBox1.AppendText("Circle detected!" + Environment.NewLine); this.Unlocked = true; this.UnlockGestureTimer.Stop(); this.UnlockGestureTimer.Start(); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_KEY_TAP: FanController.WindLevel(); richTextBox1.AppendText("Key Tap detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SWIPE: FanController.PowerOff(); richTextBox1.AppendText("Swipe detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP: FanController.LightOn(); richTextBox1.AppendText("Screen Tap detected!" + Environment.NewLine); break; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if(controller.IsConnected)//controller is a Controller object { frame = controller.Frame(); //Puts the controler information into the frame for export } //to other scripts }
void newFrameHandler(Leap.Frame frame) { while (LeftHandModelGroup.Children.Count > 0) { LeftHandModelGroup.Children.RemoveAt(0); } while (RightHandModelGroup.Children.Count > 0) { RightHandModelGroup.Children.RemoveAt(0); } List <GeometryModel3D> leftList = new List <GeometryModel3D>(); List <GeometryModel3D> rightList = new List <GeometryModel3D>(); if (!frame.IsValid) { return; } if (frame.Hands.Count == 2) { Hand hand = frame.Hands[0]; Hand hand2 = frame.Hands[1]; if (hand.IsLeft) { leftList = visualizer.drawLeftHand(hand); rightList = visualizer.drawRightHand(hand2); } else { leftList = visualizer.drawLeftHand(hand2); rightList = visualizer.drawRightHand(hand); } } else if (frame.Hands.Count == 1) { Hand hand = frame.Hands[0]; if (hand.IsLeft) { leftList = visualizer.drawLeftHand(hand); } else { rightList = visualizer.drawRightHand(hand); } } else { } leftList.ForEach(delegate(GeometryModel3D m) { LeftHandModelGroup.Children.Add(m); }); rightList.ForEach(delegate(GeometryModel3D m) { RightHandModelGroup.Children.Add(m); }); }
// 实时采集信息显示 private void ShowGeneralInfo(Leap.Frame frame) { this.TbkFrameId.Text = "Frame ID: " + frame.Id; this.TbkTimestamp.Text = "Timestamp: " + frame.Timestamp; this.TbkGesturesCount.Text = "Gestures Count: " + frame.Gestures().Count; this.TbkHandsCount.Text = "Hands Count: " + frame.Hands.Count; this.TbkFingersCount.Text = "Fingers Count: " + frame.Fingers.Count; this.TbkToolsCount.Text = "Tools Count: " + frame.Tools.Count; }
void newFrameHandler(object sender, FrameEventArgs eventArgs) { Leap.Frame frame = eventArgs.frame; this.fpsDisplay.Content = frame.CurrentFramesPerSecond.ToString(); if (frame.Hands.Count > 0) { Hand hand = frame.Hands[0]; // determine if hand is left or right hand string handType = hand.IsLeft ? "Left" : "Right"; this.handTypeDisplay.Content = handType; // fingers Finger thumb = hand.Fingers[0]; Finger pointer = hand.Fingers[1]; Finger middle = hand.Fingers[2]; Finger ring = hand.Fingers[3]; Finger pinky = hand.Fingers[4]; // thumb abduction Leap.Vector thumbDirection = thumb.Direction; Leap.Vector pointerDirection = pointer.Direction; Leap.Vector handDirection = hand.Direction; double angleRadians = thumbDirection.AngleTo(pointerDirection); double angleDegrees = Math.Round(angleRadians * 180 / Math.PI, 1); currentAngle = angleDegrees; calculateAverageAngle(); this.angleDisplay.Content = currentAverageAngle.ToString(); if (recording == true) { DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; int elapsedTime = Convert.ToInt32(((TimeSpan)(currentTime - startRecording)).TotalMilliseconds); timeDisplay.Content = elapsedTime.ToString(); string line = "timestamp: " + elapsedTime.ToString() + " | hand: " + handType + " | angle: " + currentAverageAngle.ToString(); if (firstFrame == true) { using (StreamWriter recordFile = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\casch\Documents\Work\Uni\Studienarbeit\Implementierung\C#\abd.txt")) { recordFile.WriteLine(line); }; firstFrame = false; } else { using (StreamWriter recordFile = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\casch\Documents\Work\Uni\Studienarbeit\Implementierung\C#\abd.txt", true)) { recordFile.WriteLine(line); }; } } } controller.RequestImages(frame.Id, Leap.Image.ImageType.DEFAULT, imagedata); }
void newFrameHandler(Leap.Frame frame) { displayID.Text = frame.Id.ToString(); //this.displayTimestamp.Content = frame.Timestamp.ToString(); //this.displayFPS.Content = frame.CurrentFramesPerSecond.ToString(); //this.displayIsValid.Content = frame.IsValid.ToString(); displayGestureCount.Text = frame.Gestures().Count.ToString(); //this.displayImageCount.Content = frame.Images.Count.ToString(); }
protected virtual void StartZoom(Leap.Frame frame) { IsZooming = true; StartFrame = frame; if (ZoomStarted != null) { ZoomStarted(); } }
public static void Update() { if (m_controller != null) { Frame lastFrame = m_Frame == null ? Frame.Invalid : m_Frame; m_Frame = m_controller.Frame(); DispatchLostEvents(Frame, lastFrame); DispatchFoundEvents(Frame, lastFrame); DispatchUpdatedEvents(Frame, lastFrame); } }
// Render private void NewFrameHandler(Leap.Frame frame) { try { this.ShowRawImages(frame); this.ShowGeneralInfo(frame); this.ShowFingerPoints(frame); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public bool Update(Leap.Frame frame) { var s = _HandManager.Dump(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { if (frame.Timestamp > _LastLogTime + 0) { _LastLogTime = frame.Timestamp; _LogAction(s); } } return(true); }
//==================================================================== // Leap Motion //==================================================================== protected void LeapUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Leap.Frame frame = leap.Frame(); DetectLeapGesture(leap, frame); DrawLeapPoint(frame); DrawLeapTouch(frame); DrawLeapLine(leap, frame); if (frame.Fingers.Extended().Count == 5 && leap.Frame(10).Fingers.Extended().Count <= 1) { this.InkCanvas_LeapPaintLine.Strokes.Clear(); } }
void newFrameHandler(Leap.Frame frame) { HandList hands = frame.Hands; this.handCountValue.Content = hands.Count; //get the front most hand if (hands.Count > 0 && hands[0] != null) { Hand firstHand = hands[0]; Leap.Vector direction = firstHand.Direction; Leap.Vector PalmNormal = firstHand.PalmNormal; Leap.Vector center = firstHand.PalmPosition; Leap.Vector moveRate = firstHand.PalmVelocity; this.directionValue.Content = direction; this.palmPositionValue.Content = center; this.normalValue.Content = PalmNormal; FingerList fingers = firstHand.Fingers; this.fingerCountValue.Content = fingers.Count(); } if (hands.Count > 1 && hands[1] != null) { Hand secondHand = hands[1]; Leap.Vector direction = secondHand.Direction; Leap.Vector PalmNormal = secondHand.PalmNormal; Leap.Vector center = secondHand.PalmPosition; Leap.Vector moveRate = secondHand.PalmVelocity; this.secondDirectionValue.Content = direction; this.secondPalmPositionValue.Content = center; this.secondNormalValue.Content = PalmNormal; //pass finger number in front hand to label( it is always five, with the new Leap Motion Hand model) FingerList fingers = secondHand.Fingers; this.secondFingerCountValue.Content = fingers.Count(); } this.idValue.Content = frame.Id.ToString(); this.frameRateValue.Content = frame.CurrentFramesPerSecond.ToString(); this.isValidValue.Content = frame.IsValid.ToString(); }
private void detectFingers(Leap.Frame frame) { foreach (Finger finger in frame.Fingers) { // richTextBox2.AppendText("Finger Type:" + finger.Id + Environment.NewLine + // "Finger position:" + finger.TipPosition + Environment.NewLine+ // "Finger stabilized position "+ finger.StabilizedTipPosition); foreach (Bone.BoneType boneType in (Bone.BoneType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Bone.BoneType))) { Bone bone = finger.Bone(boneType); //richTextBox3.AppendText("Bone Type:" + bone.Type + Environment.NewLine + "Bone Direction" + // bone.Direction); } } }
//get latest frame called each second public static void Update() { if(_controller != null) { Frame lastFrame = _frame == null ? Frame.Invalid : _frame; _frame = _controller.Frame(); if(_frame != null) { if(_frame.Hands.Count > 0) { _hand = _frame.Hands[0]; } } } }
void newFrameHandler(Leap.Frame frameAv) { if (send) { long id = -1; long lHands = -1; long rHands = -1; if (senderTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeThreshold) { id = frameAv.Id; lHands = 0; rHands = 0; if (frameAv.Hands.Count > 0) { foreach (Leap.Hand hand in frameAv.Hands) { if (hand.IsLeft) { lHands += 1; } else { rHands += 1; } } LeapFrameYarpSender frameSender = new LeapFrameYarpSender(frameAv, new ManualResetEvent(false)); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(frameSender.ThreadPoolCallback, yarpPort); frameCounter += 1; // reset timer, start again senderTimer.Reset(); senderTimer.Start(); } else { skippedFrame += 1;// frame without hands += 1 } } else { skippedFrame += 1; } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(UpdateLabels, new long[] { id, lHands, rHands }); } }
protected void Update(object sender, EventArgs e) { paintCanvas.Strokes.Clear(); windowWidth = (float)this.Width; windowHeight = (float)this.Height; Leap.Frame frame = leap.Frame(); InteractionBox interactionBox = leap.Frame().InteractionBox; try { Leap.Image image = frame.Images[0]; this.DrawRawImages_WriteableBitmap(image.Data, image.Width, image.Height); } catch { } foreach (Pointable pointable in leap.Frame().Pointables) { Finger oFinger = new Finger(pointable); Leap.Vector normalizedPosition = interactionBox.NormalizePoint(pointable.StabilizedTipPosition); float tx = normalizedPosition.x * windowWidth; float ty = windowHeight - normalizedPosition.y * windowHeight; int alpha = 255; if (pointable.TouchDistance > 0 && pointable.TouchZone != Pointable.Zone.ZONENONE) { alpha = 255 - (int)(255 * pointable.TouchDistance); touchIndicator.Color = Color.FromArgb((byte)alpha, 0x0, 0xff, 0x0); } else if (pointable.TouchDistance <= 0) { alpha = -(int)(255 * pointable.TouchDistance); touchIndicator.Color = Color.FromArgb((byte)alpha, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0); } else { alpha = 50; touchIndicator.Color = Color.FromArgb((byte)alpha, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff); } StylusPoint touchPoint = new StylusPoint(tx, ty); StylusPointCollection tips = new StylusPointCollection(new StylusPoint[] { touchPoint }); Stroke touchStroke = new Stroke(tips, touchIndicator); paintCanvas.Strokes.Add(touchStroke); } }
void listener_FrameArrived(Leap.Frame frame) { FrameRate = frame.CurrentFramesPerSecond; TipPositions = frame.Pointables .Where(p => p.IsValid) .Where(p => p.TipPosition.IsValid()) .Select(p => ToScreenPoint(p.TipPosition)) .ToArray(); StabilizedTipPositions = frame.Pointables .Where(p => p.IsValid) .Where(p => p.StabilizedTipPosition.IsValid()) .Select(p => ToScreenPoint(p.StabilizedTipPosition)) .ToArray(); }
public void wheel(Leap.Frame frame) { if (roll_ready == 0 && !setPTmode) { if (frame.Hands[0].PalmNormal.z < -0.65) { // 150 = 스크롤 업 mouse_event((uint)MotionEnum.MOUSE.MouseWheel, 0, 0, 150, 0); } else if (frame.Hands[0].PalmNormal.z > 0.35) { // -150 = 스크롤 다운 mouse_event((uint)MotionEnum.MOUSE.MouseWheel, 0, 0, -150, 0); } } }
protected void Update(object sender, EventArgs e) { paintCanvas.Strokes.Clear(); windowWidth = (float)this.Width; windowHeight = (float)this.Height; Leap.Frame frame = leap.Frame(); InteractionBox interactionBox = leap.Frame().InteractionBox; foreach (Pointable pointable in leap.Frame().Pointables) { // ここから追加 // 伸びている指、ツール以外は無視する //if ( !pointable.IsExtended ) { // continue; //} // ここまで追加 Leap.Vector normalizedPosition = interactionBox.NormalizePoint(pointable.StabilizedTipPosition); float tx = normalizedPosition.x * windowWidth; float ty = windowHeight - normalizedPosition.y * windowHeight; int alpha = 255; if ((pointable.TouchDistance > 0 && pointable.TouchZone != Pointable.Zone.ZONENONE)) { alpha = 255 - (int)(255 * pointable.TouchDistance); touchIndicator.Color = Color.FromArgb((byte)alpha, 0x0, 0xff, 0x0); } else if (pointable.TouchDistance <= 0) { alpha = -(int)(255 * pointable.TouchDistance); touchIndicator.Color = Color.FromArgb((byte)alpha, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0); } else { alpha = 50; touchIndicator.Color = Color.FromArgb((byte)alpha, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff); } StylusPoint touchPoint = new StylusPoint(tx, ty); StylusPointCollection tips = new StylusPointCollection(new StylusPoint[] { touchPoint }); Stroke touchStroke = new Stroke(tips, touchIndicator); paintCanvas.Strokes.Add(touchStroke); } }
public static void Update() { if( m_controller != null ) { Frame lastFrame = m_Frame == null ? Frame.Invalid : m_Frame; m_Frame = m_controller.Frame(); if (m_Frame != null) { if (m_Frame.Hands.Count > 0) { m_Hand = m_Frame.Hands[0]; } fingerCount = m_Frame.Fingers.Count; } } }
public Frame makeFrame(ref LEAP_TRACKING_EVENT trackingMsg) { Frame newFrame = new Leap.Frame((long), (long), trackingMsg.framerate, new InteractionBox(trackingMsg.interaction_box_center.ToLeapVector(), trackingMsg.interaction_box_size.ToLeapVector()), new List<Hand>((int)trackingMsg.nHands) ); for (int h = 0; h < trackingMsg.nHands; h++) { LEAP_HAND hand = StructMarshal<LEAP_HAND>.ArrayElementToStruct(trackingMsg.pHands, h); newFrame.Hands.Add(makeHand(ref hand, newFrame)); } return newFrame; }
public static void Update() { if( m_controller != null ) { Frame lastFrame = m_Frame == null ? Frame.Invalid : m_Frame; m_Frame = m_controller.Frame(); if (m_Frame != null) { if (m_Frame.Hands.Count > 0) { m_Hand = m_Frame.Hands[0]; normal = m_Hand.PalmNormal; direction = m_Hand.Direction; } } } }
public Frame makeFrame(ref LEAP_TRACKING_EVENT trackingMsg) { Frame newFrame = new Leap.Frame((long), (long), trackingMsg.framerate, new InteractionBox(trackingMsg.interaction_box_center.ToLeapVector(), trackingMsg.interaction_box_size.ToLeapVector()), new List<Hand>((int)trackingMsg.nHands) ); int pHandArrayOffset = 0; for (int h = 0; h < trackingMsg.nHands; h++) { LEAP_HAND hand = LeapC.PtrToStruct<LEAP_HAND>(new IntPtr(trackingMsg.pHands.ToInt64() + pHandArrayOffset)); pHandArrayOffset += handStructSize; newFrame.Hands.Add(makeHand(ref hand, newFrame)); } return newFrame; }
public static void Update() { if( m_controller != null ) { if(!GesturesEnabled) { m_controller.EnableGesture(Gesture.GestureType.TYPEKEYTAP); } Frame lastFrame = m_Frame == null ? Frame.Invalid : m_Frame; m_Frame = m_controller.Frame(); DispatchGestures (Frame); DispatchLostEvents(Frame, lastFrame); DispatchFoundEvents(Frame, lastFrame); DispatchUpdatedEvents(Frame, lastFrame); } }
void OnApplicationQuit() { leapPointable = null; leapFrame = null; if(leapController != null) { leapController.Dispose(); leapController = null; } leapInitialized = false; instance = null; }
void Update() { if(leapInitialized && leapController != null) { Leap.Frame frame = leapController.Frame(); if(frame.IsValid && (frame.Id != lastFrameID)) { leapFrame = frame; lastFrameID = leapFrame.Id; leapFrameCounter++; // fix unfinished leap gesture progress if(fCircleProgress > 0f && fCircleProgress < 1f) fCircleProgress = 0f; if(fSwipeProgress > 0f && fSwipeProgress < 1f) fSwipeProgress = 0f; if(fKeyTapProgress > 0f && fKeyTapProgress < 1f) fKeyTapProgress = 0f; if(fScreenTapProgress > 0f && fScreenTapProgress < 1f) fScreenTapProgress = 0f; // get a suitable pointable leapPointable = leapFrame.Pointable(leapPointableID); if(!leapPointable.IsValid) leapPointable = leapFrame.Pointables.Frontmost; Leap.Vector stabilizedPosition = Leap.Vector.Zero; Leap.Hand handPrim = leapFrame.Hands.Count > 0 ? leapFrame.Hands[leapFrame.Hands.Count - 1] : null; if(leapPointable != null && leapPointable.IsValid && leapPointable.Hand != null && leapPointable.Hand.IsValid && handPrim != null && leapPointable.Hand.Id == handPrim.Id) { leapPointableID = leapPointable.Id; leapPointableHandID = leapPointable.Hand != null && leapPointable.Hand.IsValid ? leapPointable.Hand.Id : 0; leapPointablePos = LeapToUnity(leapPointable.StabilizedTipPosition, true); leapPointableDir = LeapToUnity(leapPointable.Direction, false); //leapPointableQuat = Quaternion.LookRotation(leapPointableDir); leapPointableZone = leapPointable.TouchZone; //stabilizedPosition = leapPointable.StabilizedTipPosition; leapHand = leapPointable.Hand; leapHandID = leapHand.Id; } else { leapPointableID = 0; leapPointable = null; // get leap hand leapHand = leapFrame.Hand(leapHandID); if(leapHand == null || !leapHand.IsValid) { leapHandID = 0; if(leapFrame.Hands.Count > 0) { for(int i = leapFrame.Hands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { leapHand = leapFrame.Hands[i]; if(leapHand.IsValid /**&& leapHand.Fingers.Count > 0*/) { leapHandID = leapHand.Id; break; } } } } } if(leapHandID != 0) { leapHandPos = LeapToUnity(leapHand.StabilizedPalmPosition, true); stabilizedPosition = leapHand.StabilizedPalmPosition; leapHandFingersCount = leapHand.Fingers.Count; } // estimate the cursor coordinates if(stabilizedPosition != Leap.Vector.Zero) { Leap.InteractionBox iBox = frame.InteractionBox; Leap.Vector normalizedPosition = iBox.NormalizePoint(stabilizedPosition); cursorNormalPos.x = normalizedPosition.x; cursorNormalPos.y = normalizedPosition.y; cursorScreenPos.x = cursorNormalPos.x * UnityEngine.Screen.width; cursorScreenPos.y = cursorNormalPos.y * UnityEngine.Screen.height; } // do fingers count filter if(leapHandID != fingersCountHandID) { fingersCountHandID = leapHandID; fingersCountPrev = -1; fingersCountPrevPrev = -1; handGripDetected = false; fingersCountFilter.Reset(); } if(leapHandID != 0) { fingersCountFiltered = leapHandFingersCount; fingersCountFilter.UpdateFilter(ref fingersCountFiltered); if((leapFrameCounter - handGripFrameCounter) >= FramesToSkip) { handGripFrameCounter = leapFrameCounter; int fingersCountNow = (int)(fingersCountFiltered + 0.5f); //int fingersCountNow = leapHandFingersCount; if(fingersCountPrev == fingersCountPrevPrev) { if(!handGripDetected) { if(fingersCountNow < fingersCountPrev) { Finger leftFinger = leapHand.Finger(leapHandLFingerId); Finger rightFinger = leapHand.Finger(leapHandRFingerId); bool bThumbOff = !LeftHandedUser ? leapHandLFingerId != 0 && (leftFinger == null || !leftFinger.IsValid) : leapHandRFingerId != 0 && (rightFinger == null || !rightFinger.IsValid); if(bThumbOff) { handGripDetected = true; handGripFingersCount = fingersCountPrev; } } else { leapHandLFingerId = leapHand != null && leapHand.Fingers.Count > 0 ? leapHand.Fingers.Leftmost.Id : 0; leapHandRFingerId = leapHand != null && leapHand.Fingers.Count > 0 ? leapHand.Fingers.Rightmost.Id : 0; } } else { if(fingersCountNow >= fingersCountPrev/**handGripFingersCount*/) { Finger leftFinger = leapHand.Finger(leapHandLFingerId); Finger rightFinger = leapHand.Finger(leapHandRFingerId); bool bThumbOn = !LeftHandedUser ? (leftFinger != null && leftFinger.IsValid) : (rightFinger != null && rightFinger.IsValid); if(bThumbOn || fingersCountNow >= handGripFingersCount) { handGripDetected = false; } } else if(leapHand == null || !leapHand.IsValid) { // stop pinching if the hand is lost handGripDetected = false; } } } fingersCountPrevPrev = fingersCountPrev; fingersCountPrev = fingersCountNow; } } if(Time.realtimeSinceStartup >= gestureTrackingAtTime) { GestureList gestures = frame.Gestures (); for (int i = 0; i < gestures.Count; i++) { Gesture gesture = gestures[i]; switch (gesture.Type) { case Gesture.GestureType.TYPECIRCLE: CircleGesture circle = new CircleGesture(gesture); if((leapFrameCounter - iCircleFrameCounter) >= FramesToSkip && iCircleGestureID != circle.Id && circle.State == Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { iCircleFrameCounter = leapFrameCounter; iCircleGestureID = circle.Id; fCircleProgress = 1f; gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; } else if(circle.Progress < 1f) { fCircleProgress = circle.Progress; } break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPESWIPE: SwipeGesture swipe = new SwipeGesture(gesture); if((leapFrameCounter - iSwipeFrameCounter) >= FramesToSkip && iSwipeGestureID != swipe.Id && swipe.State == Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { iSwipeFrameCounter = leapFrameCounter; iSwipeGestureID = swipe.Id; fSwipeProgress = 1f; // swipe.Progress gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; leapSwipeDir = LeapToUnity(swipe.Direction, false); leapSwipeSpeed = LeapToUnity(swipe.Position - swipe.StartPosition, true); if(swipe.DurationSeconds != 0) leapSwipeSpeed /= swipe.DurationSeconds; else leapSwipeSpeed =; } else if(swipe.State != Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { fSwipeProgress = 0.5f; } break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPEKEYTAP: KeyTapGesture keytap = new KeyTapGesture (gesture); if((leapFrameCounter - iKeyTapFrameCounter) >= FramesToSkip && iKeyTapGestureID != keytap.Id && keytap.State == Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { iKeyTapFrameCounter = leapFrameCounter; iKeyTapGestureID = keytap.Id; fKeyTapProgress = 1f; gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; } else if(keytap.Progress < 1f) { fKeyTapProgress = keytap.Progress; } break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPESCREENTAP: ScreenTapGesture screentap = new ScreenTapGesture (gesture); if((leapFrameCounter - iScreenTapFrameCounter) >= FramesToSkip && iScreenTapGestureID != screentap.Id && screentap.State == Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { iScreenTapFrameCounter = leapFrameCounter; iScreenTapGestureID = screentap.Id; fScreenTapProgress = 1f; gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; } else if(screentap.Progress < 1f) { fScreenTapProgress = screentap.Progress; } break; default: Debug.LogError("Unknown gesture type."); break; } } // check for extra gestures int listGestureSize = extraGesturesData.Count; float timestampNow = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; for(int g = 0; g < listGestureSize; g++) { LeapExtraGestures.ExtraGestureData gestureData = extraGesturesData[g]; if(timestampNow >= gestureData.startTrackingAtTime) { LeapExtraGestures.CheckForGesture(ref gestureData, Time.realtimeSinceStartup, this); extraGesturesData[g] = gestureData; if(gestureData.complete) { gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; } } } } if(DebugCamera) { DoDisplayFingers(); } } } }
void Update() { if(leapInitialized && leapController != null) { Leap.Frame frame = leapController.Frame(); if(frame.IsValid && (frame.Id != lastFrameID)) { leapFrame = frame; lastFrameID = leapFrame.Id; leapFrameCounter++; // // fix unfinished leap gesture progress // if(fCircleProgress > 0f && fCircleProgress < 1f) // fCircleProgress = 0f; // if(fSwipeProgress > 0f && fSwipeProgress < 1f) // fSwipeProgress = 0f; // if(fKeyTapProgress > 0f && fKeyTapProgress < 1f) // fKeyTapProgress = 0f; // if(fScreenTapProgress > 0f && fScreenTapProgress < 1f) // fScreenTapProgress = 0f; // get the prime hand leapHand = leapFrame.Hand(leapHandID); if(leapHand == null || !leapHand.IsValid) { leapHand = GetFrontmostHand(); leapHandID = leapHand != null && leapHand.IsValid ? leapHand.Id : 0; } // get the prime pointable leapPointable = leapFrame.Pointable(leapPointableID); if(leapPointable == null || !leapPointable.IsValid) { leapPointable = leapHand.IsValid ? GetPointingFigner(leapHand) : leapFrame.Pointables.Frontmost; leapPointableID = leapPointable != null && leapPointable.IsValid ? leapPointable.Id : 0; leapPointableHandID = leapPointable != null && leapPointable.IsValid && leapPointable.Hand.IsValid ? leapPointable.Hand.Id : 0; } if(leapPointable != null && leapPointable.IsValid && leapPointable.Hand != null && leapPointable.Hand.IsValid && leapHand != null && leapHand.IsValid && leapPointable.Hand.Id == leapHand.Id) { leapPointablePos = LeapToUnity(leapPointable.StabilizedTipPosition, true); leapPointableDir = LeapToUnity(leapPointable.Direction, false); //leapPointableQuat = Quaternion.LookRotation(leapPointableDir); } else { leapPointable = null; leapPointableID = 0; leapPointableHandID = 0; } Leap.Vector stabilizedPosition = Leap.Vector.Zero; if(leapHandID != 0) { leapHandPos = LeapToUnity(leapHand.StabilizedPalmPosition, true); stabilizedPosition = leapHand.StabilizedPalmPosition; leapHandFingersCount = leapHand.Fingers.Count; bool bCurrentHandGrip = handGripDetected; handGripDetected = !isHandOpen(leapHand); handReleaseDetected = !handGripDetected; if(controlMouseCursor) { if(!bCurrentHandGrip && handGripDetected) { MouseControl.MouseDrag(); } else if(bCurrentHandGrip && handReleaseDetected) { MouseControl.MouseRelease(); } } } else { if(controlMouseCursor && handGripDetected) { MouseControl.MouseRelease(); } leapHandFingersCount = 0; handGripDetected = false; handReleaseDetected = false; } // estimate the cursor coordinates if(stabilizedPosition.MagnitudeSquared != 0f) { Leap.InteractionBox iBox = frame.InteractionBox; Leap.Vector normalizedPosition = iBox.NormalizePoint(stabilizedPosition); cursorNormalPos.x = normalizedPosition.x; cursorNormalPos.y = normalizedPosition.y; cursorScreenPos.x = cursorNormalPos.x * UnityEngine.Screen.width; cursorScreenPos.y = cursorNormalPos.y * UnityEngine.Screen.height; if(controlMouseCursor) { MouseControl.MouseMove(cursorNormalPos); } } // Gesture analysis GestureList gestures = frame.Gestures (); for (int i = 0; i < gestures.Count; i++) { Gesture gesture = gestures[i]; if(Time.realtimeSinceStartup < gestureTrackingAtTime) continue; switch (gesture.Type) { case Gesture.GestureType.TYPECIRCLE: CircleGesture circle = new CircleGesture(gesture); if(iCircleGestureID != circle.Id && circle.State == Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { iCircleGestureID = circle.Id; fCircleProgress = 1f; gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; } else if(circle.Progress < 1f) { fCircleProgress = circle.Progress; } break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPESWIPE: SwipeGesture swipe = new SwipeGesture(gesture); if(iSwipeGestureID != swipe.Id && swipe.State == Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { iSwipeGestureID = swipe.Id; fSwipeProgress = 1f; // swipe.Progress gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; leapSwipeDir = LeapToUnity(swipe.Direction, false); leapSwipeSpeed = LeapToUnity(swipe.Position - swipe.StartPosition, true); if(swipe.DurationSeconds != 0) leapSwipeSpeed /= swipe.DurationSeconds; else leapSwipeSpeed =; } else if(swipe.State != Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { fSwipeProgress = 0.5f; } break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPEKEYTAP: KeyTapGesture keytap = new KeyTapGesture (gesture); // if(iKeyTapGestureID != keytap.Id && // keytap.State == Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { iKeyTapGestureID = keytap.Id; fKeyTapProgress = 1f; gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; } // else if(keytap.Progress < 1f) // { // fKeyTapProgress = keytap.Progress; // } break; case Gesture.GestureType.TYPESCREENTAP: ScreenTapGesture screentap = new ScreenTapGesture (gesture); // if(iScreenTapGestureID != screentap.Id && // screentap.State == Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP) { iScreenTapGestureID = screentap.Id; fScreenTapProgress = 1f; gestureTrackingAtTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + MinTimeBetweenGestures; } // else if(screentap.Progress < 1f) // { // fScreenTapProgress = screentap.Progress; // } break; default: Debug.LogError("Unknown gesture type."); break; } } if(DebugCamera) { DoDisplayFingers(); } } } }
public static void Update() { // If there is a controller currently connected if( m_controller != null ) { // If the frame null, set lastFrame to Frame.Invalid, // otherwise set it to the current value of m_Frame. Frame lastFrame = m_Frame == null ? Frame.Invalid : m_Frame; // Get a Frame from the Controller: m_Frame = m_controller.Frame(); // Process all events for the new Frame DispatchLostEvents(Frame, lastFrame); DispatchFoundEvents(Frame, lastFrame); DispatchUpdatedEvents(Frame, lastFrame); } }
public static void Update() { m_Hand = null; m_Frame = null; m_FingersCount = 0; if( m_controller != null ) { m_Frame = m_controller.Frame(); if (m_Frame != null) { if (m_Frame.Hands.Count > 0) { m_Hand = m_Frame.Hands[0]; } if (m_Frame.Fingers.Count > 0) { m_FingersCount = m_Frame.Fingers.Count; } } } }
void Update() { if(leapInitialized && leapController != null) { Leap.Frame frame = leapController.Frame(); if(frame.IsValid && (frame.Id != lastFrameID)) { leapFrame = frame; lastFrameID = leapFrame.Id; leapFrameCounter++; // get the prime hand leapHand = leapFrame.Hand(leapHandID); if(leapHand == null || !leapHand.IsValid) { leapHand = GetFrontmostHand(); leapHandID = leapHand != null && leapHand.IsValid ? leapHand.Id : 0; } leapPointable = leapFrame.Pointable(leapPointableID); if(leapPointable == null || !leapPointable.IsValid) { leapPointable = leapHand.IsValid ? GetPointingFigner(leapHand) : leapFrame.Pointables.Frontmost; leapPointableID = leapPointable != null && leapPointable.IsValid ? leapPointable.Id : 0; leapPointableHandID = leapPointable != null && leapPointable.IsValid && leapPointable.Hand.IsValid ? leapPointable.Hand.Id : 0; } if(leapPointable != null && leapPointable.IsValid && leapPointable.Hand != null && leapPointable.Hand.IsValid && leapHand != null && leapHand.IsValid && leapPointable.Hand.Id == leapHand.Id) { leapPointablePos = LeapToUnity(leapPointable.StabilizedTipPosition, true); leapPointableDir = LeapToUnity(leapPointable.Direction, false); } else { leapPointable = null; leapPointableID = 0; leapPointableHandID = 0; } Leap.Vector stabilizedPosition = Leap.Vector.Zero; if(leapHandID != 0) { leapHandPos = LeapToUnity(leapHand.StabilizedPalmPosition, true); stabilizedPosition = leapHand.StabilizedPalmPosition; leapHandFingersCount = leapHand.Fingers.Count; bool bCurrentHandGrip = handGripDetected; handGripDetected = !isHandOpen(leapHand); handReleaseDetected = !handGripDetected; } else { leapHandFingersCount = 0; handGripDetected = false; handReleaseDetected = false; } if(stabilizedPosition.MagnitudeSquared != 0f) { Leap.InteractionBox iBox = frame.InteractionBox; Leap.Vector normalizedPosition = iBox.NormalizePoint(stabilizedPosition); cursorNormalPos.x = normalizedPosition.x; cursorNormalPos.y = normalizedPosition.y; cursorScreenPos.x = cursorNormalPos.x * UnityEngine.Screen.width; cursorScreenPos.y = cursorNormalPos.y * UnityEngine.Screen.height; } } } }
private void btnRead_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Create OpenFileDialog Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); // Set filter for file extension and default file extension dlg.DefaultExt = ".data"; dlg.Filter = "Frame data (*.data)|*.data"; // Display OpenFileDialog by calling ShowDialog method Nullable<bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog(); // Get the selected file name and display in a TextBox if (result == true) { frameList.Clear(); // Open document string filename = dlg.FileName; using (System.IO.BinaryReader br = new System.IO.BinaryReader(System.IO.File.Open(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open))) { while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length) { //deserialises and reads the binary file DateTime date = new DateTime(); date = DateTime.FromBinary(br.ReadInt64()); // Console.WriteLine(date.ToString()); Int32 stimCode = br.ReadInt32(); Int32 nextBlock = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] frameData = br.ReadBytes(nextBlock); Leap.Frame newFrame = new Leap.Frame(); newFrame.Deserialize(frameData); if (stimCode == 5443) { Debug.WriteLine("5443 detected: " + newFrame.Id); } frameList.Add(newFrame); //Console.WriteLine(newFrame.CurrentFramesPerSecond); } br.Close(); br.Dispose(); } /* WRITE CODE HERE TO EXTRACT DATA FROM FILE foreach (Leap.Frame frame in frameList) { //Console.WriteLine(frame.Id); } */ } }
public static void Update() { if( m_controller != null ) { Frame lastFrame = m_Frame == null ? Frame.Invalid : m_Frame; m_Frame = m_controller.Frame(); DispatchLostEvents(Frame, lastFrame); DispatchFoundEvents(Frame, lastFrame); DispatchUpdatedEvents(Frame, lastFrame); } }
void Update() { Leap.Frame thisFrame = LeapManager.frame; if( thisFrame == null ) return; //Remove fingers which have been disabled int index; while( (index = m_Touching.FindIndex(i => i.collider && i.collider.enabled == false)) != -1 ) { m_Touching.RemoveAt(index); m_LastPos.RemoveAt(index); } if( m_LastFrame != null && thisFrame != null && m_Selected) { float transMagnitude = thisFrame.Translation(m_LastFrame).MagnitudeSquared; if( transMagnitude > kMovementThreshold ) m_LastMovedTime = Time.time; } //Set selection after the time has elapsed if( !m_Selected && m_FocusedObject && (Time.fixedTime - m_FirstTouchedTime) >= kSelectionTime ) m_Selected = true; //Update the focused object's color float selectedT = m_FocusedObject != null ? (Time.time - m_FirstTouchedTime) / kSelectionTime : 0.0f; //If we have passed the minimum deselection threshold and are past the minimum time to start deselecting... if( m_Selected && Time.time - m_FirstTouchedTime > kIdleStartDeselectTime + kSelectionTime ) { selectedT = 1.3f - (((Time.time - m_LastMovedTime) - kIdleStartDeselectTime) / kSelectionTime); } SetHighlightColor( Color.Lerp(kBlankColor, m_HighlightMaterial.color, selectedT) ); //Process the movement of the selected object. if( m_Selected && thisFrame != m_LastFrame ) { //End selection if we don't see any fingers or the scaling factor is going down quickly ( indicating we are making a fist ) if( CheckEndSelection(thisFrame) ) { ClearFocus(); } else { if( CheckShouldMove(thisFrame) ) { DoMovement(thisFrame); } if( CheckShouldRotate(thisFrame) ) { DoRotation(thisFrame); } if( CheckShouldScale(thisFrame) ) { DoScaling(thisFrame); } } } m_LastFrame = thisFrame; for( int i = 0; i < m_Touching.Count; ++i ) { m_LastPos[i] = m_Touching[i].transform.position; } }
void Update() { Leap.Frame thisFrame = LeapInput.Frame; if( thisFrame == null ) return; if (LeapInput.NumberOfFingers[0] + LeapInput.NumberOfFingers[1] == 10) { //Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); foreach (objectTouched touchedObject in m_ObjectTouched) { touchedObject.finger.collider.isTrigger = false; } ClearFocus(); GameObject[] allTouchable = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Touchable"); foreach (GameObject obj in allTouchable){ LeapTouchable tcb = (LeapTouchable)obj.GetComponent(typeof(LeapTouchable)); if (tcb != null) tcb.reset(); } return; } //Remove fingers which have been disabled int index; while( (index = m_Touching.FindIndex(i => i.collider && i.collider.enabled == false)) != -1 ) { m_Touching[index].collider.isTrigger = false; m_Touching.RemoveAt(index); m_LastPos.RemoveAt(index); } while( (index = m_ObjectTouched.FindIndex(i => i.finger.collider && i.finger.collider.enabled == false)) != -1 ) { m_ObjectTouched[index].finger.collider.isTrigger = false; m_ObjectTouched.RemoveAt(index); } while( (index = m_ObjectTouched.FindIndex(i => i.finger.collider && i.finger.collider.enabled == false)) != -1 ) { m_ObjectTouched.RemoveAt(index); } if( m_LastFrame != null && thisFrame != null && m_Selected) { float transMagnitude = thisFrame.Translation(m_LastFrame).MagnitudeSquared; if( transMagnitude > kMovementThreshold ) m_LastMovedTime = Time.time; } //Set selection after the time has elapsed if( !m_Selected && m_FocusedObject && (Time.fixedTime - m_FirstTouchedTime) >= kSelectionTime ) m_Selected = true; //Update the focused object's color float selectedT = m_FocusedObject != null ? (Time.time - m_FirstTouchedTime) / kSelectionTime : 0.0f; //If we have passed the minimum deselection threshold and are past the minimum time to start deselecting... if( m_Selected && Time.time - m_FirstTouchedTime > kIdleStartDeselectTime + kSelectionTime ) { selectedT = 1.3f - (((Time.time - m_LastMovedTime) - kIdleStartDeselectTime) / kSelectionTime); } SetHighlightColor( Color.Lerp(kBlankColor, m_HighlightMaterial.color, selectedT) ); //Process the movement of the selected object. if( m_Selected && thisFrame != m_LastFrame ) { //End selection if we don't see any fingers or the scaling factor is going down quickly ( indicating we are making a fist ) if( CheckEndSelection(thisFrame) ) { foreach (objectTouched touchedObject in m_ObjectTouched) { touchedObject.finger.collider.isTrigger = false; } ClearFocus(); } else { if( CheckShouldMove(thisFrame) ) { DoMovement(thisFrame); } if( CheckShouldRotate(thisFrame) ) { DoRotation(thisFrame); } if( CheckShouldScale(thisFrame) ) { DoScaling(thisFrame); } } } m_LastFrame = thisFrame; for( int i = 0; i < m_Touching.Count; ++i ) { m_LastPos[i] = m_Touching[i].transform.position; } }